1Amending the act of July 22, 1974 (P.L.589, No.205), entitled 
2"An act relating to unfair insurance practices; prohibiting 
3unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts 
4and practices; and prescribing remedies and penalties," 
5further providing for definitions.

6The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7hereby enacts as follows:

8Section 1. The definition of "renewal" or "to renew" in
9section 3 of the act of July 22, 1974 (P.L.589, No.205), known 
10as the Unfair Insurance Practices Act, is amended to read:

11Section 3. Definitions.--As used in this act:

12* * *

13"Renewal" or "to renew" means the issuance and delivery by an
14insurer of a policy superseding at the end of the policy period
15a policy previously issued and delivered by the same insurer or 
16affiliated insurer, such renewal policy to provide types and
17limits of coverage at least equal to those contained in the
18policy being superseded, or the issuance and delivery of a
19certificate or notice extending the term of a policy beyond its

1policy period or term with types and limits of coverage at least
2equal to those contained in the policy being extended: Provided,
3however, That any policy with a policy period or term of less
4than twelve months or any period with no fixed expiration date
5shall for the purpose of this act be considered as if written
6for successive policy periods or terms of twelve months.

7* * *

8Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.