| PRINTER'S NO. 2350 |
No. | 1487 | Session of 2014 |
1Amending the act of July 7, 1947 (P.L.1368, No.542), entitled,
2as amended, "An act amending, revising and consolidating the
3laws relating to delinquent county, city, except of the first
4and second class and second class A, borough, town, township,
5school district, except of the first class and school
6districts within cities of the second class A, and
7institution district taxes, providing when, how and upon what
8property, and to what extent liens shall be allowed for such
9taxes, the return and entering of claims therefor; the
10collection and adjudication of such claims, sales of real
11property, including seated and unseated lands, subject to the
12lien of such tax claims; the disposition of the proceeds
13thereof, including State taxes and municipal claims recovered
14and the redemption of property; providing for the discharge
15and divestiture by certain tax sales of all estates in
16property and of mortgages and liens on such property, and the
17proceedings therefor; creating a Tax Claim Bureau in each
18county, except counties of the first and second class, to act
19as agent for taxing districts; defining its powers and
20duties, including sales of property, the management of
21property taken in sequestration, and the management, sale and
22disposition of property heretofore sold to the county
23commissioners, taxing districts and trustees at tax sales;
24providing a method for the service of process and notices;
25imposing duties on taxing districts and their officers and on
26tax collectors, and certain expenses on counties and for
27their reimbursement by taxing districts; and repealing
28existing laws," further providing for definitions.
29The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
30hereby enacts as follows:
31Section 1. Section 102 of the act of July 7, 1947 (P.L.1368,
1No.542), known as the Real Estate Tax Sale Law, is amended by
2adding a definition to read:
3Section 102. Definitions.--As used in this act, the
4following words shall be construed as herein defined, unless the
5context clearly indicates otherwise:
6* * *
7"Posted" or "posting," the following:
8(1) In the case of property containing assessed
9improvements, affixing notices as required by this act:
10(i) To a portion of an improvement situated to be reasonably
11conspicuous to both the owner and the general public.
12(ii) To a stake secured on or adjacent to the property,
13within approximately twenty-five (25) feet of any entrance to
14the property in a manner situated to be reasonably conspicuous
15to both the owner and general public, in cases in which
16subclause (i) does not apply.
17(iii) Adjacent to the property line, on a stake secured on
18or adjacent to the property in a manner reasonably conspicuous
19to the owner and general public in cases in which subclauses (i)
20and (ii) do not apply.
21(2) In the case of property containing no assessed
22improvements, affixing notices as required by this act:
23(i) To a stake secured on or adjacent to the property,
24within approximately twenty-five (25) feet of any entrance to
25the property in a manner situated to be reasonably conspicuous
26to both the owner and general public.
27(ii) Adjacent to the property line, on a stake secured on or
28adjacent to the property in a manner reasonably conspicuous to
29the owner and general public in cases in which subclause (i)
30does not apply.
1* * *
2Section 2. The addition of the definition of "posted" or
3"posting" in section 102 of the act shall not be construed to
4affect the posting of property prior to the effective date of
5this section.
6Section 3. This act shall take effect in 180 days.