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Pennsylvania State Senate
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Senate of Pennsylvania
Session of 2015 - 2016 Regular Session


Posted: January 5, 2015 01:20 PM
From: Senator James R. Brewster
To: All Senate members
Subject: Part-Time Police Fund
In the near future, I plan on reintroducing legislation that creates the Municipal Police Recruitment and Retention Program Fund. This Fund will make grants available for the purpose of hiring and retaining part-time police officers in a municipality.

The addition to Title 53 will create a section to read: Municipal Police Recruitment and Retention Program. The commission shall administer this Fund, relating to a law enforcement surcharge, and make grants from the fund for recruitment and retention of a municipality’s part-time police force in accordance with this section.

The addition to Title 75 will create a section to read: Law Enforcement Enhancement Surcharge. A surcharge of $10 will be levied or imposed as provided by the law, excluding parking violations, upon conviction for any violation of the provisions of this title or other statute of the Commonwealth.

Grants shall not exceed $5,000 per police officer position and shall be used to supplement the part-time police salary paid by the municipality up to a maximum of $15 per hour of pay not to exceed 85 percent of a full-time base salary for a police officer in the municipality.

Thank you for your consideration.

Introduced as SB318