No. 436 Session of 1983



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 24, 1937 (P.L.2045, No.397), entitled,
     2     as amended, "An act relating to the support of indigent
     3     persons; providing for the support of such persons by certain
     4     relatives, and for the recovery of public moneys expended for
     5     care and assistance from the property and estates of certain
     6     persons; providing for guardians of the person and property
     7     of such persons; providing for the arrest and seizure and
     8     sale of the property of deserters; and providing procedure,"
     9     providing that no lien shall be imposed against the real
    10     property of persons receiving assistance.

    11     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    12  hereby enacts as follows:
    13     Section 1.  Section 4 of the act of June 24, 1937 (P.L.2045,
    14  No.397), known as The Support Law, amended August 22, 1961
    15  (P.L.1029, No.464), and August 13, 1963 (P.L.682, No.361), is
    16  amended to read:
    17     Section 4.  Property of Persons not Liable for Expenses
    18  Incurred for Support and Assistance.--[(a)  Except as limited by
    19  subsection (c) hereof, the real and personal property of any
    20  person shall be liable for the expenses of his support,
    21  maintenance, assistance and burial, and for the expenses of the

     1  support, maintenance, assistance and burial of the spouse and
     2  unemancipated minor children of such property owner, incurred by
     3  any public body or public agency, if such property was owned
     4  during the time such expenses were incurred, or if a right or
     5  cause of action existed during the time such expenses were
     6  incurred from which the ownership of such property resulted. Any
     7  public body or public agency may sue the owner of such property
     8  for moneys so expended, and any judgment obtained shall be a
     9  lien upon the said real estate of such person and be collected
    10  as other judgments, except as to the real and personal property
    11  comprising the home and furnishings of such person, which home
    12  shall be subject to the lien of such judgment but shall not be
    13  subject to execution on such judgment during the lifetime of the
    14  person, surviving spouse, or dependent children.
    15     (b)  Except as limited by subsection (c) hereof, any claim
    16  for the expenses of support, maintenance, assistance and burial
    17  of a person and for the support, maintenance, assistance and
    18  burial of his spouse and unemancipated minor children, held by
    19  any public body or public agency, shall have the same force and
    20  effect against the real and personal estate of a deceased person
    21  as other debts of a decedent, and shall be ascertained and
    22  recovered in the same manner.
    23     (c)]  No lien may be imposed against the property of any
    24  individual or of his spouse on account of [medical] assistance
    25  [for the aged] paid or to be paid on his behalf (except pursuant
    26  to the judgment of a court on account of benefits incorrectly
    27  paid on behalf of such individual), and there shall be no
    28  adjustment or recovery from such individual's estate or from the
    29  estate of his spouse of any [medical] assistance [for the aged]
    30  correctly paid on behalf of such individual.
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     1     Section 2.  On and after the effective date of this act, all
     2  property theretofore subject to the lien is released from the
     3  lien.
     4     Section 3.  On and after the effective date of this act, all
     5  real property theretofore subject to the lien is released from
     6  the lien. The department shall file a release of lien with the
     7  prothonotary and the recorder of deeds of each county for all
     8  liens of record on real property. Nothing contained in this act
     9  shall be construed to invalidate any execution proceedings
    10  carried out against real property which was subject to a valid
    11  lien under the former provisions of section 4.
    12     Section 4.  This act shall take effect in 90 days.

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