An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for aut...
HB2238 | BISHOP |
An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for personal fl...
HB420 | BAKER |
An Act providing for recreational hunting on lands managed by the Department of Conservation and Nat...
An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for the...
An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for unl...
SB1026 | KASUNIC |
An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for elk...
HB2595 | MURT |
An Act amending Title 30 (Fish) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for Senior Resi...
HB2537 | CONKLIN |
An Act regulating lead management and remediation at firing ranges; and providing for powers and dut...
HB2526 | PYLE |
An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, further providing for dog...
HB2436 | STABACK |
An Act amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in hunting and furtaking,...
Hearing Date |
Committees | Subcommittee | Witnesses/Testifiers | Location | ||||||
03/09/2010 | Game and Fisheries |
Harrisburg | |||||||
The committee received testimony on H.R. 642 of 2007-2008 (Levdansky), which would directe the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee to conduct an evaluation and study of the Pennsylvania Game Commission's current deer management program and practices. | ||||||||||
Transcript | ||||||||||
02/17/2010 | Game and Fisheries |
Harrisburg | |||||||
The committee received testimony on the annual report from the Fish & Boat Commission. | ||||||||||
Transcript | ||||||||||
02/16/2010 | Game and Fisheries |
Harrisburg | |||||||
The committee received testimony on the annual report from the Game Commission. | ||||||||||
Transcript | ||||||||||
10/22/2009 | Game and Fisheries |
Harrisburg | |||||||
The committee received testimony on the role that county treasurers play in the antlerless deer permit allocation process. | ||||||||||
Transcript | ||||||||||
06/11/2009 | Game and Fisheries |
Harrisburg | |||||||
The committee received testimony on H.B. 460 (Goodman), which would further provide for unlawful acts concerning licenses. | ||||||||||
Transcript HB460 |