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        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 1559, 1938               PRINTER'S NO. 2101



No. 1222 Session of 2001

           DECEMBER 3, 2001


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending Title 17 (Credit Unions) of the Pennsylvania
     2     Consolidated Statutes, relating to credit unions; making
     3     revisions, corrections and additions; providing for parity
     4     with Federal credit unions and for involuntary dissolution;
     5     and making editorial changes.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  As much of Title 17 of the Pennsylvania            <--
     9  Consolidated Statutes as is hereafter set forth is amended or
    10  added to read:
    16  § 103.  Definitions.
    17     The following words and phrases when used in this title shall
    18  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the

     1  context clearly indicates otherwise:
     2     * * *
     3     "Community development credit union."  A credit union which
     4  is designated as a low-income credit union by the Department of
     5  Banking.
     6     "Corporate credit union."  A credit union which is operated
     7  primarily for the purpose of serving other credit unions, which   <--
     8  is designated by the National Credit Union Administration as a
     9  corporate credit union, which is subject to the provisions of     <--
    10  sections 301(b) (relating to purposes) and 502 (relating to
    11  powers of central or corporate credit unions) and which OF THIS   <--
    12  TITLE AND limits natural person members to the minimum number
    13  required to charter and operate the credit union.
    14     * * *
    15     "Insolvent" or "Insolvency."  The condition of a credit union
    16  when total shares exceed the present cash value of assets after
    17  providing for liabilities.
    18     * * *
    19     ["Retained earnings."  [Undivided profits.] Regular reserves,  <--
    20  reserves for contingencies, reserves for losses, supplemental
    21  reserves and undivided earnings.
    22     "Secretary."  The Secretary of Banking of the Commonwealth or
    23  the secretary's designee.
    24     "Service facility."  A subsidiary office of the credit union
    25  such as an automated teller machine, kiosk or other type of
    26  facility as determined by the Department of Banking which is not
    27  capable of offering the same or approximately the same level of
    28  service that can be found at the principal office of the credit
    29  union.
    30     * * *
    20010S1222B2101                  - 2 -

     1     ["Total equity capital and reserves."  Regular [reserve]       <--
     2  reserves, undivided earnings [ and all reserve accounts,          <--
     3  including the allowance for loan loss reserve.], reserves for     <--
     4  contingencies, reserves for losses and supplemental reserves.
     5     "Unimpaired capital."  Total unencumbered shares.
     6     * * *
     7     SECTION 2.  SECTIONS 104 HEADING AND (A) AND (B) AND 304(A),   <--
     9  § 104.  Prohibition on use of words "credit [union," etc.]
    10             union."
    11     (a)  General rule.--Only a credit union subject to this
    12  title, a Federal credit union or a corporation organized in
    13  accordance with a state credit union statute may assume and use
    14  the words "credit union" in its name or title or operate in the
    15  manner of a credit union. Only a credit union which has received
    16  a low-income designation by the department and the National
    17  Credit Union Administration, or a Federal credit union which has
    18  received a low-income designation from the National Credit Union
    19  Administration, may assume and use the words "community
    20  development credit union" or a similar designation in its name
    21  or title or operate in the manner of a community development
    22  credit union.
    23     (b)  Penalties.--Any person, other than a credit union
    24  subject to this title, a Federal credit union, a corporation
    25  organized in accordance with a state credit union statute or an
    26  association of credit unions, who violates subsection (a) by
    27  using a name or title containing the words "credit union" or any
    28  other derivation thereof or so representing itself in its
    29  advertising, or otherwise conducting business as a credit union
    30  shall, for each offense, be subject to a penalty levied by the
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     1  [Department of Banking] department which shall be not less than
     2  $1,000 nor more than $10,000. The officers of a corporation
     3  shall be liable for such penalty if the offense is committed by
     4  a corporation. This section shall be enforced by the department.
     5     * * *
     6  § 304.  Department of Banking consideration of articles.
     7     (a)  General rule.--The articles of incorporation and two
     8  copies of the proposed bylaws for the general governance of the
     9  credit union shall be presented to the [Department of Banking]
    10  department, together with such reasonable fees as shall be
    11  established by the department, including an application fee and
    12  other fees for such examination and such investigation as it may
    13  deem necessary to ascertain:
    14         (1)  Whether the character and general fitness of the
    15     incorporators, directors and the treasurer named in the
    16     articles of incorporation is satisfactory.
    17         (2)  Whether the character and number of the group
    18     proposed to be served affords reasonable promise of
    19     sufficient support for the enterprise so as to make the
    20     establishment of the proposed credit union economically
    21     advisable.
    22         (3)  Whether the incorporators, directors and group
    23     proposed to be served have a common bond of association as
    24     provided in section 701 (relating to membership).
    25         (4)  Whether the proposed credit union unduly encroaches
    26     upon the field of membership of any other credit union.
    27         (5)  Whether the application is in proper form and within
    28     the purpose of this title.
    29         (6)  Whether the savings of members paid for shares will
    30     be insured by the National Credit Union Administration or
    20010S1222B2101                  - 4 -

     1     other share insurance fund approved by the department.
     2     Nonprofit corporations created by specific legislation of any
     3     state to insure share accounts or depository accounts of
     4     credit unions shall not be subject to regulation by the
     5     Department of Insurance or to the laws of this Commonwealth
     6     concerning insurance.
     7  Within 60 days after receipt of the articles, the department
     8  shall, upon the basis of the facts disclosed by the application
     9  and its investigation, either approve or disapprove the
    10  articles.
    11     (b)  Approval action.--If the department approves the
    12  articles, it shall endorse its approval thereon and forward the
    13  articles to the Department of State. The Department of State
    14  shall, upon the receipt of the articles and the required filing
    15  fee, file the same. Upon the filing of the article of
    16  incorporation, the corporate existence of the credit union shall
    17  begin. The articles of incorporation as filed in the Department
    18  of State are conclusive evidence of the fact that the credit
    19  union has been incorporated.
    20     (c)  Disapproval action.--If the [Department of Banking]
    21  department disapproves the articles, it shall return them to the
    22  incorporators, stating in detail its reasons for doing so.
    23     * * *
    24     SECTION 3.  SECTION 305(A), (B) AND (D) OF TITLE 17 ARE        <--
    26  READ:
    27  § 305.  Bylaws.
    28     (a)  General rule.--The original bylaws of a credit union
    29  shall be adopted by the incorporators of the credit union and
    30  copies shall be transmitted to the [Department of Banking]
    20010S1222B2101                  - 5 -

     1  department along with the articles of incorporation as provided
     2  in this chapter.
     3     (b)  [Amendments.--] Board initiated bylaw amendments.--
     4         (1)  Bylaws may be amended or repealed [either by two-
     5     thirds of the members present and voting or a majority of the
     6     board of directors at any regular, annual or special meeting
     7     of the credit union. Bylaws may alternatively be amended or
     8     repealed by members through mail ballot if the bylaws provide
     9     for such a procedure and if two-thirds of the responding
    10     member ballots favor the proposed amendment or repeal.] by
    11     the affirmative vote of a majority of directors at any
    12     regular or special meeting of the board. Whenever the board
    13     of directors amends the bylaws, written notice thereof shall
    14     be given to the members prior to the next meeting of the
    15     members or within 90 days after such action by the board of
    16     directors, whichever is sooner.
    17         (2)  Any amendment to or repeal of the bylaws adopted by
    18     the board of directors may be repealed or amended by a two-
    19     thirds vote of the responding members. The member-initiated
    20     repeal or amendment of a bylaw passed by the board of
    21     directors may be conducted at an annual or special member
    22     meeting or conducted by mail ballot, if the bylaws allow such
    23     a procedure. The vote must be held at least ten days after
    24     the mailing of the notice in paragraph (1).
    25         (3)  Notwithstanding paragraph (2), the members of a
    26     credit union may amend the bylaws pursuant to procedures set
    27     forth in subsections (d), (d.1) and (d.2), whichever
    28     subsection is appropriate.
    29     * * *
    30     (d)  [Review by members.--Whenever the board of directors
    20010S1222B2101                  - 6 -

     1  amends the bylaws, written notice thereof shall be given to the
     2  members prior to the next meeting of the members or within 90
     3  days after such action by the board of directors, whichever is
     4  sooner. Any amendment to the bylaws adopted by the board of
     5  directors may be repealed or amended by the members at an annual
     6  or special meeting or by a mail ballot vote held at least ten
     7  days after the mailing of the notice.] Member-initiated bylaw
     8  amendment or repeal for credit unions with more than 10,000
     9  members.--
    10         (1)  Bylaws of a credit union with more than 10,000
    11     members may be amended or repealed upon member-initiated
    12     petition and the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the
    13     members voting thereon by mail ballot.
    14         (2)  Written petition signed by 1% of all the members of
    15     a credit union with more than 10,000 members shall be the
    16     exclusive method by which such members may amend or repeal
    17     the bylaws.
    18         (3)  Whenever the board of directors receives a member-
    19     initiated petition to amend or repeal the bylaws, written
    20     notice thereof shall be given to all members of the credit
    21     union within 90 days and a mail ballot vote of the matter
    22     shall be held during a period of at least ten days after the
    23     mailing of the notice and ballot.
    24     (d.1)  Procedure.--
    25         (1)  To initiate the procedure to amend or repeal the
    26     bylaws set forth in subsection (d), a member of a credit
    27     union must obtain the petition form from the department. The
    28     department shall date the petition form and file a copy of
    29     the form.
    30         (2)  Upon the request of a member, the credit union shall
    20010S1222B2101                  - 7 -

     1     provide the member with a list of all groups and their
     2     business addresses that are included as members of the credit
     3     union.
     4         (3)  The member seeking to amend or repeal the bylaws
     5     shall have 180 days from the receipt of the petition form
     6     from the department to circulate the petition and obtain the
     7     requisite number of signatures from members of the credit
     8     union. The petition shall be in a form provided by and
     9     approved by the department and shall clearly identify the
    10     bylaw to be amended or repealed and include the language of
    11     the proposed bylaw.
    12         (4)  On or before 180 days from the date the petition
    13     form was obtained from the department, the member seeking to
    14     amend or repeal the bylaws must file the petition with the
    15     department. The department shall indicate the date of filing
    16     on the petition and file the petition in the records of the
    17     department. The department shall send a copy of the petition
    18     to the secretary of the credit union.
    19         (5)  The secretary of the credit union shall verify that
    20     the signatures on the petition are the signatures of members
    21     of the credit union and that the petition contains the
    22     requisite number of signatures.
    23         (6)  The ballot may not be mailed if the credit union
    24     determines that any of the following conditions have not been
    25     met:
    26             (i)  signature on the petition does not belong to a    <--
    27         member of the credit union;
    28             (ii) (I)  the petition does not contain the requisite  <--
    29         number of signatures OF MEMBERS OF THE CREDIT UNION; or    <--
    30             (iii) (II)  for any other specified reason.            <--
    20010S1222B2101                  - 8 -

     1     If the credit union determines that the ballot will not be
     2     mailed, then the secretary of the credit union shall notify
     3     in writing the member who initiated the petition drive within
     4     ten days of the member's presentation RECEIPT of the petition  <--
     5     to BY the credit union. The notification shall inform the      <--
     6     member that the ballot will not be mailed and the reason. It
     7     shall also inform the member of right to appeal to the
     8     department.
     9         (7)  Any member seeking to contest a determination by the
    10     credit union not to mail the notice and ballot provided for
    11     in subsection (d) may file a complaint with the department
    12     within 30 days of receiving written notice from the secretary
    13     of the credit union's decision not to mail such notice and
    14     ballot and the department shall adjudicate the matter.
    15         (8)  The department may provide any person or
    16     governmental entity with a copy of the petition form as well
    17     as any complaints filed with the department and other
    18     documents related thereto TO THE BALLOT PROCEDURE.             <--
    19         (9)  If the credit union mails the notice and ballot
    20     provided for in subsection (d) or is ordered to do so by the
    21     department, then the credit union shall send an official
    22     notice to all members of the credit union, prepare and mail
    23     the ballots, arrange for tallying of the votes and report the
    24     results to all members in accordance with subsection (d).
    25         (10)  The credit union shall bear the reasonable expenses
    26     associated with:
    27             (i)  Verifying that the signatures on the petition
    28         are the signatures of members of the credit union and
    29         that the petition contains the requisite number of
    30         signatures.
    20010S1222B2101                  - 9 -

     1             (ii)  Notifying the members.
     2             (iii)  Preparing and mailing the ballots.
     3             (iv)  Tallying the vote and reporting the results.
     4     (d.2)  Member-initiated amendment or repeal of bylaws for
     5  credit unions with 10,000 or fewer members.--A credit union with
     6  10,000 or fewer members may amend or repeal the bylaws, in
     7  accordance with existing bylaws of the credit union, as follows:
     8         (1)  by following the procedure outlined in subsections
     9     (d) and (d.1); or
    10         (2)  by a two-thirds vote of the members present and
    11     voting at a regular, special or annual meeting of the credit
    12     union. If the vote is taken at a special meeting:
    13             (i)  Subsequent to the vote, if a majority of the
    14         board of directors vote to resubmit the amendment or
    15         repeal by mail ballot to all of the members, it shall be
    16         resubmitted.
    17             (ii)  If the bylaws provide for a mail ballot
    18         procedure, then it will require two-thirds of the
    19         responding member ballots to sustain the original vote.
    20     * * *
    21     SECTION 4.  SECTION 501(B) INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH, (4),        <--
    25  § 501.  Powers.
    26     * * *
    27     (b)  Special powers.--[Except as set forth in subsection (c),
    28  a] A credit union shall have the following special powers:
    29         * * *
    30         (4)  To make purchase money mortgage loans to members
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     1     secured by mortgages which are first liens on improved real
     2     property situated within the United States, the improvement
     3     being an established dwelling house for not more than four
     4     families which is owned by the member of the credit union
     5     making the mortgage and occupied or to be occupied, in whole
     6     or in part, by such member. Purchase money mortgages shall
     7     not exceed 90% of the fair market value of the property,
     8     except [that shares] as provided in paragraph (4.1).
     9         (4.1)  The department may grant prior approval of a
    10     purchase money mortgage loan policy submitted to the
    11     department by the credit union which complies with paragraph
    12     (4) and, additionally, provides for private mortgage
    13     insurance for each purchase money mortgage and directs that
    14     purchase money mortgages shall be written according to
    15     secondary market standards, in which case purchase money
    16     mortgage loans shall not exceed 100% of the fair market value
    17     of the property.
    18         (4.2)  Shares of the credit union owned by the mortgagor
    19     may be assigned or pledged as additional collateral security
    20     for the mortgage loan and, in such event, the mortgage loan
    21     granted upon such property may be increased by the withdrawal
    22     value of the additional pledged shares to an amount not to
    23     exceed a maximum total mortgage loan of 100% of the fair
    24     market value of such real property, and the credit union may
    25     release this additional collateral whenever the mortgage loan
    26     meets all of the requirements of this title and could be made
    27     legally at the time of release without the requirement of
    28     additional collateral. Purchase money mortgage loans shall be
    29     amortized by approximately equal payments sufficient in
    30     amount to pay all interest and effect full repayment of
    20010S1222B2101                 - 11 -

     1     principal within a period not in excess of 30 years.
     2     [Purchase] Except as otherwise provided in this section,
     3     purchase money mortgage loans on any one property shall not
     4     exceed 90% of the fair market value of the property[, except
     5     as provided in this subsection,] or 5% of the [paid-in
     6     capital] unimpaired capital of the credit union, whichever is
     7     lesser. The aggregate total of mortgage loans shall not
     8     exceed 50% of the [paid-in capital] unimpaired capital of the
     9     credit union. Without regard to the limitations as to the
    10     amount and term of a purchase money mortgage loan or the
    11     aggregate amount of all mortgage loans set forth in this
    12     paragraph, a credit union may grant any mortgage loan which
    13     is insured or guaranteed, in whole or in part, by the United
    14     States or any instrumentality thereof, or if there is a
    15     commitment to so insure or guarantee.
    16         * * *
    17         (7)  To invest its funds in the following investments:
    18             * * *
    19             (iii)  Shares of any savings and loan association or
    20         credit union, organized under the laws of this
    21         Commonwealth, or of any Federal savings and loan
    22         association or Federal credit union, to the extent to
    23         which the withdrawal or repurchase value of such shares
    24         is insured by any agency of the United States or any
    25         other insurer approved by the [Department of Banking]
    26         department.
    27             * * *
    28         (10)  To hold, purchase, mortgage, alter, improve and
    29     sell fixed assets, meaning such real property, and furniture
    30     and fixtures to be used therein, as the purposes of the
    20010S1222B2101                 - 12 -

     1     credit union require and which the credit union occupies or
     2     intends to occupy for the transaction of its business or
     3     partly so occupies and partly leases to others, except that,
     4     without the prior written approval of the department, the
     5     cost, at the time of acquisition, of such real property and
     6     furniture and fixtures therein shall not exceed 5% of shares
     7     and retained earnings.
     8         * * *
     9     [(c)  Southern Africa investments.--No funds of a credit
    10  union shall be invested in any stock or obligation of any
    11  corporation doing business, either by itself or through any
    12  subsidiary or affiliate, in the Republic of South Africa or
    13  Namibia. This prohibition shall have prospective effect from
    14  February 20, 1990, and shall not affect existing investments.]
    15     (d)  Special powers of community development credit unions.--
    16  A community development credit union may do any or all of the     <--
    17  following:
    18         (1)  Accept payments on shares from any agency,
    19     instrumentality, public corporation or other entity of the
    20     United States or any state and nonmembers pursuant to THE      <--
    21     FEDERAL CREDIT UNION ACT (48 STAT. 1216, 12 U.S.C. § 1751 ET
    22     SEQ.) AND OTHER APPLICABLE Federal law and requirements of
    23     the National Credit Union Administration.
    24         (2)  Participate in the Community Development Revolving
    25     Loan Program under the administration of the National Credit
    26     Union Administration.
    27         (3)  Engage in any other programs or activities permitted
    28     by Federal or State law applicable to a community development
    29     credit union with the prior written approval of the
    30     department upon filing of an application and submittal of a
    20010S1222B2101                 - 13 -

     1     fee.
     2     (e)  Federal parity.--Notwithstanding any other provisions of
     3  this title or any other law, in addition to any other powers as
     4  authorized by this title or other law, a credit union shall have
     5  the power:
     6         (1)  To engage in any activity permissible for a Federal
     7     credit union as authorized by the Federal Credit Union Act
     8     (48 Stat. 1216, 12 U.S.C. § 1751 et seq.), and the rules and
     9     regulations of the National Credit Union Administration set    <--
    10     forth in 12 CFR Pts 700 (relating to definitions) through 795
    11     (relating to OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the
    12     paperwork reduction act), subject to reasonable conditions,
    13     limitations and restrictions as may be imposed by the
    14     department, including, but not limited to, conditions,
    15     limitations and restrictions based upon safety and soundness.
    16         (2)  To engage in the activity of creating, amending or
    17     expanding its field of membership as authorized by section
    18     109 of the Federal Credit Union Act (48 Stat. 1219, 12 U.S.C.
    19     § 1759) subject to reasonable conditions, limitations and
    20     restrictions as may be imposed by the department, including,
    21     but not limited to, conditions, limitations and restrictions
    22     based upon safety and soundness.
    23         (3)  To control, hold an interest in or participate in a
    24     credit union service organization that engages in any
    25     activity permissible for a Federal credit union to conduct
    26     through a credit union service organization, provided that
    27     any activity permissible for a credit union service
    28     organization shall be subject to reasonable conditions,
    29     limitations and restrictions as may be imposed by the
    30     department, including, but not limited to, conditions,
    20010S1222B2101                 - 14 -

     1     limitations and restrictions based upon safety and soundness.
     2     (f)  Notice to department.--Unless earlier PRIOR approval is   <--
     3  granted by the department, a credit union shall provide at least
     4  30 days' prior written notice to the department before it
     5  engages in an activity or acquires an interest permissible under
     6  subsection (e). During the review period provided by this
     7  subsection, the department may:
     8         (1)  request further information concerning any proposed
     9     activity or interest;
    10         (2)  impose any conditions, limitations or restrictions
    11     upon such interests or activities to the extent authorized by
    12     subsection (e); or
    13         (3)  prohibit the credit union from engaging in any
    14     activity or acquiring any interest, if to do so would have a
    15     significant adverse impact upon the safety and soundness of
    16     the credit union.
    17     (g)  Approval to be presumed.--Except as otherwise agreed to
    18  by a credit union, the department shall be deemed to have
    19  granted approval for a credit union to engage in an activity or
    20  acquire an interest if within 30 days of receipt of written
    21  notice from a credit union the department does not act.
    22     SECTION 5.  SECTIONS 503, 505(D), 511(A), 513 AND 514(A) OF    <--
    24  § 503.  Regulation by [Department of Banking] department.
    25     (a)  General rule.--Credit unions shall be under the
    26  supervision of the [Department of Banking] department. The
    27  department is hereby authorized and empowered to issue general
    28  rules and regulations and specific orders for the protection of
    29  members of credit unions, for insuring the conduct of the
    30  business of credit unions on a safe and sound basis and for the
    20010S1222B2101                 - 15 -

     1  effective enforcement of this title. Credit unions shall report
     2  to the department as often as may be required by it and at least
     3  annually on [blanks] FORMS supplied by the department for that    <--
     4  purpose. Supplementary reports may be required by the department
     5  from time to time. Credit unions shall be examined as often as
     6  may be required by the department and at least annually, and the
     7  department may use such other methods of assuring itself of the
     8  condition of the credit unions as it shall deem advisable. The
     9  cost of all such examinations and inspections shall be paid by
    10  the credit union. A credit union shall also pay annually its
    11  proportionate share of the overhead expense of the department
    12  determined by regulation of the department. The department shall
    13  give written notice to each credit union of the costs of
    14  examinations, investigations and the credit union's
    15  proportionate share of the overhead expenses of the department.
    16  The credit union shall pay the amount of such costs within 30
    17  days of the notice. If payment is not made within 30 days of the
    18  notice, the department may assess a penalty fee of $150 for that
    19  30-day period and each successive 30-day period of delinquency.
    20  For failure to file reports when due, unless excused for cause,
    21  a credit union shall pay to the department $100 for each day of
    22  its delinquency.
    23     (a.1)  Fines, removals, prohibition, suspension.--For any
    24  violation of this title or regulation issued pursuant to this
    25  title, or any final order issued by the department under this
    26  title, or any unsafe or unsound practice or breach of fiduciary
    27  duty involving a credit union, the department may take any one
    28  or more of the following actions:
    29         (1)  The department may impose a civil penalty of up to
    30     $10,000 for each violation of this title against a credit
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     1     union or any director, officer, committee member, employee,
     2     volunteer or agent of a credit union.
     3         (2)  The department may immediately suspend any director,
     4     officer, committee member, employee, volunteer or agent of a
     5     credit union from his or her position at a credit union, and
     6     from any further participation in the conduct of the affairs
     7     of the credit union, if in the opinion of the department the
     8     credit union or its members have suffered or may suffer any
     9     significant financial or other damage HARM OR OTHER            <--
    10     PREJUDICE. To suspend a person pursuant to this paragraph,
    11     the department shall provide a notice containing a statement
    12     of the facts constituting grounds for removal and shall
    13     indicate a time and place for a hearing. The hearing shall be
    14     fixed for a date between 30 days and 60 days from the date of
    15     service of notice, unless an earlier or later date is set by
    16     the department at the request of the person.
    17         (3)  The department may remove any director, officer,
    18     committee member, employee, volunteer or agent of a credit
    19     union from his or her position at a credit union and prohibit
    20     him or her from participating in the conduct of the affairs
    21     of the credit union in any manner for such time as the
    22     department deems appropriate.
    23         (4)  The department may prohibit any director, officer,
    24     committee member, employee, volunteer or agent of a credit
    25     union UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE DEPARTMENT from working    <--
    26     in any capacity in any and all credit unions for such time as
    27     the department determines to be appropriate.
    28     (a.2)  Hearings and subpoenas.--
    29         (1)  The department may conduct administrative hearings
    30     on any matter pertaining to this title, subject to the
    20010S1222B2101                 - 17 -

     1     provisions of 2 Pa.C.S. Ch. 5 Subch. A (relating to practice
     2     and procedure of Commonwealth agencies) and Ch. 7 Subch. A
     3     (relating to judicial review of Commonwealth agency action).
     4         (2)  In connection with any examination, investigation or
     5     administrative hearing, the department may issue subpoenas
     6     requiring the attendance of or the production of pertinent
     7     instruments, documents, accounts, books and records by the
     8     directors, officers, committee members, employees,
     9     volunteers, agents or members, respectively, of any credit
    10     union. In connection with any such examination, investigation
    11     or administrative hearing, the department may also question
    12     any such witness under oath or affirmation and examine any
    13     such instrument, document, accounts, books and records, and
    14     retain the records until the proceedings are concluded.
    15         (3)  The department may administer oaths and affirmations
    16     to any person whose testimony is required at any
    17     administrative hearing or at any other time authorized by
    18     this title.
    19         (4)  Any privileges available to Federal financial
    20     institution regulators under Federal statute, regulation or
    21     common law shall be available to the department. The service
    22     of a subpoena upon any employee of the department shall not
    23     require such person to disclose any information. Such person
    24     shall have all rights and privileges to object to production
    25     of information.
    26         (5)  If any credit union or person fails to comply with
    27     any subpoena, suspension notice or final order issued under
    28     this title, then the department may enforce any of the
    29     foregoing in Commonwealth Court. The Commonwealth Court shall
    30     enter an order to enforce any such subpoena, suspension
    20010S1222B2101                 - 18 -

     1     notice or final order.
     2     [(b)  Suspension of personnel.--If, in the opinion of the
     3  department, a director, officer or committee member of a credit
     4  union has committed a violation of a statute, regulation or
     5  cease and desist order which has become final or has engaged in
     6  an unsafe or unsound practice involving the credit union or has
     7  breached a fiduciary duty and if the department determines that
     8  the credit union has suffered or will suffer substantial
     9  financial loss or other damage or that the interests of its
    10  members could be seriously prejudiced by reason of the
    11  violation, practice or breach, the department may suspend the
    12  director, officer or committee member upon written notice,
    13  pending a hearing to determine whether removal is required. The
    14  notice shall contain a statement of the facts constituting
    15  grounds for removal and shall indicate a time and place for a
    16  hearing. The hearing shall be fixed for a date between 30 and 60
    17  days from the date of service of notice, unless an earlier or
    18  later date is set by the department at the request of the
    19  director, officer or committee member.]
    20     (c)  Seizure of credit union.--
    21         (1)  If the department determines that a credit union is:
    22             [(1)] (i)  violating any of the provisions of this
    23         title or any rule or regulation of the department issued
    24         under [and within] the authority of this title or any
    25         order issued by the department under the authority of
    26         this title that has become final;
    27             [(2)] (ii)  conducting its business in an unsafe
    28         manner;
    29             [(3)] (iii)  in an unsafe [and] or unsound condition
    30         to transact its business; [or]
    20010S1222B2101                 - 19 -

     1             (iv)  significantly undercapitalized or critically
     2         undercapitalized according to the prompt corrective
     3         action standards of the National Credit Union
     4         Administration consistent with the Federal Credit Union
     5         Act (48 Stat. 1216, 12 U.S.C. § 1751 et seq.) and related
     6         regulations; or
     7             [(4)] (v)  insolvent;
     8     the department may [serve written notice of its intention to
     9     take possession of the credit union. If the condition
    10     continues for a period of 15 days after the giving of such
    11     notice, the department may, in its discretion], in its
    12     discretion, at such time set by the department, take
    13     possession of the business and property of the credit union
    14     and retain possession until such time as the condition
    15     predicating such action is remedied or until the affairs of
    16     the credit union are finally liquidated.
    17         (2)  The department shall take possession of a credit
    18     union by serving a written notice of seizure on the credit
    19     union's board of directors that contains a statement of the
    20     facts constituting grounds for seizure of the credit union
    21     and that contains notice of a hearing and an opportunity to
    22     be heard. Upon taking possession of a credit union, the
    23     department may liquidate the credit union or take any other    <--
    24     action the department deems appropriate regarding the credit
    25     union, appoint the National Credit Union Administration to
    26     liquidate the credit union or take any other action the        <--
    27     department deems appropriate regarding the credit union
    28     pursuant to Federal law, or appoint such other agent or
    29     employee of the department to liquidate the credit union or
    30     take any other action the department deems appropriate
    20010S1222B2101                 - 20 -

     1     regarding the credit union.
     2         (3)  The department may take similar action if any report
     3     is not filed within a period of 15 days after it is due.
     4         (4)  Any person aggrieved by the action of the department
     5     in taking possession of a credit union may appeal within ten
     6     days of commencement of the receivership, whereupon the
     7     matter shall be set down for hearing de novo [in accordance
     8     with the procedures set forth at 10 Pa. Code Ch. 3 (relating
     9     to hearings and conferences)].
    10     (d)  Exchange of reports of examination.--
    11         (1)  Whenever the shares of a credit union are insured by
    12     the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund or any other
    13     share insurance fund approved by the department, the
    14     department [is authorized to] may furnish to the
    15     Administrator of the National Credit Union Administration or
    16     to any other approved insurer any reports of examination made
    17     by the department under this section[.] or any credit union
    18     board resolution or enforcement document including any order
    19     issued by the department regarding the particular credit
    20     union.
    21         (2)  The department may furnish to any outside accountant
    22     or trade organization contracted by the credit union or
    23     authorized by the department to satisfy the audit
    24     requirements in this title or meet specifications as defined
    25     in any order any reports of examination made by the
    26     department under this section or any credit union board
    27     resolution or enforcement document including orders issued by
    28     the department.
    29         (3)  If a Pennsylvania credit union conducts business in
    30     another state through the establishment and operation of
    20010S1222B2101                 - 21 -

     1     additional branch offices and service facilities under
     2     section 904 (relating to place of business), the department
     3     [is authorized to] may furnish to the financial regulatory
     4     agency of that state reports of examination [made by the],
     5     credit union board resolutions, or any enforcement document
     6     including orders issued by the department [for] regarding the
     7     particular credit union.
     8     (e)  Report.--A credit union shall furnish to the department
     9  copies of the report of financial condition, known as the call
    10  report, in the same form and with the same frequency that the
    11  credit union is required to provide the report to the National
    12  Credit Union Administration.
    13     (f)  Disclosure of information.--The department may not
    14  disclose any credit union information in its custody that
    15  relates to an individual unless that individual consents.
    16  However, in its discretion, the department may disclose such
    17  credit union information to any Federal, State or local
    18  government, agency or instrumentality thereof for official        <--
    19  purposes.
    20  § 505.  Capital and shares.
    21     * * *
    22     (d)  Share insurance required.--The shares representing the
    23  savings of members shall be insured in such amounts as provided
    24  by the National Credit Union Administration or other share
    25  insurance fund approved by the [Department of Banking]
    26  department to insure the shares of credit unions. A credit union
    27  that has not obtained share account insurance from the National
    28  Credit Union Administration or other share insurance fund
    29  approved by the department may not, without the prior written
    30  approval of the department, accept payments from its members for
    20010S1222B2101                 - 22 -

     1  the purchase of shares.
     2  § 511.  Power to borrow.
     3     (a)  General rule.--A credit union may borrow from any source
     4  a sum not exceeding 50% of its [capital, surplus and undivided]
     5  unimpaired capital, regular reserve, contingency reserves and
     6  retained earnings for the purpose of meeting the demand for
     7  loans to members or for the purpose of meeting demands for share
     8  withdrawals.
     9     * * *
    10  § 513.  Reserves.
    11     (a)  General rule.--[At the end of each accounting period,
    12  the gross income shall be determined. From this amount, there
    13  shall be set aside a sum in accordance with the following
    14  schedule as a regular reserve:
    15         (1)  A credit union in operation for more than four years
    16     and having assets of $500,000 or more shall set aside:
    17             (i)  10% of gross income until the regular reserve
    18         shall equal 4% of the total of outstanding loans and risk
    19         assets; then
    20             (ii)  5% of gross income until the regular reserve
    21         shall equal 6% of the total of outstanding loans and risk
    22         assets.
    23         (2)  A credit union in operation less than four years or
    24     having assets of less than $500,000 shall set aside:
    25             (i)  10% of gross income until the regular reserve
    26         shall equal 7.5% of the total of the outstanding loans
    27         and risk assets; then
    28             (ii)  5% of gross income until the regular reserve
    29         shall equal 10% of the total of outstanding loans and
    30         risk assets.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 23 -

     1         (3)  Whenever the regular reserve falls below the stated
     2     percentage of the total of outstanding loans and risk assets,
     3     it shall be replenished by regular contributions in such
     4     amounts as may be needed to maintain the stated reserve
     5     goals.
     6         (4)  All entrance fees collected shall be set aside in
     7     the regular reserve fund.
     8         (5)  The regular reserve fund thus established shall not
     9     be loaned out to members and shall be deposited as authorized
    10     in section 501(b)(6) (relating to powers) or invested in such
    11     investments as are authorized by section 501(b)(7). The
    12     regular reserve fund shall belong to the credit union and
    13     shall not be distributed except in case of liquidation.
    14         (6)  The directors are authorized, after the required
    15     reserve has been provided for, to make additional transfers
    16     from undivided earnings to a contingent reserve for other
    17     anticipated losses and expenses, but the members at the
    18     annual meeting may retransfer any part or all of such
    19     contingent reserve to the undivided earnings account.] Each
    20     credit union shall establish and maintain a regular reserve
    21     account for the purpose of absorbing losses that exceed        <--
    22     undivided earnings and other appropriations of undivided
    23     earnings to the same extent and in the same manner as
    24     required of a Federal credit union.
    25     (b)  [Changes in reserve requirement.--The department may
    26  decrease the reserve requirement set forth in subsection (a)
    27  when in its opinion such a decrease is necessary or desirable.
    28  The department may also require special reserves to protect the
    29  interests of members either by regulation or for an individual
    30  credit union in any special case.] Computation of reserve and
    20010S1222B2101                 - 24 -

     1  net worth requirements.--For the purpose of establishing the
     2  reserves required by this section and for the provision and
     3  maintenance of adequate equity or net worth, a credit union
     4  shall compute its reserve and net worth requirements consistent
     5  with section 216 of the Federal Credit Union Act (48 Stat. 1216,
     6  12 U.S.C. § 1790d and the National Credit Union Administration
     7  rules and regulations set forth in 12 CFR Pt. 702 (relating to
     8  prompt corrective action).
     9     (c)  Allowance for loan loss.--Each credit union, in addition
    10  to maintaining a regular reserve, shall establish an allowance
    11  for loan loss. The allowance for loan loss reserve shall be
    12  funded in the manner and used for the purposes as designated
    13  from time to time by the [Department of Banking] department. The
    14  board of directors shall decide the loans which are to be
    15  charged off against the allowance for loan loss, except that the
    16  [Department of Banking] department may, at the time of
    17  examination of a credit union, recommend for charge-off such
    18  loans which in its opinion are unsound, which loans shall be
    19  charged against the allowance for loan loss account within 60
    20  days of the receipt of such recommendation from the department.
    21  Any amount received from the repayment of a loan after it has
    22  been charged off against the allowance for loan loss account
    23  shall be credited back to the account.
    24     [(d)  Allowance for investment loss.--Each credit union, in
    25  addition to maintaining a regular reserve, shall establish an
    26  allowance for investment loss in compliance with Federal or
    27  State laws or regulations as well as generally accepted
    28  accounting principles. The allowance for investment loss reserve
    29  shall be funded in conformity with such laws, regulations or
    30  generally accepted accounting principles.]
    20010S1222B2101                 - 25 -

     1  § 514.  Dividends.
     2     (a)  General rule.--The board of directors of a credit union
     3  or the members on recommendation of the board of directors,
     4  whichever the bylaws provide, may declare dividends to be paid
     5  on all shares and share certificates from the net earnings and
     6  undivided earnings at such rates and intervals and for such
     7  periods as the board of directors may authorize and after
     8  provision for the required reserves. [Within the discretion of
     9  the board of directors, payments on all shares which are made
    10  within the first ten days of a month may be entitled to
    11  dividends for the full month in which such payment is made.]
    12  Dividends may be added to the credit of the members share
    13  accounts, paid in cash, or partially credited to share accounts
    14  and partially paid in cash, at the option of the board of
    15  directors.
    16     * * *
    17     SECTION 6.  SECTION 701(A) OF TITLE 17 IS AMENDED AND THE      <--
    19  § 701.  Membership.
    20     (a)  General rule.--Credit union organizations shall be
    21  limited to groups having a potential membership of 500 or more
    22  adult persons and having a common bond of association within a
    23  well-defined community or rural district by reason of occupation
    24  or of membership in a religious congregation or fraternal or
    25  labor organization or residence within a well-defined community
    26  or rural district. A credit union may also retain its original
    27  field of membership and, additionally, include in its field of
    28  membership other occupational groups, as well as like
    29  associational groups having a common bond with the original
    30  field of membership, with insufficient number of members to form
    20010S1222B2101                 - 26 -

     1  or conduct the affairs of a separate credit union, if the
     2  existing credit union obtains prior permission from the
     3  [Department of Banking] department. The membership of a credit
     4  union shall be limited to and consist of the incorporators of
     5  the credit union and such other persons, having the common bond
     6  of association, set forth in the articles of incorporation, as
     7  have been duly admitted members, have paid the entrance fee as
     8  provided in the bylaws and own and retain one or more shares.
     9  Organizations composed principally of the same group as the
    10  credit union membership may be members. Employes of credit
    11  unions may be members of such credit unions.
    12     * * *
    13     (f)  Effect of certain association formations.--Any
    14  association formed primarily to obtain a State credit union
    15  charter shall not be considered by the department to have a
    16  sufficient common bond.
    17     SECTION 7.  SECTIONS 706(B), 707, 709, 711(A) AND 713(B) AND   <--
    19  § 706.  Election of directors and credit and supervisory
    20             committee members.
    21     * * *
    22     (b)  Report to department.--A statement in writing of the
    23  names and addresses of the members of the board and the
    24  committees and the officers, as well as any interim
    25  appointments, shall be filed with the [Department of Banking]
    26  department within ten days after their election and
    27  qualification or interim appointment. For failure to file such
    28  statements when due, unless excused for cause, the credit union
    29  shall pay to the department [$5] $100 for each day of its
    30  delinquency.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 27 -

     1  § 707.  Duties of directors generally.
     2     (a)  General rule.--The directors of a credit union shall
     3  have general management of the affairs of the credit union and
     4  are specifically required:
     5         (1)  To act on applications for membership.
     6         (2)  To determine interest rates on loans.
     7         (3)  To fix the amount of the surety bond which shall be
     8     required of all officers and employees handling money which
     9     amount shall be not less than the minimum schedule
    10     established by the [Department of Banking] department.
    11         (4)  To declare dividends or recommend dividends as
    12     provided in the bylaws.
    13         (5)  To transmit or cause to be transmitted to the
    14     members all proposed amendments to the bylaws.
    15         (6)  If the bylaws provide for appointed credit or
    16     supervisory committees, to appoint individuals to serve on
    17     the credit committee or the supervisory committee and to fill
    18     vacancies in the board and in the credit committee until
    19     successors are duly chosen and qualified.
    20         (7)  To determine the maximum individual share holdings
    21     and, subject to the limitations contained in this title, the
    22     maximum individual loan which can be made with or without
    23     security.
    24         (8)  To have charge of investments, first mortgage loans
    25     and loans to other credit unions and Federal credit unions
    26     but not loans to members which are under the supervision of
    27     the credit committee as otherwise provided in this title. The
    28     board may, however, delegate to the credit committee the
    29     authority to approve some or all first mortgage loans and to
    30     an investment committee or qualified individual the authority
    20010S1222B2101                 - 28 -

     1     to make all or some investments if the board first
     2     establishes guidelines and standards for the approval and
     3     making of such loans and investments in accordance with the
     4     policies of the board of directors.
     5         (9)  To fix the amount of compensation of directors,
     6     officers, committee members, [the loan officer] loan officers
     7     and employees.
     8         (10)  To determine whether, to what extent and to what
     9     class or classes of borrowers, if any, an interest refund is
    10     to be made in any dividend period. Any such interest refund
    11     shall be paid in proportion to the interest paid by each
    12     borrower within any class during that dividend period. [No
    13     interest refund may be authorized unless a share dividend at
    14     the rate of not less than 5% has been declared from the
    15     earnings of that dividend period.]
    16         (11)  To appoint alternate credit committee members as
    17     needed to serve during incapacity or absence of the credit
    18     committee members.
    19     (b)  Notice of interest refund to department.--Immediately
    20  upon the board deciding to refund any interest pursuant to
    21  subsection (a)(10), notice of such decision and a copy of any
    22  board resolution and related documents shall forthwith be sent
    23  to the department. The department shall, within 30 days after
    24  receipt thereof, have the power to disapprove, for any
    25  reasonable cause stated in writing, any such interest refund. If
    26  the department does not disapprove the interest refund within 30
    27  days, the interest refund shall become effective.
    28  § 709.  Compensation of directors and officers.
    29     [A member of the board of directors and members of the credit
    30  committee and the supervisory committee may be compensated if
    20010S1222B2101                 - 29 -

     1  the credit union paid a dividend of not less than 3% from the
     2  earnings of the last preceding year.] Members of the board of
     3  directors, the credit committee and the supervisory committee
     4  may be compensated if the credit union pays dividends to its
     5  members commensurate with prevailing market rates during the
     6  preceding year. A credit union shall be deemed to pay dividends
     7  commensurate with prevailing market rates if declared dividend
     8  rates on share accounts are competitive with dividend or
     9  interest rates offered by other credit unions, Federal credit
    10  unions, or other financial institutions authorized to engage in
    11  the business of receiving money for deposit. The [Department of
    12  Banking] department may prohibit or regulate the payment of
    13  compensation of directors, committee members and officers,
    14  exclusive of the treasurer, if it deems such compensation
    15  excessive or if, in its opinion, the financial condition of the
    16  credit union is not such as to warrant the payment of such
    17  compensation.
    18  § 711.  Procedures for approving service by certain persons.
    19     (a)  General rule.--No person who has been convicted of a
    20  misdemeanor or a felony involving dishonesty, breach of trust or
    21  violation of this title or corresponding provisions of prior law
    22  may serve as an officer, director, committee member [or],
    23  employee, volunteer or agent of a credit union unless the
    24  person[:
    25         (1)  in the case of an officer, director or committee
    26     member seeking office,] has or obtains the unanimous approval
    27     of the [nominating committee] board of directors of the
    28     credit union.[;
    29         (2)  in the case of an employee, has the approval of the
    30     officer in charge of operations;
    20010S1222B2101                 - 30 -

     1         (3)  in the case of an officer, including an officer in
     2     charge of operations, director or committee member seeking
     3     office, has the unanimous approval of the board of directors
     4     of the credit union; or
     5         (4)  in the case of an employee, other than an officer in
     6     charge of operations, has the approval of the board of
     7     directors by a vote of at least two-thirds of the board of
     8     directors.]
     9     * * *
    10  § 713.  Loan procedures.
    11     * * *
    12     (b)  Conflict of interest.--No credit committee member, loan
    13  officer or director of a credit union shall vote on the granting
    14  of any loan in which such official has guaranteed the repayment
    15  of the loan or where a member of [his or her] the member's
    16  immediate family has a beneficial interest.
    17     * * *
    18     (d)  Approval by credit committee.--
    19         (1)  If the bylaws provide for a credit committee, at
    20     least a majority of the members of the credit committee shall
    21     pass on all loans[,] and no loan shall be approved unless it
    22     is approved by a majority of the members of the credit
    23     committee [present and voting, unless the credit committee
    24     has appointed] at a credit committee meeting.
    25         (2)  Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the credit committee
    26     may appoint one or more loan officers and [delegated]
    27     delegate to such person or persons the power to approve
    28     loans, share withdrawals of amounts previously pledged as
    29     security for a loan, releases and substitutions of security,
    30     within limits specified by the committee.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 31 -

     1         (3)  The appointment and delegation shall be approved by
     2     a majority of the credit committee present and voting at a
     3     credit committee meeting and shall be recorded in a written
     4     resolution signed by the credit committee members who
     5     approved the delegation or appointment. The written
     6     resolution shall be forwarded to the board of directors prior
     7     to the next board meeting.
     8         (4)  The credit committee shall meet as often as may be
     9     necessary after due notice to each member. The credit
    10     committee shall keep minutes of each meeting. The minutes
    11     shall include a list of loans approved and disapproved by the
    12     credit committee.
    13         (5)  The credit committee shall require any loan officers
    14     it appoints to report regularly to the credit committee on
    15     any loan approvals or other actions taken by the loan officer
    16     in the authority delegated to the loan officer by the credit
    17     committee.
    18     * * *
    19     SECTION 8.  SECTION 714 HEADING AND (A)(1), (B) AND (C) OF     <--
    22  § 714.  Annual [examination] audit.
    23     (a)  Supervisory committee.--If the bylaws of the credit
    24  union provide for a supervisory committee, the duties of the
    25  supervisory committee shall be as follows:
    26         (1)  To make at least an annual [examination] audit of
    27     the affairs of the credit union. The committee shall submit a
    28     report to the board of directors and to the members at the
    29     next annual meeting of the credit union.
    30         * * *
    20010S1222B2101                 - 32 -

     1     (b)  Default by supervisory committee.--Whenever the
     2  supervisory committee fails to make the [examinations] audits or
     3  reports as provided in subsection (a)(1), the board of directors
     4  shall remove from office the members of the supervisory
     5  committee and appoint a new committee to make such
     6  [examinations] audits, or the board may employ the services of a
     7  public accountant to make such [examinations] audits. The
     8  charges for the services of such public accountants shall be
     9  paid by the credit union. If the board of directors under such
    10  circumstances fails or refuses to act, the [Department of
    11  Banking] department may, in addition to its other powers, remove
    12  the members of the supervisory committee and issue an order on
    13  the board of directors requiring such [examinations] audits to
    14  be made by a public accountant at the expense of the credit
    15  union.
    16     (c)  [Examination] Audit by public accountant.--If the bylaws
    17  do not provide for a supervisory committee, the board shall
    18  employ the services of a public accountant to make
    19  [examinations] audits under subsections (a) and (b). The charges
    20  for the services of the public accountant shall be paid by the
    21  credit union.
    22     (d)  Requirement for an outside audit.--
    23         (1)  A credit union shall obtain an outside, independent
    24     audit by a certified public accountant or other approved
    25     service for any fiscal year during which any one of the
    26     following conditions exist:
    27             (i)  the supervisory committee of the credit union
    28         has not conducted an annual supervisory committee audit;
    29             (ii)  the annual supervisory committee audit
    30         conducted did not meet the audit requirements required by
    20010S1222B2101                 - 33 -

     1         the department; or
     2             (iii)  the credit union has experienced serious and
     3         persistent recordkeeping deficiencies as defined in
     4         subsection (e).
     5         (2)  In the case of an audit required pursuant to
     6     paragraph (1)(i) or (ii), the scope of the outside,
     7     independent audit shall fully encompass the requirements set
     8     forth in the department's audit guidelines. In the case of an
     9     audit required pursuant to paragraph (1)(iii), the outside,
    10     independent audit must be conducted by a certified public
    11     accountant and must be an opinion audit as that term is
    12     understood under generally accepted auditing standards.
    13     (e)  Definition.--As used in subsection (d)(1), "persistent
    14  recordkeeping deficiencies" means serious recordkeeping problems
    15  which continue to exist past a usual, expected or normal period
    16  of time. Persistent recordkeeping deficiencies shall be
    17  considered serious if the department has a reasonable doubt:
    18         (1)  That the financial condition of the credit union is
    19     accurately and fairly presented in the credit union's
    20     statement.
    21         (2)  That management practices and procedures of the
    22     credit union are sufficient to safeguard members' assets.
    23     SECTION 9.  SECTIONS 903(A), 904, 1101(A), 1102(A), (B) AND    <--
    24  (D), 1103(B), 1105(B) AND (E), 1106, 1301 AND 1302(A)(4), (B)
    26  § 903.  Filing and review of articles of amendment.
    27     (a)  General rule.--Articles of amendment shall be filed with
    28  the [Department of Banking] department. If the department finds
    29  that the articles of amendment conform to law, it shall endorse
    30  its approval thereon and forward the articles of amendment to
    20010S1222B2101                 - 34 -

     1  the Department of State. Upon receipt of the articles of
     2  amendment, the Department of State shall file the same.
     3     * * *
     4  § 904.  Place of business.
     5     (a)  Change in principal place of business.--A credit union
     6  may change its place of business upon the filing of a statement
     7  of change of principal place of business with the Department of
     8  State and the [Department of Banking] department.
     9     (b)  Branch offices and service facilities.--If a credit
    10  union gives the [Department of Banking] department prior written
    11  notification and, in the case of branch offices, receives prior
    12  approval from the department, it may establish and maintain, at
    13  locations other than its principal place of business, additional
    14  branch offices and service facilities to furnish services to its
    15  members.
    16     (c)  Discontinuance of branch offices or service
    17  facilities.--If a credit union pursuant to a resolution of its
    18  board of directors provides the department prior written
    19  notification, the credit union may discontinue the operation of
    20  and close branch offices or service facilities.
    21     [(c)] (d)  Cross reference.--See 15 Pa.C.S. § 134 (relating
    22  to docketing statement).
    23  § 1101.  Conversion into Federal credit union.
    24     (a)  General rule.--A credit union may be converted into a
    25  Federal credit union by complying with the following
    26  requirements:
    27         (1)  The proposition for such conversion shall first be
    28     approved by a majority vote of the directors of the credit
    29     union who shall also set a date for the vote thereon by the
    30     members. The vote of the members shall be conducted at a
    20010S1222B2101                 - 35 -

     1     meeting held on such date, or by written ballot if the bylaws
     2     so provide to be filed on or before such date. Written notice
     3     of the proposition and of the date set for the vote shall be
     4     given each member not more than 30 nor less than ten days
     5     prior to such date. Approval of the proposition shall be by
     6     the affirmative vote of a majority of the members voting, in
     7     person or in writing, either at a meeting of the credit union
     8     or through a mail ballot vote. In order for a vote to be
     9     considered valid, there must be a quorum established. In the
    10     case of a meeting of the credit union, a quorum shall be
    11     established by the presence of at least 10% of the credit
    12     union's membership. In the case of a mail ballot vote, a
    13     quorum shall be established by the written response of at
    14     least 10% of the credit union's membership.
    15         (2)  A statement of the result of the vote, certified by
    16     an officer of the credit union, shall be filed with the
    17     [Department of Banking] department within ten days after the
    18     vote is taken.
    19         (3)  Promptly after the vote is taken and in no event
    20     later than 90 days thereafter, if the proposition for
    21     conversion was approved, the credit union shall take such
    22     action as may be necessary under the applicable laws of the
    23     United States to make it a Federal credit union, and, within
    24     ten days after receipt of the Federal credit union charter,
    25     it shall file a copy of the charter thus issued with the
    26     Department of State which shall furnish a copy thereof to the
    27     [Department of Banking] department. Upon such filing with the
    28     Department of State, the credit union shall no longer be
    29     subject to any of the provisions of this title. The successor
    30     Federal credit union shall be vested with all of the assets
    20010S1222B2101                 - 36 -

     1     and shall continue to be responsible for all of the
     2     obligations of the credit union thus converted to the same
     3     extent as though the conversion had not taken place.
     4     * * *
     5  § 1102.  Conversion from Federal credit union.
     6     (a)  General rule.--A Federal credit union may be converted
     7  into a credit union subject to the provisions of this title by:
     8         (1)  Complying with all Federal requirements requisite to
     9     enabling it to convert to a credit union or to cease being a
    10     Federal credit union.
    11         (2)  Filing with the [Department of Banking] department
    12     proof of compliance with such Federal requirements in form
    13     satisfactory to the department.
    14         (3)  Filing with the department, together with such
    15     reasonable fees as shall be established by the department
    16     including an application fee and fees for such examination
    17     and such investigation as it may deem necessary, articles of
    18     conversion which shall set forth:
    19             (i)  The proposed name of the converted credit union.
    20             (ii)  The exact location of the principal place of
    21         business of the credit union into which the Federal
    22         credit union plans to become converted.
    23             (iii)  The number, names and addresses of the persons
    24         to be the first directors of the converted credit union.
    25             (iv)  All other statements required by this title to
    26         be set forth in original articles of incorporation in the
    27         case of the formation of a credit union in so far as such
    28         information is applicable to a Federal credit union
    29         proposing to become converted into a credit union.
    30     (b)  Department [of Banking] review.--Immediately upon the
    20010S1222B2101                 - 37 -

     1  receipt of the articles of conversion, the department shall
     2  conduct such examination as may be deemed necessary to ascertain
     3  from the best sources of information at its command:
     4         (1)  Whether the name of the proposed credit union
     5     conforms with the requirements of law for the name of a
     6     credit union and whether it is the same as one already
     7     adopted or reserved by another person or is so similar
     8     thereto that it is likely to mislead the public.
     9         (2)  Whether the conversion is made for legitimate
    10     purposes.
    11         (3)  Whether the interests of members and creditors are
    12     adequately protected.
    13         (4)  Whether the proposed credit union meets all of the
    14     requirements of this title and violates none of its
    15     prohibitions applicable to a credit union incorporated under
    16     this title.
    17         (5)  Whether the Federal credit union has complied with
    18     the requirements of the laws of the United States as they
    19     relate to the conversion of a Federal credit union into a
    20     credit union.
    21  Within 60 days after receipt of the articles of conversion, the
    22  [Department of Banking] department shall, upon the basis of the
    23  facts disclosed by its investigation, either approve or
    24  disapprove such articles.
    25     * * *
    26     (d)  Disapproval action.--If the [Department of Banking]
    27  department disapproves the articles of conversion, it shall
    28  return them to the Federal credit union desiring to become
    29  converted into a credit union stating in detail its reasons for
    30  so doing.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 38 -

     1     * * *
     2  § 1103.  Merger and consolidation authorized.
     3     * * *
     4     (b)  Approvals and conditions.--Before merging or
     5  consolidating, the credit unions involved must obtain prior
     6  approval from the [Department of Banking] department. In the
     7  case of a merger or consolidation with a Federal credit union,
     8  the merger or consolidation shall be made pursuant to Federal
     9  law in addition to the provisions of this title. In the case of
    10  a merger or consolidation with an out-of-State credit union, the
    11  merger or consolidation shall be made pursuant to the credit
    12  union law of the state of incorporation of the out-of-State
    13  credit union or, if credit unions incorporated in different
    14  states are involved, pursuant to the credit union laws of the
    15  various states of incorporation of the out-of-State credit
    16  unions in addition to the provisions of this title.
    17  § 1105.  Articles of merger or consolidation.
    18     * * *
    19     (b)  Department [of Banking] review.--The articles of merger
    20  or consolidation shall be filed with the [Department of Banking]
    21  department which, immediately upon receipt thereof, shall
    22  conduct such investigation as may be deemed necessary to
    23  ascertain from the best sources at its command:
    24         (1)  Whether, if the articles are articles of
    25     consolidation, the name of the proposed new credit union,
    26     Federal credit union or out-of-State credit union conforms
    27     with the requirements of law for the name of a credit union
    28     and whether it is the same as one already adopted or reserved
    29     by another corporation or person or is so similar thereto
    30     that it is likely to mislead the public.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 39 -

     1         (2)  Whether, if the merger or consolidation includes one
     2     or more Federal credit unions, all requirements of the laws
     3     of the United States pertaining thereto have been complied
     4     with.
     5         (3)  Whether the interests of members and creditors are
     6     adequately protected.
     7         (4)  Whether the credit unions, including the surviving
     8     or new credit union, have met all of the requirements of this
     9     title and have violated none of its prohibitions applicable
    10     to a credit union incorporated under this title.
    11         (5)  Whether, if the merger or consolidation includes an
    12     out-of-State credit union, there is compliance with the
    13     applicable requirements of the law of the state of
    14     incorporation of the out-of-State credit union.
    15  Within 60 days after receipt of the articles of merger or
    16  consolidation, the [Department of Banking] department shall,
    17  upon the basis of the facts disclosed by its investigation,
    18  either approve or disapprove such articles.
    19     * * *
    20     * * *                                                          <--
    21     (e)  Disapproval action.--If the [Department of Banking]
    22  department shall disapprove the articles, it shall return them
    23  to the credit union, Federal credit union or out-of-State credit
    24  union from which they were received, stating the reasons for
    25  such disapproval.
    26     * * *
    27  § 1106.  Supervisory mergers or consolidations by [Department of
    28             Banking] department.
    29     Notwithstanding any other provision of this title, the
    30  [Department of Banking] department may require a merger or
    20010S1222B2101                 - 40 -

     1  consolidation of a credit union which is insolvent or is in
     2  danger of insolvency with any other credit union, Federal credit
     3  union or out-of-State credit union or may authorize a credit
     4  union to purchase any of the assets of, or assume any of the
     5  liabilities and capital of, any other credit union, Federal
     6  credit union or out-of-State credit union if the department is
     7  satisfied that:
     8         (1)  an emergency requiring expeditious action exists
     9     with respect to such a credit union;
    10         (2)  other alternatives are not reasonably available; and
    11         (3)  the public interest would best be served by approval
    12     of such merger, consolidation, purchase or assumption.
    13  § 1301.  Dissolution authorized.
    14     Any credit union may elect to dissolve voluntarily and wind
    15  up its affairs in the manner provided in this chapter. However,
    16  if it shall appear to the [Department of Banking] department,
    17  upon an examination of the business, assets and affairs of the
    18  credit union, that its assets will probably be insufficient to
    19  pay in full its members and creditors, it shall take possession
    20  of the business and property of the credit union and retain
    21  possession until its affairs are finally liquidated.
    22  § 1302.  Approval of voluntary dissolution.
    23     (a)  General rule.--The procedure for voluntary dissolution
    24  shall be as follows:
    25         * * *
    26         (4)  A certificate of election to dissolve signed by a
    27     duly authorized officer of the credit union shall be executed
    28     and delivered to the [Department of Banking] department. The
    29     certificate shall set forth:
    30             (i)  The name of the credit union.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 41 -

     1             (ii)  The exact location of its place of business.
     2             (iii)  The names and addresses of its officers and
     3         directors.
     4             (iv)  The number of directors voting for, and the
     5         number voting against, the proposed plan of voluntary
     6         dissolution.
     7             (v)  The total number of members and the number of
     8         members voting for, and the number voting against, the
     9         proposed plan of voluntary dissolution.
    10             (vi)  The names and addresses of the proposed
    11         liquidating trustees and the number of votes received by
    12         every candidate for the position of liquidating trustee.
    13             (vii)  The amount of the bond required to be supplied
    14         by each trustee.
    15             (viii)  A verified statement by each of the proposed
    16         liquidating trustees stating that he is willing to serve
    17         as liquidating trustee, subject to the provisions of this
    18         chapter and to the terms of the proposed plan of
    19         voluntary dissolution, that he will, so far as the duty
    20         devolves upon him, diligently and honestly liquidate the
    21         affairs of the credit union, and will not knowingly
    22         violate or permit to be violated any of the provisions of
    23         this chapter or of the proposed plan of voluntary
    24         liquidation.
    25             (ix)  The proposed plan of voluntary dissolution.
    26     (b)  Department [of Banking] review.--Upon receipt of the
    27  certificate of election to dissolve, the [Department of Banking]
    28  department shall conduct an examination or an investigation, or
    29  take such other action as it deems necessary, to determine
    30  whether to approve the plan of voluntary dissolution. If the
    20010S1222B2101                 - 42 -

     1  department determines that the plan of voluntary dissolution
     2  does not prejudice the interests of members or creditors, it
     3  shall endorse its approval on the certificate of election to
     4  dissolve and send it to the Department of State for filing. If
     5  the [Department of Banking] department disapproves the plan, it
     6  shall return the certificate to the credit union stating in
     7  detail its reasons for doing so.
     8     (c)  Effect of filing certificate.--Upon the filing by the
     9  Department of State of the certificate of election to dissolve,
    10  the Department of State shall furnish a copy thereof to the
    11  [Department of Banking] department and the credit union. Upon
    12  such filing, the credit union shall cease to transact its
    13  business, and the liquidating trustee or trustees shall commence
    14  the liquidation of the credit union. The liquidating trustee or
    15  trustees shall thereafter be authorized to carry out, in his own
    16  name or in their own names as liquidating trustee or trustees of
    17  the credit union, the powers granted to him or them by the plan
    18  of voluntary dissolution and may sue and be sued for the purpose
    19  of determining and enforcing the debts due the credit union and
    20  its obligations.
    21     * * *
    22     SECTION 10.  SECTION 1303(A) OF TITLE 17 IS AMENDED AND THE    <--
    24  § 1303.  Dissolution proceedings.
    25     (a)  Collection and distribution of assets.--The liquidating
    26  trustee or trustees shall proceed in the manner provided by the
    27  [Department of Banking] department to gather the assets,
    28  determine the liabilities and distribute the assets of the
    29  credit union until its affairs are fully adjusted and wound up.
    30  Under this section the department shall set forth the order of
    20010S1222B2101                 - 43 -

     1  the distribution of the assets. The provisions of this section
     2  on distribution of assets apply whether the dissolution is
     3  voluntary or involuntary.
     4     * * *
     5     (d)  Transfer possession.--If the department takes possession
     6  of the credit union under section 503(c) (relating to regulation
     7  by the department) and appoints the National Credit Union
     8  Administration to liquidate the credit union or take other
     9  action deemed appropriate regarding the credit union, then the
    10  department shall be deemed to have surrendered jurisdiction of
    11  the credit union and the department shall have no liability
    12  related to such credit union.
    13     SECTION 11.  SECTIONS 1304 AND 1305(A) OF TITLE 17 ARE         <--
    15  § 1304.  Department [of Banking] supervision.
    16     The [Department of Banking] department shall continue to
    17  supervise the credit union, in the hands of the liquidating
    18  trustee or trustees, until the liquidation is complete and the
    19  affairs of the credit union are fully settled.
    20  § 1305.  Articles of dissolution.
    21     (a)  General rule.--When, in the opinion of the [Department
    22  of Banking] department, the liquidation of a credit union is
    23  complete and its affairs are fully settled, the [Department of
    24  Banking] department shall execute and file in the Department of
    25  State articles of dissolution, which shall set forth:
    26         (1)  The name of the credit union.
    27         (2)  The statute under which the credit union was
    28     incorporated and the date of incorporation.
    29         (3)  A statement that the liquidation of the credit union
    30     is complete and its affairs are fully settled.
    20010S1222B2101                 - 44 -

     1     * * *
     3  § 1306.  Involuntary dissolution.
     4     (a)  Issuance of certificate of dissolution by department.--
     5  In the event the department finds after issuing written notice
     6  of a hearing and an opportunity to be heard to a credit union,
     7  that the credit union has not exercised any of its powers or
     8  opened for business with its proposed members within one year
     9  after the date of its incorporation or such longer time as the
    10  department may allow, then the department shall issue under its
    11  seal a certificate of dissolution reciting the applicable facts
    12  and stating that articles of incorporation have been forfeited
    13  by reason of such facts and shall file the certificate of
    14  dissolution with the Department of State.
    15     (b)  Effect of certificate of dissolution.--Upon filing of
    16  the certificate of dissolution in the Department of State, all
    17  rights of the credit union under its articles of incorporation
    18  shall cease and its existence shall cease.
    19     SECTION 13.  SECTIONS 1501(A), 1503 HEADING AND (A) AND 1504   <--
    21  § 1501.  Authorization to do business.
    22     (a)  General rule.--A credit union organized in another state
    23  may conduct business as [a] an out-of-State credit union in this
    24  Commonwealth with the approval of the [Department of Banking]
    25  department as long as a credit union chartered under the laws of
    26  this Commonwealth is permitted to do business in the state in
    27  which the credit union is organized.
    28     * * *
    29  § 1503.  Supervision by [Department of Banking] department.
    30     (a)  General rule.--The [Department of Banking] department
    20010S1222B2101                 - 45 -

     1  may examine an out-of-State credit union:
     2         (1)  to the same extent that a Pennsylvania credit union
     3     is examined by the regulatory agency with jurisdiction over
     4     credit unions in the state in which the out-of-State credit
     5     union is incorporated; or
     6         (2)  pursuant to an agreement between the department and
     7     the regulatory agency with jurisdiction over credit unions in
     8     the state in which the out-of-State credit union is
     9     incorporated.
    10     * * *
    11  § 1504.  Revocation of authorization to do business.
    12     The [Department of Banking] department may revoke the
    13  approval of an out-of-State credit union to conduct business as
    14  a credit union in this Commonwealth if the department makes any
    15  of the following findings:
    16         (1)  The out-of-State credit union no longer meets the
    17     requirements of section 1501 (relating to authorization to do
    18     business).
    19         (2)  The out-of-State credit union has violated
    20     Pennsylvania statutes or regulations or orders of the
    21     department.
    22         (3)  The out-of-State credit union has engaged in a
    23     pattern of unsafe or unsound credit union practices.
    24         (4)  Continued operation by the out-of-State credit union
    25     is likely to have a substantially adverse impact on the
    26     financial, economic or other interests of residents of this
    27     Commonwealth served by the out-of-State credit union.
    28     Section 2 14.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.          <--

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