1Designating the month of April 2014 as "Sexual Assault Awareness
2Month" in Pennsylvania.

3WHEREAS, Widespread public awareness is the first step in
4addressing sexual assault and its prevention; and

5WHEREAS, According to the National Sexual Violence Resource
6Center, 91% of rape and sexual assault victims are female and 9%
7are male; and

8WHEREAS, Most victims of sexual assault are acquainted with
9their assailants; and

10WHEREAS, Nearly 98% of perpetrators are male; and

11WHEREAS, One in four girls and one in six boys will be
12sexually abused before reaching 18 years of age; and

13WHEREAS, Being the victim of child sexual abuse doubles the
14likelihood of adult sexual victimization; and

15WHEREAS, Sexual assault is a significant problem on college
16campuses; and

17WHEREAS, Sexual assault can have lasting, harmful effects on

1survivors and their loved ones in our communities; and

2WHEREAS, To preserve the safety and welfare of our fellow
3citizens, we must confront harmful attitudes and actions; and

4WHEREAS, To help the individual and social progress of our
5fellow citizens, we must support survivors of sexual assault in
6times of crisis and throughout their recovery; and

7WHEREAS, To generate a comprehensive response to sexual
8violence, we must highlight sexual assault prevention
9initiatives, bolster criminal justice programs and commit to
10breaking cycles of violence and reducing crime rates in our
11communities; and

12WHEREAS, The 2014 Sexual Assault Awareness Month campaign is
13focusing on resources related to healthy adolescent sexuality,
14including promoting age-appropriate behaviors, fostering
15appropriate alliances with adults and guiding youth engagement
16in sexual violence prevention programs; therefore be it

17RESOLVED, That the Senate designate the month of April 2014
18as "Sexual Assault Awareness Month" in Pennsylvania.