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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 565



No. 530 Session of 2003

           MARCH 24, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Establishing the Early Childhood Education Fund; providing
     2     funding for enhancement of the Head Start Program and other
     3     similar programs; and making a repeal.

     4     The General Assembly finds and declares that:
     5         (1)  Early childhood research indicates that stimulating
     6     activities, as those engaged in while participating in
     7     quality early childhood education programs, are important in
     8     the development of the brain and have a long-term impact on
     9     learning and independent thought.
    10         (2)  When compared to their counterparts, children who
    11     have been exposed to quality early childhood education:
    12             (i)  Exhibit higher measures on reading and social
    13         skills in the elementary school years, with benefits
    14         lasting into adulthood so that persons who are 21 years
    15         of age are more likely to delay parenthood, attend or
    16         graduate from college and be gainfully employed.
    17             (ii)  Are 25% less likely to be retained a grade, at
    18         an estimate of the per-child per-year cost of well over

     1         $5,200 nationally.
     2             (iii)  Spend 1.3 fewer years in special education
     3         placement, at an average cost of $1,800 more per student
     4         per year than the standard curriculum cost.
     5             (iv)  Are one-third more likely to graduate from high
     6         school, and unemployment rates for high school graduates
     7         are 75% lower than those for nongraduates.
     8             (v)  Are five times less likely to be arrested
     9         repeatedly by 27 years of age, thus reducing concomitant
    10         societal costs associated with crime.
    11             (vi)  Scored higher and experienced immediate
    12         positive effects on their socioemotional development,
    13         including self-esteem, achievement motivation and social
    14         behavior; and are one-third less likely to have children
    15         out of wedlock and 25% less likely to be teenage parents
    16         at a cost to society of $16,600,000,000 in Federal
    17         support, alone.
    18             (vii)  Save the government $2 in special education,
    19         unemployment, welfare, incarceration and other
    20         intervention costs for every $1 invested in early
    21         childhood education.
    22             (viii)  Save the Commonwealth the $100,000 long-term
    23         cost that results when government does not provide at
    24         least two years of early care and education for every
    25         child born into poverty.
    26             (ix)  Provide the business community with workers
    27         with an academic foundation for learning specialized
    28         skills, competencies, attitudes and behaviors that will
    29         ensure success in a technology-based, competitive
    30         economic environment.
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     1         (3)  This act is enacted in order to ensure a quality
     2     early childhood education that maximizes child development
     3     and enhances school readiness.
     4     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     5  hereby enacts as follows:
     6  Section 1.  Short title.
     7     This act shall be known and may be cited as the Early
     8  Childhood Education Act.
     9  Section 2.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    11  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Fund."  The Early Childhood Education Fund established by
    14  this act.
    15     "Owner."  The term shall have the meaning given to it in
    16  section 1301.1 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176),
    17  known as The Fiscal Code.
    18  Section 3.  Early Childhood Education Fund.
    19     (a)  Establishment.--The Early Childhood Education Fund is
    20  established in the State Treasury. The moneys of the fund shall
    21  be invested in accordance with law and shall be used exclusively
    22  for the purposes set forth in this act.
    23     (b)  Sources of funding.--
    24         (1)  Except for the amount required to be deposited into
    25     the separate trust fund designated under section 1301.18(a)
    26     of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176), known as The
    27     Fiscal Code, all funds received by the State Treasurer under
    28     Article XIII.1 of The Fiscal Code, including the proceeds
    29     from the sale of property under section 1301.17 of The Fiscal
    30     Code, shall be deposited into the Early Childhood Education
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     1     Fund. These moneys shall be designated as the principal of
     2     the fund.
     3         (2)  An owner who is entitled to make a claim for
     4     property that has been transferred to the Early Childhood
     5     Education Fund may waive the owner's right, title and
     6     interest in the property and make a gift of the property to
     7     the fund. The identity of an owner who makes such a donation
     8     to the fund shall remain anonymous unless the owner agrees in
     9     writing to the release of the owner's name.
    10         (3)  The fund may accept donations from any person.
    11  Section 4.  Use of fund.
    12     (a)  Abandoned and unclaimed property claims.--If the owner
    13  of property that has been transferred to the Early Childhood
    14  Education Fund makes a claim to the State Treasurer under
    15  Article XIII.1 of the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.343, No.176),
    16  known as The Fiscal Code, and the amount in the separate trust
    17  fund designated under section 1301.18(a) of The Fiscal Code is
    18  insufficient to pay the claim, the State Treasurer shall pay the
    19  claim from the interest or, if the interest is insufficient, the
    20  principal of the Early Childhood Education Fund.
    21     (b)  Enhancement of Head Start Program.--On an annual basis,
    22  the interest earned on the fund and so much as the amount
    23  transferred to the fund but not to exceed $150,000,000 is hereby
    24  appropriated to the Department of Education:
    25         (1)  to increase the number of eligible children served
    26     by the Head Start Program and any other early childhood
    27     program that can demonstrate compliance with Head Start
    28     performance standards or any other standards that meet or
    29     exceed the Head Start performance standards; and
    30         (2)  to increase the hours and days of operation of the
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     1     Head Start Program to a full day and a full year which shall
     2     include education, parental involvement and access to health,
     3     nutrition, dental, mental health and other social services.
     4     (c)  Priority for funding.--Priority for funding shall be
     5     given to programs located in school districts designated as
     6     academically distressed or empowerment districts.
     7     (d)  Accountability.--
     8         (1)  Each program receiving funding under this act shall
     9     prepare an annual report to be provided to the Department of
    10     Education no later than August 1 following the end of the
    11     fiscal year in which funding was received, to describe the
    12     number of children served through the grant and compare it to
    13     the number of children funded.
    14         (2)  Head Start programs that receive funding under this
    15     act must demonstrate that they have met Federal performance
    16     standards established in 45 CFR Pt.1304 (relating to program
    17     performance standards for the operation of Head Start
    18     programs by grantee and delegate agencies), by providing a
    19     copy of their latest Federal review to the Department of
    20     Education with their annual report. If any areas of
    21     deficiency were identified in this review, the grantee must
    22     demonstrate that measures to address them are in place.
    23         (3)  Early childhood programs not receiving Federal Head
    24     Start funds shall be reviewed by the Department of Education
    25     during the first year of receiving funds under this act and
    26     at least once every three years thereafter to ensure that
    27     services comply with Head Start performance standards, unless
    28     the program can show that they meet comparable standards such
    29     as the accreditation standards of the National Association
    30     for the Education of Young Children.
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     1  Section 5.  Repeal.
     2     The provisions of Article XIII.1 of the act of April 9, 1929
     3  (P.L.343, No.176), known as The Fiscal Code, are repealed
     4  insofar as they are inconsistent with this act.
     5  Section 6.  Effective date.
     6     This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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