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House Co-Sponsorship Memoranda

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House of Representatives
Session of 2019 - 2020 Regular Session


Posted: February 5, 2019 04:16 PM
From: Representative Curtis G. Sonney
To: All House members
Subject: Full-time Cyber Education Programs Offered by School Districts
I am preparing to introduce legislation that will require a student or the student’s parent or guardian to pay for the student’s education in a cyber school if the student’s school district of residence offers a full-time cyber education program.

Faced with paying the costs of a cyber school education for students living within their boundaries, some school districts now offer full-time cyber education programs of their own. In these programs, the school district itself offers a full course of study primarily through electronic means. Where a student participates in such a program, the school district is not forced to pay a cyber school for the student’s online education, and a student who completes the program earns a diploma from the student’s school district of residence.

Under my legislation, if a student enrolls in a full-time cyber education program offered by the student’s school district of residence, the student’s enrollment in the program will be subject to no tuition or fees other than those the school district may impose on its students generally. My legislation also provides that, by contrast, if a student lives in a school district that offers a full-time cyber education program but still chooses to enroll in a cyber charter school, the student or the student’s parent or guardian must pay the cyber school a per-student amount calculated in accordance with the charter school funding formula set forth in the Charter School Law.

My bill will encourage school districts to offer full-time cyber education programs to their students, will encourage students to enroll in these school district programs, and ultimately will result in savings for school districts.


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Introduced as HB526