No. 893 Session of 1993



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to the finances of the State
     3     government; providing for the settlement, assessment,
     4     collection, and lien of taxes, bonus, and all other accounts
     5     due the Commonwealth, the collection and recovery of fees and
     6     other money or property due or belonging to the Commonwealth,
     7     or any agency thereof, including escheated property and the
     8     proceeds of its sale, the custody and disbursement or other
     9     disposition of funds and securities belonging to or in the
    10     possession of the Commonwealth, and the settlement of claims
    11     against the Commonwealth, the resettlement of accounts and
    12     appeals to the courts, refunds of moneys erroneously paid to
    13     the Commonwealth, auditing the accounts of the Commonwealth
    14     and all agencies thereof, of all public officers collecting
    15     moneys payable to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    16     and all receipts of appropriations from the Commonwealth,
    17     authorizing the Commonwealth to issue tax anticipation notes
    18     to defray current expenses, implementing the provisions of
    19     section 7(a) of Article VIII of the Constitution of
    20     Pennsylvania authorizing and restricting the incurring of
    21     certain debt and imposing penalties; affecting every
    22     department, board, commission, and officer of the State
    23     government, every political subdivision of the State, and
    24     certain officers of such subdivisions, every person,
    25     association, and corporation required to pay, assess, or
    26     collect taxes, or to make returns or reports under the laws
    27     imposing taxes for State purposes, or to pay license fees or
    28     other moneys to the Commonwealth, or any agency thereof,
    29     every State depository and every debtor or creditor of the
    30     Commonwealth," providing for cigarette sales and licensing;
    31     and making repeals.

    32     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

     1  hereby enacts as follows:
     2     Section 1.  The act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known
     3  as The Fiscal Code, is amended by adding an article to read:
     4                            ARTICLE II-A
     5                   CIGARETTE SALES AND LICENSING
     6     Section 201-A.  Legislative Intent.--It is hereby declared to
     7  be in the public interest of this Commonwealth:
     8     (1)  To prohibit advertising or offering cigarettes for sale
     9  below cost if the intent thereof is to increase the incidence of
    10  cigarette usage or to injure, destroy or substantially lessen
    11  competition.
    12     (2)  To declare such practice to be unfair, deceptive and
    13  adverse to the collection of taxes from the sale of cigarettes.
    14     (3)  To license cigarette dealers to effect the orderly
    15  collection of taxes.
    16     (4)  To promote fair competition.
    17     Section 202-A.  Definitions.--As used in this article--
    18     "Basic Cost of Cigarettes" shall mean the invoice cost of
    19  cigarettes to the dealer, or the replacement cost of cigarettes
    20  to the dealer, within thirty days prior to the date of sale in
    21  the quantity last purchased, whichever is lower, less all trade
    22  discounts and customary discounts for cash, but excluding any
    23  special, extraordinary or anticipatory discounts for payment
    24  within a shorter period of time than the customary discounts for
    25  cash, to which shall be added the full face value of any tax
    26  which may be required by law, if not already included in the
    27  list price.
    28     "Board" shall mean the Cigarette Licensing, Marketing and
    29  Control Board created under section 207-A.
    30     "Cigarettes" shall mean and include any roll for smoking made
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     1  wholly or in part of tobacco, irrespective of size or shape, and
     2  whether or not such tobacco is flavored, adulterated or mixed
     3  with any other ingredient, the wrapper or cover of which is made
     4  of paper or any other substance or material, excepting tobacco,
     5  and shall not include cigars.
     6     "Cigarette Stamping Agent" shall mean any person who is
     7  licensed as such by the Department of Revenue for the purpose of
     8  affixing cigarette tax stamps to packages of cigarettes and
     9  transmitting the proper tax to the Commonwealth.
    10     "Cigarette Tax Act" shall mean Article XII of the act of
    11  March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of
    12  1971."
    13     "Cigarette Vending Machine" shall mean any mechanical or
    14  electrical device from which cigarettes are dispensed for a
    15  consideration.
    16     "Cost of Doing Business" shall mean that amount, as evidenced
    17  by the standards and methods of accounting regularly employed in
    18  the determination of costs for the purpose of Federal income tax
    19  reporting, for the total operation of the establishment for the
    20  previous twelve-month period, and must include, but shall not be
    21  limited to, all direct and indirect costs such as product cost,
    22  freight charges, labor costs, cost of equipment, rental and
    23  maintenance expenses, cigarette licenses, preopening expenses,
    24  management fees, costs, rents, depreciation, selling costs,
    25  maintenance expenses, interest expenses, delivery costs, all
    26  types of licenses, all types of taxes, insurance, advertising
    27  and any central and regional administrative expenses.
    28     "Cost of the Retailer" shall mean the basic cost of
    29  cigarettes to the retailer plus the cost of doing business by
    30  the retailer in excess of the basic cost of cigarettes,
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     1  expressed as a percentage and applied to the basic cost of
     2  cigarettes. In the absence of filing of satisfactory proof of a
     3  lesser or higher cost of doing business by the retailer making
     4  the sale, the cost of doing business by the retailer shall be
     5  presumed to be six per centum of the basic cost of cigarettes to
     6  the retailer. When a retailer establishes a lesser cost of doing
     7  business than the presumptive six per centum cost of doing
     8  business, such lesser cost of doing business may be used to
     9  compute the cost of the retailer for a period of time no greater
    10  than twelve months, at the end of which time the cost to the
    11  retailer shall be computed using the presumptive six per centum
    12  cost of doing business, unless the retailer again establishes a
    13  lesser cost of doing business. Any fractional part of a cent in
    14  such cost per carton shall be rounded off to the next higher
    15  cent. In the case of any person who purchases cigarettes for
    16  sale at retail from any manufacturer of cigarettes without
    17  resort to a wholesaler as such, such person shall be deemed, for
    18  the purposes of this article, to be engaged in the sale of
    19  cigarettes as a stamping agent, wholesaler and retailer and as
    20  such, shall be subject to all mark-up provisions of this
    21  article, in the order named.
    22     "Cost of the Stamping Agent" shall mean the basic cost of
    23  cigarettes plus the cost of doing business by the cigarette
    24  stamping agent in excess of the basic cost of cigarettes,
    25  expressed as a percentage and applied to the basic cost of
    26  cigarettes. Any fractional part of a cent in the such cost per
    27  carton of cigarettes shall be rounded off to the next higher
    28  cent. In the case of sales at retail by cigarette stamping
    29  agents, the cost of the cigarette stamping agent shall be the
    30  same as the cost of the retailer. There shall be determined a
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     1  separate cost of the cigarette stamping agent for sales to
     2  wholesale dealers and for sales to retail dealers. In the
     3  absence of filing of satisfactory proof of a lesser cost of
     4  doing business of the cigarette stamping agent making the sale,
     5  the cost of doing business shall be presumed to be the basic
     6  cost of cigarettes for sales to wholesale dealers and four per
     7  centum of the basic cost of cigarettes with respect to sales to
     8  retail dealers. When a cigarette stamping agent establishes a
     9  lesser cost of doing business than the presumptive costs
    10  contained herein, such lesser cost of doing business may be used
    11  to compute the cost of the cigarette stamping agent for a period
    12  of time no greater than twelve months, at the end of which time
    13  the cost of the cigarette stamping agent shall be computed using
    14  the presumptive costs contained herein, unless the cigarette
    15  stamping agent again establishes a lesser cost of doing
    16  business.
    17     "Cost of the Wholesaler" shall mean the basic cost of
    18  cigarettes to the wholesaler plus the cost of doing business by
    19  the wholesaler in excess of the basic cost of cigarettes,
    20  expressed as a percentage and applied to the basic cost of
    21  cigarettes. Any fractional part of a cent in the cost to the
    22  wholesaler per carton of cigarettes shall be rounded off to the
    23  next higher cent. There shall be determined a separate cost of
    24  the wholesaler for sale to retail dealers. In the absence of
    25  filing satisfactory proof of a lesser cost of doing business by
    26  the wholesaler with respect to sales to retail dealers the cost
    27  of doing business shall be presumed to be four per centum of the
    28  basic cost of cigarettes. When a wholesaler establishes a lesser
    29  cost of doing business than the presumptive cost of doing
    30  business, such lesser cost of doing business may be used to
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     1  compute the cost of the wholesaler for a period of time no
     2  greater than twelve months, at the end of which time the cost of
     3  the wholesaler shall be computed using the presumptive four per
     4  centum cost of doing business, unless the wholesaler again
     5  establishes a lesser cost of doing business.
     6     "Dealer" shall mean any cigarette stamping agency, wholesaler
     7  or retailer as these terms are more specifically defined herein.
     8  When used in this article, the term shall include all of the
     9  above mentioned categories. Nothing contained in this article
    10  shall preclude any person from being a cigarette stamping
    11  agency, wholesaler or retailer: Provided, That such person meets
    12  the requirements for each category of dealer.
    13     "Department" shall mean the Department of Revenue of the
    14  Commonwealth.
    15     "Franchisee" shall mean any person engaged in the sale of
    16  cigarettes who is granted the right to engage in the business of
    17  offering, selling or distributing goods or services under a
    18  marketing plan or system prescribed in substantial part by the
    19  grantor of that right, for which a direct or indirect fee is
    20  paid, and whose franchisor franchises five or more retail
    21  outlets in this Commonwealth through which cigarettes are sold.
    22     "Person" shall mean any individual, unincorporated
    23  association, company, corporation, joint stock company, group,
    24  agency, syndicate, trust or trustee, receiver, fiduciary,
    25  partnership, conservator and any political subdivision of the
    26  Commonwealth or any other state. As applied to a partnership,
    27  unincorporated association or other joint venture, the term
    28  shall also mean the partners or members thereof, and as applied
    29  to a corporation shall also mean all the officers and directors
    30  thereof.
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     1     "Retailer" shall mean:
     2     (a)  Any person who, in the usual course of business,
     3  purchases or receives cigarettes from any source whatsoever for
     4  the purpose of sale to the ultimate consumer.
     5     (b)  Any person who, in the usual course of business, owns,
     6  leases or otherwise operates one or more vending machines for
     7  the purpose of sale of cigarettes to the ultimate consumer.
     8     (c)  Any person who buys, sells, transfers or deals in
     9  cigarettes for profit and is not licensed as a cigarette
    10  stamping agency or wholesaler under this article.
    11     "Sale" and "Sell" shall mean any transfer for a
    12  consideration, in exchange, as barter, as a gift, as an offer
    13  for sale or in distribution, in any manner or by any means
    14  whatsoever.
    15     "Secretary" shall mean the Secretary of Revenue of the
    16  Commonwealth.
    17     "Vending Machine Operator" shall mean any person who places
    18  or services one or more cigarette vending machines whether
    19  owned, leased or otherwise operated by him, at locations from
    20  which cigarettes are sold to the ultimate consumer. The owner or
    21  tenant of the premises upon which a vending machine is placed
    22  shall not be considered a vending machine operator if his sole
    23  remuneration therefrom is a flat rental fee or commission based
    24  upon the number or value of cigarettes sold from the machine,
    25  unless the owner or tenant actually owns the vending machine or
    26  leases the vending machine under an agreement whereby the
    27  profits from the sale of the cigarettes directly inure to his
    28  benefit.
    29     "Wholesaler" shall mean and include:
    30     (a)  Any person who, in the usual course of business,
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     1  purchases cigarettes from a cigarette stamping agent or other
     2  wholesaler and receives, stores, sells and distributes within
     3  this Commonwealth at least seventy-five per centum of all such
     4  cigarettes purchased by him or her to retail dealers or
     5  wholesale dealers or any combination who shall buy the
     6  cigarettes from him or her for the purpose of resale to the
     7  ultimate consumer: Provided, That such person maintains an
     8  established place of business for the receiving, storage and
     9  distribution of cigarettes.
    10     (b)  Any person who is engaged in the business of
    11  distributing cigarettes through vending machines to the ultimate
    12  consumer by means of placing the cigarette vending machines,
    13  owned or leased by him, in various outlets within this
    14  Commonwealth and who pays to the owner or lessee of the premises
    15  a commission or rental for the use of the premises: Provided,
    16  That such vending machine operator shall operate at least ten
    17  vending machines: Provided further, That the vending machine
    18  operator meets all the other requirements for licensing of
    19  wholesalers under this article, including maintaining an
    20  established place of business for the receiving, storage and
    21  distribution of cigarettes.
    22     (c)  Any person, including a franchisee, who owns and
    23  operates no less than five retail outlets in this Commonwealth,
    24  having one hundred per centum common ownership, who purchases
    25  cigarettes from a cigarette stamping agency or another
    26  wholesaler for resale to the ultimate consumer: Provided, That
    27  such person maintains complete and accurate records of all
    28  purchases and sales in his or her main office and also in the
    29  retail outlet.
    30     Section 203-A.  Licensing of Cigarette Dealers.--(a)  No
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     1  person, unless all of his sales of cigarettes are exempt from
     2  Pennsylvania cigarette tax, shall sell, transfer or deliver any
     3  cigarettes within this Commonwealth without first obtaining the
     4  proper license pursuant to the provisions of this article.
     5     (b)  Every applicant for a dealer's license shall complete
     6  and file an application with the department. The application
     7  shall be in such form and contain such information as the
     8  department by regulation shall prescribe and shall set forth
     9  truthfully and accurately the information desired by the
    10  department. If the application is approved, the department shall
    11  license the dealer for a period of one year and the license may
    12  be renewed annually thereafter.
    13     Section 204-A.  Licensing of Cigarette Stamping Agents.--(a)
    14  The department may license as its agent for a one-year period
    15  and may renew the license for further periods of one year, if
    16  the agent is and remains of good moral character who shall meet
    17  the requirements imposed by the following provisions for the
    18  privilege of operating as a cigarette stamping agency:
    19     (1)  The applicant is a wholesale dealer licensed by the
    20  Commonwealth.
    21     (2)  The applicant maintains warehousing facilities, adequate
    22  to protect the revenue, for the purpose of receiving, storing
    23  and distributing cigarettes and conducting their business and
    24  has received commitments from at least two cigarette
    25  manufacturers whose aggregate share is at least forty per centum
    26  of the Commonwealth's cigarette market.
    27     (3)  The applicant is a person of good moral character and of
    28  reasonable financial stability and is reasonably experienced in
    29  the wholesale cigarette business.
    30     (4)  The applicant, or any shareholder controlling more than
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     1  ten per centum of the stock if the applicant is a corporation or
     2  any officer or director if the applicant is a corporation, shall
     3  not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.
     4     (5)  The applicant shall have filed all required State tax
     5  reports and paid any State taxes not subject to a timely
     6  perfected administrative or judicial appeal or subject to a duly
     7  authorized deferred payment plan.
     8     (b)  The department shall, by regulation, prescribe the form,
     9  content and manner of the application.
    10     (c)  The cigarette stamping agency license shall be valid for
    11  one specific location only.
    12     (d)  The department may reject any application for a new or
    13  renewal license if it finds that any of the aforementioned
    14  requirements have not been met or finds that such applicant or
    15  licensee has (i) failed to disclose any material information
    16  required; (ii) made any material false statement in his
    17  application; or (iii) violated any provisions of this article.
    18     (e)  For purposes of this section, a person convicted of
    19  committing any felony, any infamous crime or any crime involving
    20  moral turpitude shall not be a person of good moral character
    21  and shall not be licensed as a cigarette stamping agent.
    22     Section 205-A.  Licensing of Wholesalers.--(a)  Applicants
    23  for a wholesale license or renewal thereof shall meet the
    24  following requirements:
    25     (1)  The premises on which the applicant proposes to conduct
    26  business are adequate to protect the revenue.
    27     (2)  The applicant is a person of reasonable financial
    28  stability and reasonable business experience.
    29     (3)  The applicant, or any shareholder controlling more than
    30  ten per centum of the stock if the applicant is a corporation or
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     1  any officer or director if the applicant is a corporation, shall
     2  not have been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.
     3     (4)  The applicant shall not have failed to disclose any
     4  material information required by the department, including
     5  information that the applicant has complied with this article by
     6  providing a signed statement, under penalty of perjury, of
     7  adherence to State presumptive minimum prices or written
     8  approval from the department to sell at a specific different
     9  price.
    10     (5)  The applicant shall not have made any material false
    11  statement in his application.
    12     (6)  The applicant shall not have violated any provision of
    13  this article.
    14     (7)  The applicant shall have filed all required State tax
    15  reports and paid any State taxes not subject to a timely
    16  perfected administrative or judicial appeal or subject to a duly
    17  authorized deferred payment plan.
    18     (b)  The wholesale dealer's license shall be valid for one
    19  specific location only.
    20     Section 206-A.  Licensing of Retailers.--Applicant for retail
    21  license or renewal thereof shall meet the following
    22  requirements:
    23     (1)  The premises in which the applicant proposes to conduct
    24  business are adequate to protect the revenues.
    25     (2)  The applicant shall not have failed to disclose any
    26  material information required by the department, including
    27  information that the applicant has complied with this article by
    28  providing a signed statement, under penalty of perjury, of
    29  adherence to State presumptive minimum prices or written
    30  approval from the department to sell at a specific different
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     1  price.
     2     (3)  The applicant shall not have any material false
     3  statement in the application.
     4     (4)  The applicant shall not have violated any provision of
     5  this article.
     6     (5)  The applicant shall have filed all required State tax
     7  reports and paid any State taxes not subject to a timely
     8  perfected administrative or judicial appeal or subject to a duly
     9  authorized deferred payment plan.
    10     Section 207-A.  Cigarette Licensing, Marketing and Control
    11  Board.--(a)  There is hereby created a Cigarette Licensing,
    12  Marketing and Control Board consisting of three members
    13  designated by the secretary, one of whom shall be a deputy
    14  secretary of the department and one of whom shall be an attorney
    15  at law. The board shall take testimony, after proper notices as
    16  hereinafter mentioned, and shall make its recommendations in
    17  writing to the secretary under the provisions of this article.
    18     (b)  Whenever any applicant for license or renewal thereof is
    19  aggrieved by the determination of the department, he may file a
    20  complaint with the board, assigning specifically his reasons for
    21  believing that the department acted improperly. The complaint
    22  shall be filed within thirty days after notice by the department
    23  of its determination of his application. Whenever the department
    24  determines that a violation of this article has occurred, it may
    25  file a complaint with the board assigning specifically its
    26  reasons for believing that the provisions of this article have
    27  been violated. The complaint shall be filed by the department
    28  within thirty days after final determination of those facts
    29  which give rise to its belief that the provisions of this
    30  article have been violated. Upon receipt of the complaint, the
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     1  board, if it determines that the complaint raises an issue of
     2  fact shall, within thirty days after receipt of the complaint,
     3  issue a citation directing the applicant, dealer or department,
     4  as the case may be, to appear at a hearing scheduled by the
     5  board within thirty days. The board shall afford the aggrieved
     6  party an opportunity to be heard at the hearing, which shall be
     7  conducted in accordance with the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S.
     8  (relating to administrative law and procedure).
     9     (c)  Within thirty days after the termination of the hearing,
    10  the board shall make its recommendations to the secretary in
    11  writing and within fifteen days subsequent thereto, the
    12  secretary shall render a final decision. Any party aggrieved by
    13  the final decision shall have the right of appeal in accordance
    14  with the provisions of 2 Pa.C.S.
    15     (d)  If any person is aggrieved by an assessment issued by
    16  the department for taxes due the Commonwealth, he may file an
    17  appeal from the assessment in accordance with the procedures of
    18  this article.
    19     Section 208-A.  License Fees; Issuance and Posting of
    20  License.--(a)  At the time of making any application, an
    21  applicant for a wholesale cigarette dealer's license shall pay
    22  to the department a license fee of five hundred dollars ($500),
    23  an applicant for a retail cigarette dealer's license shall pay
    24  to the department a license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25), an
    25  applicant for a vending machine license shall pay to the
    26  department a license fee of twenty-five dollars ($25), an
    27  applicant for a cigarette stamping agency license, shall pay to
    28  the department a fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000). Fees
    29  shall not be pro-rated.
    30     (b)  Upon approval of the application and payment of the
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     1  fees, the department shall issue the proper license which must
     2  be conspicuously displayed at the place for which issued.
     3     Section 209-A.  Transfer of Licenses.--The department may
     4  permit a dealer, under such conditions as the department may
     5  impose by regulation, to transfer a license from one location to
     6  another or from one cigarette vending machine to another.
     7     Section 210-A.  Disposition of License Fees.--One-half of all
     8  fees received by the department under this article shall be
     9  restricted for implementation of the enforcement and audit
    10  provisions of this article and the "Cigarette Tax Act" and the
    11  remainder shall be paid into the General Fund.
    12     Section 211-A.  Expiration of License.--(a)  Every license
    13  shall expire on the last day of February next succeeding the
    14  date upon which it was issued unless sooner suspended,
    15  surrendered or revoked.
    16     (b)  After the expiration date of the license, or sooner if
    17  the license is suspended, surrendered or revoked, it shall be
    18  illegal for any dealer to engage directly or indirectly in the
    19  business heretofore conducted by him for which the license was
    20  issued. Any licensee who shall, after the expiration date of the
    21  license, engage in the business theretofore conducted by him
    22  either by way of purchase, sale, stamping, distribution or in
    23  any other manner directly or indirectly engaged in the business
    24  of dealing with cigarettes for profit shall be in violation of
    25  this article and be subject to the penalties provided herein.
    26     Section 212-A.  Duplicate License.--(a)  Whenever any license
    27  is defaced, destroyed or lost, the department may issue a
    28  duplicate to the holder of the defaced, destroyed or lost
    29  license upon submission of a duplicate license application.
    30  Except as provided in subsection (b), at the time of making any
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     1  application for a duplicate license, the applicant shall pay to
     2  the department a fee of five dollars ($5). The duplicate license
     3  application shall be in such form and contain such information
     4  as the department shall prescribe and shall set forth truthfully
     5  and accurately the information called for on the form.
     6     (b)  In the event a license is defaced or destroyed in the
     7  performance of any duty imposed by this article, the department
     8  may, by regulation, waive the fee imposed by subsection (a).
     9     (c)  No license shall be issued by the department to any
    10  person within one year after rejection of an application,
    11  refusal to renew or revocation of an existing license, the
    12  period of one year to commence from the date that the license is
    13  returned to the department or application is rejected.
    14     Section 213-A.  License for Cigarette Vending Machines; Names
    15  of Owner and Operator.--Each cigarette vending machine shall
    16  have a current license which shall be conspicuously and visibly
    17  placed on the machine. There shall be conspicuously and visibly
    18  placed on every cigarette vending machine the name and address
    19  of the owner and the name and address of the operator.
    20     Section 214-A.  Retention of Records.--Every licensed dealer
    21  shall keep and maintain for a period of four years such records
    22  in such form as the department shall by regulation prescribe.
    23  The records shall be maintained at the location for which the
    24  license is issued.
    25     Section 215-A.  Reports.--Every licensed dealer shall file
    26  reports at such times and in such form as the department by
    27  regulation may prescribe.
    28     Section 216-A.  Examination of Records, Equipment and
    29  Premises.--(a)  The department is hereby authorized to examine
    30  the books and records, the inventory of cigarettes and the
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     1  premises and equipment of any dealer in order to determine
     2  compliance with the provisions of this article and to verify the
     3  accuracy of the payment of the tax imposed by the "Cigarette Tax
     4  Act." Every such person is hereby directed and required to give
     5  to the department or its duly authorized representative the
     6  means, facilities and opportunity for such examinations.
     7     (b)  Any person who prevents or hinders the department or any
     8  designated agent thereof from making a full inspection of the
     9  premises where cigarettes are sold or stored or prevents or
    10  hinders the inspection of invoices, books, records, equipment,
    11  inventory or papers required to be kept shall be guilty of a
    12  violation of this article and subject to the penalties provided
    13  herein.
    14     Section 217-A.  Sales at Less Than Cost.--(a)  It shall be
    15  unlawful:
    16     (1)  For any dealer, with intent to injure competitors or
    17  destroy substantially lessen competition, or with intent to
    18  avoid the collection or paying over of such taxes as may be
    19  required by law, to advertise, offer to sell or sell cigarettes
    20  at less than cost of such cigarette dealer.
    21     (2)  For any wholesaler:
    22     (i)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
    23  to procure the purchase of cigarettes or to accept cigarettes at
    24  a price less than the cost of the cigarette dealer from whom the
    25  purchase or acceptance of cigarettes was made; or
    26     (ii)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
    27  to procure or to accept any unauthorized rebate or concession of
    28  any kind or nature whatsoever, other than a rebate or concession
    29  authorized by the department, in connection with the purchase of
    30  cigarettes.
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     1     (3)  For any retail dealer:
     2     (i)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
     3  to procure the purchase of cigarettes or to accept cigarettes at
     4  a price less than the cost to the cigarette dealer from whom the
     5  purchase or acceptance of cigarettes was made; or
     6     (ii)  to induce or attempt to induce or to procure or attempt
     7  to procure or to accept any unauthorized rebate or concession of
     8  any kind or nature whatsoever, other than a rebate or concession
     9  authorized by the department, in connection with the purchase of
    10  cigarettes.
    11     (b)  Evidence or advertisement, offering to sell or sale of
    12  cigarettes by any cigarette dealer at less than cost to the
    13  dealer or evidence of any offer of a rebate in price or giving
    14  of a rebate in price or an offer of a concession or the giving
    15  of a concession of any kind or nature whatsoever in connection
    16  with the sale of cigarettes or the inducing or attempt to induce
    17  or to the procuring or the attempt to procure the purchase of
    18  cigarettes at a price less than cost of the cigarette stamping
    19  agent, wholesaler or the retail dealer shall be prima facie
    20  evidence of intent to injure competitors and to destroy or
    21  substantially lessen competition or of intent to avoid the
    22  collection or paying over of such taxes as may be required by
    23  law. Evidence of a final selling cost which is not the invoice
    24  cost or an invoice which does not include allowable discounts,
    25  rebates, allowances or free or discounted merchandise relating
    26  to or in conjunction with the sale of cigarettes, when used by
    27  the cigarette stamping agent, wholesaler or retailer shall be
    28  prima facie evidence of violation of this article.
    29     Section 218-A.  Combinations Sales; Inducements.--In all
    30  advertisements, offers for sale or sales involving two or more
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     1  items, at least one of which items is cigarettes, at a combined
     2  price, and in all advertisements, offers for sale or sales
     3  involving the giving of any gift or concession of any kind
     4  whatsoever, whether it be coupons or otherwise, the portion of
     5  the dealer's combined selling price relating to cigarettes shall
     6  not be below the cost of the stamper, cost of the retailer or
     7  the cost of the wholesaler, as the case may be. Other
     8  merchandise offered for sale as a tie-in with the cigarettes
     9  shall not be sold at less than the cost of the other
    10  merchandise; nor shall the gift or concession of the other items
    11  advertised or offered for sale be used as an inducement to
    12  purchase cigarettes; nor shall any payment, openly or in secret,
    13  of any rebates, refunds, commission or unearned discounts,
    14  whether in the form of money or otherwise, or secret extensions
    15  to certain purchasers of special services or privileges not
    16  extended to all purchasers upon like terms and conditions be
    17  made or offered as an inducement to purchase cigarettes.
    18     Section 219-A.  Sales by Wholesaler to Wholesaler.--When one
    19  wholesaler sells cigarettes to another wholesaler, the former
    20  shall not be required to include in the selling price the cost
    21  of the wholesaler as defined in this article, but the latter
    22  wholesaler, upon the resale of such cigarettes to a retailer,
    23  shall be subject in all respects to the provisions of this
    24  article: Provided, however, That such latter wholesaler may, at
    25  his option, use as his basic cost of the cigarettes so sold the
    26  basic cost of the wholesaler from whom he shall have purchased
    27  the same.
    28     Section 220-A.  Sales; Exceptions.--The provisions of this
    29  article shall not apply to sales of cigarettes a dealer made (i)
    30  in an isolated transaction and not in the usual course of
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     1  business; (ii)  where cigarettes are advertised, offered for
     2  sale or sold in good faith clearance sales for the purpose of
     3  discontinuing trade in such cigarettes and such advertising,
     4  offer to sell or sale shall state the reason thereof and the
     5  quantity of such cigarettes advertised, offered for sale or to
     6  be sold; (iii) where cigarettes are advertised, offered for sale
     7  or sold as imperfect or damaged and such advertising, offer to
     8  sell or sale shall state the reason therefor and the quantity of
     9  such cigarettes advertised, offered for sale or to be sold; (iv)
    10  where cigarettes are sold upon the final liquidation of a
    11  business; or (v) where cigarettes are advertised, offered for
    12  sale or sold by any fiduciary or other officer acting under the
    13  order or direction of any court.
    14     Section 221-A.  Advertising of Certain Sales; Good Faith.--
    15  (a)  Any retailer may advertise, offer to sell or sell
    16  cigarettes at a price made in good faith to meet the price of a
    17  competitor who is selling the same article at cost to him as a
    18  retailer. Any wholesaler may advertise, offer to sell or sell
    19  cigarettes at a price made in good faith to meet the price of a
    20  competitor, if the competitor is rendering the same type of
    21  service, has been approved by the department to sell cigarettes
    22  at a price different from the presumptive minimum and is not
    23  selling the same article below cost to him as a wholesaler. The
    24  price of cigarettes advertised, offered for sale or sold under
    25  the exceptions specified in this article shall not be considered
    26  the price of a competitor and shall not be used as a basis for
    27  establishing prices below cost, nor shall the price established
    28  at a bankrupt sale be considered the price of a competitor,
    29  within the purview of this section.
    30     (b)  In the absence of proof of the cost of a competitor
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     1  under this section, the lowest cost of the stamping agent or the
     2  lowest cost of the wholesaler, as the case may be, determined by
     3  any cost survey made in the same trading area pursuant to the
     4  provisions of this article, may be deemed the cost of such
     5  competitor, within the meaning of this section.
     6     Section 222-A.  Sales Contracts Void.--Any contract,
     7  expressed or implied, made by any person in violation of any of
     8  the provisions of this article shall be an illegal and void
     9  contract and no recovery thereon shall be had.
    10     Section 223-A.  Admissible Evidence.--(a)  In determining the
    11  cost of the stamper, cost of the retailer and cost of the
    12  wholesaler, the fact-finder shall receive and consider, as
    13  bearing on the good faith of such cost, evidence tending to show
    14  that any person complained against under any provision of this
    15  article purchased cigarettes with respect to the sale of which
    16  complaint is made at a fictitious price or upon terms or in such
    17  a manner or under such invoices as to conceal the true cost,
    18  discounts or terms of purchase. The fact-finder shall also
    19  receive and consider, as bearing on the good faith of such cost,
    20  evidence of the normal, customary and prevailing terms and
    21  discounts in connection with other sales of a similar nature in
    22  the trade area or state.
    23     (b)  Merchandise given gratis or payment made to a stamping
    24  agent, retailer or wholesaler by a cigarette manufacturer for
    25  display or advertising or promotion purposes, or otherwise,
    26  shall not be considered in determining the cost of cigarettes to
    27  the cigarette dealer if such practice is customary in the trade
    28  and offered to all dealers on an equal or proportional basis.
    29     Section 224-A.  Sales Outside Ordinary Channels of Business;
    30  Effect.--In establishing the cost of cigarettes to the stamper,
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     1  retailer or wholesaler, the invoice cost of such cigarettes
     2  purchased at a forced bankrupt or closeout sale or other sale
     3  outside of the ordinary channels of trade may not be used as a
     4  basis for justifying a price lower than one based upon the
     5  replacement cost of the cigarettes to the stamper, retailer or
     6  wholesaler within thirty days prior to the date of sale in the
     7  quantity last purchased through the ordinary channels of trade.
     8     Section 225-A.  Cost Survey; Admissibility.--Where a cost
     9  survey pursuant to recognized statistical and cost accounting
    10  practices has been made for the trading area in which a
    11  violation of this article is committed or charged to determine
    12  and establish on the basis of actual existing conditions the
    13  lowest cost to stampers, wholesalers or lowest cost to retailers
    14  within the area, such cost survey shall be deemed competent
    15  evidence in any action or proceeding under this article as
    16  tending to prove actual cost to the stamper, wholesaler or to
    17  the retailer complained against. Any party against whom any such
    18  cost survey may be introduced in evidence shall have the right
    19  to offer evidence tending or prove any inaccuracy in such cost
    20  survey or any state of facts which would impair its probative
    21  value.
    22     Section 226-A.  Remedies.--(a)  In the case of any violation
    23  or threatened violation of this article, the department or any
    24  person injured by the violation or who shall suffer injury from
    25  the threatened violation, may maintain an action in any court of
    26  competent jurisdiction to prevent, restrain or enjoin such
    27  violation or threatened violation. If in such action a violation
    28  or threatened violation of this article shall be established,
    29  the court shall enjoin and restrain or otherwise prohibit such
    30  violation or threatened violation and in addition thereto the
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     1  court shall assess in favor of the plaintiff and against the
     2  defendant the costs of suit, including reasonable attorney fees.
     3  In any such action it shall not be necessary that actual damages
     4  to the plaintiff be alleged or proved, but where alleged and
     5  proved by a plaintiff other than the department, the plaintiff
     6  in the action shall be entitled to recover from the defendant
     7  the actual damages sustained by him in addition to such
     8  injunctive relief and costs of suit and reasonable attorney
     9  fees.
    10     (b)  If no injunctive relief is sought or required, any
    11  person injured by a violation of this article may maintain an
    12  action for damages and cost of suit in any court of competent
    13  jurisdiction.
    14     Section 227-A.  Administration Powers and Duties.--(a)  The
    15  administration of this article is hereby vested in the
    16  department. The department shall adopt rules and regulations for
    17  the enforcement of this article and may from time to time make
    18  or cause to be made one or more cost surveys to establish the
    19  lowest cost of the cigarette stamping agent, the lowest cost of
    20  the retailer and the lowest cost of the wholesaler, as defined
    21  in this article for the Commonwealth or such trading area or
    22  areas therein as it shall define. Any such survey made or caused
    23  to be made by the department may be used for the purposes
    24  specified in this article. If the survey is conducted in
    25  connection with a cigarette dealer's request to sell at a price
    26  different from the presumptive minimum, the cigarette dealer
    27  shall pay for the survey. Regulations shall provide a procedure
    28  for dealers to prove a cost different from the State presumptive
    29  costs, including proof of lower costs, filing of petitions, cost
    30  allocation, data to be submitted and guidelines necessary to
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     1  implement this article. Authorization to sell below the
     2  presumptive minimum prices shall be in writing published in the
     3  Pennsylvania Bulletin, and otherwise in conformance with the
     4  requirements of this article, and shall contain a statement that
     5  the authorization is effective forty-five days after the
     6  issuance of the writing and is valid for twelve months
     7  therefrom. Authorization by the department for a dealer to sell
     8  cigarettes below the established presumptive minimum prices
     9  shall be stated as a percentage and be applied to all levels of
    10  cigarette prices in the percentage allowed, and this percentage
    11  shall also be applied to any new presumptive minimum prices
    12  established by the department during the effective period of the
    13  dealer's authorization. The department may impose such fees as
    14  may be necessary to cover the costs incurred in administering
    15  this section, including review and audit of petitioning dealer's
    16  audited financial statement. On the effective date of this
    17  article and until such time as a dealer receives authorization
    18  from the department, in accordance with its regulations, to sell
    19  cigarettes at a price different from the presumptive minimum
    20  prices established pursuant to this article, the last dealer
    21  request to have been authorized by the department shall continue
    22  in effect.
    23     (b)  The department is authorized to jointly administer this
    24  article with the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as
    25  the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," including joint reporting of
    26  information, forms, returns, statements, documents or other
    27  information submitted to the department.
    28     Section 228-A.  Sales Without License.--(a)  Any dealer or
    29  other person who shall, without being the holder of a proper
    30  unexpired dealer's license or vending machine license properly
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     1  affixed as required by this article, engage in the business of
     2  purchasing, selling, stamping, distributing or in any other
     3  manner directly or indirectly engaging in the business of
     4  dealing with cigarettes for profit shall be in violation of this
     5  article, and upon conviction in a summary proceeding, shall be
     6  sentenced to pay a fine of not less than two hundred fifty
     7  dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000),
     8  costs of prosecution or to suffer imprisonment for a term of not
     9  more than thirty days, or both, at the discretion of the court.
    10     (b)  Open display of cigarettes in any manner shall be prima
    11  facie evidence that the person displaying such cigarettes is
    12  directly or indirectly engaging in the business of dealing with
    13  cigarettes for profit.
    14     Section 229-A.  Violations.--(a)  The license of any
    15  cigarette dealer or wholesaler or retailer who violates any of
    16  the provisions of this article may be suspended after due notice
    17  and opportunity of hearing for a period of not less than five
    18  days nor more than thirty days for a first violation and shall
    19  be revoked or suspended for any subsequent violation.
    20     (b)  In addition to the provisions of subsection (a), upon
    21  adjudication of a first violation, the cigarette dealer shall be
    22  fined not less than two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500)
    23  nor more than five thousand dollars ($5,000). For subsequent
    24  violations, the agent, wholesaler or retailer shall, upon
    25  adjudication thereof, be fined not less than five thousand
    26  dollars ($5,000) nor more than fifteen thousand dollars
    27  ($15,000).
    28     (c)  A person who violates section 208-A(b), 214-A, 215-A or
    29  216-A shall be subject to a civil penalty not to exceed three
    30  hundred dollars ($300) but shall not be subject to subsections
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     1  (a) and (b).
     2     (d)  Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the
     3  contrary, the department shall suspend or revoke any license for
     4  violation of any provision of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6,
     5  No.2), known as the "Tax Reform Code of 1971," concerning
     6  contraband cigarettes or counterfeit cigarette stamps.
     7     Section 230-A.  Unfair Sales Act Inapplicable.--The
     8  provisions of the act of August 11, 1941 (P.L.900, No.344),
     9  known as the "Unfair Sales Act," shall not apply to sales of
    10  cigarettes covered by the provisions of this article.
    11     Section 2.  All licenses issued pursuant to any act repealed
    12  hereby shall continue in force and effect in accordance with
    13  their term; all licenses issued or renewed after the effective
    14  date of this act shall be issued in accordance with the
    15  requirements of Article II-A.
    16     Section 3.  The following acts and parts of acts are
    17  repealed:
    18     Act of May 20, 1949 (P.L.1584, No.478), known as the Unfair
    19  Cigarette Sales Act.
    20     The definitions of "bureau," "retailer" and "wholesaler" in
    21  section 1201 and sections 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1226,
    22  1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1235, 1236, 1241, 1242, 1243, 1261
    23  and 1271 of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the
    24  Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    25     Section 4.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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