Printer's No. | Text | (H) Amendments | (S) Amendments | (H) Fiscal Note | (S) Fiscal Note | Actuarial Note |
2699* |
This bill amends Title 42 (Judiciary And Judicial Procedure). Other bills that also amend the same statute are listed below.
HB 12 | Rep. GROVE | Memo: The Buyer Beware Act: Combatting Human Trafficking in the Commonwealth |
HB 62 | Rep. READSHAW | Memo: Animal Abuse Registry |
HB 95 | Rep. DIAMOND | Memo: Free Speech Protection Act (anti-SLAPP legislation) |
HB 118 | Rep. D. MILLER | Memo: Simplified Miranda Rights for Minors |
HB 129 | Rep. COX | Memo: Restitution Wage Attachment |
Only the first 5 bills are included here. Looking for more? View all legislation amending Title 42 (Judiciary And Judicial Procedure) |