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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 974



No. 707 Session of 2003

           TARTAGLIONE, JUNE 17, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of July 17, 1961 (P.L.776, No.341), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act declaring the policy of the Commonwealth
     3     with regard to discriminatory practices in educational
     4     institutions based upon race, religion, color, ancestry,
     5     national origin or sex; prohibiting such discriminatory
     6     practices; providing for procedure and enforcement; providing
     7     for judicial review; providing for administration by the
     8     Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission in the Department of
     9     Labor and Industry; and defining its functions, powers and
    10     duties hereunder," further providing for findings and
    11     declaration of policy, for definitions, for unfair
    12     educational practices, for powers and duties of the
    13     Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, for right of action
    14     and for construction of act.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  The title of the act of July 17, 1961 (P.L.776,
    18  No.341), known as the Pennsylvania Fair Educational
    19  Opportunities Act, amended December 29, 1972 (P.L.1682, No.360),
    20  is amended to read:
    21                               AN ACT
    22  Declaring the policy of the Commonwealth with regard to
    23     discriminatory practices in educational institutions based

     1     upon race, religion, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual
     2     orientation, gender identity or expression, or sex;
     3     prohibiting such discriminatory practices; providing for
     4     procedure and enforcement; providing for judicial review;
     5     providing for administration by the Pennsylvania Human
     6     Relations Commission in the Department of Labor and Industry;
     7     and defining its functions, powers and duties hereunder.
     8     Section 2.  Section 2 of the act, amended December 22, 1992
     9  (P.L.1688, No.187), is amended to read:
    10     Section 2.  Findings and Declaration of Policy.--(a)  It is
    11  hereby declared to be the policy of this Commonwealth that all
    12  persons shall have equal opportunities for education regardless
    13  of their race, religion, color, ancestry, national origin,
    14  sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sex, handicap
    15  or disability.
    16     (b)  Equality of educational opportunities requires that
    17  students, otherwise qualified, be admitted to certain
    18  educational institutions without regard to race, religion,
    19  color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
    20  identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability.
    21     (c)  It is recognized that there is a fundamental American
    22  right for members of various religious faiths to establish and
    23  maintain educational institutions exclusively or primarily for
    24  students of their own religious faith. In such institutions
    25  students, otherwise qualified, should have equal opportunity to
    26  attend therein without discrimination because of race, ancestry,
    27  national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or
    28  expression, handicap or disability or, except as provided in
    29  section 9, sex.
    30     (d)  This act shall be deemed an exercise of the police power
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     1  of the Commonwealth for the protection of the public welfare,
     2  prosperity, health and peace of the people of the Commonwealth
     3  of Pennsylvania.
     4     Section 3.  Section 3 of the act is amended by adding clauses
     5  to read:
     6     Section 3.  Definitions.--As used in this act--
     7     * * *
     8     (9)  "Sexual orientation" means actual or perceived
     9  heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality.
    10     (10)  "Gender identity or expression" means actual or
    11  perceived gender identity, appearance, behavior, expression or
    12  physical characteristics whether or not associated with an
    13  individual's assigned sex at birth.
    14     Section 4.  Sections 4(a) and (a.1), 6(4), 7.1 and 9(a) and
    15  (c) of the act, amended or added December 22, 1992 (P.L.1688,
    16  No.187), are amended to read:
    17     Section 4.  Unfair Educational Practices.--(a)  Except as
    18  provided in section 9, it shall be an unfair educational
    19  practice for an educational institution--
    20     (1)  To exclude or limit, or otherwise discriminate, because
    21  of race, religion, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual
    22  orientation, gender identity or expression, sex, handicap or
    23  disability, against any student or students seeking admission as
    24  students to such institutions: Provided, That it shall not be
    25  unfair educational practice for any educational institution to
    26  use criteria other than race, religion, color, ancestry,
    27  national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or
    28  expression, sex, handicap or disability in the admission of
    29  students.
    30     (2)  To make any written or oral inquiry prior to admission
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     1  concerning or designed to elicit information as to the race,
     2  religion, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation,
     3  gender identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability of a
     4  student seeking admission to such institution.
     5     (3)  To expel, suspend, punish, deny facilities or otherwise
     6  discriminate against any student because of race, religion,
     7  color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
     8  identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability.
     9     (4)  To penalize or discriminate against any individual
    10  because he has initiated, testified, participated or assisted in
    11  any proceedings under this act.
    12     (5)  To fail to preserve for a period of three years any
    13  records, documents and data dealing with, or pertaining to, the
    14  admission, rejection, expulsion or suspension of students, or to
    15  refuse to make such records, documents and data available at all
    16  times for the inspection of the commission.
    17     (6)  To construct, operate or otherwise make available
    18  facilities and services which are not accessible.
    19     (7)  To exclude, limit or otherwise discriminate against any
    20  student or applicant because of the handicap or disability of an
    21  individual with whom the student or applicant is known to have a
    22  relationship or association.
    23     (8)  To deny an individual with a handicap or disability
    24  equal opportunities for education because of uninsurability or
    25  increased cost of insurance.
    26     (a.1)  Except as provided in section 9, it shall be an unfair
    27  educational practice for a religious educational institution--
    28     (1)  To exclude or limit, or otherwise discriminate, because
    29  of race, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation,
    30  gender identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability,
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     1  against any student or students seeking admission as students to
     2  such institutions: Provided, That it shall not be unfair
     3  educational practice for any religious educational institution
     4  to use criteria other than race, color, ancestry, national
     5  origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sex,
     6  handicap or disability in the admission of students.
     7     (2)  To make any written or oral inquiry prior to admission
     8  concerning or designed to elicit information as to the race,
     9  color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender
    10  identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability of a student
    11  seeking admission to such institution.
    12     (3)  To expel, suspend, punish, deny facilities or otherwise
    13  discriminate against any student because of race, color,
    14  ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity
    15  or expression, sex, handicap or disability.
    16     (4)  To penalize or discriminate against any individual
    17  because such person has initiated, testified, participated or
    18  assisted in any proceedings under this act.
    19     (5)  To construct, operate or otherwise make available
    20  facilities and services which are not accessible.
    21     (6)  To exclude, limit or otherwise discriminate against any
    22  student or applicant because of the handicap or disability of an
    23  individual with whom the student or applicant is known to have a
    24  relationship or association.
    25     (7)  To deny an individual with a handicap or disability
    26  equal opportunities for education because of uninsurability or
    27  increased cost of insurance.
    28     * * *
    29     Section 6.  Powers and Duties of the Commission.--Without in
    30  anywise detracting from, or in derogation or diminution of the
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     1  duties of the commission as set forth in the act of October 27,
     2  1955 (P.L.744), known as the "Pennsylvania Human Relations Act,"
     3  said commission is hereby vested with the following powers and
     4  duties--
     5     * * *
     6     (4)  To formulate, recommend and carry out a comprehensive
     7  program designed to eliminate and prevent prejudice and
     8  discrimination in educational institutions, based upon race,
     9  religion, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation,
    10  gender identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability
    11  except religious discrimination in religious or denominational
    12  institutions and except, as to sex, as provided in section 9.
    13     * * *
    14     Section 7.1.  Right of Action.--(a)  In cases involving a
    15  claim of discrimination, if a complainant invokes the procedures
    16  set forth in this act, that individual's right of action in the
    17  courts of the Commonwealth shall not be foreclosed. If, within
    18  one year after the filing of a complaint with the commission,
    19  the commission dismisses the complaint or has not entered into a
    20  conciliation agreement to which the complainant is a party, the
    21  commission must so notify the complainant. On receipt of such a
    22  notice, the complainant shall be able to bring an action in the
    23  courts of common pleas of the Commonwealth based on the right to
    24  freedom from discrimination granted by this act.
    25     (b)  An action under this section shall be filed within two
    26  years after the date of notice from the commission closing the
    27  complaint. Any complaint so filed shall be served on the
    28  commission at the time the complaint is filed in court. The
    29  commission shall notify the complainant of this requirement.
    30     (c)  If the court finds that the respondent has engaged in or
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     1  is engaging in an unlawful discriminatory practice charged in
     2  the complaint, the court shall enjoin the respondent from
     3  engaging in such unlawful discriminatory practice and order
     4  affirmative action which may include, but not be limited to,
     5  reinstatement, admitting students, reimbursement of tuition or
     6  fees, or any other legal or equitable relief, including damages
     7  caused by humiliation and embarrassment and punitive damages, as
     8  the court deems appropriate.
     9     (d)  The court shall serve upon the commission any final
    10  order issued in any action brought under this section.
    11     (e)  If, after a trial held pursuant to subsection (a), the
    12  court of common pleas finds that a defendant engaged in or is
    13  engaging in any unlawful discriminatory practice as defined in
    14  this act, the court [may] shall award attorney fees and costs to
    15  the prevailing plaintiff.
    16     (f)  If, after a trial held pursuant to subsection (a), the
    17  court of common pleas finds that a defendant has not engaged in
    18  or is not engaging in any unlawful discriminatory practice as
    19  defined in this act, the court may award attorney fees and costs
    20  to the prevailing defendant if the defendant proves that the
    21  complaint was brought in bad faith.
    22     (g)  The time limits for filing any complaint or other
    23  pleading under this act shall be subject to waiver, estoppel and
    24  equitable tolling.
    25     (h)  Nothing in this act shall be construed as superseding
    26  any provision of the act of October 15, 1980 (P.L.950, No.164),
    27  known as the "Commonwealth Attorneys Act." All court actions
    28  commenced by or against the commission shall be subject to the
    29  provisions of that act.
    30     (i)  In any action under this section, a complainant may
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     1  demand a trial by jury.
     2     Section 9.  Construction.--(a)  The provisions of this act
     3  shall be construed liberally for the accomplishment of the
     4  purposes thereof and any law inconsistent with any provisions
     5  hereof shall not apply. Nothing contained in this act shall be
     6  deemed to repeal any of the provisions of any law of this
     7  Commonwealth relating to discrimination because of race,
     8  religion, color, ancestry, national origin, sexual orientation,
     9  gender identity or expression, sex, handicap or disability. This
    10  act shall not be construed to prohibit any educational
    11  institution which is neither State-owned nor State-related, nor
    12  State-aided, from drawing its enrollment entirely from members
    13  of one sex or from the sexes in any proportion, nor shall
    14  anything herein contained prevent any educational institution
    15  which is State-owned, State-related or State-aided from
    16  requiring each applicant for admission to state in the
    17  application for admission such applicant's sex to supplement and
    18  implement the institution's facts for planning purposes but only
    19  for such planning purposes and not for any discriminatory
    20  purposes. For the purpose of this section the term "State-owned"
    21  institution means the institutions comprising the State System
    22  of Higher Education; the term "State-related" institutions means
    23  the University of Pittsburgh, Temple University, Lincoln
    24  University and the Pennsylvania State University; the term
    25  "State-aided" institution means the Delaware Valley College of
    26  Science and Agriculture, Drexel University, Hahnemann
    27  University, Thomas Jefferson University, the Medical College of
    28  Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania College
    29  of Podiatric Medicine, Pennsylvania College of Optometry,
    30  Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, Philadelphia
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     1  College of Textiles and Science, and University of the Arts.
     2     * * *
     3     (c)  Except as provided in section 7.1, nothing contained in
     4  this act shall be deemed to repeal or supersede any of the
     5  provisions of any existing or hereafter adopted municipal
     6  ordinance, municipal charter or of any law of this Commonwealth
     7  relating to discrimination because of race, color, ancestry,
     8  age, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, sex,
     9  religion, national origin or handicap or disability. As to acts
    10  declared unlawful by section 4, the procedure provided in
    11  section 7.1 shall, when invoked, be exclusive. Any final
    12  determination under section 7.1 shall exclude any other action,
    13  civil or criminal, based on the same grievance without resorting
    14  to the procedure provided in this act, and such complainant may
    15  not subsequently resort to the procedure in this act. In the
    16  event of a conflict between the interpretation of a provision of
    17  this act and the interpretation of a similar provision contained
    18  in any municipal ordinance, the interpretation of the provision
    19  in this act shall apply to the municipal ordinance.
    20     Section 5.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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