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Pennsylvania House of Representatives
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House Co-Sponsorship Memoranda

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House of Representatives
Session of 2019 - 2020 Regular Session


Posted: June 20, 2019 10:15 AM
From: Representative Christopher M. Rabb
To: All House members
Subject: Employee Protections for Medical Cannabis Patients
Pennsylvania employees who are medical cannabis patients should not feel threatened in the workplace. Yet, too often these employees fear losing their job or facing harassment when they fail a workplace drug test because they are under a doctor’s care.

It’s time to support these individuals.

My legislation will provide protections for employees failing a drug test due to their use of medical cannabis as a qualified patient. Employers would be forbidden from discharging, threatening, refusing to hire or otherwise discriminating against such employees. Employees alleging employer violation under the act would be provided the right to bring civil action against their employer.

We have a duty to protect Pennsylvania workers. We need to ensure that patients are not penalized for following a doctor’s plan for care. I ask you to join me in co-sponsoring this important legislation.

Introduced as HB2097