1Amending Title 62 (Procurement) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated
2Statutes, further providing for definitions; providing for
3authority to waive employee limit, for alternative
4certification, for contractor performance and general
5conditions, for mentor-protégé program and for small business
6reserve program; establishing a surety bond guarantee
7program; and further providing for contractors' and
8subcontractors' payment obligations.

9The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
10hereby enacts as follows:

11Section 1.  Section 2102 of Title 62 of the Pennsylvania
12Consolidated Statutes is amended to read:

13§ 2102.  Definitions.

14[Subject] Notwithstanding section 103 (relating to 
15definitions) and subject to section 2103 (relating to
16regulations), the following words and phrases when used in this
17chapter shall have the meanings given to them in this section
18unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

19"Commonwealth agency."  The term shall include the following:

20(1)  Any office, department, authority, board, multistate

1agency or commission of the executive branch, including:

2(i)  The Office of the Governor.

3(ii)  The Office of Attorney General, the Department
4of the Auditor General and the Treasury Department.

5(iii)  An organization established by the
6Constitution of Pennsylvania or a statute or executive
7order that performs or is intended to perform an
8essential governmental function.

9(2)  The term shall not include a judicial or legislative

11"Disadvantaged business."  A small business which is owned or 
12controlled by a majority of persons, not limited to members of 
13minority groups, who:

14(1)  have been deprived of the opportunity to develop and
15maintain a competitive position in the economy because of
16social disadvantages[.]; or

17(2)  are veterans, including service-disabled veterans.

18"Governmental agency."  A Commonwealth agency, local agency,
19independent agency, State-affiliated entity or State-related
20institution. The term shall not include any local library,
21county library, library system, district library center or
22Statewide library resource center as those terms are defined in
2324 Pa.C.S. § 9302 (relating to definitions), or to any nonprofit
24organization that performs or is intended to perform an
25essential governmental function.

26"Independent agency."  Any board, commission or other agency
27or officer of the Commonwealth that is not subject to the policy
28supervision and control of the Governor. The term shall not
29include a legislative agency or a judicial agency.

30"Judicial agency."  A court of the Commonwealth or any other

1entity or office of the unified judicial system.

2"Legislative agency."  Any of the following:

3(1)  The Senate.

4(2)  The House of Representatives.

5(3)  The Capitol Preservation Committee.

6(4)  The Center for Rural Pennsylvania.

7(5)  The Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution
8Control and Conservation Committee.

9(6)  The Joint State Government Commission.

10(7)  The Legislative Budget and Finance Committee.

11(8)  The Legislative Data Processing Committee.

12(9)  The Independent Regulatory Review Commission.

13(10)  The Legislative Reference Bureau.

14(11)  The Local Government Commission.

15(12)  The Pennsylvania Commission on Sentencing.

16(13)  The Legislative Reapportionment Commission.

17(14)  The Independent Fiscal Office.

18(15)  The Legislative Audit Advisory Commission.

19(16)  Any other office, commission, committee or agency
20of the General Assembly, or a caucus thereof, whose general
21operation is funded separately through a General Fund

23"Local agency."  Any of the following:

24(1)  Any political subdivision, intermediate unit,
25charter school, cyber charter school or public trade or
26vocational school.

27(2)  Any local, intergovernmental, regional or municipal
28agency, authority, council, board, commission or similar
29governmental entity.

30"Service-disabled veteran."  A veteran who possesses either

1an adjudication letter from the United States Veterans'
2Administration establishing a service-connected disability
3rating or a disability determination from the Department of

5"Small business."  A business in the United States which is 
6independently owned, is not dominant in its field of operation 
7and employs 100 or fewer employees.

8"State-affiliated entity."  A Commonwealth authority or
9Commonwealth entity. The term includes the Pennsylvania Higher
10Education Assistance Agency and any entity established thereby,
11the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board, the Pennsylvania Game
12Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the
13Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency, the Pennsylvania Municipal
14Retirement Board, the State System of Higher Education, a
15community college, the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, the
16Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, the Pennsylvania
17Infrastructure Investment Authority, the State Public School
18Building Authority, the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic
19Association and the Pennsylvania Higher Educational Facilities
20Authority. The term shall include a State-related institution.

21"State-related institution."  Includes:

22(1)  Temple University.

23(2)  The University of Pittsburgh.

24(3)  The Pennsylvania State University.

25(4)  Lincoln University.

26"Veteran."  An individual who:

27(1)  Served in the active United States military in any
28of the four current branches and all previous branches,
29including a reserve component or the National Guard.

30(2)  Was released or discharged from active military

1service under conditions other than dishonorable.

2(3)  Possesses a certificate of release or discharge from
3active duty.

4Section 2.  Title 62 is amended by adding sections to read:

5§ 2104.1.  Authority to waive employee limit.

6(a)  Authority to waive.--The department or a Commonwealth
7agency may, at its discretion and where it is determined to be
8in the best interest of this Commonwealth, waive the small
9business employee limit requirement as established in the
10definition of "small business" in section 2102 (relating to
11definitions) in order to promote and create economic
12opportunities for disadvantaged businesses.

13(b)  Inclusion of employee limit in bid document.--The
14department or a Commonwealth agency shall inform prospective
15bidders of the decision to waive the small business employee
16limit for disadvantaged businesses by including notice of the
17waiver in the invitation for bid, request for proposal or any
18other document that is subject to an employee limit waiver,
19prior to its release for bidding or solicitation purposes by the
20department or a Commonwealth agency.

21(c)  Subsequent determination to waive notice.--If the
22department or a Commonwealth agency determines that the small
23business employee limit should be waived subsequent to the
24release of an invitation for bid, request for proposal or any
25other such document, the department or Commonwealth agency shall
26take appropriate action to ensure the inclusion of disadvantaged
27businesses in bidding requirements or solicitation of proposals
28and provide prompt notice to all prospective bidders and
29offerors of the determination to waive the small business
30employee limit.

1(d)  Report.--The department shall include in its annual
2report to the General Assembly information on its use of the
3small business employee limit waiver authorized under this
4section. The report shall include, but may not be limited to,
5the following information for the preceding calendar year:

6(1)  The number of times the employee limit was waived
7prior to the release of an invitation for bid, request for
8proposal or other document and the reason for imposing the

10(2)  The number of times the employee limit was waived
11following the release of an invitation for bid, request for
12proposal or other document and the reason for the subsequent
13determination to waive the small business employee limit

15(3)  The identity and geographic location of the
16disadvantaged businesses subject to an employee limit waiver.

17(4)  The number of employees of each disadvantaged
18business subject to an employee limit waiver.

19(5)  The dollar amount of each contract awarded which
20included a small business employee limit waiver.

21(e)  Applicability.--The provisions of this section shall
22apply to any eligible "disadvantaged business" as defined under
23section 2102.

24§ 2109.  Alternative certification.

25(a)  Acceptance of alternative certification authorized.--To
26establish greater uniformity in the Commonwealth's disadvantaged
27business certification process, the department may accept the
28certification of any eligible disadvantaged business certified
29under the Pennsylvania Unified Certification Program as
30established by the department in accordance with the

1requirements of 49 CFR Subtitle Pts. 23 (relating to
2participation of disadvantaged business enterprise in airport
3concessions) and 26 (relating to participation by disadvantaged
4business enterprises in Department of Transportation financial
5assistance programs). However, the department shall not certify
6or accept any certification from an owner of a disadvantaged
7business who is not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of
8the United States.

9(b)  Reciprocity.--Notwithstanding any provision of law,
10regulation, guideline or policy statement to the contrary, the
11certification of any disadvantaged business enterprise by the
12department in accordance with subsection (a) shall be accepted
13and used by a governmental agency as adequate certification for
14the purpose of bidding on or participating in any public bid,
15contract or award, the execution of which involves the use of
16Commonwealth funds.

17(c)  Disadvantaged business utilization program.--

18(1)  Each governmental agency receiving Commonwealth
19funds may establish a disadvantaged business utilization
20program which encourages the participation and use of
21disadvantaged businesses in the performance of Commonwealth-
22funded contracts.

23(2)  A governmental agency that fails to establish a
24disadvantaged business utilization program in accordance with
25paragraph (1) shall adopt and implement the program
26established by the department.

27(d)  Adoption of procurement practices.--The department shall
28provide assistance to the Auditor General, the State Treasurer,
29the Attorney General and appropriate officers in the legislative
30and judicial agencies to develop best procurement practices

1specific to the constitutional and statutory functions of each
2office and agency and consistent with the provisions of this
3title and regulations related to procurement by disadvantaged
4businesses. To facilitate participation by disadvantaged
5businesses in procurement by constitutional offices and the
6judicial and legislative agencies, such constitutional officers
7and purchasing agents of any judicial agency or legislative
8agency may adopt the procurement practices and utilization
9program used by the department to promote participation by
10disadvantaged businesses in contracting, subcontracting and

12§ 2110.  Contractor performance; general conditions.

13Each Commonwealth agency taking bids in connection with the
14award of any contract shall provide in the general conditions,
15under which a bid will be received, that any person making a bid
16as a prime contractor shall, in his bid or offer, set forth the
17following information:

18(1)  The name and business address of the place of
19business of each subcontractor certified as a disadvantaged
20business that will perform work or labor or render service to
21the prime contractor in connection with the performance of
22the contract and that will be used by the prime contractor to
23fulfill disadvantaged business participation goals.

24(2)  The portion of the contract that will be performed
25by each subcontractor under paragraph (1). Except that, in
26the case of an emergency where a contract is necessary and
27essential for the immediate preservation of the public
28health, welfare or safety or the protection of State
29property, the prime contractor shall list only one
30subcontractor for each portion of the contract as is defined

1by the prime contractor in his bid or offer.

2(3)  A statement of the efforts made to negotiate with
3disadvantaged businesses, including the name, address and
4telephone number of any disadvantaged business contacted by
5the prime contractor; the date the negotiations took place,
6if any; and a description of the information provided to the
7disadvantaged businesses regarding the plans, specifications
8and requirements for the portion of the contract proposed to
9be performed by the disadvantaged business.

10(4)  The bid or offer may also set forth any of the
11following information:

12(i)  Whether the person or a representative of the
13person attended any prebid or preproposal conferences.

14(ii)  A copy of any written notification of the bid
15or offer to perform a contract sent by certified mail,
16return receipt requested, or electronic mail, read
17receipt, to disadvantaged businesses that perform the
18type of work to be subcontracted in sufficient time to
19allow the disadvantaged businesses to participate

21(iii)  The specific work the person intends to
22subcontract, that interest in the project is being
23solicited and how to obtain information for the review
24and inspection of the plans, specifications and
25requirements of the invitation for bids or requests for

27(iv)  A statement of whether economically feasible
28portions of the contract will be performed by
29disadvantaged businesses, including, where appropriate,
30segmenting or combining elements of a contract into

1economically feasible units.

2(v)  Information on whether the person or a
3representative of the person consulted with the Bureau of
4Minority and Women Business Opportunities to ensure
5significant contracting, subcontracting and purchasing
6opportunities for disadvantaged businesses.

7(vi)  Information on whether the person or a
8representative of the person participated in any outreach
9activities or events to increase disadvantaged business
10interest and participation in contracting, subcontracting
11and purchasing opportunities.

12(vii)  Information on use of the department's
13Internet website to identify certified disadvantaged
14businesses as prospects for contracting, subcontracting
15and purchasing opportunities in connection with a bid or

17(viii)  Any solicitation of certified disadvantaged
18businesses for contracting, subcontracting or purchasing
19opportunities and inclusion of certified disadvantaged
20businesses on solicitation lists.

21(ix)  Records of solicitations, including a bid
22tabulation, showing the names of all disadvantaged
23businesses solicited and the dollar amount of the bid,
24quote or proposal, as well as copies of all bids, quotes
25and proposals received.

26(x)  Any quarterly reports or other report provided
27to the Bureau of Minority and Women Business
28Opportunities depicting disadvantaged business

30(xi)  Evidence demonstrating any good faith effort in

1the oversight of and timely payment, as provided under
2Subchapter D of Chapter 39 (relating to prompt payment
3schedules), to disadvantaged businesses and to maintain
4the commitment made to any disadvantaged business that
5served as a subcontractor at the time the subcontract was
6awarded, and thereafter.

7§ 2111.  Mentor-protégé program.

8(a)  Establishment and purpose of program.--

9(1)  The department shall establish a mentor-protégé
10program to assist disadvantaged businesses in enhancing their
11capabilities to compete for and perform prime contracts and
12subcontracts awarded by a Commonwealth agency.

13(2)  The purpose of the mentor-protégé program is to
14foster long-term business relationships between disadvantaged
15businesses and prime contractors in order to facilitate their
16growth and development and increase their prime contracting
17and subcontracting opportunities with Commonwealth agencies.

18(b)  General rule.--A prime contractor that is approved as a
19mentor by the department may enter into a written agreement with
20a disadvantaged business to provide developmental assistance to
21enhance the disadvantaged business's contracting and
22subcontracting capabilities. Developmental assistance provided
23by a mentor prime contractor to its protégé disadvantaged
24business may include, but not be limited to, the following:

25(1)  Management assistance, including financial
26management, organizational management, business management
27and planning and business development.

28(2)  Technical assistance.

29(3)  Financial assistance.

30(4)  Temporary employee assistance.

1(5)  Use of facilities, equipment or property without

3(6)  Any other type of developmental assistance as
4approved by the department.

5(c)  Factor to be considered.--Notwithstanding any other
6provision of this title to the contrary, the mentor-protégé
7arrangement between a prime contractor and a disadvantaged
8business whereby the disadvantaged business serves as a joint
9venture partner or subcontractor to the prime contractor shall
10be an important factor to be considered or weighed by a
11Commonwealth agency in awarding a contract under sections 513
12(relating to competitive sealed proposals), 517 (relating to
13multiple awards), 518 (relating to competitive selection
14procedures for certain services) and 519 (relating to selection
15procedure for insurance and notary bonds).

16(d)  Guidelines.--The department shall adopt and publish
17guidelines to enforce and carry out the requirements of this
18section. The guidelines shall be published in the Pennsylvania
19Bulletin and shall include, but may not be limited to, the

21(1)  Selection criteria for mentor and protégé

23(2)  An application process, including an application
24form to be used by prime contractors seeking to participate
25in the mentor-protégé program and time frame for review.

26(3)  Criteria for measuring program impact and success.

27(4)  The required contents of a mentor-protégé written
28agreement. Each written agreement shall specify the type of
29developmental assistance that will be provided by the mentor
30to the protégé disadvantaged business.

1§ 2112.  Small business reserve program.

2(a)  Small business reserve.--The department shall establish
3a small business reserve program for the purpose of increasing
4economic opportunities for small and disadvantaged businesses
5and affording small and disadvantaged businesses the opportunity
6to bid on State government contracts without competing with
7larger businesses. All procurement by the department shall be
8eligible for designation for the small business reserve program
9and shall be published in the same manner as required for a
10request for proposal or an invitation for bid.

11(b)  Reserve account.--Notwithstanding any other provision of
12this title to the contrary, the department shall structure its
13procurement procedures to reserve up to 10% of the total dollar
14value of its procurement contracts, including public works,
15construction and professional services and designed professional
16services contracts, to be made directly to qualified small and
17disadvantaged businesses. However, the total dollar value of
18procurements by the department shall not include the value of
19any contract to which this subsection would not apply because of
20a conflict with Federal law.

21(c)  Awards.--The department shall award a procurement
22contract designated for a small business reserve to the small
23and disadvantaged business that submits a bid or proposal that:

24(1)  is the lowest bid price;

25(2)  is the lowest evaluated bid price, if the invitation
26for bid or request for proposal so provides; or

27(3)  is in the best interest of the Commonwealth.

28(d)  Other Commonwealth agencies.--

29(1)  A Commonwealth agency may collaborate with the
30department to structure its procurement procedures to provide

1for a small business reserve program which shall be subject
2to the requirements of this section.

3(2)  Upon request, the department shall assist the
4procurement unit of a Commonwealth agency with the
5development and implementation of a small business reserve.

6(e)  Construction and application.--

7(1)  The provisions of this section shall not be
8construed to preclude any small and disadvantaged business
9from competing for any other contracts that is not
10specifically designated for the small business reserve

12(2)  The provisions of this section shall apply to any
13eligible small business as defined under section 2102
14(relating to definitions).

15(f)  Regulations.--The department shall adopt and promulgate
16regulations to govern the provisions of this section. The
17regulations shall:

18(1)  Establish a comprehensive bidder's list of eligible
19small and disadvantaged businesses.

20(2)  Provide procedures for maintaining the list in
21paragraph (1).

22(3)  Include any other information the department
23determines necessary and appropriate to carry out the
24provisions of this section.

25(g)  Reports.--On or before December 31, 2014, and on or
26before each December 31 thereafter, the department shall submit
27a report to the Chief Clerk of the Senate and the Chief Clerk of
28the House of Representatives on the operation and effectiveness
29of the small business reserve program. The department may submit
30the report electronically. The report shall include the


2(1)  The total number and dollar value of payments the
3department made to small and disadvantaged businesses
4pursuant to designated small business reserve contracts.

5(2)  The total number and dollar value of payments the
6department made to small and disadvantaged businesses that
7were not designated as small business reserve contracts.

8(3)  The total dollar value of payments made by the
9department under procurement contracts.

10(4)  Information on any Commonwealth agency that has
11implemented a small business reserve program, including
12information required under paragraphs (1), (2) and (3).

13(5)  Any other information or recommendations the
14department determines necessary.

15Section 3.  Title 62 is amended by adding a chapter to read:




192101-A.  Definitions.

202102-A.  Establishment of program.

212103-A.  Surety Bond Guarantee Fund.

222104-A.  Contract eligible for guarantee.

232105-A.  Disadvantaged business participation.

242106-A.  Criteria for denying program participation.

252107-A.  Duties of department.

262108-A.  Regulations.

27§ 2101-A.  Definitions.

28The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
29shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
30context clearly indicates otherwise:

1"Applicant."  A disadvantaged business as defined in this

3"Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
4Development of the Commonwealth.

5"Disadvantaged business."  A small business which is owned or
6controlled by a majority of persons, not limited to members of
7minority groups, who have been deprived of the opportunity to
8develop and maintain a competitive position in the economy
9because of social disadvantages. The term shall include a small
10business which is owned or controlled by a majority of persons
11who are veterans, including service-disabled veterans.

12"Fund."  The Surety Bond Guarantee Fund established in
13section 2103-A (relating to Surety Bond Guarantee Fund).

14"Program."  The Surety Bond Guarantee Fund Program
15established in this chapter.

16"Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
17Development of the Commonwealth.

18"Service-disabled veteran."  A veteran who possesses either
19an adjudication letter from the Department of Veterans' Affairs
20establishing a service-connected disability rating or a
21disability determination from the Department of Defense.

22"Small business."  A business in the United States which is
23independently owned, is not dominant in its field of operation
24and employs 100 or fewer employees.

25"Surety bond."  A guarantee in which the surety guarantees
26that the contractor or principal in the bond will perform the
27obligation stated in the bond. The term shall include the
28following types of bonds:

29(1)  Bid bonds that guarantee the bidder will enter into
30a contract and furnish the required payment and performance


2(2)  Payment bonds that guarantee payment from the
3contractor to parties who furnish labor, materials, equipment
4and supplies.

5(3)  Performance bonds that guarantee the contractor will
6fulfill the contract in accordance with terms and conditions.

7(4)  Ancillary bonds which may be incidental and
8essential to the performance of the contract.

9"Veteran."  An individual who:

10(1)  Served in the active United States military in any
11of the four current branches and all previous branches,
12including a reserve component or the National Guard.

13(2)  Was released or discharged from active military
14service under conditions other than dishonorable.

15(3)  Possesses a certificate of release or discharge from
16active duty.

17§ 2102-A.  Establishment of program.

18The Surety Bond Guarantee Fund Program is established, to the
19extent funds are appropriated specifically for the purposes of
20this act, in the department. The purpose of the program is to
21assist disadvantaged businesses to competitively bid for
22governmental contracts.

23§ 2103-A.  Surety Bond Guarantee Fund.

24(a)  Fund established.--There is established the Surety Bond
25Guarantee Fund within the State Treasury for the purpose of
26assisting disadvantaged businesses to competitively bid for
27certain Commonwealth contracts.

28(b)  Fund administration.--The fund shall be administered by
29the department. All moneys in the fund shall be used to finance
30guarantees to bonding companies against percentages of losses

1sustained as a result of defaults by qualified disadvantaged
2businesses on a contract or project.

3(c)  Payments from fund.--Surety bond guarantees made with
4payments from the fund under the program shall not exceed the
5sum of $1,000,000 for any one disadvantaged business.

6§ 2104-A.  Contract eligible for guarantee.

7(a)  Eligibility.--A bond guaranteeing the performance of a
8contract or project shall be qualified and eligible for a surety
9bond guarantee under the program if:

10(1)  The bond is listed in the contract bonds section of
11the Surety Association of America's "Manual of Rules,
12Procedures and Classifications."

13(2)  The bond is required by the contract, invitation for
14bid or request for proposal.

15(3)  The bond is executed by a surety company that is
16acceptable to the Treasury Department and qualified by the

18(4)  The bond meets any other requirements established by
19the department.

20(b)  Required provision; notice of cancellation.--No bond
21shall qualify or be eligible for a guarantee under the program
22unless it contains a provision affirming that the bond shall not
23be canceled for any cause unless notice of intention to cancel
24is given to the department at least 30 days before the day upon
25which cancellation shall take effect. Cancellation of the bond
26shall not invalidate the bond regarding the period of time it
27was in effect.

28§ 2105-A.  Disadvantaged business participation.

29(a)  Application process.--A disadvantaged business may apply
30to participate in the program by filing an application with the

1department. The department shall review the application to
2determine if the applicant is eligible to participate in the
3program within 30 days of receipt of the completed application.
4The department may extend the review period for an additional 30
5days if it determines that additional time is needed to complete
6the review process. The department shall notify the applicant in
7writing of the extended period, including the date it will reach
8its final decision.

9(b)  Investigation.--Upon receipt of a completed application,
10the department may conduct an investigation of the applicant,
11including an investigation of its owners, officers, directors,
12principals or agents, in order to determine whether the
13applicant is eligible to participate in the program. If the
14investigation finds and the department determines that an
15applicant is not eligible to participate in the program, it
16shall notify the applicant in writing that the applicant will
17not be approved for program participation. The notification of
18ineligibility shall include the reason the application was not
19approved and that the applicant has the right to appeal the
20department's determination to the secretary within 30 days of
21the date of the notice.

22(c)  Criteria for determining eligibility.--An applicant
23shall be deemed eligible to participate in the program if the
24department determines that an applicant meets all of the
25following qualifications:

26(1)  The applicant is a disadvantaged business certified
27by the Department of General Services.

28(2)  The applicant is in the construction or building
29trade industry.

30(3)  The applicant has been actively operating its

1business for at least one year prior to the application date.

2(4)  The applicant has the experience and financial
3fitness appropriate to a qualified contract.

4(5)  The applicant has agreed to subcontract no more than
575% of the work to be performed under a qualified contract or

7(6)  The applicant has demonstrated an inability to
8secure bonding under normal market conditions.

9(7)  The applicant or one of its owners, officers,
10directors, principals or agents has not committed or been
11convicted of any of the activities set forth in section 2106-
12A (relating to criteria for denying program participation).

13(8)  The applicant meets any other program requirements
14that establish criteria for eligibility that the department
15shall adopt by regulation, guideline or statement of policy
16within 180 days of the effective date of this chapter.

17§ 2106-A.  Criteria for denying program participation.

18The department may not approve an application for program
19participation if it determines that the applicant or one of its
20owners, officers, directors, principals or agents committed or
21has been convicted of the following:

22(1)  Made a material misstatement in the application or
23any other document required to be submitted by the
24department, under a provision of this chapter or by the
25Department of General Services under the provisions of this

27(2)  Failed to comply with or violated any provision of
28this chapter or any regulation, order or statement of policy
29issued by the department under this chapter or any
30regulation, order or statement of policy issued by the

1Department of General Services under this title.

2(3)  Engaged in unfair or unethical conduct in connection
3with the construction or building trade industry or in
4violation of Chapter 23 (relating to ethics in public

6(4)  Does not possess the financial fitness, character,
7reputation, integrity and general fitness sufficient to
8warrant reasonable belief that the applicant's business will
9be conducted lawfully, honestly and in the public interest.

10(5)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the
11contrary, been convicted of or pleaded guilty or nolo
12contendere to a crime of moral turpitude or to an offense
13graded as a felony.

14(6)  Been enjoined by a court of competent jurisdiction
15from engaging in the construction or building trade industry.

16(7)  Has had a license issued by the department or any
17other Federal, State or local agency denied, not renewed,
18suspended or revoked.

19(8)  Has had the certification as a disadvantaged
20business issued by the Department of General Services

22(9)  Became the subject of a United States Postal Service
23fraud order.

24(10)  Demonstrated negligence or incompetence in
25performing, or failure to perform, an act for which the
26applicant is required to hold a license under any law of 
27this Commonwealth.

28(11)  Has an outstanding debt to the Federal Government,
29the Commonwealth or any Federal or Commonwealth agency or a
30political subdivision of the Commonwealth or agency of a

1political subdivision.

2(12)  Became insolvent at any time prior to the
3application date, meaning that the liabilities of the
4applicant exceeded the assets of the applicant or that the
5applicant could not meet the obligations of the applicant as
6they matured or was in such financial condition that the
7applicant could not continue in business without jeopardizing
8the health, safety and welfare of its customers and

10(13)  At any time prior to application, has failed to
11disburse payments to subcontractors in a timely manner as
12agreed to under a contract for any reason other than the
13owner's failure to make the agreed-to payments to the
14applicant or because such disbursement would constitute a
15violation of applicable law or an order issued by a court or
16administrative body of competent jurisdiction.

17§ 2107-A.  Duties of department.

18(a)  Technical assistance.--The department, in consultation
19with the Department of General Services, shall provide technical
20assistance to enable disadvantaged businesses to competitively
21bid on State and other governmental contracts. Technical
22assistance shall include, but not be limited to, assisting
23disadvantaged businesses in responding to bid requests,
24strengthening financial condition and addressing other concerns
25raised or likely to be raised by a bonding company.

26(b)  Monitoring program.--The department shall establish a
27monitoring program to monitor the activities of disadvantaged
28businesses participating in the program. The monitoring program
29shall include inspections of projects approved for bond
30guarantees to minimize the risk of calls on the fund. The

1department shall promptly advise the disadvantaged business of
2any deficiencies identified during an inspection. In the event
3the deficiencies noted in the report are not promptly addressed
4by the disadvantaged business to the satisfaction of the
5department, the department may give the disadvantaged business a
6reasonable period to correct the deficiencies or may report such
7deficiencies to the issuing bond company.

8§ 2108-A.  Regulations.

9(a)  Adoption of regulations.--The department shall
10administer and enforce the provisions of this chapter and shall
11adopt and promulgate regulations, guidelines or policy
12statements necessary to carry out the provisions of this

14(b)  Department of General Services.--The department shall
15consult or collaborate with the Department of General Services
16to carry out the provisions of this chapter. The Department of
17General Services shall from time to time provide any technical
18or staff assistance as may be required to assist the department
19in carrying out the provisions of this chapter.

20Section 4.  Section 3933(c) of Title 62 is amended to read:

21§ 3933.  Contractors' and subcontractors' payment obligations.

22* * *

23(c)  Payment.--When a subcontractor has performed in
24accordance with the provisions of the contract, a contractor
25shall pay to the subcontractor, and each subcontractor shall in
26turn pay to its subcontractors, the full or proportional amount
27received for each such subcontractor's work and material, based
28on work completed or services provided under the subcontract,
29[14] seven days after receipt of a progress payment. Payment
30shall be made under this section unless it is being withheld

1under section 3934 (relating to withholding of payment for good
2faith claims).

3* * *

4Section 5.  The provisions of this act are severable. If any 
5provision of this act or its application to any person or 
6circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect 
7other provisions or applications of this act which can be given 
8effect without the invalid provision or application.

9Section 6.  This act shall take effect as follows:

10(1)  The following provisions shall take effect

12(i)  The amendment of 62 Pa.C.S. § 3933(c).

13(ii)  This section.

14(2)  The addition of 62 Pa.C.S. Ch. 21-A shall take
15effect upon publication by the department in the Pennsylvania
16Bulletin of the appropriation referenced in section 2102-A.

17(3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60