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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2271



No. 1544 Session of 2002

           OCTOBER 1, 2002


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14), entitled "An
     2     act relating to the public school system, including certain
     3     provisions applicable as well to private and parochial
     4     schools; amending, revising, consolidating and changing the
     5     laws relating thereto," further providing for health
     6     services.

     7     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     8  hereby enacts as follows:
     9     Section 1.  Section 1402 of the act of March 10, 1949
    10  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949,
    11  amended or added July 15, 1957 (P.L.937, No.404), August 9, 1963
    12  (P.L.642, No.340) and December 7, 1965 (P.L.1041, No.390), is
    13  amended to read:
    14     Section 1402.  Health Services.--(a)  Each child of school
    15  age shall be given by methods established by the Advisory Health
    16  Board, (1) a vision test by a school nurse, medical technician
    17  or teacher, (2) a hearing test by a school nurse or medical
    18  technician, (3) a measurement of height and weight by a school
    19  nurse or teacher, (4) tests for tuberculosis under medical

     1  supervision, and (5) such other tests as the Advisory Health
     2  Board may deem advisable to protect the health of the child.
     3  Vision tests shall be given at least annually and other tests at
     4  intervals established by the Advisory Health Board.
     5     (a.1)  Every child of school age shall be provided with
     6  school nurse services: Provided, however, That the number of
     7  pupils under the care of each school nurse shall not exceed one
     8  thousand five hundred (1,500).
     9     (b)  For each child of school age, a comprehensive health
    10  record shall be maintained by the school district or joint
    11  school board, which shall include the results of the tests,
    12  measurements and regularly scheduled examinations and special
    13  examinations herein specified.
    14     (c)  Medical questionnaires, suitable for diagnostic
    15  purposes, furnished by the Secretary of Health and completed by
    16  the child or by the child's parent or guardian, at such times as
    17  the Secretary of Health may direct, shall become a part of the
    18  child's health record.
    19     (d)  All teachers shall report to the school nurse or school
    20  physician any unusual behavior, changes in physical appearance,
    21  changes in attendance habits and changes in scholastic
    22  achievement, which may indicate impairment of a child's health.
    23  The nurse or school physician or school dentist may, upon
    24  referral by the teacher or on his own initiative, advise a
    25  child's parent or guardian of the apparent need for a special
    26  medical or dental examination. If a parent or guardian fails to
    27  report the results to the nurse or school physician, the nurse
    28  or school physician shall arrange a special medical examination
    29  for the child.
    30     (e)  The school physicians of each district or joint board
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     1  shall make a medical examination and a comprehensive appraisal
     2  of the health of every child of school age, (1) upon original
     3  entry into school in the Commonwealth, (2) while in [sixth]
     4  fourth grade, (3) while in eighth grade, (4) while in eleventh
     5  grade, and [(4)] (5) prior to the issuance of a farm or domestic
     6  service permit unless the child has been given a scheduled or
     7  special medical examination within the preceding four months.
     8  The health record of the child shall include the following: name
     9  and address of the child; name and address of the child's family
    10  physician; general health information; a family health history;
    11  and specific information relating to a cardiovascular,
    12  abdominal, neurological, ear-nose-throat, dental and orthopedic
    13  physical examination and any abnormalities or other health
    14  issues. The health record of the child shall be made available
    15  to the school physician at the time of the regularly scheduled
    16  health appraisals and shall be attached to any form required to
    17  allow a child to participate in sports.
    18     (f)  The Secretary of Health, upon petition of the school
    19  board or joint school board or on his own initiative with the
    20  concurrence of the school board or joint school board, may
    21  modify for individual school districts the school health
    22  services program specified in this section. The program as
    23  modified shall conform to approved medical or dental practices
    24  and shall permit valid statistical appraisals of the various
    25  components of the program.
    26     Section 2.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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