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under the
same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 484



No. 35 Session of 2005



                            A CONCURRENT RESOLUTION

     1  Forming a select committee to consider issues that arose during
     2     the preparations for and conduct of the November 2, 2004,
     3     election in Pennsylvania and to examine and investigate the
     4     laws, practices and procedures relating to the election.

     5     WHEREAS, Interest in and turnout at the election held on
     6  November 2, 2004, reached historic levels, as more than 5.7
     7  million Pennsylvanians cast their ballots on election day; and
     8     WHEREAS, Pennsylvania's military and overseas electors
     9  demonstrated a strong interest in participating in this
    10  important election, despite the roadblocks some encountered as
    11  they sought to exercise their franchise; and
    12     WHEREAS, Litigation surrounding Ralph Nader's appearance on
    13  the ballot in Pennsylvania caused delays in mailing absentee
    14  ballots to military and overseas electors, and families of these
    15  electors sought an extension in the deadline for receipt and
    16  counting of absentee ballots; and
    17     WHEREAS, Civilian absentee voters also encountered delays in
    18  receiving requested absentee ballots due to the Nader

     1  litigation; and
     2     WHEREAS, A substantial number of young Pennsylvanians
     3  registered to vote for the first time prior to the November 2,
     4  2004, election, and many of these young people cast their votes
     5  using absentee ballots; and
     6     WHEREAS, The Commonwealth's election laws must ensure that
     7  qualified absentee electors are able to receive and cast their
     8  absentee ballots in a timely fashion, while at the same time
     9  these laws must limit opportunities for fraud, particularly
    10  among individuals who are not qualified to cast an absentee
    11  ballot; and
    12     WHEREAS, The Department of State dispatched election monitors
    13  to each county to observe the conduct of elections throughout
    14  election day, and some counties expressed concern regarding the
    15  practice and questioned what authority these individuals have
    16  over election processes at the county level; and
    17     WHEREAS, The General Assembly enacted Act 97 of 2004 to
    18  strengthen the integrity of provisional balloting and establish
    19  a chain of custody for each provisional ballot; and
    20     WHEREAS, More than 56,000 provisional ballots were cast in
    21  this Commonwealth on the day of the November 2, 2004, election;
    22  and
    23     WHEREAS, It is imperative that laws, practices and procedures
    24  relating to issues that arose during the preparations for and
    25  conduct of the November 2, 2004, election in Pennsylvania,
    26  including absentee voting, protections against election fraud,
    27  the role of the Secretary of the Commonwealth in local election
    28  administration and voting by provisional ballot, are sufficient
    29  to ensure the conduct of fair elections; therefore be it
    30     RESOLVED (the House of Representatives concurring), That the
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     1  General Assembly, recognizing that fair elections are the
     2  foundation of democracy, form a select committee to do all of
     3  the following:
     4         (1) Consider issues that arose during the preparations
     5     for and conduct of the November 2, 2004, election in
     6     Pennsylvania, including absentee voting, protections against
     7     election fraud, the role of the Secretary of the Commonwealth
     8     in local election administration and voting by provisional
     9     ballot.
    10         (2) Examine and investigate the laws, practices and
    11     procedures relating to the election;
    12  and be it further
    13     RESOLVED, That the committee consist of ten members of the
    14  General Assembly appointed as follows:
    15         (1)  Three members of the House of Representatives, who
    16     shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of
    17     Representatives.
    18         (2)  Two members of the House of Representatives, who
    19     shall be appointed by the Minority Leader of the House of
    20     Representatives.
    21         (3)  Three members of the Senate, who shall be appointed
    22     by the President pro tempore of the Senate.
    23         (4)  Two members of the Senate, who shall be appointed by
    24     the Minority Leader of the Senate;
    25  and be it further
    26     RESOLVED, That the Speaker of the House of Representatives
    27  appoint a committee member from the House of Representatives as
    28  a cochairman of the committee and the President pro tempore of
    29  the Senate shall appoint a committee member from the Senate as
    30  cochairman of the committee; and be it further
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     1     RESOLVED, That the committee may hold hearings, take
     2  testimony and conduct its investigations at such places in this
     3  Commonwealth as it deems necessary. The committee, with the
     4  approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the
     5  President pro tempore of the Senate, may issue subpoenas under
     6  the hand and seal of the cochairmen commanding any person to
     7  appear before the committee and to answer questions touching
     8  matters properly being inquired into by the committee and to
     9  produce books, papers, records and documents as the committee
    10  deems necessary. The subpoenas may be served upon any person and
    11  shall have the same effect as subpoenas issued out of the courts
    12  of this Commonwealth and any person who willfully neglects or
    13  refuses to testify before the committee or to produce any books,
    14  papers, records or documents shall be subject to the penalties
    15  provided by the laws of this Commonwealth in such case. Each
    16  member of the committee shall have power to administer oaths and
    17  affirmations to witnesses appearing before the committee; and be
    18  it further
    19     RESOLVED, That the actual expenses incurred by the committee
    20  be equally divided between the House of Representatives and the
    21  Senate; and be it further
    22     RESOLVED, That the committee, with the approval of the
    23  Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro
    24  tempore of the Senate, report its findings, together with its
    25  recommendations for any remedial legislation or other
    26  appropriate action, at the earliest practicable date to the
    27  Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro
    28  tempore of the Senate. The committee, with the approval of the
    29  Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro
    30  tempore of the Senate, is authorized to issue interim reports as
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     1  it deems necessary.

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