PRIOR PRINTER'S NO. 497                       PRINTER'S NO. 579



No. 455 Session of 1983

           MARCH 14, 1983


                                     AN ACT

     1  Regulating continuing care facilities; imposing duties upon the
     2     Insurance Commissioner; requiring certificate of authority;
     3     revocation of certificates; regulating disclosure statements;
     4     advertisement; regulating financial reserves; requiring
     5     escrows; regulating residents' agreements; establishing an
     6     advisory council; granting right of organization; regulating
     7     liquidation and rehabilitation; imposing civil liability;
     8     providing for the right to investigate and subpoena, liens,
     9     cross-collateralization, cease and desist orders and audits;
    10     imposing fees and regulations; and making criminal penalties.

    11                         TABLE OF CONTENTS
    12  Section  1.  Short title.
    13  Section  2.  Purpose.
    14  Section  3.  Definitions.
    15  Section  4.  Certificate of authority.
    16  Section  5.  Revocation of certificate of authority.
    17  Section  6.  Sale or transfer of ownership.
    18  Section  7.  Disclosure statement.
    19  Section  8.  False information.
    20  Section  9.  Reserves.
    21  Section 10.  Reserve fund escrow.

     1  Section 11.  Lien on behalf of residents.
     2  Section 12.  Entrance fee escrow.
     3  Section 13.  Cross-collateralization limited.
     4  Section 14.  Resident's agreement.
     5  Section 15.  Advisory council.
     6  Section 16.  Right to organization.
     7  Section 17.  Rehabilitation or liquidation.
     8  Section 18.  Civil liability.
     9  Section 19.  Investigations and subpoenas.
    10  Section 20.  Audits.
    11  Section 21.  Cease and desist orders, injunctions.
    12  Section 22.  Criminal penalties.
    13  Section 23.  Fees.
    14  Section 24.  Reasonable time to comply with rules and
    15                 standards.
    16  Section 25.  Regulations.
    17  Section 26.  Effective date.
    18     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    19  hereby enacts as follows:
    20  Section 1.  Short title.
    21     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Continuing
    22  Care Provider Registration and Disclosure Act.
    23  Section 2.  Purpose.
    24     The General Assembly recognizes that continuing care
    25  communities have become an important and necessary alternative
    26  for the long term residential, social and health maintenance
    27  needs for many of the Commonwealth's elderly citizens.
    28     The General Assembly finds and declares that tragic
    29  consequences can result to citizens of the Commonwealth when a
    30  provider of services under a continuing care agreement becomes
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     1  insolvent or unable to provide responsible care. The General
     2  Assembly recognizes the need for full disclosure with respect to
     3  the terms of agreements between prospective residents and the
     4  provider and the operations of such providers. Accordingly, the
     5  General Assembly has determined that these providers should be
     6  regulated in accordance with the provisions of this act. The
     7  provisions of this act apply equally to for-profit and not-for-
     8  profit provider organizations. The provisions of this act shall
     9  be the minimum requirements to be imposed upon any person,
    10  association or organization offering or providing continuing
    11  care as set forth in this act.
    12  Section 3.  Definitions.
    13     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    14  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    15  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     "Commissioner."  The Insurance Commissioner.
    17     "Continuing care."  The furnishing to an individual, other
    18  than an individual related by consanguinity or affinity to the
    19  person furnishing such care, of board and lodging together with
    20  nursing services, medical services or other health related
    21  services, regardless of whether or not the lodging and services
    22  are provided at the same location and pursuant to an agreement
    23  effective for the life of the individual or for a period in
    24  excess of one year including mutually terminable contracts and
    25  in consideration of the payment of an entrance fee with or
    26  without other periodic charges.
    27     "Entrance fee."  An initial or deferred transfer to a
    28  provider of a sum of money or other property made or promised to
    29  be made as full or partial consideration for acceptance of a
    30  specified individual as a resident in a facility. A fee which is
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     1  less than the sum of the regular periodic charges for one year
     2  of residency will not be considered to be an entrance fee for
     3  the disclosure requirements PURPOSES of this act.                 <--
     4     "Facility."  The place or places in which a person undertakes
     5  to provide continuing care to an individual.
     6     "Living unit."  A room, apartment, cottage or other area
     7  within a facility set aside for the exclusive use or control of
     8  one or more identified individuals.
     9     "Manager."  A person who operates a facility for the
    10  provider.
    11     "Omission of a material fact."  The failure to state a
    12  material fact required to be stated in any disclosure statement
    13  or registration in order to make the statements made therein not
    14  misleading in light of the circumstances under which they were
    15  made.
    16     "Provider."  A person undertaking to provide continuing care
    17  in a facility.
    18     "Resident."  An individual entitled to receive continuing
    19  care in a facility.
    20     "Solicit."  All actions of a provider or manager in seeking
    21  to have individuals residing in this Commonwealth pay an
    22  application fee and enter into a continuing care agreement by
    23  any means such as, but not limited to, personal, telephone or
    24  mail communication or any other communication directed to and
    25  received by any individual in this Commonwealth and any
    26  advertisements in any media distributed or communicated by any
    27  means to individuals in this Commonwealth.
    28  Section 4.  Certificate of authority.
    29     (a)  No providers shall engage in the business of providing
    30  continuing care in this Commonwealth without a certificate of
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     1  authority therefor obtained from the department as provided in
     2  this act.
     3     (b)  The application for a certificate of authority shall be
     4  filed with the department by the provider on forms prescribed by
     5  the department and shall include:
     6         (1)  All information required by the department pursuant
     7     to regulations adopted by it under this act.
     8         (2)  The disclosure statement meeting the requirements of
     9     this act.
    10     (c)  Upon receipt of the application for a certificate of
    11  authority in proper form, the department shall, within ten
    12  business days, issue a notice of filing to the provider-
    13  applicant. Within 60 days of the notice of filing, the
    14  department shall enter an order issuing the certificate of
    15  authority or rejecting the application.
    16     (d)  If the department determines that any of the
    17  requirements of this act have not been met, the commissioner
    18  shall notify the applicant that the application must be
    19  corrected within 30 days in such particulars as designated by
    20  the commissioner. If the requirements are not met within the
    21  time allowed, the commissioner may enter an order rejecting the
    22  application which shall include the finding of fact upon which
    23  the order is based and which shall not become effective until 20
    24  days after the end of the foregoing 30-day period. During the
    25  20-day period, the applicant may petition for reconsideration
    26  and shall be entitled to a hearing.
    27     (e)  With respect to a provider who has offered continuing
    28  care agreements to existing or prospective residents in a
    29  facility established prior to the effective date of this act,
    30  which facility has one or more residents living there pursuant
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     1  to such agreements entered into prior to the effective date of
     2  this act, and if such a provider is unable to comply with
     3  section 9 within the time provided, the commissioner may, after
     4  the filing of a petition by the provider, issue a temporary
     5  certificate of authority to the provider which may then enter
     6  into continuing care agreements in compliance with all other
     7  applicable provisions of this act until the permanent
     8  certificate of authority has been issued. This temporary
     9  certificate may only be issued to those existing providers who
    10  will be able to comply with the provisions of section 9 within a
    11  period of time agreed to by the commissioner. This period of
    12  time shall not exceed two years.
    13     (f)  If a provider is not in compliance on, or before, the
    14  expiration date of the temporary certificate, they may petition
    15  the commissioner for an extension. Providers who may be able to
    16  comply with section 9, as determined by the commissioner, may be
    17  granted an extension of up to three years.
    18     (g)  If an existing provider is granted a permanent
    19  certificate of authority, any resident who entered into an
    20  agreement before the certificate of authority was granted shall
    21  be provided with all amendments to the application for
    22  registration and the initial disclosure statement.
    23     (h)  If an existing provider is denied a permanent
    24  certificate of authority, any resident who entered into a
    25  continuing care agreement before the certificate of authority
    26  shall be entitled to all the appropriate remedies as provided in
    27  this act.
    28     (i)  The provider shall file with the commissioner, annually
    29  within four months following the end of the provider's fiscal
    30  year, an annual disclosure statement which shall contain the
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     1  information required by this act for the initial disclosure
     2  statement. The annual disclosure statement shall also be
     3  accompanied by a narrative describing any material differences
     4  between:
     5         (1)  The pro forma income statements filed pursuant to
     6     this act either as part of the application for registration
     7     or as part of the most recent annual disclosure statement.
     8         (2)  The actual results of operations during the fiscal
     9     year.
    10  The annual disclosure statement shall also contain a revised pro
    11  forma income statement for the next fiscal year. The
    12  commissioner may request additional income statements when it is
    13  shown that such are necessary.
    14     (j)  From the date an annual disclosure statement is filed
    15  until the date the next succeeding annual disclosure statement
    16  is filed with the commissioner and prior to the provider's
    17  acceptance of part or all of any application fee or part of the
    18  entrance fee or the execution of the continuing care agreement
    19  by the resident, whichever first occurs, the provider shall
    20  deliver and obtain a receipt for the delivery of the then
    21  current annual disclosure statement to the individual or
    22  individuals who are the prospective residents and with whom the
    23  continuing care agreement is to be entered into.
    24     (k)  In addition to filing the annual disclosure statement,
    25  the provider may amend its currently filed disclosure statement
    26  at any other time if, in the opinion of the provider, an
    27  amendment is necessary to prevent the disclosure statement and
    28  annual disclosure statement from containing any material
    29  misstatement of fact or omission to state a material fact
    30  required to be stated therein. Any such amendment or amended
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     1  disclosure statement must be filed with the commissioner before
     2  it is delivered to any resident or prospective resident and is
     3  subject to all the requirements, including those as to content
     4  and delivery, of this act.
     5     (l)  If a facility is accredited by a process approved by the
     6  commissioner as substantially equivalent to the requirements of
     7  this section, then the facility shall be deemed to have met the
     8  requirements of this section and the commissioner shall issue a
     9  certificate of authority to the facility.
    10  Section 5.  Revocation of certificate of authority.
    11     (a)  The certificate of authority of a provider shall remain
    12  in effect until revoked after notice and hearing, upon written
    13  findings of fact by the commissioner, that the provider has:
    14         (1)  willfully violated any provision of this act or of
    15     any rule, regulation or order adopted hereunder;
    16         (2)  failed to file an annual disclosure statement or
    17     resident agreement as required by this act;
    18         (3)  failed to deliver to prospective residents the
    19     disclosure statements required by this act;
    20         (4)  delivered to prospective residents a disclosure
    21     statement which makes an untrue statement or omits a material
    22     fact and the provider, at the time of the delivery of the
    23     disclosure statement, had actual knowledge of the
    24     misstatement or omission; or
    25         (5)  failed to comply with the terms of a cease and
    26     desist order.
    27     (b)  Findings of fact in support of revocation, if set forth
    28  in statutory language, shall be accompanied by a concise and
    29  explicit statement of the underlying facts supporting the
    30  findings.
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     1     (c)  If the commissioner finds good cause to believe that the
     2  provider has been guilty of a violation for which revocation
     3  could be ordered, it may first issue a cease and desist order.
     4  If the cease and desist order is not or cannot be effective in
     5  remedying the violation, the commissioner may, after notice and
     6  hearing, order that the certificate of authority be revoked and
     7  surrendered. Such a cease and desist order may be appealed to
     8  the Commonwealth Court.
     9  Section 6.  Sale or transfer of ownership.
    10     Any provider desiring to sell or transfer ownership of a
    11  continuing care facility shall notify the department 30 days in
    12  advance of the completion of such sale or transfer. The
    13  commissioner may revoke, after notice and hearing, upon written
    14  findings of fact, the certificate of authority of any provider
    15  based upon a substantial change in control or ownership of such
    16  provider, which change is found not to be in the best interests
    17  of the residents of the facility or facilities owned or
    18  controlled by the provider such that the facility or facilities
    19  is in the imminent danger of becoming insolvent, or that the
    20  care of present or prospective residents is threatened thereby.
    21  Section 7.  Disclosure statement.
    22     At the time of or prior to the execution of a contract to
    23  provide continuing care, or at the time of or prior to the
    24  transfer of any money or other property to a provider by or on
    25  behalf of a prospective resident, whichever shall first occur,
    26  the provider shall deliver a disclosure statement to the person
    27  with whom the contract is to be entered into, which shall
    28  contain all of the following information unless such information
    29  is in the contract, a copy of which must be attached to the
    30  statement:
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     1         (1)  The name and business address of the provider and a
     2     statement of whether the provider is a partnership,
     3     corporation or other type of legal entity.
     4         (2)  The names and business addresses of the officers,
     5     directors, trustees, managing or general partners, and any
     6     person having a 10% or greater equity or beneficial interest
     7     in or of the provider, and a description of such person's
     8     interest in or occupation with the provider.
     9         (3)  With respect to:
    10             (i)  The provider.
    11             (ii)  Any person named in response to paragraph (2).
    12             (iii)  The proposed manager, if the facility will be
    13         managed on a day-to-day basis by a person other than an
    14         individual directly employed by the provider:
    15                 (A)  A description of the business experience of
    16             such person, if any, in the operation or management
    17             of similar facilities.
    18                 (B)  The name and address of any professional
    19             service, firm, association, trust, partnership or
    20             corporation in which such person has, or which has in
    21             such person, a 10% or greater interest and which it
    22             is presently intended will or may provide goods,
    23             leases or services to the facility of a value of $500
    24             or more, within any year, including:
    25                     (I)  A description of the goods, leases or
    26                 services and the probable or anticipated cost
    27                 thereof to the facility or provider.
    28                     (II)  The process by which the contract was
    29                 awarded.
    30                     (III)  Any additional offers that were
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     1                 received.
     2                 The commissioner may request additional
     3                 information, detailing why a contract was
     4                 awarded, as may be necessary.
     5                 (C)  A description of any matter in which such a
     6             person:
     7                     (I)  has been convicted of a felony or
     8                 pleaded nolo contendere to a felony charge, or
     9                 been held liable or enjoined in a civil action by
    10                 final judgment if the felony or civil action
    11                 involved fraud, embezzlement, fraudulent
    12                 conversion or misappropriation of property; or
    13                     (II)  is subject to a currently effective
    14                 injunctive or restrictive order of a court of
    15                 record, or within the past five years had any
    16                 State or Federal license or permit suspended or
    17                 revoked as a result of an action brought by a
    18                 governmental agency or department, arising out of
    19                 or relating to business activity or health care,
    20                 including without limitation actions affecting a
    21                 license to operate a foster care facility,
    22                 nursing home, retirement home, home for the aged
    23                 or facility registered under this act or a
    24                 similar act in another state.
    25         (4)  A statement as to:
    26             (i)  Whether the provider is or ever has been
    27         affiliated with a religious, charitable or other
    28         nonprofit organization.
    29             (ii)  The nature of the affiliation, if any.
    30             (iii)  The extent to which the affiliate organization
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     1         will be responsible for the financial and contract
     2         obligations of the provider.
     3             (iv)  The provision of the Federal Internal Revenue
     4         Code, if any, under which the provider or affiliate is
     5         exempt from the payment of income tax.
     6         (5)  The location and description of the physical
     7     property or properties of the facility, existing or proposed,
     8     and to the extent proposed, the estimated completion date or
     9     dates, whether or not construction has begun and the
    10     contingencies subject to which construction may be deferred.
    11         (6)  The services provided or proposed to be provided
    12     under contracts for continuing care at the facility,
    13     including the extent to which medical care is furnished. The
    14     disclosure statement shall clearly state which services are
    15     included in basic contracts for continuing care and which
    16     services are made available at or by the facility at extra
    17     charge.
    18         (7)  A description of all fees required of residents,
    19     including the entrance fee and periodic charges, if any. The
    20     description shall include the manner by which the provider
    21     may adjust periodic charges or other recurring fees and the
    22     limitations on such adjustments, if any. If the facility is
    23     already in operation, or if the provider or manager operates
    24     one or more similar facilities within this Commonwealth,
    25     there shall be included tables showing the frequency and
    26     average dollar amount of each increase in periodic rates at
    27     each such facility for the previous five years or such
    28     shorter period as the facility may have been operated by the
    29     provider or manager.
    30         (8)  The provisions that have been made or will be made,
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     1     if any, to provide reserve funding or security to enable the
     2     provider to fully perform its obligations under contracts to
     3     provide continuing care at the facility, including the
     4     establishment of escrow accounts, trusts or reserve funds,
     5     together with the manner in which such funds will be invested
     6     and the names and experience of persons who will make the
     7     investment decisions.
     8         (9)  Certified financial statements of the provider,
     9     including:
    10             (i)  A balance sheet as of the end of the two most
    11         recent fiscal years.
    12             (ii)  Income statements of the provider for the two
    13         most recent fiscal years or such shorter period of time
    14         as the provider shall have been in existence.
    15         (10)  If operation of the facility has not yet commenced,
    16     a statement of the anticipated source and application of the
    17     funds used or to be used in the purchase or construction of
    18     the facility, including:
    19             (i)  An estimate of the cost of purchasing or
    20         constructing and equipping the facility including such
    21         related costs as financing expense, legal expense, land
    22         costs, occupancy development costs, and all other similar
    23         costs which the provider expects to incur or become
    24         obligated for prior to the commencement of operations.
    25             (ii)  A description of any mortgage loan or other
    26         long-term financing intended to be used for the financing
    27         of the facility, including the anticipated terms and
    28         costs of such financing.
    29             (iii)  An estimate of the total entrance fees to be
    30         received from or on behalf of residents at or prior to
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     1         commencement of operation of the facility.
     2             (iv)  An estimate of the funds, if any, which are
     3         anticipated to be necessary to fund start-up losses and
     4         provide reserve funds to assure full performance of the
     5         obligations of the provider under contracts for the
     6         provision of continuing care.
     7             (v)  A projection of estimated income from fees and
     8         charges other than entrance fees, showing individual
     9         rates presently anticipated to be charged and including a
    10         description of the assumptions used for calculating the
    11         estimated occupancy rate of the facility and the effect
    12         on the income of the facility of government subsidies for
    13         health care services, if any, to be provided pursuant to
    14         the contracts for continuing care.
    15             (vi)  A projection of estimated operating expenses of
    16         the facility, including a description of the assumptions
    17         used in calculating the expenses and separate allowances,
    18         if any, for the replacement of equipment and furnishings
    19         and anticipated major structural repairs or additions.
    20             (vii)  Identification of any assets pledged as
    21         collateral for any purpose.
    22             (viii)  An estimate of annual payments of principal
    23         and interest required by any mortgage loan or other long-
    24         term financing.
    25         (11)  Such other material information concerning the
    26     facility or the provider as may be required by the department
    27     or as the provider wishes to include.
    28         (12)  The cover page of the disclosure statement shall
    29     state, in a prominent location and type face, the date of the
    30     disclosure statement and that the issuance of a certificate
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     1     of authority does not constitute approval, recommendation or
     2     endorsement of the facility by the department, nor is it
     3     evidence of, nor does it attest to, the accuracy or
     4     completeness of the information set out in the disclosure
     5     statement.
     6         (13)  A copy of the standard form or forms of contract
     7     for continuing care used by the provider shall be attached as
     8     an exhibit to each disclosure statement.
     9  Section 8.  False information.
    10     (a)  No provider shall make, publish, disseminate, circulate
    11  or place before the public, or cause, directly or indirectly, to
    12  be made, published, disseminated, circulated or placed before
    13  the public in a newspaper or other publication, or in the form
    14  of a notice, circular, pamphlet, letter or poster, or over any
    15  radio or television station, or in any other way, an
    16  advertisement, announcement or statement of any sort containing
    17  any assertion, representation or statement which is untrue,
    18  deceptive or misleading.
    19     (b)  No provider shall file with the commissioner or make,
    20  publish, disseminate, circulate or deliver to any person or
    21  place before the public, or cause, directly or indirectly, to be
    22  made, published, disseminated, circulated or delivered to any
    23  person, or placed before the public, any financial statement
    24  which does not accurately state its true financial condition.
    25  Section 9.  Reserves.
    26     Each provider shall establish and maintain liquid reserves in
    27  an amount equal to or exceeding the greater of:
    28         (1)  the total of all principal and interest payments due
    29     during the next 12 months on account of any mortgage loan or
    30     other long term financing of the facility; or
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     1         (2)  ten percent of the projected annual operating         <--
     2     expenses of the facility exclusive of depreciation. The
     3     provider must notify the commissioner in writing at least ten
     4     days prior to reducing the funds available to satisfy this
     5     requirement and may expend no more than one-twelfth of the
     6     required balance each calendar month. In facilities where
     7     some residents are not under continuing care agreements, the
     8     reserve shall be computed only on the proportional share of
     9     financing or operating expenses that is applicable to
    10     residents under continuing care agreements at the end of the
    11     provider's most recent fiscal year. Funds in escrow accounts
    12     may be used to satisfy this reserve requirement if such funds
    13     are available to make payments when operating funds are
    14     insufficient for such purposes.
    28  PURPOSES.
    29  Section 10.  Reserve fund escrow.
    30     The commissioner may require the provider to establish and to
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     1  maintain on a current basis, in escrow with a bank, trust
     2  company or other escrow agent approved by the department, a
     3  portion of all entrance fees received by the provider in an
     4  aggregate amount not to exceed the total of all principal and
     5  interest payments due during the next 12 months on account of
     6  any first mortgage loan or other long-term financing of the
     7  facility. The funds in such an escrow account may be invested
     8  with the earnings thereon payable to the provider. If the
     9  provider so requests in writing, the escrow agent shall release
    10  up to one-twelfth of the original principal balance of the
    11  escrow account. A release of funds shall not be made more than
    12  once during any calendar month, and then only after the escrow
    13  agent has given written notice to the commissioner at least ten
    14  days prior to the release. The amount of this escrow fund shall
    15  be included in satisfying the reserves required under this act.
    16  This section shall only be applicable when the commissioner has
    17  cause to believe that additional protection may be necessary to
    18  secure the obligations assumed under all resident agreements.
    19  Section 11.  Lien on behalf of residents.
    20     Prior to the issuance of a certificate of authority under
    21  this act, or at such other time as the commissioner may
    22  determine it in the best interests of residents of a facility,
    23  the commissioner may file a lien on the real and personal
    24  property of the provider or facility to secure the obligations
    25  of the provider pursuant to existing and future contracts for
    26  continuing care. A lien filed under this section shall be
    27  effective for a period of ten years following such filing and
    28  may be extended by the commissioner upon a finding that such
    29  extension is advisable for the protection of residents of the
    30  facility. The lien may be foreclosed upon the liquidation of the
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     1  facility or the insolvency or bankruptcy of the provider and in
     2  such event the proceeds thereof shall be used in full or partial
     3  satisfaction of obligations of the provider pursuant to
     4  contracts for continuing care then in effect. The lien provided
     5  for in this section shall be subordinate to the lien of any
     6  first mortgage on the real property of the facility and may be
     7  subordinated with the written consent of the department to the
     8  claims of other persons if the commissioner shall determine such
     9  subordination to be advisable for the efficient operation of the
    10  facility.
    11  Section 12.  Entrance fee escrow.
    12     The commissioner shall require, as a condition of issuing a
    13  certificate of authority, that the provider establish an
    14  interest-bearing escrow account with a bank, trust company or
    15  other escrow agent approved by the commissioner and that any
    16  entrance fees, which do not include payments and THAT are less    <--
    17  than 5% OF the then existing entrance fee for the unit and, ARE   <--
    18  received by the provider prior to the date the resident is
    19  permitted to occupy the living unit in the home, be placed in
    20  the escrow account subject to release as follows:
    21         (1)  If the entrance fee gives the resident the right to
    22     occupy a living unit which has been previously occupied, the
    23     entrance fee and any income earned thereon shall be released
    24     to the provider at such time as the living unit becomes
    25     available for occupancy by the new resident.
    26         (2)  If the entrance fee applies to a living unit which
    27     has not been previously occupied, the entrance fee shall be
    28     released to the provider at such time as the commissioner is
    29     satisfied that:
    30             (i)  Aggregate entrance fees received or receivable
    19830S0455B0579                 - 18 -

     1         by the provider pursuant to executed continuing care
     2         agreements equal not less than 50% of the sum of the
     3         entry ENTRANCE fees due at full occupancy of the portion   <--
     4         of the facility under construction. For this paragraph,
     5         entry ENTRANCE fees receivable pursuant to an agreement    <--
     6         will be counted only if the facility has received a
     7         deposit of 35% or more of the entry ENTRANCE fee due from  <--
     8         the individual, or individuals, signing the contract.
     9             (ii)  The entry ENTRANCE fees received or receivable   <--
    10         pursuant to the preceding paragraph plus anticipated
    11         proceeds of any first mortgage loan or other long-term
    12         financing commitment plus funds from other sources in the
    13         actual possession of the provider are equal to not less
    14         than 50% of the aggregate cost of constructing or
    15         purchasing, equipping and furnishing the facility plus
    16         not less than 50% of the funds estimated in the statement
    17         of anticipated source and application of funds submitted
    18         by the provider as part of its application to be
    19         necessary to fund start-up losses of the facility.
    20             (iii)  A commitment has been received by the provider
    21         for any permanent mortgage loan or other long-term
    22         financing described in the statement of anticipated
    23         source and application of funds submitted as part of the
    24         application for certificate of authority and any
    25         conditions of the commitment prior to disbursement of
    26         funds thereunder, other than completion of the
    27         construction or closing of the purchase of the facility,
    28         have been substantially satisfied.
    29         (3)  If the funds in an escrow account to which
    30     paragraphs (1) and (2) apply and any interest earned thereon
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     1     are not released within 36 months, or such greater time as
     2     may have been specified by the provider with the consent of
     3     the commissioner, then such funds shall be returned by the
     4     escrow agent to the persons who made the payment to the
     5     provider.
     6         (4)  Nothing in this section shall require the escrow of
     7     any nonrefundable application fee charged to prospective
     8     residents.
     9         (5)  In lieu of any escrow which is required by the
    10     commissioner under this section, a provider shall be entitled
    11     to post a letter of credit from a financial institution,
    12     negotiable securities or a bond by a surety authorized to do
    13     business in this Commonwealth and approved by the
    14     commissioner as to form and in an amount not to exceed the
    15     amount required by paragraph (2)(i). The bond, letter of
    16     credit or negotiable securities shall be executed in favor of
    17     the commissioner on behalf of individuals who may be found
    18     entitled to a refund of entrance fees from the provider.
    19         (6)  An entrance fee held in escrow may be returned by
    20     the escrow agent at any time to the person or persons who
    21     paid the fee to the provider upon receipt by the escrow agent
    22     of notice from the provider that such person is entitled to a
    23     refund of the entrance fee.
    24  Section 13.  Cross-collateralization limited.
    25     Only the equity UNENCUMBERED ASSETS of a continuing care       <--
    26  facility may be pledged by the provider as collateral for the
    27  purpose of securing loans for other continuing care facilities,
    28  whether proposed or existing.
    29  Section 14.  Resident's agreement.
    30     (a)  In addition to such other provisions as may be
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     1  considered proper to effectuate the purpose of any continuing
     2  care agreement, each agreement executed on and after the date of
     3  the adoption of the rules under this act shall:
     4         (1)  Provide for the continuing care of only one
     5     resident, or for two OR MORE persons occupying space designed  <--
     6     for double MULTIPLE occupancy, under appropriate regulations   <--
     7     established by the provider and shall show the value of all
     8     property transferred, including donations, subscriptions,
     9     fees and any other amounts paid or payable by, or on behalf
    10     of, the resident or residents.
    11         (2)  Specify all services which are to be provided by the
    12     provider to each resident including, in detail, all items
    13     which each resident will receive and whether the items will
    14     be provided for a designated time period or for life and the
    15     estimated monthly cost to the provider of providing the care.
    16     Such items may include, but not be limited to, food, shelter,
    17     nursing care, drugs, burial and incidentals.
    18         (3)  Describe the health and financial conditions upon
    19     which the provider may have the resident relinquish his space
    20     in the designated facility.
    21         (4)  Describe the health and financial conditions
    22     required for a person to continue as a resident.
    23         (5)  Describe the circumstances under which the resident
    24     will be permitted to remain in the facility in the event of
    25     financial difficulties of the resident.
    26         (6)  State the fees that will be charged if the resident
    27     marries while at the designated facility, the terms
    28     concerning the entry of a spouse to the facility and the
    29     consequences if the spouse does not meet the requirements for
    30     entry.
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     1         (7)  Provide that the agreement may be cancelled upon the
     2     giving of notice of cancellation of at least 30 days by the
     3     provider, the resident or the person who provided the
     4     transfer of property or funds for the care of such resident.
     5     If an agreement is cancelled because there has been a good
     6     faith determination in writing, signed by the medical
     7     director and the administrator of the facility, that a
     8     resident is a danger to himself or others, only such notice
     9     as is reasonable under the circumstances shall be required.
    10         (8)  Provide in clear and understandable language, in
    11     print no smaller than the largest type used in the body of
    12     said agreement, the terms governing the refund of and the ANY  <--
    13     portion of the entrance fee.
    14         (9)  State the terms under which an agreement is
    15     cancelled by the death of the resident. The agreement may
    16     contain a provision to the effect that, upon the death of the
    17     resident, the moneys paid for the continuing care of such
    18     resident shall be considered earned and become the property
    19     of the provider.
    20         (10)  Provide for advance notice to the resident, of not
    21     less than 30 days, before any change in fees or charges or
    22     the scope of care or services may be effective, except for
    23     changes required by State or Federal assistance programs.
    24         (11)  Provide that charges for care paid in one lump sum
    25     shall not be increased or changed during the duration of the
    26     agreed upon care, except for changes required by State or
    27     Federal assistance programs.
    28     (b)  A resident shall have the right to rescind a continuing
    29  care agreement, without penalty or forfeiture, within seven days
    30  after making an initial deposit or executing the agreement. A
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     1  resident shall not be required to move into the facility
     2  designated in the agreement before the expiration of the seven-
     3  day period.
     4     (c)  If a resident dies before occupying the facility, or
     5  through illness, injury or incapacity would be precluded from
     6  becoming a resident under the terms of the continuing care
     7  agreement, the agreement is automatically rescinded and the
     8  resident or his legal representative shall receive a full refund
     9  of all moneys paid to the facility, except those costs
    10  specifically incurred by the facility at the request of the
    11  resident and set forth in writing in a separate addendum, signed
    12  by both parties to the agreement.
    13     (d)  No agreement for care shall permit dismissal or
    14  discharge of the resident from the facility providing care prior
    15  to the expiration of the agreement, without just cause for such
    16  a removal. "Just cause" shall include, but not be limited to, a
    17  good faith determination in writing, signed by the medical
    18  director and the administrator of the facility, that a resident
    19  is a danger to himself or others while remaining in the
    20  facility. If a facility dismisses a resident for just cause, the
    21  facility shall pay to the resident any refund due in the same
    22  manner as if the resident's agreement was terminated pursuant to
    23  this act.
    24     (e)  No act, agreement or statement of any resident, or of an
    25  individual purchasing care for a resident under any agreement to
    26  furnish care to the resident, shall constitute a valid waiver of
    27  any provision of this act intended for the benefit or protection
    28  of the resident or the individual purchasing care for the
    29  resident.
    30     (f)  Those agreements entered into prior to the effective
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     1  date of this act or prior to the issuance of a certificate of
     2  authority to the provider shall be valid and binding upon both
     3  parties in accordance with their terms.
     4     (g)  The form of the continuing care agreement and any change
     5  therein, used by each provider, shall be filed with the
     6  department at least 60 days prior to use.
     7  Section 15.  Advisory council.
     8     (a)  An advisory council to the commissioner is created to
     9  consist of seven members appointed by the Governor, each of whom
    10  shall be a resident of this Commonwealth and shall consist of:
    11         (1)  Two holders of a certificate of authority under this
    12     act.
    13         (2)  A representative of the business community whose
    14     expertise is in the area of management.
    15         (3)  A certified public accountant.
    16         (4)  A representative of the field of insurance who has
    17     actuarial experience.
    18         (5)  Two current residents of continuing care facilities.
    19     (b)  The term of office for each member shall be three years
    20  or until his successor has been appointed and qualifies, except
    21  that of the members first appointed, two shall be appointed for
    22  terms of one year each, two for terms of two years each and
    23  three for terms of three years each.
    24     (c)  The council members shall serve without pay but shall be
    25  reimbursed for reasonable expenses by the department.
    26     (d)  The council shall:
    27         (1)  Meet within 30 days after the members' appointment
    28     and elect a chairman from their number and elect or appoint a
    29     secretary, each of whom shall hold office for one year and
    30     thereafter until his successor is elected and qualified.
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     1         (2)  Hold an annual meeting each year and hold other
     2     meetings at such times and places as the department or the
     3     chairman of the council may direct.
     4         (3)  Keep a record of its proceedings. The books and
     5     records of the council shall be prima facie evidence of all
     6     matters reported therein and shall be open to inspection by
     7     the department at all times.
     8         (4)  Act in an advisory capacity to the commissioner.
     9         (5)  Assist the commissioner in the preparation,
    10     publication and distribution of a consumer guide to
    11     continuing care.
    12         (6)  Recommend to the commissioner needed changes in
    13     rules.
    14         (7)  Upon the request of the commissioner, assist in the
    15     rehabilitation of continuing care operations.
    16  Section 16.  Right to organization.
    17     (a)  Residents living in a facility holding a valid
    18  certificate of authority under this act shall have the right of
    19  self-organization.
    20     (b)  The board of directors, a designated representative or
    21  other such governing body of a continuing care facility shall
    22  hold quarterly meetings with the residents or representatives
    23  elected by the residents of the continuing care facility for the
    24  purpose of free discussion of subjects which may include income,
    25  expenditures and financial matters as they apply to the facility
    26  and proposed changes in policies, programs and services.
    27  Residents shall be entitled to at least seven days' notice of
    28  each quarterly meeting.
    29  Section 17.  Rehabilitation or liquidation.
    30     (a)  If, at any time, the commissioner shall determine, after
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     1  notice and an opportunity for the provider to be heard, that:
     2         (1)  a portion of a reserve fund escrow required under
     3     this act has been or is proposed to be released;
     4         (2)  a provider has been or will be unable, in such a
     5     manner as may endanger the ability of the provider to fully
     6     perform its obligations pursuant to contracts for continuing
     7     care, to meet the pro forma income or cash flow projections
     8     previously filed by the provider;
     9         (3)  a provider has failed to maintain the reserves
    10     required under this act; or
    11         (4)  a provider is bankrupt or insolvent, or in imminent
    12     danger of becoming bankrupt or insolvent, in which case the
    13     commissioner may apply to the appropriate court of this
    14     Commonwealth or to the Federal bankruptcy court which may
    15     have previously taken jurisdiction over the provider or
    16     facility for an order directing the commissioner or
    17     authorizing the commissioner to appoint a trustee to
    18     rehabilitate or to liquidate a facility.
    19     (b)  An order to rehabilitate a facility shall direct the
    20  commissioner or trustee to take possession of the property of
    21  the provider and to conduct the business thereof, including the
    22  employment of such managers or agents as the commissioner or
    23  trustee may deem necessary and to take such steps as the court
    24  may direct toward removal of the causes and conditions which
    25  have made rehabilitation necessary.
    26     (c)  If, at any time, the court finds, upon petition of the
    27  department, trustee or provider, or on its own motion, that the
    28  objectives of an order to rehabilitate a provider have been
    29  accomplished and that the facility can be returned to the
    30  provider's management without further jeopardy to the residents
    19830S0455B0579                 - 26 -

     1  of the facility, creditors, owners of the facility and the
     2  public, the court may, upon a full report and accounting of the
     3  conduct of the facility's affairs during the rehabilitation and
     4  of the facility's current financial condition, terminate the
     5  rehabilitation and, by order, return the facility and its assets
     6  and affairs to the provider's management.
     7     (d)  If, at any time, the commissioner determines that
     8  further efforts to rehabilitate the provider would be useless,
     9  it may apply to the court for an order of liquidation.
    10     (e)  An order to liquidate a facility:
    11         (1)  May be issued upon application of the commissioner
    12     whether or not there has been issued a prior order to
    13     rehabilitate the facility.
    14         (2)  Shall act as a revocation of the certificate of
    15     authority of the facility under this act.
    16         (3)  Shall include an order directing the commissioner or
    17     a trustee to marshal and liquidate all of the provider's
    18     assets located within this Commonwealth.
    19     (f)  In applying for an order to rehabilitate or liquidate a
    20  facility, the commissioner shall give due consideration in the
    21  application to the manner in which the welfare of persons who
    22  have previously contracted with the provider for continuing care
    23  may be best served. In furtherance of this objective, the
    24  proceeds of any lien obtained by the director pursuant to this
    25  act may be:
    26         (1)  used in full or partial payment of entrance fees;
    27         (2)  used on behalf of residents of a facility being
    28     liquidated; or
    29         (3)  paid to other facilities operated by providers who
    30     have registered such facilities under this act.
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     1     (g)  An order for rehabilitation under this section shall be
     2  refused or vacated if the provider posts a bond, by a recognized
     3  surety authorized to do business in this Commonwealth and
     4  executed in favor of the commissioner on behalf of persons who
     5  may be found entitled to a refund of entrance fees from the
     6  provider or other damages in the event the provider is unable to
     7  fulfill its contracts to provide continuing care at the
     8  facility, in an amount determined by the court to be equal to
     9  the reserve funding which would otherwise need to be available
    10  to fulfill such obligations.
    11  Section 18.  Civil liability.
    12     (a)  Any person who, as a provider, or on behalf of a
    13  provider:
    14         (1)  enters into a contract for continuing care at a
    15     facility which does not have a certificate of authority under
    16     this act;
    17         (2)  enters into a contract for continuing care at a
    18     facility without having first delivered a disclosure
    19     statement meeting the requirements of this act to the person
    20     contracting for such continuing care; or
    21         (3)  enters into a contract for continuing care at a
    22     facility with a person who has relied on a disclosure
    23     statement which omits a material fact required to be stated
    24     therein or necessary in order to make the statements made
    25     therein, in light of the circumstances under which they are
    26     made, not misleading;
    27  shall be liable to the person contracting for such continuing
    28  care for damages and repayment of all fees paid to the provider,
    29  facility or person violating this act, less the reasonable value
    30  of care and lodging provided to the resident by or on whose
    19830S0455B0579                 - 28 -

     1  behalf the contract for continuing care was entered into prior
     2  to discovery of the violation, misstatement or omission or the
     3  time the violation, misstatement or omission should reasonably
     4  have been discovered, together with interest thereon at the
     5  legal rate for judgments and court costs and reasonable attorney
     6  fees.
     7     (b)  Liability under this section shall exist regardless of
     8  whether or not the provider or person liable had actual
     9  knowledge of the misstatement or omission.
    10     (c)  A person may not file or maintain an action under this
    11  section if the person, before filing the action, received an
    12  offer, approved by the commissioner, to refund all amounts paid
    13  the provider, facility or person violating this act together
    14  with interest from the date of payment, less the reasonable
    15  value of care and lodging provided prior to receipt of the offer
    16  and the person failed to accept the offer within 30 days of its
    17  receipt. At the time a provider makes a written offer of
    18  rescission, the provider shall file a copy with the
    19  commissioner. The rescission offer shall recite the provisions
    20  of this section.
    21     (d)  An action shall not be maintained to enforce a liability
    22  created under this act unless brought before the expiration of
    23  six years after the execution of the contract for continuing
    24  care which gave rise to the violation.
    25     (e)  Except as expressly provided in this act, civil
    26  liability in favor of a private party shall not arise against a
    27  person by implication from or as a result of the violation of
    28  this act or a rule or order promulgated or issued under this
    29  act. This act shall not limit a liability which may exist by
    30  virtue of any other statute or under common law if this act were
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     1  not in effect.
     2  Section 19.  Investigations and subpoenas.
     3     (a)  The commissioner may make such public or private
     4  investigations within or outside of this Commonwealth as the
     5  commissioner deems necessary to determine whether any person has
     6  violated or is about to violate any provision of this act or any
     7  rule or order hereunder, or to aid in the enforcement of this
     8  act or in the prescribing of rules and forms hereunder and may
     9  publish information concerning any violation of this act or any
    10  rule or order hereunder.
    11     (b)  For the purpose of any investigation or proceeding under
    12  this act, the commissioner or any officer designated by it may
    13  administer oaths and affirmations, subpoena witnesses, compel
    14  their attendance, take evidence and require the production of
    15  any books, papers, correspondence, memoranda, agreements or
    16  other documents or records which the commissioner deems relevant
    17  or material to the inquiry, all of which may be enforced in any
    18  court of this Commonwealth which has appropriate jurisdiction.
    19  Section 20.  Audits.
    20     The commissioner or his designee shall visit each facility
    21  offering continuing care in this Commonwealth to examine its
    22  books and records at least once every four years. A multi-
    23  facility provider may be required to provide the financial
    24  statements of the component parts at the request of the
    25  commissioner or his designee. The financial statements need not
    26  be certified audited reports.
    27  Section 21.  Cease and desist orders; injunctions.
    28     Whenever it appears to the commissioner that any person has
    29  engaged in, or is about to engage in, any act or practice
    30  constituting a violation of any provision of this act or any
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     1  rule or order hereunder, the commissioner may:
     2         (1)  Issue an order directed at any such person requiring
     3     such person to cease and desist from engaging in such act or
     4     practice.
     5         (2)  Bring an action in any court which has appropriate
     6     jurisdiction to enjoin the acts or practices and to enforce
     7     compliance with this act or any rule or order hereunder. Upon
     8     a proper showing, a permanent or temporary injunction,
     9     restraining order, or writ of mandamus shall be granted and a
    10     receiver or conservator may be appointed for the defendant or
    11     the defendant's assets. The commissioner shall not be
    12     required to post a bond.
    13  Section 22.  Criminal penalties.
    14     (a)  Any person who willfully and knowingly violates any
    15  provision of this act, or any rule or order under this act,
    16  shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
    17  than $10,000 or to imprisonment for not more than ten years, or
    18  to both, for each violation.
    19     (b)  The commissioner may refer such evidence as is available
    20  concerning violations of this act or of any rule or order
    21  hereunder to the Attorney General or the proper county attorney
    22  who may, with or without such a reference, institute the
    23  appropriate criminal proceedings under this act.
    24     (c)  Nothing in this act limits the power of the State to
    25  punish any person for any conduct which constitutes a crime
    26  under any other statute.
    27  Section 23.  Fees.
    28     (a)  Within six months after the effective date of this act,
    29  the commissioner shall issue regulations setting forth those
    30  transactions which shall require the payment of fees by a
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     1  provider and the fees which shall be charged.
     2     (b)  The commissioner may be reimbursed for any expenses it
     3  reasonably incurs itself, or by its agents, in pursuing its
     4  investigative and rehabilitation activities under this act.
     5  Section 24.  Reasonable time to comply with rules and
     6                 standards.
     7     Any provider who is offering continuing care may be given a
     8  reasonable time, not to exceed one year from the date of
     9  publication of any applicable rules or standards adopted
    10  pursuant to this act, within which to comply with the rules and
    11  standards and to obtain a certificate of authority.
    12  Section 25.  Regulations.
    13     The commissioner shall have the authority to adopt, amend or
    14  repeal such rules and regulations as are reasonably necessary
    15  for the enforcement of the provisions of this act. Any initial
    16  rules and regulations necessary to the implementation of this
    17  act shall be promulgated or published within six months of the
    18  effective date of this act.
    19  Section 26.  Effective date.
    20     This act shall take effect six months after passage.

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