Posted: | March 3, 2021 10:01 AM |
From: | Representative Brett R. Miller |
To: | All House members |
Subject: | Updating International Nursing Licensure Exam Requirements |
In the near future, I plan to re-introduce legislation (formerly HB 573) to amend The Professional Nursing Law (Act 69 of 1951) to allow the State Board of Nursing to approve graduates of international professional nursing education programs to sit for the RN licensure examination, provided such programs are determined to be equivalent to that which is required in Pennsylvania. Currently, the Professional Nursing Law allows graduates of nursing programs in countries outside of the United States to sit for the RN licensure examination, but only if they have first been licensed, registered or duly recognized in their home country. If such graduates move to Pennsylvania before obtaining licensure in their home country, despite the fact they have completed their education and obtained their nursing degree, Pennsylvania's current law prohibits them from even being able to sit for the licensure examination here. In fact, PA's current law requires qualified students to either return to the country where they obtained their degree in order to get their license or go to another state in the U.S. to get licensed, and only after either of these options, then apply to Pennsylvania to sit for the licensure examination in PA. This does not make sense and is an unnecessary impediment to individuals seeking licensure. Now more than ever, we should work to alleviate needless burdens on those that are seeking to serve on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please join me in co-sponsoring this proposed legislation to remove this obstacle which unnecessarily impedes otherwise qualified candidates from fulfilling the requirements to be a registered nurse in Pennsylvania. Co-Sponsors from last session include: B. MILLER, RYAN, MILLARD, STURLA, BERNSINE, KORTZ, DeLUCA, DAVIDSON, FREEMAN, NEILSON, RADER, HICKERNELL, GREINER, FEE. |
Introduced as HB889