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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 3857



No. 2010 Session of 2004

           LaGROTTA AND ROONEY, MAY 12, 2004

           MAY 12, 2004

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, establishing a disposal fee for
     3     municipal waste landfills and for residual waste and
     4     construction and demolition waste processing and disposal
     5     fees; further providing for the deposit of and surcharge for
     6     various fees and for allocations from the Environmental
     7     Stewardship Fund; establishing a Toxics Release Inventory fee
     8     for deposit in the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund; and making
     9     repeals.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 6103 of Title 27 of the Pennsylvania
    13  Consolidated Statutes is amended by adding definitions to read:
    14  § 6103.  Definitions.
    15     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    16  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    17  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    18     "Account."  The Environmental Revitalization Account
    19  established within the Environmental Stewardship Fund under
    20  section 6104.1(a) (relating to restricted account).
    21     * * *

     1     "Growing greener bond referendum."  A referendum authorizing
     2  the Commonwealth to incur indebtedness of up to $800,000,000 for
     3  environmental, conservation and community revitalization
     4  initiatives.
     5     * * *
     6     Section 2.  Section 6104(d) of Title 27 is amended to read:
     7  § 6104.  Fund.
     8     * * *
     9     (d)  Allocation.--[It is the intent of the General Assembly
    10  that the] The money appropriated in subsection (c) shall be
    11  allocated annually as follows:
    12         (1)  For fiscal year 1999-2000, 28.4% to the Department
    13     of Conservation and Natural Resources, 43.7% to the
    14     Department of Environmental Protection and 27.9% to the
    15     authority.
    16         (2)  For fiscal years 2000-2001 [through 2003-2004] and
    17     each year thereafter, 24.1% to the Department of Conservation
    18     and Natural Resources, 37.4% to the Department of
    19     Environmental Protection, 14.8% to the Department of
    20     Agriculture and 23.7% to the authority.
    21         [(3)  For fiscal year 2004-2005 and each year thereafter,
    22     moneys in the fund shall be allocated in accordance with
    23     paragraph (1).]
    24     * * *
    25     Section 3.  Title 27 is amended by adding a section to read:
    26  § 6104.1.  Restricted account.
    27     (a)  Account established.--There is hereby established within
    28  the fund a restricted account to be known as the Environmental
    29  Revitalization Account. This restricted account shall receive
    30  all moneys collected under sections 6302(3)(ii) or (iii)
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     1  (relating to deposit of disposal fee) and 6307(f) (relating to
     2  residual waste and construction and demolition waste processing
     3  and disposal fees).
     4     (b)  Use of moneys in account.--Moneys in the account are
     5  hereby appropriated upon approval of the Governor as follows:
     6         (1)  To the State Treasurer for payment of any debt
     7     service on bonds issued pursuant to the approval of the
     8     electorate of the growing greener referendum bond. The full
     9     amount of the debt service on such bonds in any fiscal year
    10     shall be provided before moneys in the account may be
    11     provided for other uses.
    12         (2)  To the General Fund for reimbursement for the tax
    13     exclusion in section 204(65) of the act of March 4, 1971
    14     (P.L.6, No.2), known as the Tax Reform Code of 1971, for
    15     certain energy-efficient appliances.
    16         (3)  To the Department of General Services for the cost
    17     of increasing the percentage of electricity derived from
    18     renewable sources purchased by the Department of General
    19     Services from 10% to 20% of the total amount of electricity
    20     purchased.
    21         (4)  To the Department of Community and Economic
    22     Development for historic preservation tax credit grants
    23     pursuant to legislation enacted for this purpose.
    24         (5)  To a fund dedicated to recycling, if one exists, up
    25     to $25,000,000 annually if the growing greener bond
    26     referendum is approved by the electorate. If the referendum
    27     is not approved by the electorate, the transfer may be up to
    28     $8,000,000 annually.
    29         (6)  To the Department of Community and Economic
    30     Development for the Center for Local Government Services up
    20040H2010B3857                  - 3 -     

     1     to $7,500,000 annually.
     2         (7)  To the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund for distribution
     3     as provided in section 6104 (relating to fund) any balance
     4     determined by the Secretary of the Budget to be remaining in
     5     the account at the end of a fiscal year and available for
     6     transfer.
     7     Section 4.  Section 6105(e) of Title 27 is amended to read:
     8  § 6105.  Agencies.
     9     * * *
    10     (e)  Administrative expense limitation.--The departments,
    11  authority and grant recipients that receive moneys from the fund
    12  for the purposes set forth in this section may not expend more
    13  than [2%] 3% of the moneys on administrative expenses.
    14     * * *
    15     Section 5.  Section 6110 of Title 27 is repealed.
    16     Section 6.  Sections 6301 and 6302 of Title 27 are amended to
    17  read:
    18  § 6301.  Disposal fee for municipal waste landfills.
    19     (a)  Imposition.--Except as otherwise provided in subsection
    20  (b) and pursuant to the schedule for imposition set forth in
    21  subsection (d), each operator of a municipal waste landfill
    22  shall pay, in the same manner prescribed in Chapter 7 of the act
    23  of July 27, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste
    24  Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, a disposal fee of
    25  [$4] $9 per ton for all solid waste disposed of at the municipal
    26  waste landfill. The fee established in this section shall apply
    27  to process residue and nonprocessible waste from a resource
    28  recovery facility that is disposed of at the municipal waste
    29  landfill and is in addition to the fee established in section
    30  701 of the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste
    20040H2010B3857                  - 4 -     

     1  Reduction Act.
     2     (b)  Exceptions.--The fee established under this section
     3  shall not apply to the following:
     4         (1)  Process residue and nonprocessible waste from a
     5     resource recovery facility that is permitted and used for
     6     beneficial use or [for use] permitted and used as alternate
     7     daily cover at a municipal waste landfill.
     8         (2)  Solid waste from a hazardous waste treatment
     9     facility that is converted into nonhazardous waste and
    10     disposed of at a municipal waste landfill.
    11     (c)  Operator.--For purposes of imposition of the disposal
    12  fee under this section, the term "operator" shall be defined
    13  consistent with the definition of "operator" in the Municipal
    14  Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act and shall
    15  include municipalities or municipal authorities that operate
    16  disposal facilities.
    17     (d)  Schedule for imposition.--The disposal fee established
    18  by subsection (a) shall be imposed pursuant to the following
    19  schedule:
    20         (1)  The initial $4 represents the fee in effect prior to
    21     the effective date of this section and shall continue in
    22     effect without interruption.
    23         (2)  Imposition of the next $2.50 shall occur and be
    24     effective July 1, 2004.
    25         (3)  Imposition of the remaining $2.50 shall occur if and
    26     only if the electorate approves the growing greener bond
    27     referendum. In that event, the imposition of this portion of
    28     the fee shall occur on the date that the Secretary of the
    29     Commonwealth certifies the results of the referendum, but
    30     shall be effective retroactively to November 3, 2004.
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     1  § 6302.  Deposit of disposal fee.
     2         (1)  For the fiscal year 2002-2003, fees received by the
     3     department pursuant to section 6301 (relating to disposal fee
     4     for municipal waste landfills) shall be paid into the State
     5     Treasury as follows:
     6             (i)  The first $50,000,000 in fees collected shall be
     7         deposited into the Environmental Stewardship Fund
     8         established in Chapter 61 (relating to environmental
     9         stewardship and watershed protection).
    10             (ii)  Any fees collected thereafter shall be
    11         deposited in the General Fund.
    12         (2)  For the fiscal year 2003-2004 [and beyond], all fees
    13     collected shall be deposited into the Environmental
    14     Stewardship Fund established in Chapter 61 established in
    15     Chapter 61.
    16         (3)  For the fiscal year 2004-2005 and each year
    17     thereafter, the disposal fee collected under section 6301(a)
    18     shall, subject to the effective dates of the imposition of
    19     the increase to the fee described in section 6301(d), be
    20     deposited as follows:
    21             (i)  The initial $5 per ton shall be deposited into
    22         the fund.
    23             (ii)  The remaining $4 per ton shall be deposited
    24         into the account.
    25             (iii)  If the growing greener bond referendum is not
    26         approved by the electorate, the initial $5 per ton shall
    27         be deposited into the fund and the remaining $1.50 per
    28         ton shall be deposited into the account.
    29     Section 7.  Section 6304 of Title 27 is repealed.
    30     Section 8.  Title 27 is amended by adding sections to read:
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     1  § 6307.  Residual waste and construction and demolition waste
     2             processing and disposal fees.
     3     (a)  Landfill.--Each operator of a residual waste
     4  incinerator, each operator of a residual waste landfill and each
     5  operator of a residual waste impoundment shall pay, in the
     6  manner prescribed by the Department of Environmental Protection
     7  that is similar to the manner set forth in Chapter 7 of the act
     8  of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101), known as the Municipal Waste
     9  Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, a processing fee of
    10  $4 per ton for all solid waste processed at a residual waste
    11  incinerator, all solid waste disposed at a residual waste
    12  landfill or all solid waste disposed at a residual waste
    13  impoundment, respectively. This fee shall be paid for all solid
    14  waste processed at captive and noncaptive residual waste
    15  incinerators, and disposed at residual waste landfills and
    16  residual waste impoundments.
    17     (b)  Incinerator.--Each operator of a municipal waste
    18  incinerator that processes residual waste shall pay, in the
    19  manner prescribed by the department that is similar to the
    20  manner set forth in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Waste Planning,
    21  Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, a processing fee of $4 per
    22  ton for all residual waste processed at the municipal waste
    23  incinerator.
    24     (c)  Other residual waste facility.--Each operator of a
    25  residual waste processing facility other than a residual waste
    26  incinerator or a residual waste composting facility shall pay,
    27  in the manner prescribed by the department that is similar to
    28  the manner set forth in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Waste
    29  Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, a processing fee of
    30  $2 per ton for all solid waste processed at a residual waste
    20040H2010B3857                  - 7 -     

     1  processing facility. This fee shall be paid for all residual
     2  waste processed at a captive and noncaptive residual waste
     3  processing facility except that the fee shall not be applied to
     4  that portion of the waste that the department determines is
     5  wastewater.
     6     (d)  Construction and demolition.--Each operator of a
     7  construction and demolition waste landfill shall pay, in the
     8  manner prescribed by the department that is similar to the
     9  manner set forth in Chapter 7 of the Municipal Waste Planning,
    10  Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, a disposal fee of $2 per ton
    11  for all solid waste disposed at a construction and demolition
    12  waste landfill.
    13     (e)  Operator.--For purposes of imposition of the processing
    14  and disposal fees under this section, the term "operator" shall
    15  be defined consistent with the definition of "operator" in the
    16  Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste Reduction Act, and
    17  shall include municipalities or municipal authorities that
    18  operate processing or disposal facilities.
    19     (f)  Deposit of fees.--For the fiscal year 2004-2005 and each
    20  year thereafter, all fees collected under this section shall be
    21  deposited into the account.
    22     (g)  Cap provisions.--The residual waste disposal and
    23  processing fees established by this section are subject to the
    24  annual cap provisions set forth in section 6308(c) (relating to
    25  toxic reduction inventory fees). The fees established by
    26  subsections (a) and (c) are not applicable to residual wastes
    27  that are processed and beneficially used under a beneficial use
    28  general permit or a beneficial use permit-by-rule. The fees
    29  established by subsection (d) are not applicable to construction
    30  and demolition wastes that are processed and beneficially used
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     1  under a beneficial use general permit and a beneficial use
     2  permit-by-rule.
     3  § 6308.  Toxic Reduction Inventory fees.
     4     (a)  Usage of terms.--For purposes of this section, the term
     5  TRI shall refer to the program established by section 313 of the
     6  Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act of 1986
     7  (Title III of Public Law 99-499, 42 U.S.C. § 11001 et seq.) or
     8  the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (Public
     9  Law 99-499, 100 Stat. 1613). The term TRI fee shall refer to the
    10  fee assessed under this section.
    11     (b)  Basic fees.--Beginning with the requirement to report
    12  activities that occurred during calendar year 2003, on or before
    13  July 1, 2004, and continuing each year thereafter, the owner or
    14  operator of a facility subject to the reporting requirements of
    15  section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-
    16  Know Act of 1986 shall pay a fee of 15¢ per pound for the
    17  reported release and waste management of specifically listed
    18  chemicals that the owner or operator is required to report under
    19  section 313 of that act to the Department of Labor and Industry.
    20  The fee does not apply to reported transfers offsite for further
    21  waste management in the following categories:
    22         (1)  Transfers offsite for recycling.
    23         (2)  Transfers offsite for energy recovery.
    24         (3)  Transfer offsite for treatment.
    25         (4)  Transfers to publicly owned treatment works except
    26     transfers of metal and metal category compounds.
    27     (c)  General limitation.--Subject to the requirements of
    28  subsection (d), an owner's or operator's annual TRI fees under
    29  this section may not be more than $2,000,000 per year for all of
    30  the owner's or operator's facilities in this Commonwealth.
    20040H2010B3857                  - 9 -     

     1     (d)  Specific limitation.--An owner's or operator's annual
     2  TRI fees under this section and the fees for residual waste
     3  disposal and processing established by section 6307 (relating to
     4  residual waste and construction and demolition waste processing
     5  and disposal fees) may not be more than $5,000,000 for all of
     6  the owner's or operator's facilities in this Commonwealth. The
     7  fees established by this section shall be given priority for
     8  payment when the combined amount of fees from this section and
     9  section 6307 is more than the $5,000,000 limitation in this
    10  subsection.
    11     (e)  Deposit of fees.--The fees established under this
    12  section shall be deposited in the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Fund
    13  established in the act of October 18, 1988 (P.L.756, No.108),
    14  known as the Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act. The fees shall be
    15  expended consistent with the requirements of section 902 of that
    16  act.
    17     (f)  Additional fees.--The fees established by this section
    18  are in addition to the fees established in section 207 of the
    19  act of December 7, 1990 (P.L.639, No.165), known as the
    20  Hazardous Material Emergency Planning and Response Act, and the
    21  owner or operator of a facility subject to the fees established
    22  by this section shall pay the fees established in this section
    23  to the Department of Labor and Industry at the same time it pays
    24  the toxic chemical release form fee established by section
    25  207(e) of that act.
    26  § 6309.  Collection and enforcement of fees.
    27     The fees established in sections 6301 (relating to disposal
    28  fee for municipal waste landfills), 6307 (relating to residual
    29  waste and construction and demolition waste processing and
    30  disposal fees) and 6308 (relating to Toxic Reduction Inventory
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     1  fees) shall be collected and enforced in the manner prescribed
     2  by section 703 of the act of July 28, 1988 (P.L.556, No.101),
     3  known as the Municipal Waste Planning, Recycling and Waste
     4  Reduction Act, for the collection and enforcement of recycling
     5  fees.
     6     Section 9.  (a)  The following acts and parts of acts are
     7  repealed:
     8     Act of December 30, 2002 (P.L.2081, No.233), entitled "An act
     9  providing for a deposit into the Agricultural Conservation
    10  Easement Purchase Fund."
    11     (b)  All other acts and parts of acts are repealed insofar as
    12  they are inconsistent with 27 Pa.C.S. Pt. V.
    13     Section 10.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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