1Designating May 20, 2014, as "Medal of Honor Grove Day" in

3WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor is our nation's highest military
4honor and has been bestowed upon fewer than 3,500 individuals
5since its inception in 1862; and

6WHEREAS, The Freedoms Foundation's Medal of Honor Grove in
7Schuylkill Township, Chester County, is the nation's oldest
8memorial site dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients; and

9WHEREAS, The Medal of Honor Grove was dedicated in 1964
10through the work of President Dwight D. Eisenhower, General Omar
11Bradley and others; and

12WHEREAS, At the dedication it was made clear that the Medal
13of Honor Grove was in perpetuity to remain a place of honor and
14respect for Medal of Honor recipients; and

15WHEREAS, As recently as four years ago, the site had fallen
16into disrepair and suffered from severely overgrown vegetation,
17fallen trees and damaged and missing markers; and

1WHEREAS, With the help of Medal of Honor recipients, veterans
2organizations, active-duty military personnel and more than one
3thousand local volunteers, the Medal of Honor Grove has been
4restored to a condition befitting its purpose; and

5WHEREAS, The Friends of the Medal of Honor Grove nonprofit
6organization was created after the initial cleanup to ensure the
7permanent maintenance, improvement and enhancement of the Medal
8of Honor Grove, and the organization continues to fulfill that
9mission to this day; and

10WHEREAS, On October 22, 2011, the Friends of the Medal of
11Honor Grove held its first fundraiser, which was attended by six
12Medal of Honor recipients and raised more than $100,000 for the
13maintenance and preservation of the Medal of Honor Grove;
14therefore be it

15RESOLVED, That the Senate recognize the significance of the
16Medal of Honor Grove, serving as home to the nation's oldest
17memorial site dedicated to Medal of Honor recipients and the
18importance of the site providing the proper respect due to those
19upon whom our nation has bestowed its highest military honor;
20and be it further

21RESOLVED, That the Senate extend thanks to those who have
22worked tirelessly to restore and perpetually maintain the Medal
23of Honor Grove as a memorial for those who have received our
24nation's highest military honor; and be it further

25RESOLVED, That the Senate designate May 20, 2014, as "Medal
26of Honor Grove Day" in Pennsylvania.