1Amending the act of July 3, 1947 (P.L.1242, No.507), entitled 
2"An act relating to police and firemen's pension funds in 
3cities of the second class A, and directing such cities to 
4appropriate certain moneys thereto, and requiring reports and 
5audits," further providing for credit for military service.

6The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
7hereby enacts as follows:

8Section 1.  Section 1 of the act of July 3, 1947 (P.L.1242, 
9No.507), entitled "An act relating to police and firemen's 
10pension funds in cities of the second class A, and directing 
11such cities to appropriate certain moneys thereto, and requiring 
12reports and audits," amended July 15, 1968 (P.L.341, No.166), is 
13amended to read:

14Section 1.  There shall be paid over, as hereinafter
15provided, to the organization or association constituting and
16having in charge the distribution of police and firemen's
17pension funds in every city of the second class A, three per
18centum (3%) of all city taxes collected by the city, other than
19taxes levied to pay interest on or to extinguish the debt of the

1city, or any part thereof, to be divided equally between the
2police and firemen's association or organization. In addition to
3the three per centum (3%) of city taxes required to be paid
4pursuant to this section, moneys shall be appropriated by cities
5of the second class A to organizations and associations
6distributing police and firemen's pension funds, whenever
7necessary to enable the organizations or associations to pay the
8amounts of minimum pensions prescribed by act of Assembly,
9pursuant to section 11 of article III. of the Constitution of
10Pennsylvania. In addition to the above payments and
11appropriations, moneys [may] shall be appropriated by cities of
12the second class A to organizations and associations
13distributing police and firemen's pension funds, whenever
14necessary, to entitle any policeman or fireman who is a member
15of the pension fund and who served in the armed forces of the
16United States subsequent to September 1, 1940, and who was not a
17member of the police or firemen's pension funds prior to such
18military service, and who commenced employment as a policeman or
19fireman in a city of the second class A [within three (3) years
20from] after the date of release from active duty to have full
21credit for each year or fraction thereof, not to exceed five (5)
22years of such service upon his payment to the police or
23firemen's pension fund an amount equal to that which he would
24have paid had he been a member during the period for which he
25desires credit computed with reference to the compensation he
26received upon entry into city service as a policeman or fireman
27and his current percentage of salary deductions, and an
28additional amount as the equivalent of the contributions of the
29city on account of such military service, which amount may be
30paid in a lump sum or by installments as may be approved by the

1organizations or associations distributing pension funds to
2police and firemen.

3Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.