Posted: | December 28, 2022 10:11 AM |
From: | Senator Camera Bartolotta and Sen. Elder A. Vogel, Jr. |
To: | All Senate members |
Subject: | Disabled Veterans’ Property Tax Relief |
We will soon reintroduce Senate Bill 578 from last session, a Constitutional Amendment that would expand the Property Tax Exemption Program for disabled veterans. Currently, an honorably discharged disabled veteran must be 100 percent disabled and have a financial need to receive a 100 percent exemption from property taxes. This exemption will be extended to the unmarried surviving spouse upon the death of an eligible veteran provided that the State Veterans' Commission determines such person is in need of the exemption. Our proposal also eliminates the “War Time” Clause. That is, an injury does not have to occur during a war for a veteran to be eligible for the exemption. Additionally, the bill ensures that a veteran’s primary residence is still exempt while he or she is in a long-term care facility and excludes compensation for an injury from the calculation of income. It is inconceivable that some of the brave men and women who sacrificed their health and well-being to protect our freedom are now struggling just to stay in their homes due to the continuing rise of property taxes. Extending property tax exemptions to more disabled veterans and spouses of soldiers killed in action is an acknowledgment that their sacrifices on behalf of our nation are respected and appreciated. Please join us in showing support of these heroes by cosponsoring this measure. |
Introduced as SB177