1Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
2act relating to the public school system, including certain
3provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
4schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
5laws relating thereto," in transportation of pupils, further
6providing for when transportation provided.

7The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
8hereby enacts as follows:

9Section 1. Section 1361 of the act of March 10, 1949
10(P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
11amended May 11, 1979 (P.L.26, No.7), is amended to read:

12Section 1361. When Provided.--(1) The board of school
13directors in any school district may, out of the funds of the
14district, provide for the free transportation of any resident
15pupil to and from the kindergarten, elementary school, or
16secondary school in which he is lawfully enrolled, provided that
17such school is not operated for profit and is located within the
18district boundaries or outside the district boundaries at a
19distance not exceeding ten miles by the nearest public highway,

1except that such ten-mile limit shall not apply to area
2vocational technical schools which regularly serve eligible
3district pupils or to special schools and classes approved by
4the Department of Education, and to and from any points within
5or without the Commonwealth in order to provide field trips for
6any purpose connected with the educational pursuits of the
7pupils. When provision is made by a board of school directors
8for the transportation of public school pupils to and from such
9schools or to and from any points within or without the
10Commonwealth in order to provide field trips as herein provided,
11the board of school directors shall also make identical
12provision for the free transportation of pupils who regularly
13attend nonpublic kindergarten, elementary and high schools not
14operated for profit to and from such schools or to and from any
15points within or without the Commonwealth in order to provide
16field trips as herein provided. Such transportation of pupils
17attending nonpublic schools shall be provided during regular
18school hours on such dates and periods that the nonpublic school
19not operated for profit is in regular session, according to the
20school calendar officially adopted by the directors of the same
21in accordance with provisions of law. The board of school
22directors shall provide such transportation whenever so required
23by any of the provisions of this act or of any other act of

25(2) The board of school directors in any school district
26may, if the board deems it to the best interest of the school
27district, for the purposes of transporting pupils as required or
28authorized by any of the provisions of this act or of any other
29act of the Assembly, appropriate funds for urban common carrier
30mass transportation purposes from current revenues to urban

1common carrier mass transportation authorities to assist the
2authorities to meet costs of operation, maintenance, capital
3improvements, and debt service. Said contributions shall not be
4subject to reimbursement by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

5(3) In any school district where transportation is provided, 
6the school district shall provide a link to the Megan's Law 
7website under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.28 (relating to public Internet 
8website) on any communication related to transportation 
9distributed to students, parents or the public.

10(4) The State Board of Education shall adopt regulations,
11including qualifications of school bus drivers, to govern the
12transportation of school pupils.

13(5) The board of school directors in a school district
14shall, on its publicly accessible Internet website, regardless
15of whether the school district transports students, provide a
16link to the Megan's Law website under 42 Pa.C.S. § 9799.28. The
17link shall be prominently displayed on the school district's
18home page.

19Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days.