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Pennsylvania General Assembly
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Bill Information - History

Senate Bill 1200; Regular Session 1979-1980


Printer's No.(PN):
Short Title:
An Act amending the act of May 17, 1956 (1955 P. L. 1609, No. 537), entitled "Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Act," providing for the designation of critical economic areas annually or for periods of less than one year; changing the definition of industrial enterprise to include office buildings utilized as National or regional headquarters or computer or clerical operations centers; correcting the definition of industrial development fund; adding the definition of small business; extending the life of the Authority; repealing clauses (c) and (d) of section 6; providing for increased percentages of loans to be made to industrial development agencies based upon varying and increased rates of unemployment in critical economic areas and providing for larger loans for small businesses and removing the industrial development agency project percentage in certain instances.
Referred to BUSINESS AND COMMERCE, Jan. 28, 1980
Reported as committed, Feb. 11, 1980
First consideration, Feb. 11, 1980
Second consideration, Feb. 25, 1980
Amended on third consideration, March 4, 1980
Third consideration and final passage, March 11, 1980 (50-0)
In the House
Referred to BUSINESS AND COMMERCE, March 17, 1980
Reported as committed, March 25, 1980
First consideration, March 25, 1980
Laid on the table, March 25, 1980
Removed from table, April 8, 1980
Second consideration, April 8, 1980
Third consideration and final passage, April 9, 1980 (177-0)
Signed in Senate, April 28, 1980
Signed in House, May 5, 1980
In hands of the Governor, May 5, 1980
Last day for action, May 15, 1980
Approved by the Governor, May 15, 1980
Act No. 49 of 1980, May 15, 1980
* denotes current Printer's Number