1Directing the Joint State Government Commission to conduct a
2study and report on the scale and impact of wind turbines in
3this Commonwealth.

4WHEREAS, Wildlife conservation and energy efficiency should
5be major considerations in the development of viable sources of
6alternative energy; and

7WHEREAS, Wind turbines were once assumed to have no adverse
8environmental impacts, however, onshore wind energy facilities
9have been reported to kill thousands of bats and birds and
10require the clearing of large areas of land; and

11WHEREAS, Many onshore and offshore wind energy facilities are
12being planned and constructed without adequately considering the
13potential or actual effects on wildlife; and

14WHEREAS, Research and guidance are required before
15potentially negative impacts on wildlife become severe and
16irreversible; therefore be it

17RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives direct the Joint
18State Government Commission to conduct a comprehensive study on

1the use of wind turbines in this Commonwealth; and be it further

2RESOLVED, That the Joint State Government Commission include
3in its study the number of wind turbines in this Commonwealth,
4who owns them, which agencies oversee wind turbines and what
5happens to them when they are decommissioned; and be it further

6RESOLVED, That the Joint State Government Commission list
7sources and amounts of subsidies for wind turbines; and be it

9RESOLVED, That the Joint State Government Commission include
10in its study wind turbines' imprint acreage and their effects on
11wildlife; and be it further

12RESOLVED, That the Joint State Government Commission study
13wind turbines' impact on the electric grid; and be it further

14RESOLVED, That the Joint State Government Commission report
15its findings to the Governor's office and the General Assembly
16within one year of the adoption of this resolution.