1Amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2Statutes, further providing for availability of uninsured,
3underinsured, bodily injury liability and property damage
4coverages and mandatory deductibles.

5The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
6hereby enacts as follows:

7Section 1. Section 1792(b) heading, (1) and (2) of Title 75
8of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes are amended to read:

9§ 1792. Availability of uninsured, underinsured, bodily injury
10liability and property damage coverages and mandatory

12* * *

13(b) [Mandatory] Physical damage deductibles.--

14(1) Every private passenger automobile insurance policy
15providing collision coverage issued or renewed on and after
16the effective date of this subsection shall [provide] offer a
17deductible in an amount of $500 <-or greater for collision
<-18coverage.[, coverage[, unless the named insured signs a

1statement indicating the insured is aware that the purchase
2of a lower deductible is permissible and that there is an
3additional cost of purchasing a lower deductible, and the
4insured agrees to accept it.

5(2) Under no circumstances may a private passenger
6automobile insurance policy provide a collision deductible in
7an amount less than $100.] <-and may offer a deductible in a 
8greater or lesser amount or a zero deductible.

9* * *

10Section 2. The amendment of 75 Pa.C.S. § 1792(b) heading,
11(1) and (2) shall apply to a private passenger automobile
12insurance policy issued or renewed on or after the effective
13date of this section.

14Section 3. This act shall take effect in 60 days.