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Legislation Quick Search
01/13/2025 05:07 AM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Home / Bills by Sponsor / Bills by Sponsor Results

Bills by Sponsor


Eric R. Nelson
Sponsored 63 Bills/Resolutions

  P = Prime Sponsor

House General Bills - 51 Sponsored

HB 22 HB 162 HB 165 HB 166 HB 167 HB 168 HB 169 HB 293
HB 404 HB 422 HB 460 HB 577 HB 630 HB 849 HB 900 HB 959P
HB 977 HB 1019 HB 1142 HB 1143 HB 1144P HB 1145 HB 1146 HB 1202
HB 1243 HB 1280 HB 1369 HB 1453 HB 1455 HB 1486P HB 1489P HB 1556
HB 1650 HB 1659 HB 1684 HB 1754 HB 1840 HB 1890 HB 1914 HB 1993
HB 2143 HB 2153 HB 2181 HB 2224 HB 2228 HB 2363 HB 2388 HB 2455
HB 2456 HB 2526 HB 2573

House Concurrent Resolutions - 1 Sponsored

HR 279

House Joint Resolutions - 2 Sponsored

HB 398 HB 891

House Simple Resolutions - 9 Sponsored

HR 79 HR 235 HR 245 HR 328 HR 333 HR 336 HR 338 HR 368
HR 464