1Recognizing April 9, 2013, as "Summer Camps Day" in

3WHEREAS, Summer camp programs instill youth with skills and
4confidence they need for personal growth; and

5WHEREAS, Summer camps play a vital role in building strong
6communities and model citizens; and

7WHEREAS, Summer camps nurture through nature and teach the
8importance of environmental stewardship; and

9WHEREAS, Summer camps provide an environment for youth which
10creates the desire in them to be persons of substance; and

11WHEREAS, Summer camps provide opportunities for youth to hone
12decision-making skills for success in life; and

13WHEREAS, Summer camps provide an "unplugged" environment
14which allows youth the time and opportunity to emote and
15converse face-to-face; and

1WHEREAS, Summer camps teach job skills to youth that they
2will keep for life; and

3WHEREAS, Summer camps contribute to local communities by
4creating jobs and purchasing goods and services from local
5businesses; and

6WHEREAS, Summer camps participate in local service projects
7which foster compassionate behavior; therefore be it

8RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize April
99, 2013, as "Summer Camps Day" in Pennsylvania in recognition of
10the rich benefits summer camps provide for the positive
11development of youth and for enhancement of the local
12communities where they are located throughout this Commonwealth.