An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, in general provisions, further providing for method of payment; in Department of Revenue, further providing for transmission of moneys; in Treasury Department, further providing for replacement checks; in State Treasury disbursements, providing for settlement agreements and enforcement actions; in capital facilities debt, further providing for definitions, for Neighborhood Improvement Zone Fund, for Keystone Opportunity Zone and for Commonwealth pledges; in financially distressed municipalities, further providing for administrative oversight; in oil and gas wells, providing for conventional gas well bonding and for oil and gas operations in the South Newark Basin; in Keystone Special Development Zones, further providing for definitions; in tax credits, repealing provisions relating to the Department of Education, the Department of Revenue and the Department of Community and Economic Development; in permit extensions, further providing for definitions; in special funds, further providing for funding; in general budget implementation, further providing for Auditor General, for Department of Labor and Industry and for Department of Public Welfare; providing for 2012-2013 budget implementation; providing for 2012-2013 appropriations restrictions; in audits, further providing for audits of Race Horse Development Funds; and making related repeals.