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Legislation Quick Search
01/13/2025 03:09 AM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
Home / Bills by Sponsor / Bills by Sponsor Results

Bills by Sponsor


Jordan A. Harris
Sponsored 64 Bills/Resolutions

  P = Prime Sponsor

House Appropriation Bills - 33 Sponsored

HB 611P HB 612P HB 613P HB 614P HB 615P HB 616P HB 617P HB 618P
HB 619P HB 620P HB 621P HB 622P HB 623P HB 624P HB 1456P HB 1458P
HB 1459P HB 1461P HB 1552P HB 2324P HB 2325P HB 2326P HB 2327P HB 2328P
HB 2329P HB 2330P HB 2331P HB 2332P HB 2333P HB 2334P HB 2335P HB 2336P
HB 2337P

House General Bills - 19 Sponsored

HB 2 HB 300 HB 667 HB 689P HB 948 HB 1356 HB 1381 HB 1394
HB 1512 HB 1769 HB 1772P HB 1886P HB 2038 HB 2275 HB 2277 HB 2369
HB 2370 HB 2487P HB 2564

House Joint Resolutions - 1 Sponsored

HB 1

House Simple Resolutions - 11 Sponsored

HR 43 HR 90 HR 152 HR 245 HR 273 HR 314 HR 321 HR 383
HR 414P HR 439 HR 458