SB 712 PN 930, Final Passage
An Act amending the act of September 26, 1951 (P.L.1539, No.389), known as The Clinical Laboratory Act, further providing for definitions and for exemptions and providing for advertisements for l ...
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SB 382 PN 992, Final Passage
An Act amending the act of November 26, 1978 (P.L.1375, No.325), known as the Dam Safety and Encroachments Act, further providing for definitions and for projects affecting submerged lands of the ...
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SB 373 PN 316, Final Passage
An Act amending the act of August 26, 1971 (P.L.351, No.91), known as the State Lottery Law, in State lottery, further providing for definitions and providing for disclosure of certain prizewinne ...
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SB 531 PN 508, 2023 A1379, BAKER Amendment No. A-1379
An Act amending Title 51 (Military Affairs) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in State Veterans' Commission and Deputy Adjutant General for Veterans' Affairs, further providing for Veter ...
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Approval of the Previous Days Journals June 5, 2023