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12/17/2013 |
HB 1725 PN 2822, FP
An Act providing for school-to-work pilot programs; establishing the CareerBound Program; providing for a tax credit; and imposing powers and duties on the Department of Labor and Industry.
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12/17/2013 |
SB 1024 PN 1661, FP
An Act amending Titles 18 (Crimes and Offenses) and 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in inchoate crimes, further providing for possession of firear ...
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12/17/2013 |
HB 452 PN 2823, FP
An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, providing for the offense of criminal surveillance.
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12/17/2013 | MOTPROCEEDWITHBILL TURZAI HB 452, 1725 & SB 1024 |
12/17/2013 |
HR 584 PN 2807
A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to immediately consider and pass H.R. 3685, which exempts emergency services volunteers from being counted as full-time employees under the F ...
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12/17/2013 |
A Resolution urging the Congress of the United States to immediately consider and pass H.R. 3685, which exempts emergency services volunteers from being counted as full-time employees under the F ...
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12/17/2013 |
HB 1271 PN 2774, FP
An Act authorizing the release of all restrictions imposed by the Project 70 Act on a portion of certain lands situated in the Borough of Brentwood, Allegheny County, in exchange for the impositi ...
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12/17/2013 |
HB 490 PN 513, FP
An Act amending the act of August 5, 1941 (P.L.752, No.286), known as the Civil Service Act, further providing for powers and duties of director.
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12/17/2013 |
HB 587 PN 2773, FP
An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in falsification and intimidation, further providing for the offense of impersonating a notary public or ...
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12/17/2013 |
HB 1716 PN 2326, FP
A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, reducing the size of the General Assembly.
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12/17/2013 |
HB 1234 PN 1901, FP
A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, reducing the size of the General Assembly.
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12/17/2013 |
HR 571 PN 2726
A Resolution memorializing the Congress of the United States to pass and the President of the United States to sign the Marketplace Fairness Act of 2013 or a similar act to provide uniform measur ...
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12/17/2013 |
HR 57 PN 1919
A Resolution supporting youth tobacco prevention initiatives.
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12/17/2013 |
HR 582 PN 2797
A Resolution honoring the life and expressing condolences upon the death of Nelson Mandela.
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12/17/2013 |
HR 517 PN 2534
A Resolution expressing condolences on the passing of Augusta "Gussie" Clark, former councilwoman of the City of Philadelphia and exemplary public servant who died on October 13, 2013.
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12/17/2013 | MASTER ROLL CALL |