PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 793                       PRINTER'S NO. 1379



No. 748 Session of 1991


           JUNE 24, 1991

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789, No.285), entitled, as
     2     amended, "An act relating to insurance; establishing an
     3     insurance department; and amending, revising, and
     4     consolidating the law relating to the licensing,
     5     qualification, regulation, examination, suspension, and
     6     dissolution of insurance companies, Lloyds associations,
     7     reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges, and certain
     8     societies and orders, the examination and regulation of fire
     9     insurance rating bureaus, and the licensing and regulation of
    10     insurance agents and brokers; the service of legal process
    11     upon foreign insurance companies, associations or exchanges;
    12     providing penalties, and repealing existing laws," further
    13     providing for the licensing and regulation of agents and
    14     brokers; and imposing penalties.

    15     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    16  hereby enacts as follows:
    17     Section 1.  Section 601 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.789,
    18  No.285), known as The Insurance Department Act of one thousand
    19  nine hundred and twenty-one, amended June 5, 1947 (P.L.439,
    20  No.200), is amended to read:
    21     Section 601.  [Insurance Agents Defined.--An agent is an
    22  individual, copartnership or corporation, authorized in writing

     1  by a company, association, or exchange--
     2     (a)  To solicit risks and collect premiums, and to issue or
     3  countersign policies in its behalf; or
     4     (b)  To solicit risks and collect premiums in its behalf.
     5     A person, copartnership, association, or corporation, not a
     6  duly licensed insurance broker, who, for or without
     7  compensation, solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance
     8  company, association, or exchange, or transmits for a person,
     9  copartnership, association, or corporation, other than himself
    10  or itself, an application for a policy of insurance to or from
    11  such company, association, or exchange, or offers or assumes to
    12  act in the negotiation of such insurance, or in any manner aids
    13  in transacting the insurance business of any such company,
    14  association, or exchange, by negotiating for or placing risks or
    15  delivering policies or collecting premiums for such company,
    16  association, or exchange, shall be an insurance agent within the
    17  intent of this act, and shall thereby become liable to all the
    18  duties, requirements, liabilities, and penalties to which an
    19  agent of such company, association, or exchange is subject:
    20  Provided, however, That the word "agent" shall not include non-
    21  resident salaried employes of foreign exchanges which maintain
    22  no offices in this Commonwealth and pay no commissions to such
    23  employes, or officers or salaried employes of any insurance
    24  company, association or exchange, which is authorized to
    25  transact business in this Commonwealth, who do not solicit,
    26  negotiate or place risks or as to title insurance, duly admitted
    27  attorneys-at-law, licensed real estate agents, or real estate
    28  brokers.] Certain Words Defined.--The word "agent," as used in
    29  this article, means any of the following:
    30     (1)  Any person authorized in writing by an entity:
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     1     (i)  to solicit risks and collect premiums and to issue or
     2  countersign policies on its behalf; or
     3     (ii)  to solicit risks and collect premiums on its behalf.
     4     (2)  A person, not a licensed insurance broker, who, whether
     5  or not for compensation:
     6     (i)  solicits insurance on behalf of any insurance entity;
     7     (ii)  transmits for a person other than himself an
     8  application for a policy of insurance to or from the entity;
     9     (iii)  offers or assumes to act in the negotiation of such
    10  insurance; or
    11     (iv)  in any manner aids in transacting the insurance
    12  business of any entity by negotiating for or placing risks or
    13  delivering policies or collecting premiums for the entity.
    14     The term "agent" does not include:
    15     (1)  Nonresident salaried employes of foreign exchanges which
    16  maintain no offices in this Commonwealth and pay no commissions
    17  to such employes.
    18     (2)  Officers or salaried employes of any insurance entity
    19  authorized to transact business in this Commonwealth who do not
    20  solicit, negotiate or place risks.
    21     (3)  Individuals employed and used by agents, brokers or any
    22  entity exclusively for the performance of clerical, stenographic
    23  or similar office duties.
    24     (4)  This section does not apply to title insurance agents.
    25     The word "appointment," as used in this article, is a written
    26  agreement between an agent and an entity under which the agent
    27  may solicit, negotiate, make, or procure insurance policies, for
    28  compensation, which are issued by the appointing insurer or
    29  insurers.
    30     The term "certificate of qualification" or "certificate," as
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     1  used in this article, is a document issued by the Insurance
     2  Department attesting that an agent has met the standards set
     3  forth under this subarticle to act as an agent in this
     4  Commonwealth.
     5     The term "entity," as used in this article, means any person
     6  doing the business of insurance, including, but not limited to:
     7     (1)  the issuance or delivery of contracts or certificates of
     8  insurance to persons resident in this Commonwealth;
     9     (2)  the solicitation of applications for such contracts or
    10  other negotiations preliminary to the execution of such
    11  contracts;
    12     (3)  the collection of premiums, membership fees, assessments
    13  or other considerations for such contracts; or
    14     (4)  the transaction of matters subsequent to execution of
    15  such contracts arising out of them,
    16  whether or not such person has obtained a certificate of
    17  authority, license or certificate of qualification.
    18     The term "nonresident agent," as used in this article, is an
    19  applicant or certificate holder with both business address and
    20  legal residence outside this Commonwealth.
    21     The term "person," as used in this article, means any
    22  individual, corporation, association, partnership, reciprocal
    23  exchange, inter-insurer, Lloyds insurer, fraternal benefit
    24  society, beneficial association and any other legal entity
    25  engaged in the business of insurance, including agents, brokers
    26  and adjusters and also means health care plans as defined in 40
    27  Pa.C.S. Chs. 61 (relating to hospital plan corporations), 63
    28  (relating to professional health services plan corporations), 65
    29  (relating to fraternal benefit societies) and 67 (relating to
    30  beneficial societies) and the act of December 29, 1972
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     1  (P.L.1701, No.364), known as the "Health Maintenance
     2  Organization Act." For purposes of this article, health care
     3  plans, fraternal benefit societies and beneficial societies
     4  shall be deemed to be engaged in the business of insurance.
     5     Section 2.  Section 602 of the act is amended to read:
     6     Section 602.  [Insurance Companies, Et Cetera, To Certify
     7  Names of Agents.--Insurance companies, associations, and
     8  exchanges, authorized by law to transact business within this
     9  Commonwealth, shall, from time to time, certify to the Insurance
    10  Commissioner the names of all agents appointed by them to
    11  solicit insurance in this Commonwealth.] Requirements to Act as
    12  an Agent.--(a)  A person may not act as an agent unless he
    13  complies with all of the following:
    14     (1)  That person has obtained a certificate from the
    15  Insurance Department reflecting the lines of authority for the
    16  kinds of insurance for which that person intends to act as
    17  agent.
    18     (2)  That person has a current appointment or appointments
    19  from an insurer or insurers.
    20     (3)  That person with a valid license to sell insurance
    21  issued after December 31, 1970 has complied with any continuing
    22  education requirements set forth in the regulations promulgated
    23  by the Insurance Department.
    24     (b)  A certificate to act as an agent shall not be granted to
    25  any corporation unless by provisions of its charter it is
    26  authorized to engage in the business of insurance or real estate
    27  and unless individual certificates are also secured for each
    28  active officer of such corporation. A certificate shall not be
    29  granted to a partnership unless individual certificates are also
    30  secured for each active member of the partnership.
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     1     Section 3.  Section 603 of the act, amended or added August
     2  21, 1961 (P.L.1018, No.457), July 31, 1968 (P.L.1029, No.310),
     3  June 16, 1972 (P.L.436, No.131) and repealed in part April 28,
     4  1978 (P.L.202, No.53), is amended to read:
     5     Section 603.  [Agent's Licenses.--(a)  The Insurance
     6  Commissioner may issue, upon certification as aforesaid by any
     7  company, association, or exchange, authorized by law to transact
     8  business within this Commonwealth, an agent's license to any
     9  person of at least eighteen years of age and to any
    10  copartnership or corporation. No license as agent shall be
    11  granted to any corporation unless by provisions of its charter
    12  it is authorized to engage in the business of insurance or real
    13  estate, and unless individual licenses are also secured for each
    14  active officer of such corporation; and no license shall be
    15  granted to a copartnership or firm unless individual licenses
    16  are also secured for each active member of such copartnership or
    17  firm. Before any such license is granted, the applicant shall
    18  first make answer, in writing and under oath, to interrogatories
    19  on forms and supplements such as the Insurance Commissioner
    20  shall prepare and submit, which answers shall be vouched for by
    21  indorsement of the company, association, or exchange interested,
    22  and to the effect that the applicant is of good business
    23  reputation, and of experience in underwriting, other than
    24  soliciting, and is worthy of a license: Provided, That any
    25  applicant who shall have held, for any period during the five
    26  years immediately preceding the application, a license to
    27  transact, as agent, any class or kind of insurance business for
    28  any company, association, or exchange, authorized to transact
    29  business within this Commonwealth, shall be entitled, upon
    30  proper application, to receive a license to transact, as agent,
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     1  the same class or kind of insurance business for any other
     2  company, association, or exchange, so authorized to transact
     3  business, without the necessity of submitting to an examination.
     4  When the Insurance Commissioner is satisfied that the applicant
     5  is worthy of license, and that he is reasonably familiar with
     6  provisions of the insurance law of this Commonwealth, he shall
     7  issue a license stating that the company, association, or
     8  exchange, represented by the agent, has complied with the
     9  requirements of law and has been authorized by the Insurance
    10  Commissioner to transact business within this Commonwealth, and
    11  that the agent has been duly appointed by the company,
    12  association, or exchange named in the license. Licenses of life
    13  insurance agents shall expire annually at midnight of March
    14  thirty-first, licenses of fire insurance agents shall expire
    15  annually at midnight of September thirtieth, and the licenses of
    16  casualty and health and accident insurance agents shall expire
    17  annually at midnight of December thirty-first, unless sooner
    18  terminated as the result of severance of business relations
    19  between the company, association, or exchange and the agent, or
    20  unless revoked by the Insurance Commissioner for cause. The
    21  provisions of this section shall apply to domestic mutual fire
    22  insurance companies, but no agent of a domestic mutual fire
    23  insurance company acting or authorized to act as such on the
    24  effective date of this act shall be required to take an
    25  examination for licensure.
    26     (b)  Nothing in subsection (a) of this section shall be
    27  construed as requiring agents of domestic mutual fire insurance
    28  companies which agents write only coverages other than insurance
    29  upon automobiles authorized by clauses (1), (2) and (3) of
    30  subsection (b) of section 202 of the act of May 17, 1921 (P.L.
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     1  682), known as "The Insurance Company Law of 1921," to submit to
     2  examination prior to licensure by the Insurance Commissioner.
     3     (c)  The examination provided for in subsection (a) shall not
     4  be required of any person who has received the designation of
     5  Chartered Life Underwriter, (C.L.U.) from the American College
     6  of Life Underwriters, except, that such person may be examined
     7  on pertinent provisions of the insurance laws as determined by
     8  the Insurance Commissioner.] Requirements to Obtain a
     9  Certificate of Qualification.--(a)  In order to obtain a
    10  certificate to act as an agent a person shall comply with all of
    11  the following:
    12     (1)  Be at least eighteen years of age.
    13     (2)  Have successfully passed an examination required by the
    14  Insurance Department demonstrating reasonable familiarity with
    15  insurance laws and the business of insurance in general.
    16     (3)  Complete a verified application on a form approved by
    17  the Insurance Department.
    18     (4)  Have secured on the application a verified statement by
    19  the sponsoring entity that the applicant is of good business
    20  reputation and is worthy of a certificate.
    21     (5)  Pay in full all appropriate fees.
    22     (b)  The Insurance Department may, upon proper and acceptable
    23  application, exempt from the requirement to successfully pass an
    24  examination for such appropriate line or lines of authority any
    25  person who has met at least one of the following:
    26     (1)  Has held, for any period during the two years
    27  immediately preceding the application, a certificate of
    28  qualification from the Insurance Department reflecting at least
    29  one of the same lines of authority for which he is now applying.
    30     (2)  Received the designation of Chartered Life Underwriter
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     1  (C.L.U.) from the American College of Life Underwriters, the
     2  designation of Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter
     3  (C.P.C.U.) from the American Institute for Property and
     4  Liability Underwriters, the designation of Certified Insurance
     5  Counselor (C.I.C.) from the Society of Certified Insurance
     6  Counselors, or any other professional designation approved by
     7  the Insurance Commissioner.
     8     (3)  Is an agent of a domestic mutual fire insurance company,
     9  whose agents write only coverages other than insurance upon
    10  automobiles authorized by paragraphs (1), (2) and (3) of
    11  subdivision (b) of section 202 of the act of May 17, 1921
    12  (P.L.682, No.284), known as "The Insurance Company Law of 1921."
    13     (4)  Is qualified to apply for and receive authorization from
    14  the Insurance Department to act as an agent on the effective
    15  date of this act.
    16     (5)  Is an agent of a fraternal benefit society who, under
    17  section 706 of the act of July 29, 1977 (P.L.105, No.38), known
    18  as the "Fraternal Benefit Society Code," is not required to take
    19  an examination.
    20     Section 4.  Section 604 of the act, amended December 3, 1975
    21  (P.L.471, No.137), is amended to read:
    22     Section 604.  [Penalty for Acting as Agent Without License.--
    23  Any individual, copartnership, or corporation transacting
    24  business within this Commonwealth as the agent of an insurance
    25  company, association, or exchange, without a license as required
    26  by this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
    27  conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine not
    28  exceeding one thousand dollars. Prosecution for any violation
    29  under this section may be instituted by the Insurance
    30  Commissioner or a duly designated deputy.] Issuance of
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     1  Certificate of Qualification.--(a)  When the Insurance
     2  Department is satisfied that the applicant is worthy of a
     3  certificate of qualification and has successfully passed an
     4  examination and otherwise complied with this article, it shall
     5  issue a certificate. The certificate shall state that the agent
     6  has complied with this article and has been authorized by the
     7  Insurance Department to transact business in specific lines of
     8  authority in this Commonwealth.
     9     (b)  A person who was licensed to act as an agent on the
    10  effective date of this act may obtain a certificate to act as an
    11  agent reflecting the lines of authority for which that person
    12  was previously licensed or qualified by filing the appropriate
    13  application for an original certificate of qualification with
    14  the Insurance Department and paying the fee for an original
    15  agent's certificate as specified under this subarticle.
    16     (c)  A certificate of qualification shall state that a person
    17  is empowered to act as an insurance agent under the laws of the
    18  Commonwealth for specified lines of authority. The agent shall
    19  display his certificate of qualification in the agent's place of
    20  business.
    21     (d)  (1)  All agents licensed on the effective date of this
    22  act shall complete and submit a conversion application in
    23  accordance with Insurance Department instructions. For the
    24  purpose of conversion each person shall pay a fee not to exceed
    25  six dollars and fifty cents. Such fee shall accompany the
    26  conversion application and be returned to the Insurance
    27  Department no later than three months from date of receipt. The
    28  fees collected by the Insurance Department shall be placed in an
    29  Insurance Department Restricted Revenue Account dedicated to
    30  fund the conversion to the single license system established by
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     1  this act.
     2     (2)  Those persons who have complied with subsection (d)(1)
     3  shall receive, complete, and submit a single license application
     4  to convert their existing licenses to a certificate of
     5  qualification in accordance with Insurance Department
     6  regulation. The regulation shall provide for, but not be limited
     7  to, timeliness of compliance, amount of fee, if any, to be
     8  charged, and any late fee penalties for noncompliance.
     9     (3)  Persons in compliance with subsection (d)(2) shall
    10  receive a certificate of qualification from the Insurance
    11  Department. A person receiving a valid certificate of
    12  qualification will be able to solicit additional appointments
    13  immediately. However, a licensed agent who fails to comply with
    14  subsection (d)(2) as of the transition date to a single license
    15  system shall have his license or licenses terminated.
    16     (4)  Insurers will be deemed to have appointed all their
    17  agents licensed on the transition date as provided for by
    18  Insurance Department regulation. The first appointment report
    19  shall be filed with the Insurance Department ninety days after
    20  the transition date and must include all existing agents and any
    21  new appointments. Appointment reports shall be filed on a
    22  monthly basis thereafter pursuant to Insurance Department
    23  regulation.
    24     Section 5.  Sections 605 and 606 of the act are amended to
    25  read:
    26     Section 605.  [Personal Liability of Agents Acting for
    27  Unauthorized Companies.--An insurance agent shall be personally
    28  liable on all contracts of insurance or suretyship unlawfully
    29  made by or through him, directly or indirectly, for or in behalf
    30  of any company, association, or exchange not authorized to do
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     1  business in this Commonwealth. Any person soliciting risks,
     2  forwarding premiums, or countersigning or delivering policies,
     3  shall be deemed to be the agent of the company, association, or
     4  exchange, within the meaning of this section.] Appointment.--(a)
     5  No agent shall do business on behalf of any entity without a
     6  written appointment from that entity.
     7     (b)  All appointments shall be obtained by procedures
     8  established by the Insurance Department's regulations.
     9     (c)  Insurance entities authorized by law to transact
    10  business in this Commonwealth shall, from time to time as
    11  determined by the Insurance Department, certify to the Insurance
    12  Department the names of all agents appointed by them.
    13     (d)  Each appointment fee, both new and renewal, shall be
    14  paid in full by the entity appointing the agent.
    15     Section 606.  [Penalty for Advertising as Agent of
    16  Unauthorized Company, Et Cetera.--Any person who, by poster,
    17  circular, letter, or in any other way or manner, represents or
    18  advertises himself as the agent of any insurance company,
    19  association, or exchange of any other State or government, which
    20  has not complied with the laws of this State, shall be guilty of
    21  a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a
    22  fine of not more than one thousand dollars.] Reports by Entities
    23  to the Insurance Department.--All entities shall report to the
    24  Insurance Department all appointments and terminations of
    25  appointments in the format and time frame required by the
    26  Insurance Department's regulations.
    27     Section 6.  Section 607 of the act, amended December 30, 1974
    28  (P.L.1047, No.343), is amended to read:
    29     Section 607.  [Penalty for Soliciting for Fictitious or Dead
    30  Companies, Et Cetera.--Any individual, and the officers,
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     1  managers, agents, owners, or representatives of and any
     2  corporation, partnership, or association, offering within this
     3  State, in person or by advertisement, poster, letter, circular,
     4  or otherwise to sell, procure, or obtain policies, certificates,
     5  agreements, binders, or applications for insurance, surety, or
     6  indemnity, for or on behalf of any spurious, fictitious,
     7  nonexisting, dissolved, inactive, liquidated or liquidating or
     8  bankrupt insurance company, association, exchange, society, or
     9  order, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction,
    10  shall be sentenced to not more than one year or less than six
    11  months imprisonment, and, in addition, shall pay a fine not
    12  exceeding one thousand dollars for each and every violation.]
    13  Personal Liability of Agents for Unauthorized Entity.--An
    14  insurance agent shall be personally liable on all contracts of
    15  insurance or suretyship unlawfully made by or through him,
    16  directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of any entity not
    17  authorized to do business in this Commonwealth. This section
    18  applies to any person who transacts business in this
    19  Commonwealth as an agent of an insurance entity without a
    20  certificate as required by this article.
    21     Section 7.  Section 608 of the act, amended July 14, 1977
    22  (P.L.88, No.31), is amended to read:
    23     Section 608.  [Nonresident Agents.--(a)  The Insurance
    24  Commissioner may issue a license as agent to a person not
    25  resident of this Commonwealth, upon compliance with the
    26  applicable provisions of this act, if the state or the Province
    27  of Canada of such person's residence will accord the same
    28  privilege to a resident of this Commonwealth.
    29     (b)  The Insurance Commissioner may enter into reciprocal
    30  agreements with the appropriate official of any such other state
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     1  or province waiving the written examination of any applicant
     2  resident in such other state or province, if:
     3     (1)  A written examination is required of applicants for an
     4  insurance agent's license in such other state or province;
     5     (2)  The appropriate official of the other state or province
     6  certifies that the applicant holds a currently valid license as
     7  an insurance agent in such other state or province and either
     8  passed such a written examination or was the holder of an
     9  insurance agent's license prior to the time a written
    10  examination was required;
    11     (3)  That in such other state or province a resident of this
    12  Commonwealth is privileged to procure an insurance agent's
    13  license upon the foregoing conditions and without discrimination
    14  as to fees otherwise in favor of the residents of such other
    15  state or province.
    16     (c)  No such applicant or licensee shall have a place of
    17  business in the Commonwealth, nor be an officer, director,
    18  stockholder, or partner in any corporation or partnership doing
    19  business in the Commonwealth as a life insurance agency.
    20     (d)  If the laws of another state or the Province of Canada
    21  require the sharing of commissions with resident agents of that
    22  state or province on applications for insurance written by
    23  nonresident agents, then the same provisions shall apply when
    24  resident agents of that state or province, licensed as
    25  nonresident agents of Pennsylvania, write applications for
    26  insurance on residents of the Commonwealth.] Penalty for
    27  Advertising as Agent of Unauthorized Entity.--Any person who
    28  represents or advertises himself as the agent of any foreign or
    29  alien insurance entity which has not complied with the laws of
    30  this Commonwealth commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
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     1     Section 8.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     2     Section 609.  Penalty for Soliciting for Nonexistent
     3  Entity.--Any individual, and the officers, managers, agents,
     4  owners or representatives of and any corporation or partnership,
     5  offering in this Commonwealth to sell, procure or obtain
     6  policies, certificates, agreements, binders or applications for
     7  insurance, surety or indemnity, for or on behalf of any
     8  spurious, fictitious, nonexistent, dissolved, inactive,
     9  liquidated, liquidating or bankrupt insurance entity, society or
    10  order, commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    11     Section 610.  Requirements for Nonresidents to Obtain
    12  Certificate of Qualification.--(a)  The Insurance Department may
    13  issue a certificate to a person not a resident of this
    14  Commonwealth, upon compliance with the applicable provisions of
    15  this article, if the state or the province of the Dominion of
    16  Canada of the person's residence accords the same privilege to a
    17  resident of this Commonwealth.
    18     (b)  The Insurance Department may enter into reciprocal
    19  agreements with the appropriate official of any such other state
    20  or province waiving the written examination of any applicant
    21  resident in the other state or province if the following
    22  conditions exist:
    23     (1)  A written examination, with no exemptions not
    24  substantially similar to those set forth in section 603(b)(1)
    25  and (2), is required of applicants for an insurance agent's
    26  certificate or its equivalent in the other state or province.
    27     (2)  The appropriate official certifies that the applicant
    28  holds a currently valid certificate or its equivalent as an
    29  insurance agent in the other state or province and either passed
    30  a written examination or was the holder of an insurance agent's
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     1  certificate or its equivalent prior to the time a written
     2  examination was required.
     3     (3)  In the other state or province, a resident of this
     4  Commonwealth may obtain an insurance agent's certificate or its
     5  equivalent upon the conditions stated in this subsection,
     6  without discrimination as to fees or otherwise in favor of the
     7  residents of the other state or province.
     8     (c)  If the law of another state or province of the Dominion
     9  of Canada requires the sharing of commissions with resident
    10  agents of the state or province on applications for insurance
    11  written by nonresident agents, then the same provisions shall
    12  apply when resident agents of that state or province authorized
    13  as nonresident agents in this Commonwealth write applications
    14  for insurance on residents of this Commonwealth.
    15     Section 9.  Section 621 of the act is amended to read:
    16     Section 621.  [Insurance Broker Defined.--An insurance broker
    17  is a person, copartnership, or corporation, not an officer or
    18  agent of the company, association, or exchange interested, who
    19  or which, for compensation, acts or aids in any manner in
    20  obtaining insurance for a person other than himself or itself.]
    21  Definitions and Applicability.--(a)  As used in this subarticle
    22  and Subarticle C, the term "insurance broker" means a person,
    23  not an officer or agent of the entity interested, who, for
    24  compensation, acts or aids in any manner in obtaining insurance,
    25  other than title insurance, for a person other than himself.
    26     (b)  This subarticle does not apply to title insurance
    27  brokers.
    28     Section 10.  Section 622 of the act, amended March 28, 1974
    29  (P.L.231, No.52) and repealed in part April 28, 1978 (P.L.202,
    30  No.53), is amended to read:
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     1     Section 622.  Brokers' Licenses.--[The Insurance Commissioner
     2  may issue, to any person of at least eighteen years of age or to
     3  any copartnership or corporation, a license to act as an
     4  insurance broker to negotiate contracts of insurance or
     5  reinsurance, with any insurance company, association, or
     6  exchange, or the agents thereof, authorized by law to transact
     7  business within this Commonwealth. No license shall be issued to
     8  any corporation to act as an insurance broker unless by its
     9  charter it is authorized to engage in the business of insurance
    10  or real estate. Before any license is issued, the applicant
    11  shall make answer, in writing and under oath, to such
    12  interrogatories and on such forms and supplements as the
    13  Insurance Commissioner shall prepare and submit, which answers
    14  shall be vouched for by indorsement of at least two agents or by
    15  the officers of any insurance company, association, or exchange,
    16  who are acquainted with the applicant, to the effect that the
    17  applicant is of good business reputation, and has experience in
    18  underwriting, other than soliciting, and is worthy of a license.
    19  When the Insurance Commissioner is satisfied that the applicant
    20  is worthy of a license, and that he is reasonably familiar with
    21  provisions of the insurance laws of this Commonwealth, he shall
    22  issue a broker's license to expire annually one year from date
    23  of issue, unless sooner revoked by the Insurance Commissioner
    24  for cause.] (a)  The Insurance Department may issue to any
    25  individual or to any partnership or corporation a license to act
    26  as an insurance broker to negotiate contracts of insurance or
    27  reinsurance with any insurance entity or the appointed agents
    28  thereof authorized by law to transact business in this
    29  Commonwealth.
    30     (b)  A license shall not be issued to any partnership or
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     1  corporation to act as an insurance broker unless by its charter
     2  it is authorized to engage in the business of insurance or real
     3  estate and unless individual certificates or licenses are also
     4  secured for each active partner or officer of such partnership
     5  or corporation.
     6     (c)  No person shall act as an insurance broker without a
     7  license.
     8     (d)  In order to obtain a license to act as a broker a person
     9  shall:
    10     (1)  Be at least eighteen years of age.
    11     (2)  Have successfully passed an examination required by the
    12  Insurance Department demonstrating reasonable familiarity with
    13  insurance laws and the business of insurance in general.
    14     (3)  Complete a verified application on a form approved by
    15  the Insurance Department.
    16     (4)  Pay in full all appropriate fees.
    17     (e)  The Insurance Department may, upon proper and acceptable
    18  application, exempt from the requirement to successfully pass an
    19  examination for such appropriate lines of authority for the
    20  kinds of insurance business any person who has received the
    21  designation of Chartered Life Underwriter (C.L.U.), from the
    22  American College of Life Underwriters, the designation of
    23  Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter (C.P.C.U.) from the
    24  American Institute for Property and Liability Underwriters, the
    25  designation of Certified Insurance Counselor (C.I.C.) from the
    26  Society of Certified Insurance Counselors, or any other
    27  professional designation approved by the Insurance Commissioner.
    28     (f)  When the Insurance Department is satisfied that the
    29  applicant is worthy of a license and is reasonably familiar with
    30  the insurance laws of this Commonwealth and the business of
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     1  insurance in general, it shall issue a broker's license to
     2  expire two years from the date of issue, unless sooner revoked
     3  by the Insurance Department for cause.
     4     (g)  A broker's license shall state that a person is
     5  empowered to act as an insurance agent BROKER under the laws of   <--
     6  the Commonwealth for specified lines of authority. The broker
     7  shall display his broker's license in the broker's place of
     8  business.
     9     (h)  Insurance brokers with a valid license to sell, issued
    10  after December 31, 1970, shall comply with any continuing
    11  education requirements established by the Insurance Department
    12  by regulation.
    13     Section 11.  Section 623 of the act, amended December 3, 1975
    14  (P.L.471, No.137), is amended to read:
    15     Section 623.  [Penalties for Acting as Broker Without a
    16  License, and Transacting Business with an Unlicensed Broker.--
    17  Any person, copartnership, or corporation transacting business
    18  as an insurance broker, within this Commonwealth, or soliciting
    19  insurance or transmitting for a partnership, copartnership,
    20  association, or corporation, other than himself or itself, an
    21  application for a policy of insurance, or offering or assuming
    22  to act in the negotiation of such insurance, or in any manner
    23  aiding in transacting an insurance business, or negotiating for
    24  or placing risks, or delivering policies or collecting premiums
    25  for policies which are effective in this State, without a
    26  license as broker, or in the case of title insurance without
    27  being admitted to practice as an attorney-at-law or being
    28  licensed as a real estate broker or real estate agent, unless he
    29  or she or it be acting as a licensed agent and then only for the
    30  companies he, she or it is duly licensed by this Commonwealth to
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     1  represent, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
     2  conviction thereof, shall pay a fine not exceeding one thousand
     3  dollars. Any company, association, or exchange, or the agent of
     4  any company, association, or exchange, accepting applications or
     5  orders for insurance or securing any insurance business through
     6  anyone acting without a license, as aforesaid, shall be guilty
     7  of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall pay a fine
     8  not exceeding one thousand dollars. Prosecution for any
     9  violation under this section may be instituted by the Insurance
    10  Commissioner or a duly designated deputy.] Doing Business with
    11  Unlicensed Brokers.--Any entity or the appointed agent of any
    12  entity accepting applications or orders for insurance or
    13  securing any insurance business through anyone acting without a
    14  license commits a misdemeanor of the third degree.
    15     Section 12.  Section 626 of the act, added June 5, 1947
    16  (P.L.456, No.206), is amended to read:
    17     Section 626.  [Payment of Commissions to Brokers.--Any
    18  insurance company, association or exchange, or the agent
    19  thereof, may pay money, commission or brokerage, or give or
    20  allow anything of value to a duly licensed insurance broker for,
    21  or on account of, the solicitation or negotiation of contracts
    22  for insurance on property or risks within the Commonwealth.]
    23  Payment of Commissions to Brokers.--Any insurance entity or the
    24  appointed agent thereof may pay money, commission or brokerage,
    25  or give or allow anything of value to a duly licensed broker for
    26  the solicitation or negotiation of contracts for insurance on
    27  property or risks in this Commonwealth.
    28     Section 13.  Section 631 of the act is amended to read:
    29     Section 631.  [Penalty for Acting for Companies, Et Cetera,
    30  Failing to Appoint Insurance Commissioner for Service of
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     1  Process.--Any person, copartnership, or corporation, acting as
     2  agent or broker for himself or for others, not having been
     3  specially and lawfully licensed so to do, who solicits or
     4  procures, or aids in the solicitation or procurement of,
     5  policies or certificates of insurance from, or adjusts losses,
     6  or in any manner aids in the transaction of any business for,
     7  any foreign insurance company, association, or exchange, which
     8  has not executed and filed in the office of the Insurance
     9  Commissioner a written appointment of the commissioner to be the
    10  true and lawful attorney of such company, association, or
    11  exchange in and for this State, upon whom all lawful process in
    12  any action or proceeding against the company, association, or
    13  exchange may be served, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
    14  conviction, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than
    15  three hundred dollars and not more than one thousand dollars.]
    16  Fraudulent Unlicensed Activity.--A person who without a
    17  certificate of qualification performs the duties of an agent as
    18  defined in section 601 and any regulations promulgated
    19  thereunder, or who without a license performs the duties of a
    20  broker as defined in section 621 and any regulations promulgated
    21  thereunder, commits a felony of the third degree.
    22     Section 14.  Section 639 of the act, amended December 30,
    23  1974 (P.L.1047, No.343) and repealed in part April 28, 1978
    24  (P.L.202, No.53), is amended to read:
    25     Section 639.  [Revocation, Et Cetera, of License; Penalty.--
    26  Upon satisfactory evidence of the violation of any of the
    27  provisions of sections six hundred four, six hundred six, six
    28  hundred seven, six hundred twenty-three, six hundred thirty-one,
    29  six hundred thirty-two, six hundred thirty-three, six hundred
    30  thirty-three point one, six hundred thirty-four, six hundred
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     1  thirty-five, six hundred thirty-six, six hundred thirty-seven,
     2  and six hundred thirty-eight of this act, by any agent or
     3  solicitor of any insurance company, association, or exchange, or
     4  by any insurance broker or excess insurance broker, or upon
     5  satisfactory evidence of such conduct as would disqualify such
     6  agent or broker or excess broker from initial issuance of a
     7  license under sections six hundred three, six hundred twenty-two
     8  and six hundred twenty-four, the Insurance Commissioner may, in
     9  his discretion, pursue any one or more of the following courses
    10  of action regardless of whether such agent, solicitor or broker
    11  was licensed or not licensed by the Insurance Commissioner:
    12     (1)  Suspend or revoke or refuse to renew the license of such
    13  offending party or parties;
    14     (2)  Impose a civil penalty of not more than one thousand
    15  dollars for each and every act in violation of any of said
    16  sections by said party or parties.
    17     Before the Insurance Commissioner shall take any action as
    18  above set forth, he shall give written notice to the person,
    19  company, association, or exchange, accused of violating the law,
    20  stating specifically the nature of such alleged violation and
    21  fixing a time and place, at least ten (10) days thereafter, when
    22  a hearing of the matter shall be held. After such hearing or
    23  upon failure of the accused to appear at such hearing, the
    24  Insurance Commissioner shall impose such of the above penalties
    25  as he deems advisable.
    26     Any agent or solicitor of any insurance company, association,
    27  or exchange, or any insurance broker, or any person,
    28  copartnership, association, or corporation, violating the
    29  provisions of sections six hundred thirty-three point one, six
    30  hundred thirty-five, six hundred thirty-six, six hundred thirty-
    19910S0748B1379                 - 22 -

     1  seven, and six hundred thirty-eight of this act, shall be guilty
     2  of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
     3  sentenced to pay a fine of not more than one thousand dollars
     4  ($1,000.00) for each and every violation, or, at the discretion
     5  of the court, to imprisonment in the county jail of the county
     6  in which the offense is committed for a period of not more than
     7  six months, or both.] Penalties Imposed by Insurance
     8  Department.--(a)  Upon satisfactory evidence of the violation of
     9  sections 602, 605, 606, 608, 609, 622, 631 through 638 by any
    10  agent of any insurance entity or by any insurance broker or upon
    11  satisfactory evidence of such conduct that would disqualify the
    12  agent or broker from initial issuance of a certificate of
    13  qualification under section 604 or 622, the department may
    14  pursue any one or more of the following courses of action
    15  regardless of whether the agent or broker was so authorized by
    16  the department:
    17     (1)  Suspend or revoke or refuse to issue the certificate of
    18  qualification or license of the offending party or parties.
    19     (2)  Impose a civil penalty of not more than one thousand
    20  dollars for each act in violation of any of the provisions
    21  listed in this subsection.
    22     (b)  Before the Insurance Commissioner shall take any action
    23  as above set forth, he shall give written notice to the  entity,
    24  accused of violating the law, stating specifically the nature of
    25  such alleged violation and fixing a time and place, at least ten
    26  days thereafter, when a hearing of the matter shall be held.
    27  After such hearing or upon failure of the accused to appear at
    28  such hearing, the Insurance Commissioner shall impose such of
    29  the above penalties as he deems advisable.
    30     (c)  Any agent or solicitor of any entity, or any insurance
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     1  broker, or any person, partnership, association, or corporation,
     2  violating the provisions of sections 633.1, 635, 636, 637 and
     3  638 of the act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon
     4  conviction thereof, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
     5  than one thousand dollars for each and every violation, or, at
     6  the discretion of the court, to imprisonment in the county jail
     7  of the court in which the offense is committed for a period of
     8  not more than six months.
     9     Section 15.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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