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Pennsylvania State Senate
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Senate of Pennsylvania
Session of 2015 - 2016 Regular Session


Posted: January 15, 2015 04:13 PM
From: Senator Lisa M. Boscola
To: All Senate members
Subject: Prohibit Unemployment Comp. Cards from Use in Casino ATMs
In the near future, I plan to reintroduce legislation that would prohibit state government-issued unemployment compensation (U.C.) debit cards from being used at automated teller machines (ATM’s) in Pennsylvania casinos.

The legislation amends the Race Horse Development and Gaming Act by prohibiting individuals who receive benefits from unemployment compensation from having the ability to use their government issued debit cards at ATM’s within casinos or any licensed facility.

State government benefits, especially with regard to the state unemployment benefits extension, are meant to provide individuals with the necessities of life and to pay their bills while seeking new employment or providing for their families. For that reason, the Gaming Control Board should ensure that U.C. benefits should not be easily accessible at ATM machines in Pennsylvania casinos.

I invite you to join me as a co-sponsor. This is a reintroduction of SB 367 from the previous session. Co-sponsors included: STACK, TEPLITZ, BREWSTER, WOZNIAK, VULAKOVICH, VOGEL, HUTCHINSON, ALLOWAY, EICHELBERGER and WHITE.

Introduced as SB453

Memo Updated: January 15, 2015 04:14 PM