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under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2275



No. 1755 Session of 2003

           AND YUDICHAK, JUNE 27, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for financial assistance to certain distressed areas
     2     of this Commonwealth; creating the Targeted Redevelopment
     3     Assistance for Communities Loan Fund and the Targeted
     4     Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan Sinking Fund;
     5     conferring powers and duties on the Department of Community
     6     and Economic Development; authorizing the incurring of
     7     indebtedness; and making an appropriation.

     8                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
     9  Chapter 1.  General Provisions
    10  Sec. 101.  Short title.
    11  Sec. 102.  Legislative intent.
    12  Sec. 103.  Definitions.
    13  Chapter 3.  Targeted Redevelopment Assistance
    14  Sec. 301.  Establishment of program.
    15  Sec. 302.  Creation of fund.
    16  Sec. 303.  Project eligibility.
    17  Sec. 304.  Application requirements and procedures.
    18  Sec. 305.  Selection criteria.
    19  Sec. 306.  Conditions for award of loans.

     1  Sec. 307.  Repayment and default of redevelopment partnership
     2                 loans.
     3  Sec. 308.  Repayment and default of local government loans.
     4  Chapter 5.  Bond Issuance
     5  Sec. 501.  Referendum.
     6  Sec. 502.  Commonwealth indebtedness.
     7  Sec. 503.  Sale of bonds.
     8  Sec. 504.  Disposition and use of proceeds.
     9  Sec. 505.  Registration of bonds.
    10  Sec. 506.  Expenses.
    11  Sec. 507.  Temporary financing authorization.
    12  Sec. 508.  Debt retirement.
    13  Sec. 509.  Annual limitation on debt obligations issued.
    14  Sec. 510.  Expiration.
    15  Chapter 21.  Miscellaneous Provisions
    16  Sec. 2101.  Additional powers and duties of department.
    17  Sec. 2102.  Nondiscrimination.
    18  Sec. 2103.  Conflict of interest.
    19  Sec. 2104.  Effective date.
    20     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    21  hereby enacts as follows:
    22                             CHAPTER 1
    23                         GENERAL PROVISIONS
    24  Section 101.  Short title.
    25     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Targeted
    26  Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan Act.
    27  Section 102.  Legislative intent.
    28     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    29         (1)  There exists in distressed areas of this
    30     Commonwealth a condition of substantial and persistent
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     1     unemployment and underemployment which causes hardship to
     2     many individuals and families, wastes vital human resources,
     3     increases the public assistance burdens of this Commonwealth
     4     and municipalities, impairs the security of family life,
     5     contributes to the growth of crime and delinquency, prevents
     6     many of our youth from finishing their educations, impedes
     7     the economic and physical development of municipalities and
     8     adversely affects the welfare and prosperity of all the
     9     people of this Commonwealth.
    10         (2)  Many existing industrial, manufacturing, commercial
    11     and retail facilities in such areas are obsolete,
    12     inefficient, abandoned and dilapidated, underutilized or in
    13     the process of being vacated.
    14         (3)  Unemployment and the absence of new economic
    15     opportunities in such areas has tended to reduce the tax base
    16     of municipalities and impair their financial ability to
    17     support education and other local governmental services.
    18         (4)  New industrial, manufacturing, commercial and retail
    19     facilities are necessary to attract and house new job-
    20     producing enterprises which will reduce unemployment and
    21     stabilize the local tax base.
    22         (5)  The unaided efforts of private enterprise have not
    23     met and cannot meet the needs of providing such facilities
    24     due to problems encountered in assembling suitable building
    25     sites, the unavailability of private capital for development
    26     in distressed areas and the inability of private enterprise
    27     alone to plan, finance and coordinate industrial,
    28     manufacturing, commercial and retail development within such
    29     distressed areas.
    30         (6)  The health, safety, morals and general welfare of
    20030H1755B2275                  - 3 -     

     1     the people of this Commonwealth are directly dependent upon
     2     the continual encouragement, development, growth and
     3     expansion of business, industry and commerce within
     4     distressed areas in this Commonwealth.
     5         (7)  Unemployment, the spread of indigency and the heavy
     6     burden of public assistance and unemployment compensation can
     7     best be avoided by the promotion, attraction, stimulation,
     8     development, retention, rehabilitation and expansion of
     9     business, industry and commerce within distressed areas in
    10     this Commonwealth.
    11         (8)  There exists throughout this Commonwealth areas that
    12     constitute a serious and growing menace, injurious and
    13     inimical to the health, safety, morals and general welfare of
    14     the residents of this Commonwealth.
    15         (9)  Each of these areas contributes substantially to the
    16     spread of disease and crime, necessitating excessive and
    17     disproportionate expenditure of public funds for the
    18     preservation of the public health and safety, for crime
    19     prevention, correction, prosecution and punishment and the
    20     treatment of juvenile delinquency and for the maintenance of
    21     adequate police, fire and accident protection and other
    22     public services and facilities.
    23         (10)  Each of these areas constitutes an economic and
    24     social liability, substantially impairs or arrests the sound
    25     growth of municipalities and retards the provisions of
    26     housing accommodations, and each decreases the value of
    27     private investments and threatens the sources of public
    28     revenue and the financial stability of communities.
    29         (11)  Economic and social interdependence of different
    30     communities and of different areas within single communities
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     1     and the redevelopment of land and buildings to promote the
     2     sound growth of the community is necessary in order to
     3     achieve comprehensive reversal of existing substandard
     4     conditions and to prevent the recurrence of such conditions
     5     or their development in other parts of the community or in
     6     other communities.
     7         (12)  Many areas are beyond remedy and control solely by
     8     regulatory process in the exercise of the police power and
     9     cannot be dealt with effectively by the ordinary operations
    10     of private enterprise without the aids provided under this
    11     act, the acquisition of property, the removal of structures
    12     and improvement of sites and the disposition of the property
    13     for redevelopment incidental to the foregoing.
    14         (13)  Acquisition, planning, clearance, conservation,
    15     rehabilitation or rebuilding of projects for residential,
    16     governmental, recreational, educational, hospital, business,
    17     industrial, manufacturing, commercial, retail or other
    18     purposes, including the provision of streets, parks,
    19     recreational areas and other open spaces, are benefits for
    20     which public funds may be expended for the good and welfare
    21     of this Commonwealth.
    22         (14)  While certain projects, or portions thereof, may
    23     require acquisition and clearance because the state of
    24     deterioration may make impracticable the reclamation of such
    25     areas or portions by conservation and rehabilitation, other
    26     projects, or portions thereof, are in such condition that
    27     they may be conserved or rehabilitated in a manner that the
    28     conditions and evils enumerated in this section may be
    29     alleviated or eliminated.
    30         (15)  It is the policy of this Commonwealth to promote
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     1     the health, safety, morals and general welfare of its
     2     inhabitants and to promote a vigorous and growing economy, to
     3     prevent economic stagnation and to encourage the creation of
     4     new job opportunities in order to protect against the hazards
     5     of unemployment, reduce the level of public assistance to now
     6     indigent individuals and families, increase revenues to the
     7     Commonwealth and to its municipalities and to achieve stable
     8     and diversified local economies.
     9         (16)  In furtherance of these goals, it is the policy of
    10     the Commonwealth to retain and expand existing enterprises
    11     and to attract new enterprises through the acquisition,
    12     construction, reconstruction and rehabilitation of industrial
    13     and manufacturing plants, commercial and retail facilities,
    14     and to prepare and cause to be developed sites for new
    15     industrial, manufacturing, commercial and retail buildings
    16     and facilities.
    17         (17)  It is also the policy of this Commonwealth to
    18     promote the development of such sites, reasonably accessible
    19     to impoverished residential concentrations, particularly in
    20     those areas where substantial unemployment or underemployment
    21     exists, to the end that the industrial, manufacturing,
    22     commercial and retail development of our distressed areas
    23     will proceed in sound fashion and in coordination with
    24     development of other industrial, manufacturing, commercial
    25     and retail facilities and housing, mass transportation and
    26     public services, and that employment opportunities will be
    27     available in those areas where people lack jobs.
    28  Section 103.  Definitions.
    29     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    30  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
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     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     "Applicant."  Any municipality which has a targeted area.
     3     "Business enterprise activity."  Industrial, manufacturing,
     4  commercial, retail or any other activity undertaken to further
     5  the development, manufacturing, distribution or sale of goods
     6  and services, including, but not limited to, research and
     7  development, warehousing, shipping, transport or
     8  remanufacturing.
     9     "Department."  The Department of Community and Economic
    10  Development of the Commonwealth.
    11     "Distressed area."  A municipality determined by the
    12  Department of Community and Economic Development to be or at
    13  risk of becoming distressed.
    14     "Fund."  The Targeted Redevelopment Assistance for
    15  Communities Loan Fund created in section 302.
    16     "Investor-developer."  Any person, municipality, partnership,
    17  corporation or other entity that is engaged in the development,
    18  for use by occupants, of one or more projects and is determined
    19  by the Department of Community and Economic Development to be
    20  financially responsible to assume all obligations in the
    21  acquisition, development, construction, leasing, sale, operation
    22  and financing, in whole or in part, of a project, including, but
    23  not limited to:
    24         (1)  An industrial and commercial development authority
    25     organized pursuant to or industrial development authority as
    26     certified by the Department of Community and Economic
    27     Development under the act of August 23, 1967 (P.L.251,
    28     No.102), known as the Economic Development Financing Law.
    29         (2)  An industrial development corporation certified
    30     under the act of May 17, 1956 (1955 P.L.1609, No.537), known
    20030H1755B2275                  - 7 -     

     1     as the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority Act.
     2         (3)  A business improvement district organized under 53
     3     Pa.C.S. Ch. 54 (relating to business improvement districts).
     4         (4)  An authority created under 53 Pa.C.S. Ch. 56
     5     (relating to municipal authorities), for business
     6     improvements and administrative services.
     7         (5)  A redevelopment authority organized under the act of
     8     May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban
     9     Redevelopment Law.
    10         (6)  A community development corporation which meets
    11     criteria as developed by the Department of Community and
    12     Economic Development.
    13     "Issuing officials."  The Governor, the Auditor General and
    14  the State Treasurer.
    15     "Municipality."  Any city, borough, incorporated town,
    16  township or home rule municipality.
    17     "Program."  The Targeted Redevelopment Assistance for
    18  Communities Loan Program established in section 301.
    19     "Project."  Any or all of the following activities occurring
    20  within the geographic boundaries of an eligible applicant:
    21         (1)  The acquisition of land and buildings, including
    22     relocation costs.
    23         (2)  The demolition of buildings.
    24         (3)  The clearing or preparation of land or both.
    25         (4)  The construction of new or expanded industrial,
    26     manufacturing, commercial or retail facilities.
    27         (5)  The renovation, rehabilitation or conversion of
    28     existing industrial, manufacturing, commercial or retail
    29     facilities.
    30         (6)  The construction of new or reconstruction of
    20030H1755B2275                  - 8 -     

     1     existing infrastructure and utilities.
     2         (7)  The cleanup of hazardous materials.
     3     "Redevelopment."  Undertakings and activities made under the
     4  act of May 24, 1945 (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban
     5  Redevelopment Law, including, but not limited to, planning,
     6  acquisition, site preparation, demolition, rehabilitation,
     7  renovation, conservation, reuse, renewal, improvement,
     8  clearance, sale and lease of real property and improvements
     9  thereon.
    10     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Community and Economic
    11  Development of the Commonwealth.
    12     "Site."  The location of a project.
    13     "Targeted area."  Any distressed area in this Commonwealth as
    14  defined by this act.
    15                             CHAPTER 3
    17  Section 301.  Establishment of program.
    18     There is hereby created under the direction of the
    19  department, a program to be known as the Targeted Redevelopment
    20  Assistance for Communities Loan Program for the purpose of
    21  making redevelopment partnership and local government loans to
    22  an applicant for the financing of private development or public
    23  improvements or both by investor-developers in a targeted area
    24  which will meet program objectives.
    25  Section 302.  Creation of fund.
    26     (a)  General rule.--There is hereby created a restricted
    27  receipt account in the State Treasury to be known as the
    28  Targeted Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan Fund to
    29  which shall be credited:
    30         (1)  All proceeds from the sale of bonds or notes as
    20030H1755B2275                  - 9 -     

     1     approved under section 501.
     2         (2)  All proceeds from loan repayments.
     3         (3)  Any other deposits, payments or contributions from
     4     any other source made available to the fund.
     5     (b)  Revolving fund.--The fund shall operate as a revolving
     6  fund whereby all payments and interest made thereto may be
     7  applied and reapplied to the purposes of this act.
     8     (c)  Credit of moneys.--All deposits and contributions made
     9  to the fund shall immediately be credited in full to the fund.
    10     (d)  Expenses.--Expenses of the Commonwealth in carrying out
    11  the provisions of this act may be charged to the fund, including
    12  the underwriting of loans. These expenses shall not exceed 5% of
    13  the first $10,000,000 and 2% of subsequent fund allocations.
    14  Section 303.  Project eligibility.
    15     (a)  General rule.--An applicant shall be eligible for a loan
    16  under the program for a project that meets the following
    17  conditions:
    18         (1)  The total eligible cost of each project shall not be
    19     less than $300,000.
    20         (2)  The total amount of funds awarded to any one
    21     municipality shall not exceed 20% of the total funds
    22     available.
    23         (3)  The investor-developer shall provide detailed
    24     project information and commitments, in writing, from public
    25     and private financing sources, which when added to the amount
    26     of the proposed loan will confirm that the project is
    27     financially feasible. This documentation shall provide
    28     evidence that but for the moneys available from the fund the
    29     investor-developer would not be able to implement the
    30     project.
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     1         (4)  The total amount of Commonwealth funds in the
     2     project shall not exceed 50% of the total eligible project
     3     cost.
     4         (5)  The investor-developer shall contribute cash equity
     5     to the project in an amount equal to at least 10% of the
     6     total eligible project cost.
     7         (6)  The applicant shall hold at least one public hearing
     8     on the proposed project.
     9         (7)  The applicant shall approve the proposed project at
    10     a public meeting authorizing the submission of the
    11     application to the department in accordance with the
    12     requirements and procedures established by the department.
    13     (b)  Eligibility criteria.--The department shall establish
    14  criteria which shall include, but not be limited to, the
    15  following, which shall be used in addition to the requirements
    16  of subsection (a) to determine eligibility:
    17         (1)  The project will support a municipality in meeting a
    18     critical economic development need that cannot be achieved
    19     through other public or private financing or both.
    20         (2)  The project will create, renovate, rehabilitate or
    21     convert underused and vacant buildings and facilities for
    22     industrial, manufacturing, commercial and retail use, and
    23     business enterprise and related activities in targeted areas.
    24         (3)  The project will be of public benefit, in the public
    25     interest and for a public purpose, consistent with the sound
    26     needs of the municipality as a whole, by supporting economic
    27     development activities which result in job creation or job
    28     retention or both, and industrial, manufacturing, commercial
    29     and retail revitalization, and business enterprise activities
    30     or any combination thereof. Any benefit to private entities
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     1     or individuals will be indirect and incidental and not the
     2     primary purpose of the project as determined by the
     3     department.
     4         (4)  The project will be carried out under the direction
     5     and control of a responsible investor-developer, as
     6     determined by the department.
     7         (5)  The project will demonstrate the potential to
     8     generate and retain long-term employment.
     9     (c)  Historic places.--Projects which involve the removal of
    10  structures which have been included on the Pennsylvania Register
    11  of Historic Places in accordance with the provisions of 37
    12  Pa.C.S. (relating to historical and museums) shall not be
    13  eligible for funds under this program.
    14  Section 304.  Application requirements and procedures.
    15     (a)  General rule.--Application requirements and
    16  administrative procedures shall be established by the
    17  department.
    18     (b)  Form and manner.--Applications shall be submitted to and
    19  received by the department in the form and manner as the
    20  department may require and shall be accompanied by any
    21  additional documentation the department may request.
    22     (c)  Approval.--Upon receipt of the completed application,
    23  the department shall review the application and approve or
    24  disapprove it. A completed application shall include, but not be
    25  limited to:
    26         (1)  A description of the project.
    27         (2)  A legal description of all real estate involved in
    28     the project, including site control.
    29         (3)  The estimated cost of the project.
    30         (4)  A letter of intent or signed contractual agreement
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     1     by an investor-developer. The letter of intent shall include:
     2             (i)  A commitment that the proposed project will
     3         create an estimated number of full-time jobs and the
     4         types of jobs created.
     5             (ii)  A statement of willingness to provide security
     6         adequate to cover the cost of a loan, including principal
     7         and interest due to and owing to the date of foreclosure
     8         and any penalty imposed by the department.
     9     (d)  Notification.--The department shall notify the applicant
    10  of final approval or disapproval of the application within 45
    11  days following receipt of a completed application, including all
    12  supporting and required documentation.
    13  Section 305.  Selection criteria.
    14     (a)  General rule.--Distressed areas shall be eligible for
    15  consideration for a loan under this program.
    16     (b)  Criteria.--Applications shall be approved or disapproved
    17  based upon criteria which shall include, but not be limited to,
    18  any of the following:
    19         (1)  The ability of the investor-developer to finance the
    20     project and to repay the loans.
    21         (2)  The amount of private leverage in the project.
    22         (3)  The economic condition of the municipality.
    23         (4)  The severity of blight at the project site as
    24     described in section 12.1(c) of the act of May 24, 1945
    25     (P.L.991, No.385), known as the Urban Redevelopment Law.
    26         (5)  The potential for job creation and stabilization of
    27     the property tax base.
    28         (6)  The involvement of the restoration of structures
    29     which have been included on the Pennsylvania Register of
    30     Historic Places in accordance with the provisions of 37
    20030H1755B2275                 - 13 -     

     1     Pa.C.S. (relating to historical and museums).
     2     (c)  Project costs not to be considered.--In determining the
     3  ratio of public to private financing, the following types of
     4  project costs may not be considered:
     5         (1)  Developer fees exceeding 5% of the total project
     6     cost.
     7         (2)  Profit and overhead.
     8         (3)  Investment or any costs prior to the award of funds.
     9         (4)  Acquisition of an occupied portion of a partially or
    10     fully occupied building.
    11         (5)  Investment in working capital, inventory or start-up
    12     costs.
    13         (6)  Equipment which has a minimum depreciable life of
    14     less than five years.
    15         (7)  Debt service reserves and operating deficit or
    16     refinancing of existing debt.
    17         (8)  Tenant improvements.
    18         (9)  Buildings with public leases of more than 90%.
    19     (d)  Project costs to be considered.--In determining the
    20  ratio of public to private financing, the following types of
    21  project costs may be considered:
    22         (1)  Hard development costs associated with the
    23     development of real property, land acquisition, on-site
    24     improvements and construction and/or renovation costs.
    25         (2)  Capital equipment affixed to the real property which
    26     has a depreciable life of not less than five years.
    27         (3)  Soft costs which shall include developer fees up to
    28     5% of the total project cost and taxes.
    29         (4)  Legal expenses, architectural and engineering fees
    30     and construction period interest if paid to independent third
    20030H1755B2275                 - 14 -     

     1     parties.
     2  Section 306.  Conditions for award of loans.
     3     (a)  Redevelopment partnership loans.--No less than 90% of
     4  the fund shall be distributed by the department in the form of
     5  interest-free redevelopment partnership loans to approved
     6  applicants for distribution in the form of loans to investor-
     7  developers for the purposes set forth in this act.
     8     (b)  Local government loans.--No less than 10% of the fund
     9  shall be awarded in the form of local government loans to
    10  eligible applicants. These loans are to be awarded solely for
    11  the purpose of making public improvements in targeted areas for
    12  the purposes set forth in this act. The criteria for awarding
    13  these loans shall be determined by the department.
    14  Section 307.  Repayment and default of redevelopment partnership
    15                 loans.
    16     (a)  Interest.--An interest rate may be established by the
    17  applicant, and interest paid on the loan by the investor-
    18  developer shall be paid to the applicant. The principal shall be
    19  repaid to the Commonwealth and deposited into the fund.
    20     (b)  Penalty for private companies.--An investor-developer
    21  who fails to make the required amount of private investment
    22  shall be liable for a penalty equal to the full amount of the
    23  loan awarded to the applicant unless the penalty is waived by
    24  the department because the failure is due to circumstances
    25  outside the control of the investor-developer. The penalty shall
    26  be payable in one lump sum or in installments, as the department
    27  deems appropriate. The department shall submit notice of
    28  penalties and waivers of penalties to the Secretary of the
    29  Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives,
    30  along with the decision of the department on the imposition of
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     1  penalties and the reasons for this decision. The department is
     2  authorized to enforce this subsection. The department may bring
     3  an action to enforce this subsection in a court of competent
     4  jurisdiction.
     5     (c)  Penalty for municipalities.--If the department finds
     6  that a municipality has failed to meet its repayment obligation
     7  under this section, the department shall provide a written
     8  notice of violation to the municipality. Within 60 days of
     9  receipt of the notice of violation, the municipality shall
    10  report to the department the action which it is taking to meet
    11  its repayment obligation. If, within 180 days of receipt of the
    12  notice of violation, the municipality has failed to meet its
    13  repayment obligation, as determined by the department, the
    14  secretary shall notify the State Treasurer to withhold payment
    15  of all liquid fuels tax allocation funds payable to the
    16  municipality. Upon notification, the State Treasurer shall hold
    17  in escrow all moneys due to such municipality from the
    18  Commonwealth until such time as the department notifies the
    19  State Treasurer that the municipality has met its repayment
    20  obligation. The department shall provide the name of the
    21  municipality and the amount of funds withheld along with a
    22  rationale for the same to the Secretary of the Senate and the
    23  Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.
    24  Section 308.  Repayment and default of local government loans.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Eligible applicants shall repay principal
    26  on local government loans to the Commonwealth for deposit into
    27  the fund, unless repayment is waived by the secretary for
    28  reasons in keeping with the advancement of the purposes of this
    29  act.
    30     (b)  Tax increment financing.--In accordance with the act of
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     1  July 11, 1990 (P.L.465, No.113), known as the Tax Increment
     2  Financing Act, municipalities may authorize tax increment
     3  financing for the repayment of the public loan amount in whole
     4  or in part over a five-year period along with any proceeds which
     5  may be derived from the sale of any site acquired through the
     6  loan.
     7     (c)  Loan forgiveness.--If, after a five-year period of the
     8  authorization of the tax increment financing, there have not
     9  been any private taxable improvements made, then the public loan
    10  may be forgiven as determined by the department.
    11     (d)  Tax repayment.--If, within a five-year period of the
    12  authorization of tax increment financing improvements are made,
    13  the new taxes yielded shall be used to repay the local
    14  government loan.
    15     (e)  Penalties.--If the department finds that a municipality
    16  has failed to meet its repayment obligation under this section,
    17  the department shall provide a written notice of violation to
    18  the municipality. Within 60 days of receipt of the notice of
    19  violation, the municipality shall report to the department the
    20  action which it is taking to meet its repayment obligation. If
    21  within 180 days of receipt of the notice of violation, the
    22  municipality has failed to meet its repayment obligation, as
    23  determined by the department, the secretary shall notify the
    24  State Treasurer to withhold payment of all liquid fuels tax
    25  allocation funds payable to the municipality. Upon notification,
    26  the State Treasurer shall hold in escrow all moneys due to such
    27  municipality from the Commonwealth until such time as the
    28  department notifies the State Treasurer that the municipality
    29  has met its repayment obligation.
    30                             CHAPTER 5
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     1                           BOND ISSUANCE
     2  Section 501.  Referendum.
     3     (a)  Question.--The question of incurring indebtedness of
     4  $200,000,000 for the purposes of redevelopment assistance for
     5  communities in accordance with this act shall be submitted to
     6  the electors at the next primary, municipal or general election
     7  following enactment of this act.
     8     (b)  Certification.--The Secretary of the Commonwealth shall
     9  certify the form of the question under subsection (c) to the
    10  county boards of elections.
    11     (c)  Form of question.--The question shall be in
    12  substantially the following form:
    13         Do you favor the incurring of indebtedness by the
    14         Commonwealth of $200,000,000 to provide for redevelopment
    15         assistance loans to promote development and expansion of
    16         business, industry and commerce in distressed areas of
    17         this Commonwealth?
    18     (d)  Election.--The election shall be conducted at the next
    19  occurring general or municipal election following the effective
    20  date of this act, in accordance with the act of June 3, 1937
    21  (P.L.1333, No.320), known as the Pennsylvania Election Code,
    22  except that the time limits for advertisement of notice of the
    23  election may be waived as to the question.
    24     (e)  Proceeds.--Proceeds of borrowing shall be deposited in
    25  the Targeted Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan Fund
    26  and shall be used to implement the provisions of this act.
    27  Section 502.  Commonwealth indebtedness.
    28     (a)  Borrowing authorized.--Subject to the approval of the
    29  electorate of the referendum set forth in section 501 and under
    30  the provisions of section 7(a)(3) of Article VIII of the
    20030H1755B2275                 - 18 -     

     1  Constitution of Pennsylvania, the issuing officials are
     2  authorized and directed to borrow over a three-year period, on
     3  the credit of the Commonwealth, money not exceeding in the
     4  aggregate the sum of $200,000,000, not including money borrowed
     5  to refund outstanding bonds, notes or replacement notes, as may
     6  be found necessary to carry out the purposes of this act.
     7     (b)  Issuance.--As evidence of the indebtedness authorized in
     8  this act, general obligation bonds of the Commonwealth shall be
     9  issued, from time to time, to provide moneys necessary to carry
    10  out the purposes of this act for such total amounts, in such
    11  form, in such denominations and subject to such terms and
    12  conditions of issue, redemption and maturity, rate of interest
    13  and time of payment of interest as the issuing officials direct,
    14  except that the latest stated maturity date shall not exceed 20
    15  years from the date of the first obligation issued to evidence
    16  the debt.
    17     (c)  Signatures.--All bonds and notes issued under the
    18  authority of this act shall bear facsimile signatures of the
    19  issuing official and a facsimile of the great seal of the
    20  Commonwealth and shall be countersigned by a duly authorized
    21  officer of a duly authorized loan and transfer agent of the
    22  Commonwealth.
    23     (d)  Direct obligation of Commonwealth.--All bonds and notes
    24  issued in accordance with the provisions of this section shall
    25  be direct obligations of the Commonwealth, and the full faith
    26  and credit of the Commonwealth are hereby pledged for the
    27  payment of the interest thereon, as it becomes due, and the
    28  payment of the principal at maturity. The principal of and
    29  interest on the bonds and notes shall be payable in lawful money
    30  of the United States.
    20030H1755B2275                 - 19 -     

     1     (e)  Tax exemption.--All bonds and notes issued under the
     2  provisions of this section shall be exempt from taxation for
     3  State and local purposes.
     4     (f)  Type of bonds.--The bonds may be issued as coupon bonds
     5  or registered as to both principal and interest as the issuing
     6  officials may determine. If interest coupons are attached, they
     7  shall contain the facsimile signature of the State Treasurer.
     8     (g)  Authorization and retirement.--The issuing officials
     9  shall provide for the amortization of the bonds in substantial
    10  and regular amounts over the term of the debt so that the bonds
    11  of each issue allocated to the program to be funded from the
    12  bond issue shall mature within a period not to exceed an
    13  appropriate amortization period for the program as specified by
    14  the issuing officials but in no case in excess of 30 years. The
    15  first retirement of principal shall be stated to mature prior to
    16  the expiration of a period of time equal to one-tenth of the
    17  time from the date of the first obligation issued to evidence
    18  the debt to the date of the expiration of the term of the debt.
    19  Retirements of principal shall be regular and substantial if
    20  made in annual or semiannual amounts whether by stated serial
    21  maturities or by mandatory sinking fund retirements.
    22     (h)  Refunding bonds.--The issuing officials are authorized
    23  to provide by resolution for the issuance of refunding bonds for
    24  the purpose of refunding any debt issued under the provisions of
    25  this act and then outstanding, either by voluntary exchange with
    26  the holders of the outstanding debt or to provide funds to
    27  redeem and retire the outstanding debt with accrued interest,
    28  any premium payable thereon and the costs of issuance and
    29  retirement of the debt, at maturity or at any call date. The
    30  issuance of the refunding bonds, the maturities and other
    20030H1755B2275                 - 20 -     

     1  details thereof, the rights of the holders thereof and the
     2  duties of the issuing officials in respect thereto shall be
     3  governed by the provisions of this section insofar as they may
     4  be applicable. Refunding bonds, which are not subject to the
     5  aggregate limitation of $200,000,000 of debt to be issued
     6  pursuant to this act, may be issued by the issuing officials to
     7  refund debt originally issued or to refund bonds previously
     8  issued for refunding purposes.
     9     (i)  Quorum.--Whenever any action is to be taken or decision
    10  made by the Governor, the Auditor General and the State
    11  Treasurer acting as issuing officials and the three officers are
    12  not able unanimously to agree, the action or decision of the
    13  Governor and either the Auditor General or the State Treasurer
    14  shall be binding and final.
    15  Section 503.  Sale of bonds.
    16     (a)  Public sale.--Whenever bonds are issued, they shall be
    17  offered for sale at not less than 98% of the principal amount
    18  and accrued interest and shall be sold by the issuing officials
    19  to the highest and best bidder or bidders after due public
    20  advertisement on the terms and conditions and upon such open
    21  competitive bidding as the issuing officials shall direct. The
    22  manner and character of the advertisement and the time of
    23  advertising shall be prescribed by the issuing officials. No
    24  commission shall be allowed or paid for the sale of any bonds
    25  issued under the authority of this act.
    26     (b)  Private sale.--Any portion of any bond issue so offered
    27  and not sold or subscribed for at public sale may be disposed of
    28  by private sale by the issuing officials in such manner and at
    29  such prices, not less than 98% of the principal amount and
    30  accrued interest, as the Governor shall direct. No commission
    20030H1755B2275                 - 21 -     

     1  shall be allowed or paid for the sale of any bonds issued under
     2  the authority of this act.
     3     (c)  Series.--When bonds are issued from time to time, the
     4  bonds of each issue shall constitute a separate series to be
     5  designated by the issuing officials or may be combined for sale
     6  as one series with other general obligation bonds of the
     7  Commonwealth.
     8     (d)  Temporary bonds.--Until permanent bonds can be prepared,
     9  the issuing officials may in their discretion issue, in lieu of
    10  permanent bonds, temporary bonds in such form and with such
    11  privileges as to registration and exchange for permanent bonds
    12  as may be determined by the issuing officials.
    13  Section 504.  Disposition and use of proceeds.
    14     (a)  Proceeds.--The proceeds realized from the sale of bonds
    15  and notes, except refunding bonds and replacement notes, under
    16  the provisions of this act shall be paid into the Targeted
    17  Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan Fund in the State
    18  Treasury and are specifically dedicated to the purposes of this
    19  act. The proceeds shall be paid by the State Treasurer
    20  periodically to the department at such times and in such amounts
    21  as may be necessary to satisfy the funding needs of the
    22  department. The proceeds of the sale of refunding bonds and
    23  replacement notes shall be paid to the State Treasurer and
    24  applied to the payment of principal, the accrued interest and
    25  premium, if any, and cost of redemption of the bonds and notes
    26  for which the obligations shall have been issued.
    27     (b)  Interest.--Pending their application for the purposes
    28  authorized, moneys held or deposited by the State Treasurer may
    29  be invested or reinvested as are other funds in the custody of
    30  the State Treasurer in the manner provided by law. All earnings
    20030H1755B2275                 - 22 -     

     1  received from the investment or deposit of the funds shall be
     2  paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the fund.
     3  Section 505.  Registration of bonds.
     4     The Auditor General shall prepare the necessary registry book
     5  to be kept in the office of the duly authorized loan and
     6  transfer agent of the Commonwealth for the registration of any
     7  bonds, at the request of owners thereof, according to the terms
     8  and conditions of issue directed by the issuing officials.
     9  Section 506.  Expenses.
    10     There is hereby appropriated to the State Treasurer from the
    11  fund as much money as may be necessary for all costs and
    12  expenses in connection with the issue of and sale and
    13  registration of the bonds and notes in connection with this act
    14  and the payment of interest arbitrage rebates or proceeds of
    15  such bonds and notes.
    16  Section 507.  Temporary financing authorization.
    17     (a)  Authorization.--Pending the issuance of bonds of the
    18  Commonwealth as authorized, the issuing officials are hereby
    19  authorized, in accordance with the provisions of this act and on
    20  the credit of the Commonwealth, to make temporary borrowings not
    21  to exceed one year in anticipation to the issue of bonds in
    22  order to provide funds in such amounts as may, from time to
    23  time, be deemed advisable prior to the issue of bonds. In order
    24  to provide for and in connection with such temporary borrowings,
    25  the issuing officials are hereby authorized in the name and on
    26  behalf of the Commonwealth to enter into any purchase, loan or
    27  credit agreement or agreements or other agreement or agreements
    28  with any banks or trust companies or other lending institutions,
    29  investment banking firms or persons in the United States having
    30  power to enter into the same, which agreements may contain
    20030H1755B2275                 - 23 -     

     1  provisions not inconsistent with the provisions of this act as
     2  may be authorized by the issuing officials.
     3     (b)  Issuance.--All temporary borrowings made under the
     4  authorization of this section shall be evidenced by notes of the
     5  Commonwealth, which shall be issued, from time to time, for such
     6  amounts not exceeding in the aggregate the applicable statutory
     7  and constitutional debt limitation, in such form and in such
     8  denominations and subject to terms and condition of sale and
     9  issue, prepayment or redemption and maturity, rate or rates of
    10  interest and time of payment of interest as the issuing
    11  officials shall authorize and direct and in accordance with this
    12  act. Such authorization and direction may provide for the
    13  subsequent issuance of replacement notes to refund outstanding
    14  notes or replacement notes, which replacement notes shall, upon
    15  issuance thereof, evidence such borrowing, and may specify such
    16  other terms and conditions with respect to the notes and
    17  replacement notes thereby authorized for issuance as the issuing
    18  officials may determine and direct.
    19     (c)  Replacement notes.--
    20         (1)  When the authorization and direction of the issuing
    21     officials provide for the issuance of replacement notes, the
    22     issuing officials are hereby authorized in the name and on
    23     behalf of the Commonwealth to issue, enter into or authorize
    24     and direct the State Treasurer to enter into agreements with
    25     any banks, trust companies, investment banking firms or other
    26     institutions or persons in the United States having the power
    27     to enter the same:
    28             (i)  To purchase or underwrite an issue or series of
    29         issues of notes.
    30             (ii)  To credit, to enter into any purchase, loan or
    20030H1755B2275                 - 24 -     

     1         credit agreements, to draw moneys pursuant to any such
     2         agreements on the terms and conditions set forth therein
     3         and to issue notes as evidence of borrowings made under
     4         any such agreements.
     5             (iii)  To appoint as issuing and paying agent or
     6         agents with respect to notes.
     7             (iv)  To do all acts as may be necessary or
     8         appropriate to provide for the payment, when due, of the
     9         interest on and the principal of such notes.
    10     Such agreements may provide for the compensation of any
    11     purchasers or underwriters of notes or replacement notes by
    12     discounting the purchase price of the notes or by payment of
    13     a fixed fee or commission at the time of issuance thereof,
    14     and all other costs and expenses, including fees for
    15     agreements related to the notes, issuing and paying agent
    16     costs and costs and expenses of issuance, may be paid from
    17     the proceeds of the notes.
    18         (2)  When the authorization and direction of the issuing
    19     officials provide for the issuance of replacement notes, the
    20     State Treasurer shall, at or prior to the time of delivery of
    21     these notes or replacement notes, determine the principal
    22     amounts, dates of issue, interest rate or rates (or
    23     procedures for establishing such rates from time to time),
    24     rates of discount, denominations and all other terms and
    25     conditions relating to the issuance and shall perform all
    26     acts and things necessary to pay or cause to be paid, when
    27     due, all principal of and interest on the notes being
    28     refunded by replacement notes and to assure that the same may
    29     draw upon any moneys available for that purpose pursuant to
    30     any purchase, loan or credit agreements established with
    20030H1755B2275                 - 25 -     

     1     respect thereto, all subject to the authorization and
     2     direction of the issuing officials.
     3     (d)  Refunding bonds.--Outstanding notes evidencing the
     4  borrowings may be funded and retired by the issuance and sale of
     5  the bonds of the Commonwealth as hereinafter authorized. The
     6  refunding bonds must be issued and sold not later than a date
     7  one year after the date of issuance of the first notes
     8  evidencing such borrowings to the extent that payment of such
     9  notes has not otherwise been made or provided for by sources
    10  other than proceeds of replacement notes.
    11     (e)  Proceeds.--The proceeds of all temporary borrowing shall
    12  be paid to the State Treasurer to be held and disposed of in
    13  accordance with the provisions of this act.
    14  Section 508.  Debt retirement.
    15     (a)  Targeted Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan
    16  Sinking Fund.--All bonds issued under the authority of this act
    17  shall be redeemed at maturity, together with all interest due,
    18  from time to time, on the bonds, and these principal and
    19  interest payments shall be paid from the Targeted Redevelopment
    20  Assistance for Communities Loan Sinking Fund, which is hereby
    21  created. For the specific purpose of redeeming the bonds at
    22  maturity and paying all interest thereon in accordance with the
    23  information received from the Governor, the General Assembly
    24  shall appropriate moneys to the Targeted Redevelopment
    25  Assistance for Communities Loan Sinking Fund for the payment of
    26  interest on the bonds and notes and the principal thereof at
    27  maturity. All moneys paid into the Targeted Redevelopment
    28  Assistance for Communities Loan Sinking Fund and all of the
    29  moneys not necessary to pay accruing interest shall be invested
    30  by the State Treasurer in such securities as are provided by law
    20030H1755B2275                 - 26 -     

     1  for the investment of the sinking funds of the Commonwealth.
     2     (b)  Report.--The State Treasurer shall determine and report
     3  to the Secretary of the Budget by November 1 of each year, the
     4  amount of money necessary for the payment of interest on
     5  outstanding obligations and the principal of the obligations, if
     6  any, for the following fiscal year and the times and amounts of
     7  the payments. It shall be the duty of the Governor to include in
     8  every budget submitted to the General Assembly full information
     9  relating to the issuance of bonds and notes under the provisions
    10  of this act and the status of the Targeted Redevelopment
    11  Assistance for Communities Loan Sinking Fund of the Commonwealth
    12  for the payment of interest on the bonds and notes and the
    13  principal thereof at maturity.
    14     (c)  Appropriation.--The General Assembly shall appropriate
    15  an amount equal to the sums that may be necessary to meet
    16  repayment obligations for principal and interest for deposit
    17  into the Targeted Redevelopment Assistance for Communities Loan
    18  Sinking Fund.
    19  Section 509.  Annual limitation on debt obligations issued.
    20     Bonds and notes, not including refunding bonds or replacement
    21  notes, as authorized in this act, shall not be issued in the
    22  aggregate principal amount of more than $140,000,000 during any
    23  one State fiscal year.
    24  Section 510.  Expiration.
    25     Authorization to issue bonds and notes, not including
    26  refunding bonds and replacement notes, for the purposes of this
    27  act shall expire five years from the effective date of this
    28  section.
    29                             CHAPTER 21
    30                      MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS
    20030H1755B2275                 - 27 -     

     1  Section 2101.  Additional powers and duties of department.
     2     (a)  Rules and forms.--The department shall promulgate such
     3  guidelines, rules and regulations and forms as the department
     4  deems necessary to implement and carry out the provisions of
     5  this act.
     6     (b)  Annual reports.--On or before September 30 of each year,
     7  the department shall provide a report to the Secretary of the
     8  Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives. The
     9  report shall describe all relevant activities of the department
    10  under this act and shall include the following information:
    11         (1)  A list of municipalities receiving loans from the
    12     department and the amounts and terms of this assistance.
    13         (2)  The source and amount of private investment for each
    14     project.
    15         (3)  Loan amounts repaid by the municipality.
    16         (4)  Loans outstanding and balances due, including
    17     delinquent payments.
    18         (5)  Jobs created through projects financed under the
    19     program.
    20         (6)  Other relevant information as determined by the
    21     department.
    22  Section 2102.  Nondiscrimination.
    23     No loan shall be made to an applicant under this act unless
    24  the applicant certifies to the department, in a form
    25  satisfactory to the department, that it shall not discriminate
    26  against any employee or against any applicant for employment
    27  because of race, religion, color, national origin, sex or age.
    28  Section 2103.  Conflict of interest.
    29     No officer or employee of the Commonwealth or of the
    30  applicant shall, either directly or indirectly, have an adverse
    20030H1755B2275                 - 28 -     

     1  interest, as defined in the act of July 19, 1957 (P.L.1017,
     2  No.451), known as the State Adverse Interest Act, in a project
     3  financed with funds made available through this program.
     4  Section 2104.  Effective date.
     5     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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