HR 106 PN 1753
A Concurrent Resolution terminating the March 6, 2020, proclamation of disaster emergency, as amended and renewed, issued under the hand and seal of the Governor, Thomas Westerman Wolf.
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HB 854 PN 1752, Final Passage
An Act amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as The Administrative Code of 1929, providing for COVID-19 record retention and for temporary regulatory flexibility authority.
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HR 106 PN 1751, 2021 A1584, WARD, K. Amendment No. A-1584
A Concurrent Resolution terminating the March 6, 2020, proclamation of disaster emergency, as amended and renewed, issued under the hand and seal of the Governor, Thomas Westerman Wolf.
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SB 236 PN 205, Motion to agree to the Bill on Second Consideration
An Act amending the act of December 4, 1996 (P.L.911, No.147), known as the Telemarketer Registration Act, further providing for definitions, for unlawful acts and penalties and for unwanted tel ...
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