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under the
same topic
                                 SENATE AMENDED
        PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 4176, 4516, 4568         PRINTER'S NO. 4639



No. 2778 Session of 2002


           NOVEMBER 19, 2002

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of December 18, 2001 (P.L.949, No.114),
     2     entitled "An act establishing a unified workforce investment
     3     system; restructuring certain administrative functions,
     4     procedures and entities; transferring workforce development
     5     functions of Commonwealth agencies; establishing the
     6     Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board; providing for
     7     critical job training grants; and authorizing local workforce
     8     investment boards," further providing for definitions, for
     9     staff and operations and for critical job training grants;
    10     providing for TAP workforce development scholarship accounts
    11     AND FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE; and further providing for  <--
    12     the expiration of the act.

    13     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    14  hereby enacts as follows:
    15     Section 1.  The title of the act of December 18, 2001
    16  (P.L.949, No.114), known as the Workforce Development Act, is
    17  amended to read:
    18                               AN ACT
    19  Establishing a unified workforce investment system;
    20     restructuring certain administrative functions, procedures
    21     and entities; transferring workforce development functions of

     1     Commonwealth agencies; establishing the Pennsylvania
     2     Workforce Investment Board; providing for critical job
     3     training grants, for guarantees for program quality and
     4     performance for workforce development programs, for workforce
     5     leadership grants and, for TAP workforce development           <--
     6     scholarship accounts AND FOR SELF-EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE; and   <--
     7     authorizing local workforce investment boards.
     8     Section 2.  Section 102(4) of the act is amended to read:
     9  Section 102.  Declaration of policy.
    10     The General Assembly finds and declares as follows:
    11         * * *
    12         (4)  Achievement of a world-class workforce in this
    13     Commonwealth is best accomplished through a unified system
    14     which is dedicated to and operates in adherence with the
    15     following basic philosophy and core values:
    16             (i)  Economic competitiveness based on improvements
    17         in productivity, quality and service.
    18             (ii)  Excellence and informed choice in education,
    19         training opportunities, workplace preparation and career
    20         decision making for eligible youth and adults.
    21             (iii)  A strong work ethic, mutual respect, a
    22         commitment to lifelong learning and the valuing of all
    23         workers and their work.
    24             (iv)  Stewardship of public resources, emphasizing
    25         private sector solutions to workforce investment goals
    26         supplemented by public/private partnerships and limited
    27         government involvement when necessary.
    28             (v)  The highest-quality delivery of market-driven
    29         services which are readily identifiable and easily
    30         accessible and which consider the abilities and work-
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     1         support needs of a diverse population.
     2             (vi)  Continuous quality improvement through
     3         cooperation and collaboration among all who participate
     4         in the unified system in order for individuals to earn
     5         family-sustaining wages for economic self-sufficiency.
     6             (vii)  Guaranteeing the quality and performance of
     7         workforce development programs and the skill training
     8         provided to employees, incumbent workers, job seekers and
     9         students.
    10         * * *
    11     Section 3.  The definitions of "certification" "participating  <--
    12  agencies" and "workforce development" in section 103 of the act
    13  are amended and the section is amended by adding definitions to
    14  read:
    15  Section 103.  Definitions.
    16     The following words and phrases when used in this act shall
    17  have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    18  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    19     * * *
    20     "Certification."  An approval issued by the Governor, upon
    21  recommendation by the board, to a local workforce investment
    22  board which satisfies the eligibility requirements established
    23  by the Governor, upon recommendation by the board.
    24     * * *
    25     "COO."  The chief operating officer as established in section
    26  303.1.
    27     * * *
    28     "Participating agencies."  All of the following:               <--
    29         (1)  The Department of Aging.
    30         (2)  The Department of Community and Economic
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     1     Development.
     2         (3)  The Department of Education.
     3         (4)  The Department of Health.
     4         [(4)] (5)  The Department of Labor and Industry.
     5         [(5)] (6)  The Department of Public Welfare.
     6         [(6)] (7)  Any agency which oversees and monitors funds
     7     appropriated by the Federal Government and designated by the
     8     Governor or funds specifically appropriated by the General
     9     Assembly for workforce investment which falls under the
    10     authority of the board.
    11     * * *
    12     "TAP workforce development scholarship accounts."  Accounts
    13  to be used for workforce development training established by one
    14  or more local workforce investment boards under the act of April
    15  3, 1992 (P.L.28, No.11), known as the Tuition Account Programs
    16  and College Savings Bond Act, and the Department of Treasury's
    17  operation of the tuition account program pursuant to that act.
    18     * * *
    19     "Workforce development."  Information access and lifelong
    20  learning activities. The term includes vocational education
    21  programs; programs in community colleges, technical colleges and
    22  postsecondary education institutions authorized to grant
    23  diplomas and certificates, specialized associate, associate,
    24  baccalaureate and advanced degrees; and transitional support and
    25  work support services or activities which enable customers to
    26  engage in or prepare for employment opportunities.
    27     * * *
    28     Section 4.  Sections 301 and 302(a), (d), (f) and (i) AND (F)  <--
    29  of the act are amended to read:
    30  Section 301.  Establishment.
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     1     The Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board is established to
     2  advise and assist the Governor and the General Assembly on the
     3  implementation of a unified system to assure a well-educated,
     4  highly skilled workforce. The board is responsible for unifying
     5  the Commonwealth's existing Federal and State workforce
     6  investment programs into an integrated system[.] and managing
     7  such workforce development programming as directed by the
     8  Governor or established by law. All recommendations and
     9  decisions of the board shall be in compliance with the Workforce
    10  Investment Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-220, 112 Stat. 936).
    11  Section 302.  Membership.
    12     (a)  General rule.--The board shall be established as
    13  follows:
    14         (1)  The Governor or a designee.
    15         (2)  Four members of the General Assembly:
    16             (i)  Two senators, one appointed by the President pro
    17         tempore of the Senate and one appointed by the Minority
    18         Leader of the Senate.
    19             (ii)  Two representatives, one appointed by the
    20         Speaker of the House of Representatives and one appointed
    21         by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives.
    22         (3)  [Representatives appointed by the Governor who are:]  <--
    23     The Governor shall appoint to serve at the pleasure of the
    24     Governor the following members:
    25             (i)  Representatives of business, including private
    26         sector employers, representatives from each of the
    27         Commonwealth's marketing regions, owners of businesses,
    28         chief executive officers, other business executives with
    29         optimum policymaking or hiring authority, members of
    30         local workforce investment boards and businesses that
    20020H2778B4639                  - 5 -

     1         reflect the employment opportunities in this
     2         Commonwealth, including large and small employers.
     3             (ii)  Chief elected officials[.], nominated by
     4         Statewide organizations or associations representing
     5         political subdivisions ELECTED OFFICIALS.                  <--
     6             (iii)  Representatives of labor organizations who
     7         have been nominated by State labor federations.
     8             (iv)  Representatives of individuals and
     9         organizations experienced with respect to youth
    10         activities.
    11             (v)  Representatives of organizations which have
    12         experience and expertise in the delivery of workforce
    13         investment activities, including chief executive officers
    14         of community colleges, technical colleges and community-
    15         based organizations in this Commonwealth.
    16             (vi)  Lead Commonwealth agency officials, including:
    17                 (A)  The Secretary of Aging.
    18                 (B)  The Secretary of Community and Economic
    19             Development.
    20                 (C)  The Secretary of Education.
    21                 (D)  The Secretary of Health.                      <--
    22                 [(D)] (E)  The Secretary of Labor and Industry.    <--
    23                 [(E)] (F)  The Secretary of Public Welfare.        <--
    24                 [(F)] (G)  The Director of the Governor's Policy   <--
    25             Office.
    26             (vii)  Any other representative or Commonwealth
    27         agency official the Governor deems necessary.
    28         (4)  A majority of the board under this subsection must
    29     be representatives [of business] as described under paragraph  <--
    30     (3)(i).
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     1         (5)  The Governor shall solicit recommendations from
     2     State, regional and local business organizations in making
     3     appointments to the board.
     4     * * *
     5     [(d)  Staff.--The board may employ a limited staff to
     6  implement the decisions of the board.]
     7     * * *
     8     (f)  Executive committee.--An executive committee that
     9  includes representation from the private sector may be
    10  established and authorized under the board to [oversee and
    11  monitor the unified system] fulfill the board's
    12  responsibilities. The organization framework may utilize
    13  existing staff structure or develop its own staffing
    14  arrangement.
    15     * * *
    16     (i)  Personnel, equipment, resources.--The policy and program  <--
    17  offices of the Department of Aging, the Department of Community
    18  and Economic Development, the Department of Education, the
    19  Department of Health, the Department of Labor and Industry and
    20  the Department of Public Welfare shall provide personnel,
    21  equipment and resources as required for the functioning of the
    22  board.
    23     Section 5.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    24  § 303.1.  Role of chairperson, chief operating officer (COO) and
    25             staff.
    26     (a)  Management.--The COO under the direction of the Governor
    27  shall work with the chairperson and members of the board, manage  <--
    28  the operation and staffing of the board and establish an agenda,
    29  priorities and policies for the board. AND IN COOPERATION WITH    <--
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     6     (b)  Appointment.--The Governor shall appoint a COO for the
     8  shall report to the Governor and shall be the chief workforce
     9  development advisor to the Governor. The Governor may consult
    10  with the chairperson and the members of the board in the
    11  selection of the COO.
    12     (c)  Responsibilities.--The COO shall have the following
    13  responsibilities:
    14         (1)  The COO shall work with the chairperson and the
    15     membership of the board:
    16             (i)  To implement the agenda, priorities and policies
    17         of the Governor and the board.
    18             (ii)  To make recommendations to the Governor and the
    19         participating agencies on the subjects provided in
    20         paragraphs (2), (4) and (5).
    21             (iii)  In representing the board as provided in
    22         paragraph (6).
    23             (iv)  In serving as the primary liaison with the
    24         Federal Government as provided in paragraph (7).
    25         (2)  The COO shall have the responsibility to manage
    26     programs as directed by the Governor and provided by law, and
    27     to work with the participating agencies to coordinate
    28     funding, programs and services within the unified system.
    29         (3)  The COO shall employ A LIMITED staff to implement     <--
    30     the decisions of the Governor and the board and to carry out
    20020H2778B4639                  - 8 -

     1     the program responsibilities of the board. The operating
     2     budget for the board shall be included in the appropriation
     3     request of the Department of Labor and Industry, which shall
     4     also provide legal services to the board.
     5         (4)  The COO, in consultation with the board, shall make
     6     recommendations to the Governor and the participating
     7     agencies on the coordination and implementation of community   <--
     8     college, technical college and workforce development
     9     services. AN INTEGRATED AND SEAMLESS SECONDARY AND             <--
    15     with the community colleges, technical colleges and other
    16     postsecondary institutions to establish partnerships and to
    17     integrate their programming with the workforce investment
    18     system.
    19         (5)  The COO, in consultation with the board, shall make
    20     recommendations to the Governor and the participating
    21     agencies for changes to Federal and State laws, regulations
    22     and policies that will improve cooperation and collaboration
    23     among the participating agencies in the delivery of workforce
    24     development services and programs.
    25         (6)  The COO shall represent the board at such times and
    26     places as determined by the board.
    27         (7)  The COO, as directed by the Governor, shall serve as
    28     the primary liaison with the Federal Government on workforce
    29     development issues.
    30     Section 6.  Section 304 of the act is amended to read:
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     1  Section 304.  Plan, functions and responsibilities.
     2     (a)  General rule.--The board, in furtherance of section 102,
     3  shall advise and assist the Governor on all of the following:
     4         (1)  Development and adoption of and adherence to,
     5     throughout the unified system, standards, principles,
     6     policies, goals, financial resource investment priorities and
     7     strategies for workforce investment to maintain continuously
     8     a competitive advantage for this Commonwealth.
     9         (2)  Monitoring and assuring collaboration of the
    10     investment of all funds specifically appropriated by the
    11     Federal Government and designated by the Governor or funds
    12     specifically appropriated by State government for workforce
    13     investment under any Federal or State statute.
    14         (3)  Assuring that no funds designated for Statewide
    15     youth activities are used to develop or implement education
    16     curricula for school districts.
    17         (4)  Examination of Federal and State statutes and
    18     regulations to assess whether they present barriers to
    19     achieving the provisions of this act and to recommend to the
    20     Federal Government, the Governor and the General Assembly
    21     amendments to statutes and regulations and waivers of
    22     regulations to eliminate barriers and to promote the
    23     provisions of this act.
    24         (5)  Development and dissemination of appropriate and
    25     necessary research and statistical information, to set the
    26     requisite protocols and standards for common data reference,
    27     to engage in or sponsor studies to identify unified system
    28     needs and to gather and disseminate information.
    29         (6)  Establishment of and adherence to performance-based
    30     quality assurance standards designed to optimize unified
    20020H2778B4639                 - 10 -

     1     system function, performance and effectiveness.
     2         (7)  Evaluation of the unified workforce investment plans
     3     submitted by local workforce investment boards consistent
     4     with local plan requirements developed by the board. The
     5     objective of the plans is to develop local and regional
     6     templates from which Federal and State funds can be aligned
     7     and targeted toward common goals and objectives.
     8         (8)  [Implementation of mechanisms to secure] Securing
     9     appropriate input from local workforce investment boards in
    10     the development of policies, local performance measures or
    11     investment strategies.
    12         (9)  Establishment and maintenance of a universally
    13     accessible information access system which enables the
    14     unified system to function and serve its customers
    15     effectively.
    16         (10)  Contracting or developing written agreements or
    17     memoranda of understanding with participating agencies for
    18     the administration and management of workforce investment
    19     programs and activities under the responsibility of the
    20     board.
    21         (11)  Providing technical assistance to local workforce
    22     investment boards to assist them in maximizing the investment
    23     of public money.
    24         (12)  Setting the criteria for unified system and service
    25     provider participation and developing a systemwide marketing
    26     program.
    27         (13)  Recommending certification or recertification of
    28     local workforce investment boards by giving consideration to
    29     all of the following:
    30             (i)  The proposed local workforce investment board's
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     1         leadership system and its capability to effectively
     2         monitor and assure collaboration of workforce investment
     3         programs.
     4             (ii)  The portion of the labor market or geographical
     5         area to be served by the proposed local workforce
     6         investment board.
     7         (14)  Recommending necessary action if a local workforce
     8     investment board fails to act, acts improperly or fails to
     9     meet the conditions of its unified local workforce investment
    10     plan in which Federal or State funds have been invested.
    11         (15)  Recognition of the potential of citizens, employers
    12     and communities in this Commonwealth by affirming the
    13     continued existence and independence of all current funding
    14     streams and programs for persons with disabilities while
    15     ensuring that employment-related programs for individuals
    16     with disabilities operate efficiently.
    17         (16)  Assessment of the economic and workforce needs of
    18     this Commonwealth and to develop the unified system to build
    19     on available services and resources to effectively meet these
    20     Statewide needs.
    21         (17)  Establishing cooperative and collaborative
    22     relationships with other states' unified system governing
    23     bodies.
    24         (18)  Assuring the implementation of Federal and State
    25     statutory mandates which fall within the purview of the
    26     unified system.
    27         (19)  Establishing standards for the use of Federal
    28     funding for training services and policies for a local
    29     workforce investment board to meet the standards.
    30         (20)  Managing such workforce development programming as
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     1     directed by the Governor or provided by law.
     2         [(19)] (21)  Compilation of an annual report which shall
     3     be submitted to the General Assembly, the Secretary of the
     4     Senate and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives by
     5     March 1 and which shall include all of the following:
     6             (i)  A detailed explanation of the performance
     7         measures used and how the performance measures were
     8         developed.
     9             (ii)  An explanation of the process used to achieve
    10         continuous improvement of workforce investment
    11         activities.
    12             (iii)  The anticipated course of actions to be taken
    13         by the board to encourage continuous improvement in the
    14         unified system.
    15             (iv)  A list of the membership of the board,
    16         including name, affiliation, address, telephone number,
    17         telefax number and electronic mail address.
    18             (v)  An explanation of the process used to negotiate
    19         levels of local performance.
    20             (vi)  A list of all certified local workforce
    21         investment boards in this Commonwealth, including each
    22         local workforce board's negotiated level of local
    23         performance, each local workforce board's level of
    24         performance attained and the action taken with respect to
    25         any local workforce investment board which failed to meet
    26         its negotiated level of local performance.
    27             (vii)  A copy of the annual report submitted by each
    28         local workforce investment board to the board.
    29             (viii)  An accounting of Federal and State funds
    30         expended for workforce investment in the previous fiscal
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     1         year by line item and program.
     2     (b)  Assistance offered.--The recommendations and assistance
     3  offered under subsection (a) may include the one-stop operating
     4  system, designation of a lead agency for a particular workforce
     5  program or programs and the consolidation of programs.
     6     (c)  Evaluation of plans.--In order to develop an effective
     7  system to evaluate the unified workforce investment plans
     8  submitted by local workforce investment boards, the board and
     9  the COO shall:
    10         (1)  Seek the participation of the participating agencies
    11     to ensure that the plans integrate workforce programs.
    12         (2)  Seek the advice of local workforce investment boards
    13     to identify areas where federally and State-funded workforce
    14     resources can be maximized in a local region.
    15         (3)  Work with the participating agencies and local
    16     workforce investment boards to fully implement local
    17     workforce investment plans.
    18         (4)  Ensure that local workforce investment plans
    19     incorporate sufficient levels of community engagement,
    20     participation and input from workforce development
    21     partnerships.
    22  The review of the plans shall determine the extent to which
    23  State workforce development funds have been integrated with the
    24  approved plan.
    25     Section 7.  The act is amended by adding a section to read:
    26  Section 304.1.  Program operations.
    27     (a)  Directives.--The board shall manage and establish
    28  requirements for such workforce development programming as
    29  directed by the Governor or established by law.
    30     (b)  Grants and studies.--The board is authorized to conduct
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     1  studies, and to apply for and receive grants from the Federal
     2  Government, or any agency thereof, charitable organizations or
     3  other entities providing funding and technical assistance for
     4  the improvement and operation of workforce development
     5  programming.
     6     Section 8.  Section 305 of the act is repealed.
     7     Section 9.  The act is amended by adding sections to read:
     8  Section 305.1.  State performance management system.
     9     (a)  General rule.--The board and the COO shall establish a
    10  system for the development, oversight, modification and
    11  continuous improvement of a comprehensive performance
    12  accountability system that will provide effective measures of
    13  the performance and impact of the workforce development system
    14  at the State and local levels. The system will include input
    15  from board members, local workforce investment boards, operators
    16  of the one-stop delivery system, workforce development program
    17  providers, business and industry and the participating agencies.  <--
    18  as well as customers and participants from various programs       <--
    19  under this act. The system will be designed to produce
    20  recommendations to the board and the Governor and shall function
    21  within time frames established by the board and the COO. The
    22  system shall be comprehensive and provide a reporting system for
    23  program funding as established by the board and the COO. The
    24  system shall:
    25         (1)  Identify one or more State agencies responsible for
    26     the coordination and management of data.
    27         (2)  Identify systems for tracking and reporting of
    28     information and determining the role of the State and local
    29     workforce investment boards.
    30         (3)  Enable the development and funding of a locally
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     1     based management information system that will provide local
     2     workforce investment boards and the board with management
     3     data.
     4         (4)  Enable revisions to the performance management
     5     system. This may include recommendations to realign the
     6     system and Federal and State funding for workforce
     7     development programs.
     8     (b)  Required performance measures.--The State performance
     9  management system shall include:
    10         (1)  Entry into unsubsidized employment.
    11         (2)  Retention in unsubsidized employment six months
    12     after entry into the employment.
    13         (3)  Earnings received in unsubsidized employment six
    14     months after entry into the employment.
    15         (4)  Attainment of a recognized credential relating to
    16     achievement of educational skills, including attainment of a
    17     secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent, or
    18     occupational skills by participants who enter unsubsidized
    19     employment or by participants who are eligible youths between
    20     the ages of 19 and 21 and who enter postsecondary education,
    21     advanced training or unsubsidized employment.
    22         (5)  The use of Federal funds for training services,
    23     including activities authorized under Chapter 2 of Title II
    24     of the Trade Act of 1974 (Public Law 93-618, 19 U.S.C. § 2101
    25     et seq.).
    26         (6)  Guarantees for program quality and performance.
    27         (7)  Uniform program performance measures.
    28  The required performance measures in paragraphs (1) through (5)
    29  may be modified by the board to be aligned with common
    30  performance measures adopted pursuant to revisions to the
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     1  Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-220, 112 Stat.
     2  936) or the adoption of common performance measures by the
     3  Federal agencies covered by this act.
     4     (c)  Customer satisfaction.--As an indicator of performance,
     5  customer satisfaction shall also be considered. The customer
     6  satisfaction indicator of performance shall consist of customer
     7  satisfaction of employers and participants with services
     8  received from workforce investment activities. Customer
     9  satisfaction may be measured through surveys conducted after the
    10  conclusion of participation in the workforce investment
    11  activities. These surveys shall include questions about whether
    12  employers, grant recipients and participants are able to quickly
    13  receive funding. and the board's ability to accommodate and       <--
    14  respond to the immediate employment needs within the regional
    15  and local communities and job markets.
    16     (d)  Guarantees for program quality and performance.--
    17  Ensuring the quality of workforce development programs is an
    18  essential function of the board. The board shall establish one
    19  or more quality performance guarantees for workforce development
    20  programs under this act. A guarantee may include:
    21         (1)  A guarantee or warranty for the training provided to
    22     an incumbent worker, employee, job seeker or student.
    23         (2)  Successful completion of a certificate or short-term
    24     training class or program established by a college or
    25     university, a private licensed school established under the
    26     act of December 15, 1986 (P.L.1585, No.174), known as the
    27     Private Licensed Schools Act, or a local workforce investment
    28     board.
    29         (3)  Passage of a nationally recognized or industry-
    30     recognized certificate examination.
    20020H2778B4639                 - 17 -

     1         (4)  A combination of paragraphs (1) through (3).
     2         (5)  Other requirements established by the board.
     3  The program quality and performance guarantee shall provide for
     4  additional education or training for persons who become employed
     5  and are not able to perform their duties at a satisfactory
     6  level, for employees receiving customized job training or other
     7  training that is not satisfactory for the employer and for
     8  students advancing to the next sequence of an integrated and
     9  seamless secondary and postsecondary education program, as
    10  established in section 902, who are not capable of performing at
    11  this academic level. The board shall consult with local
    12  workforce investment boards and program providers prior to the
    13  adoption of the guarantees for program quality and performance.
    14  The guarantee provisions shall be adopted by the board by June
    15  30, 2003.
    16  Section 305.2.  Training services.
    17     (a)  General rule.--The board shall recommend to the Governor
    18  criteria for the use of Federal funds for training services. The
    19  criteria established by the Governor shall recommend allocation
    20  and expenditure levels for adult and dislocated worker funding
    21  under WIA Title I (Public Law 105-220, Title I § 101 et seq.)
    22  that should be included by a local workforce investment board in
    23  its unified workforce investment plan under section 504. In
    24  making its recommendations the board shall consider all of the
    25  following issues:
    26         (1)  The flexibility needed by local workforce investment
    27     boards to deliver core, intensive and training services in
    28     ways that can best serve both State and local workforce
    29     needs.
    30         (2)  One or more criteria for the allocation of adult and
    20020H2778B4639                 - 18 -

     1     dislocated worker funds for training services.
     2         (3)  Differing levels for the allocation and expenditure
     3     of funds for training services. The levels may be based on:
     4     the availability of other training funds, the availability of
     5     certified training providers, the unemployment rate of the
     6     county and region and other factors as determined by the
     7     board for a local workforce investment area.
     8         (4)  Using the factors described in paragraphs (1), (2)
     9     and (3) in the allocation and expenditure of adult and
    10     dislocated worker funding when reviewing the unified
    11     workforce investment plan of the local workforce investment
    12     board.
    13         (5)  The allocation and expenditure criteria from prior
    14     years, to the extent they exist.
    15         (6)  Social, economic and demographic changes and changes
    16     to the workforce in the local workforce investment area in
    17     the last five to ten years.
    18         (7)  The priorities of local workforce investment boards
    19     identified in the local workforce investment plans.
    20     (b)  Consultation.--The board shall discuss the criteria and
    21  the allocation and expenditure levels of adult and dislocated
    22  worker funds for training services with local workforce
    23  investment boards prior to recommending the criteria and an
    24  allocation of funds.
    25  Section 308.1  One-stop delivery system and local workforce
    26                 investment boards.
    27     (a)  General rule.--The board shall make recommendations to
    28  the Governor for base level infrastructure funding for the one-
    29  stop delivery system and for operating expenses for local
    30  workforce investment boards. The purpose of this funding will be
    20020H2778B4639                 - 19 -

     1  to cover the cost of operating and maintaining the one-stop
     2  facilities, the infrastructure of the delivery system and the
     3  operations of local workforce investment boards.
     4     (b)  Specific recommendations.--The board may make
     5  recommendations in the following areas:
     6         (1)  The use of current Federal and State funds, to the
     7     extent permissible by Federal and State laws and regulations,
     8     to support the infrastructure requirements of the one-stop
     9     delivery system and to support local workforce investment
    10     boards.
    11         (2)  The development of other funding sources for
    12     infrastructure and operating support.
    13         (3)  Criteria for the use and allocation of funds
    14     recommended in paragraphs (1) and (2).
    15     Section 10.  Sections 501, 502(a) and 504 of the act are
    16  amended to read:
    17  Section 501.  Establishment.
    18     (a)  Areas and local workforce investment boards.--
    19         (1)  Local workforce investment areas shall be designated
    20     by the Governor through consultation with the board and the
    21     chief elected officials and after consideration of comments
    22     received through the public comment process. In making the
    23     designation of local workforce investment areas, the Governor
    24     shall take into consideration the following:
    25             (i)  Geographic areas served by school entities.
    26             (ii)  Geographic areas served by postsecondary
    27         educational institutions, including community colleges
    28         and technical colleges AND VOCATIONAL-TECHNICAL SCHOOLS    <--
    30             (iii)  The extent to which such local workforce
    20020H2778B4639                 - 20 -

     1         investment areas are consistent with labor market areas.
     2             (iv)  The distance that individuals will need to
     3         travel to receive services provided in such local
     4         workforce investment areas.
     5             (v)  The resources of such local workforce investment
     6         areas that are available to effectively administer the
     7         activities carried out under Federal and State law.
     8         (2)  Local workforce investment boards shall be
     9     established in each local workforce investment area of this
    10     Commonwealth, recommended for certification by the board and
    11     certified by the Governor, to set policy for the portion of
    12     the unified system within that local workforce investment
    13     area. The local workforce investment boards shall work in
    14     collaboration with the community colleges, technical colleges  <--
    15     and other postsecondary institutions in establishing
    22     development services.
    23         (3)  No local workforce investment board may conduct
    24     business unless it is certified by the Governor.
    25     (b)  Purpose.--The purpose of each local workforce investment
    26  board is to advise and assist the chief elected official in the
    27  county or counties served by the local workforce investment
    28  board by setting policy to promote effective workforce
    29  investment programs in a designated geographic area.
    30     (c)  [Liability.--The] Administration and liability.--
    20020H2778B4639                 - 21 -

     1         (1)  The chief elected official in a local workforce
     2     investment area shall serve as the local grant recipient for
     3     and shall be liable for any misuse of the grant funds
     4     allocated to the local workforce investment area under
     5     Federal law or this act.
     6         (2)  The chief elected official in a local workforce
     7     investment area may designate an entity to serve as a local
     8     grant subrecipient for such funds or as a local fiscal agent.
     9     Such designation shall not relieve the chief elected official
    10     of liability for any misuse of grant funds as described in
    11     paragraph (1).
    12         (3)  The local grant recipient or an entity designated
    13     under paragraph (2) shall disburse such funds for workforce
    14     investment activities at the direction of the local board,
    15     pursuant to the requirements of this act.
    16  Section 502.  Membership.
    17     (a)  Composition.--
    18         (1)  A local workforce investment board appointed by the
    19     chief elected official shall be as follows:
    20             (i)  A majority shall be representatives of business
    21         in the local workforce investment area who:
    22                 (A)  are owners of businesses, chief executives
    23             or operating officers of businesses and other
    24             business executives or employers with optimum
    25             policymaking or hiring authority;
    26                 (B)  represent businesses with employment
    27             opportunities which reflect the employment
    28             opportunities of the local workforce investment area;
    29             and
    30                 (C)  are appointed from among individuals
    20020H2778B4639                 - 22 -

     1             nominated by local business organizations and
     2             business trade associations.
     3             (ii)  Representatives of local educational entities,
     4         including representatives of local educational agencies,
     5         local school boards, entities providing adult education
     6         and literacy activities, postsecondary educational
     7         institutions [and], community colleges and technical
     8         colleges, selected from among individuals nominated by
     9         regional or local educational agencies, institutions or
    10         organizations representing such local educational
    11         entities.
    12             (iii)  In a local workforce investment area in which
    13         employees are represented by labor organizations,
    14         representatives nominated by local labor federations.
    15             (iv)  In a local workforce investment area in which
    16         no employees are represented by labor organizations,
    17         other representatives of employees.
    18             (v)  Representatives of community-based
    19         organizations, which may include organizations
    20         representing minorities [and], individuals with
    21         disabilities, older workers and veterans, from a local
    22         workforce investment area in which such organizations are
    23         present.
    24             (vi)  Representatives of economic development
    25         entities.
    26             (vii)  Representatives of each of the one-stop
    27         delivery system partners.
    28             (viii)  Other individuals or representatives of
    29         entities as the chief elected official in the local
    30         workforce investment area may determine to be
    20020H2778B4639                 - 23 -

     1         appropriate.
     2         (2)  Members of the local workforce investment board must
     3     be individuals who have optimum policymaking authority within
     4     the organizations, agencies or other entities which they
     5     represent.
     6         (3)  The membership shall select a chairperson from the
     7     private sector representatives.
     8         (4)  A local workforce investment board may hire limited
     9     staff to implement the decisions of the local workforce
    10     investment board.
    11     * * *
    12  Section 504.  Plan, functions and responsibilities.
    13     (a)  Unified workforce investment plan.--A local workforce
    14  investment board, in partnership with the chief elected official
    15  of the county or counties served by the local workforce
    16  investment board, shall submit to the Governor for approval a
    17  unified workforce investment plan. The unified workforce
    18  investment plan shall be developed through a process which
    19  includes the opportunity for participation by current and
    20  potential customers and service providers and which shall
    21  contain, at a minimum, the following:
    22         (1)  A description of the local workforce investment
    23     area's strategic economic and workforce vision and of how the
    24     vision will be attained.
    25         (2)  A description of how the plan supports the
    26     Commonwealth's overall mission and goals.
    27         (3)  An analysis of the local workforce investment area
    28     market, including projected growth industries and declining
    29     industries.
    30         (4)  A description of the respective roles of the local
    20020H2778B4639                 - 24 -

     1     elected officials and the local workforce investment board.
     2         (5)  A description of programs for eligible youth.
     3         (6)  A description of the local workforce investment
     4     area's one-stop delivery system.
     5         (7)  A description of the services to be provided to all
     6     customers.
     7         (8)  A description of how coordination of workforce
     8     development services and investment activities will occur[.],  <--
     9     particularly with PARTICULARLY WITH SECONDARY AND              <--
    13     community colleges, technical colleges; TECHNICAL COLLEGES;    <--
    14     and other postsecondary institutions INSTITUTIONS WITH         <--
    16     workforce investment area.
    17         (9)  A description of the allocation and expenditure of
    18     adult and dislocated worker funding for training services.
    19         (10)  A description of the coordination of transportation
    20     services with local transit agencies in order to effectively
    21     meet the workforce needs of customers and the region.
    22         [(9)] (11)  If appropriate, a description of a regional
    23     strategic component to the local plan.
    24         [(10)] (12)  If available, an analysis of regional market
    25     trends.
    26     (b)  Functions and responsibilities.--A local workforce
    27  investment board, in order to develop and implement a unified
    28  workforce investment plan for the investment and utilization of
    29  private and public resources to meet the current and future
    30  workforce investment needs of its region in furtherance of
    20020H2778B4639                 - 25 -

     1  section 102, has the following functions and responsibilities:
     2         (1)  To organize and elect a chairperson.
     3         (2)  To assess the economic and workforce needs of the
     4     local workforce investment area and to develop a unified plan
     5     which builds on available services and resources to
     6     effectively meet the workforce and economic needs of the
     7     local workforce investment area.
     8         (3)  To implement mechanisms to secure appropriate input
     9     in the development of policies, performance standards or
    10     investment strategies.
    11         (4)  To assist in the development of and collaboration
    12     within the one-stop delivery system.
    13         (5)  To develop, adopt and assure adherence to local
    14     performance standards, quality assurance standards and
    15     applied operating principles which are consistent with
    16     criteria throughout the one-stop delivery system.
    17         (6)  To establish cooperative and collaborative
    18     relationships with other local workforce investment boards
    19     and, if appropriate, with the unified system governing bodies
    20     of other states.
    21         (7)  To establish cooperative and collaborative
    22     relationships with local transit agencies to provide
    23     transportation services that effectively meet the workforce
    24     needs of customers and the region. If the local workforce
    25     investment board is unable to secure the cooperation of the
    26     local transit agency the chair of the local board shall
    27     notify the Chief Operating Officer of the board. The Chief
    28     Operating Officer shall contact the Secretary of
    29     Transportation to obtain assistance in securing the
    30     cooperation of the local transit agency.
    20020H2778B4639                 - 26 -

     1         [(7)] (8)  To authorize use of local workforce investment
     2     funds, including individual training accounts, where
     3     applicable, for eligible customers, for any of the following
     4     services:
     5             (i)  Core services shall be available to individuals
     6         who are adults or dislocated workers through the one-stop
     7         delivery system and shall, at a minimum, include all of
     8         the following:
     9                 (A)  Determinations of whether the individuals
    10             are eligible to receive assistance.
    11                 (B)  Outreach; intake, which may include worker
    12             profiling; and orientation to the information and
    13             other services available through the one-stop
    14             delivery system.
    15                 (C)  Initial assessment of skill levels,
    16             aptitudes, abilities and supportive service needs.
    17                 (D)  Job search and placement assistance and,
    18             where appropriate, career counseling.
    19                 (E)  Provision of employment statistics
    20             information, including the provision of accurate
    21             information relating to national, regional and local
    22             labor market areas, such as:
    23                     (I)  job vacancy listings in such labor
    24                 market areas;
    25                     (II)  information on job skills necessary to
    26                 obtain the jobs described in subclause (I); and
    27                     (III)  information relating to local
    28                 occupations in demand and the earnings and skill
    29                 requirements for such occupations.
    30                 (F)  Provision of performance information and
    20020H2778B4639                 - 27 -

     1             program cost information on eligible providers of
     2             training services, provided by program, eligible
     3             providers of youth activities, providers of adult
     4             education, providers of postsecondary vocational
     5             education activities and vocational education
     6             activities available to school dropouts under the
     7             Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology
     8             Education Act (Public Law 88-210, 20 U.S.C. § 2301 et
     9             seq.) and providers of vocational rehabilitation
    10             program activities described in the Rehabilitation
    11             Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-112, 29 U.S.C. § 701 et
    12             seq.).
    13                 (G)  Provision of information regarding how the
    14             local workforce investment area is performing on the
    15             local performance measures and any additional
    16             performance information with respect to the one-stop
    17             delivery system in the local workforce investment
    18             area.
    19                 (H)  Provision of accurate information relating
    20             to the availability of community college, technical
    21             college and workforce development services, work
    22             support services, including child care and
    23             transportation, available in the local workforce
    24             investment area and referral to such services as
    25             appropriate.
    26                 (I)  Provision of transitional support, including
    27             information regarding filing claims for unemployment
    28             compensation.
    29                 (J)  Assistance in establishing eligibility for
    30             welfare-to-work activities under section 403(a)(5) of
    20020H2778B4639                 - 28 -

     1             the Social Security Act (49 Stat. 620, 42 U.S.C. §
     2             603(a)(5)) available in the local workforce
     3             investment area and programs of financial aid
     4             assistance for training and education programs that
     5             are not funded under this act and are available in
     6             the local workforce investment area.
     7                 (K)  Follow-up services, including counseling
     8             regarding the workplace.
     9             (ii)  Intensive services:
    10                 (A)  Intensive services shall be provided to
    11             adults and dislocated workers who:
    12                     (I)  are unemployed and are unable to obtain
    13                 employment through core services;
    14                     (II)  have been determined by the one-stop
    15                 delivery system operator to be in need of more
    16                 intensive services in order to obtain employment;
    17                 or
    18                     (III)  are employed but are determined by a
    19                 one-stop delivery system operator to be in need
    20                 of intensive services in order to obtain or
    21                 retain employment that allows for self-
    22                 sufficiency.
    23                 (B)  Intensive services shall be provided through
    24             the one-stop delivery system directly through one-
    25             stop delivery system operators or through contracts
    26             with service providers, which may include contracts
    27             with public, private for-profit and private nonprofit
    28             service providers, approved by the local workforce
    29             investment board.
    30                 (C)  Intensive services may include the
    20020H2778B4639                 - 29 -

     1             following:
     2                     (I)  Comprehensive and specialized
     3                 assessments of the skill levels and service needs
     4                 of adults and dislocated workers, which may
     5                 include diagnostic testing and use of other
     6                 assessment tools and in-depth interviewing and
     7                 evaluation to identify employment barriers and
     8                 appropriate employment goals.
     9                     (II)  Development of an individual employment
    10                 plan to identify the employment goals,
    11                 appropriate achievement objectives and
    12                 appropriate combination of services for the
    13                 participant to achieve the employment goals.
    14                     (III)  Group counseling.
    15                     (IV)  Individual counseling and career
    16                 planning.
    17                     (V)  Case management.
    18                     (VI)  Short-term prevocational services,
    19                 including development of learning skills,
    20                 communication skills, interviewing skills,
    21                 punctuality, personal maintenance skills and
    22                 professional conduct to prepare individuals for
    23                 employment or training.
    24             (iii)  Training services:
    25                 (A)  Training services shall be provided to
    26             adults and dislocated workers who:
    27                     (I)  have met the eligibility requirements
    28                 for intensive services and who are unable to
    29                 obtain or retain employment through such
    30                 services;
    20020H2778B4639                 - 30 -

     1                     (II)  after an interview, evaluation or
     2                 assessment and case management, have been
     3                 determined by a one-stop delivery system operator
     4                 or one-stop delivery system partner to be in need
     5                 of training services and to have the skills and
     6                 qualifications to successfully participate in the
     7                 selected program of training services; and
     8                     (III)  select programs of training services
     9                 which are directly linked to the employment
    10                 opportunities in the local workforce investment
    11                 area involved or in another area in which the
    12                 adults or dislocated workers receiving such
    13                 services are willing to relocate.
    14                 (B)  Training services shall be limited to
    15             individuals who are unable to obtain other grant
    16             assistance for such services, including Federal Pell
    17             Grants established under Title IV of the Higher
    18             Education Act of 1965 (Public Law 89-329, 20 U.S.C. §
    19             1070 et seq.), or require assistance beyond the
    20             assistance made available under other grant
    21             assistance programs, including Federal Pell Grants.
    22                 (C)  Training services may include:
    23                     (I)  Occupational skills training, including
    24                 training for nontraditional employment.
    25                     (II)  On-the-job training.
    26                     (III)  Programs which combine workplace
    27                 training with related instruction, including
    28                 cooperative education programs.
    29                     (IV)  Training programs operated by the
    30                 private sector.
    20020H2778B4639                 - 31 -

     1                     (V)  Skill upgrading and retraining.
     2                     (VI)  Entrepreneurial training.
     3                     (VII)  Job readiness training.
     4                     (VIII)  Adult education and literacy
     5                 activities provided in combination with services
     6                 described in any of subclauses (I) through (VII).
     7                     (IX)  Customized training conducted with a
     8                 commitment by an employer or group of employers
     9                 to employ an individual upon successful
    10                 completion of the training.
    11         [(8)] (9)  To compile an annual report to be submitted to
    12     the board by a deadline to be determined by the board. This
    13     report shall include, at a minimum:
    14             (i)  a list of the membership of the local workforce
    15         investment board, including the name, affiliation,
    16         address, telephone number, telefax number and electronic
    17         mail address;
    18             (ii)  the negotiated local level of performance;
    19             (iii)  the level of performance achieved, including
    20         an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses;
    21             (iv)  the programs participated in; and
    22             (v)  a list of the local eligible service providers.
    23     Section 11.  Chapter 7 of the act is repealed.
    24     Section 12.  The act is amended by adding chapters to read:
    25                            CHAPTER 7-A
    26                    CRITICAL JOB TRAINING GRANTS
    27  Section 701-A.  Purpose.
    28     The purpose of this chapter is to expand the coordination of
    29  the resources within the unified system and to enhance the
    30  leadership of the workforce investment system, particularly with
    20020H2778B4639                 - 32 -

     1  reference to the resources under the control and direction of
     2  the participating agencies as defined in this act. This grant
     3  program shall be agile, flexible and responsive to the immediate
     4  and long-term training needs of job seekers, private businesses
     5  and the workforce regions of the Commonwealth. The coordination
     6  and leveraging of resources within the workforce investment
     7  system is crucial to the effective delivery of services to the
     8  employers and residents of this Commonwealth.
     9  Section 702-A.  Definitions.
    10     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    11  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    12  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    13     "Critical job training."  Training for dislocated workers and
    14  underemployed workers, for occupations with immediate skill
    15  needs, for high-demand jobs or jobs with a shortage of skilled
    16  workers, as identified by the Pennsylvania Workforce Investment
    17  Board and the participating agencies.
    18     "Dislocated worker."  A person who meets any one of the
    19  following conditions:
    20         (1)  Has been terminated or laid off, or who has received
    21     notice of termination or layoff, and is eligible for or has
    22     exhausted unemployment compensation benefits.
    23         (2)  Is unlikely to return to the industry or occupation
    24     in which the individual was employed.
    25         (3)  Has been terminated or received notice of
    26     termination as a result of the permanent closure or
    27     relocation of a plant, facility or plant operation in which
    28     the individual was employed.
    29         (4)  Is chronically unemployed.
    30         (5)  Has limited opportunities of employment in the
    20020H2778B4639                 - 33 -

     1     geographic area in which the individual resides.
     2         (6)  Is an individual who may face substantial barriers
     3     to employment because of age or disability.
     4     "Eligible applicant."  Providers of workforce services and
     5  activities, including, but not limited to: public agencies,
     6  nonprofit organizations and private providers COMPANIES; a local  <--
     7  education agency; an industrial resource center; an economic
     8  development organization certified by the Department of
     9  Community and Economic Development; a greenhouse; a private
    10  company; a labor organization; a local workforce investment
    11  board.
    12     "Greenhouse."  A nonprofit organization recognized under
    13  section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (Public
    14  Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C. § 1 et seq.) that is formed for the
    15  express purpose of creating university/business partnerships to
    16  advance science and technology and to support economic and
    17  workforce development.
    18     "Industrial resource center."  An industrial resource center
    19  as defined by the act of June 22, 2001 (P.L.400, No.31), known
    20  as the Industrial Resources Center Partnership Act.
    21     "Local education agency."  A Pennsylvania institution
    22  certified by the Department of Education, which may include any
    23  of the following:
    24         (1)  Area vocational-technical schools.
    25         (2)  Community, technical and junior colleges.
    26         (3)  Intermediate units.
    27         (4)  Licensed private/proprietary business and trade
    28     schools.
    29         (5)  Public school districts.
    30         (6)  State or private colleges and universities.
    20020H2778B4639                 - 34 -

     1     "Private company."  A business, professional service company
     2  or other enterprise. The term may include a group of two or more
     3  private companies operating as a consortium in order to take
     4  advantage of a common training program.
     5     "Underemployed worker."  A person requiring skill training to
     6  meet industry skill demands or to increase his employment
     7  opportunities.
     8  Section 703-A.  Program operation.
     9     The Chief Operating Officer of the board shall manage the
    10  operation of this program, with appropriate agency staffing
    11  support as determined by the participating agencies and the
    12  Governor. The Chief Operating Officer shall work with the
    13  participating agencies and local workforce investment boards to
    14  identify sources of Federal and State funds to be used for these
    15  grants. The Chief Operating Officer shall award grants to
    16  eligible applicants for projects that are consistent with the
    17  criteria set forth in section 704-A.
    18  Section 704-A.  Grants.
    19     (a)  Single application.--There shall be a single multiagency
    20  application for the grants awarded under this chapter. An
    21  application must demonstrate:
    22         (1)  The number of dislocated workers or others that will
    23     receive training.
    24         (2)  The existence of job opportunities directly related
    25     to the training.
    26         (3)  How the training will support growth industries
    27     within this Commonwealth which are identified in the
    28     strategic plan of the local workforce investment board or by
    29     industry clusters identified by the participating agencies
    30     and the Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board.
    20020H2778B4639                 - 35 -

     1         (4)  Private sector participation in training design and
     2     placement of training recipients.
     3     (b)  Applications and guidelines.--The Chief Operating
     4  Officer, in consultation with the board and local workforce
     5  investment boards, shall develop grant applications, establish
     6  guidelines, develop forms and institute such procedures,
     7  including the utilization of participating agency resources, as
     8  may be necessary to implement the provisions of this chapter.
     9     (c)  Information.--The Chief Operating Officer shall require
    10  such information and records from each applicant and its
    11  authorized training providers as deemed necessary to carry out
    12  its responsibilities under this chapter.
    13     (d)  Limitations.--A local workforce investment board, a
    14  certified economic development organization and a greenhouse may
    15  not serve as a training provider for these grants.
    16     (e)  Funding sources.--Beginning with the 2003-2004 fiscal
    17  year, and each year thereafter, the Governor shall recommend the
    18  sources and levels of funding for this program for all of the
    19  participating agencies, as defined in this chapter, in the
    20  budget submitted to the General Assembly for that fiscal year.
    21     (f)  Board recommendations.--For the 2003-2004 fiscal year,
    22  and each year thereafter, the board may recommend to the
    23  Governor the sources and levels of funding from the
    24  participating agencies, as defined in this chapter, for the
    25  grants. The board may also recommend changes in the operation of
    26  the program. The recommendations to the Governor shall be made
    27  after the board consults with local workforce investment boards,
    28  secondary schools and postsecondary institutions.
    29     (g)  Funding priorities.--Priority for grants for the fiscal
    30  year 2003-2004 shall be given to workforce recruitment,
    20020H2778B4639                 - 36 -

     1  retention and advanced training within the fields of health
     2  care, long-term care and home and community-based services.
     3  Section 705-A.  Approval of applications and contracts.
     4     The Chief Operating Officer, in consultation with a committee
     5  composed of the participating agencies, may approve a grant
     6  application and the appropriate Commonwealth agency or agencies
     7  shall enter into a contract with an eligible applicant to
     8  provide critical job training grants to the extent of funds
     9  identified by participating agencies for this purpose.
    10  Notwithstanding the act of December 20, 1985 (P.L.492, No.116),
    11  known as the Customized Job Training Act, or its successor
    12  provisions, the Department of Community and Economic Development
    13  may use funds appropriated under the act to provide critical job
    14  training grants to eligible applicants.
    15                             CHAPTER 9
    16                    WORKFORCE LEADERSHIP GRANTS
    17  Section 901.  Purpose.
    18     The purpose of this chapter is to use funds appropriated for
    19  these grants to establish innovative programs that address
    20  short-term and long-term workforce development needs in industry
    21  clusters critical to the development of the new economy in this
    22  Commonwealth.
    23  Section 902.  Innovative programs.
    24     (a)  Program content.--An innovative program shall address
    25  one of the following:
    26         (1)  Integrated and seamless secondary and postsecondary
    27     education and training with area vocational-technical schools
    28     and career technology centers; secondary schools, including
    29     charter schools at these grade levels; community colleges;
    30     technical colleges; and institutions with baccalaureate and
    20020H2778B4639                 - 37 -

     1     graduate degree programs.
     2         (2)  Assistance to local workforce investment areas to
     3     address the establishment of a community college or technical
     4     college and to expand community college or technical college
     5     services in the area.
     6         (3)  Agile, flexible and responsive training programming
     7     for incumbent workers.
     8     (b)  Curriculum concentrations.--The curriculum and programs
     9  under subsection (a)(1) shall be focused on three cluster areas:
    10  Bio-Technology/Life Sciences; Information Technology/Opto-
    11  Electronics and Advanced Manufacturing and Materials.
    12     (c)  Business interaction.--The programs under subsection
    13  (a)(1) must be developed and continue to operate with direct
    14  business interaction in the curriculum, the recruitment of
    15  students, internships and the placement of graduates. The
    16  application and use of nanotechnology shall be an integral part
    17  of postsecondary instruction with exposure to this technology
    18  for students at the secondary level.
    19     (d)  Award of grants.--Workforce leadership grants shall be
    20  awarded for each of the three cluster areas in subsection (a)(1)
    21  to applicants demonstrating substantial program integration
    22  across educational levels and with a significant number of
    23  participating institutions. Applicants able to leverage other
    24  funding and programming resources shall receive additional
    25  consideration in the determination of awards.
    26  Section 903.  Program operation.
    27     The Chief Operating Officer, in consultation COLLABORATION     <--
    28  with the participating agencies and ON BEHALF OF the board,       <--
    29  shall manage the operation of this program, establish guidelines
    30  and an application process for the grants, develop such forms
    20020H2778B4639                 - 38 -

     1  and institute procedures to implement this program, determine
     2  the distribution of funds, and determine the approved
     3  applications for innovative programs as established in section
     4  902. Appropriate agency staffing support as determined by the
     5  participating agencies and the Governor shall be provided for
     6  the operation of this program. The appropriate participating
     7  agency or agencies shall enter into a contract with an eligible
     8  applicant to provide workforce leadership grants from funds
     9  appropriated for this purpose or from funds identified by the
    10  participating agencies for this purpose.
    11                             CHAPTER 11
    12                     TAP WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT
    13                        SCHOLARSHIP ACCOUNTS
    14  Section 1101.  Establishment.
    15     (a)  Establishment.--Every local workforce investment board
    16  that has become a not-for-profit corporation as defined by
    17  subsection (c)(3) of section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of
    18  1986 (Public Law 99-514, 26 U.S.C § 501(c)(3)) may establish TAP
    19  workforce development scholarship accounts.
    20     (b)  Operation.--Each local workforce investment board
    21  establishing TAP workforce development scholarship accounts
    22  shall establish and operate such accounts pursuant to the
    23  Treasury Department's rules, regulations, and practices for such
    24  accounts.
    25     (c)  Type of investments.--Local workforce investment boards
    26  may only establish TAP workforce development scholarship
    27  accounts using the Treasury Department's Tuition Account
    28  Investment Program.
    29  Section 1102.  Joint TAP workforce development scholarship
    30                 accounts.
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     1     Two or more local workforce investment boards may together
     2  establish joint TAP workforce development scholarship accounts,
     3  provided that the establishment of such joint accounts includes
     4  rules that specify how the funds in such accounts shall be
     5  divided between the local workforce investment boards to fund
     6  workforce development training scholarships. Such rules may be
     7  changed at any time subject to the agreement of all the involved
     8  local workforce investment boards.
     9  Section 1103.  Funding of scholarship accounts.
    10     TAP workforce development scholarship accounts may be funded
    11  by private donations, the Federal Government, political
    12  subdivisions of this Commonwealth, and any postsecondary
    13  institution. Private donations made by a business firm for TAP
    14  workforce development scholarship accounts shall not exceed
    15  $300,000 annually per business. For the purposes of this
    16  chapter, a business firm shall be defined as an entity
    17  authorized to do business in this Commonwealth and subject to
    18  taxes imposed under Article IV, VI, VII, VII-A, VIII, VIII-A, IX
    19  or XV of the act of March 4, 1971 (P.L.6, No.2), known as the
    20  Tax Reform Code of 1971.
    21  Section 1104.  Use of TAP workforce development scholarship
    22                 accounts.
    23     (a)  Utilization.--A local workforce investment board shall
    24  use the TAP workforce development scholarship accounts to
    25  provide scholarships for workforce development training to
    26  individuals residing in its local workforce investment area. A
    27  local workforce investment board shall give priority to the
    28  awarding of TAP workforce development scholarships to persons
    29  seeking training in industry clusters or in skill training needs
    30  identified in its local workforce investment plan provided under
    20020H2778B4639                 - 40 -

     1  section 504.
     2     (b)  Awards.--
     3         (1)  A local workforce investment board may award a
     4     scholarship for training to be received outside of its local
     5     workforce investment area.
     6         (2)  A local workforce investment board may award a
     7     scholarship for training to be received outside of this
     8     Commonwealth providing the recipient is employed within this
     9     Commonwealth.
    10  Section 1105. Consultations with Treasury Department.
    11     Each local workforce investment board that has TAP workforce
    12  development scholarship accounts shall annually discuss the
    13  performance of the accounts with the Treasury Department.
    14  Section 1106.  Consultations with Treasury Department.
    15     The COO of the Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board shall
    16  annually discuss the performance of the TAP workforce
    17  development scholarship accounts with the Treasury Department.
    18                             CHAPTER 13
    19                      SELF-EMPLOYED ASSISTANCE
    20  Section 1301.  Definitions.
    21     The following words and phrases when used in this chapter
    22  shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the
    23  context clearly indicates otherwise:
    24     "Department."  The Department of Labor and Industry of the
    25  Commonwealth.
    26     "Full-time basis."  The devoting of the amount of time
    27  prescribed by the Department of Labor and Industry to be
    28  necessary for a program participant to establish a business and
    29  become self-employed.
    30     "Program."  The self-employment assistance program
    20020H2778B4639                 - 41 -

     1  established in section 1302.
     2     "Program participant."  An individual:
     3         (1)  who, at the discretion of the Department of Labor
     4     and Industry, is selected for participation in the program
     5     from among individuals who are eligible for regular benefits
     6     and are identified through a worker profiling system as
     7     likely to exhaust regular benefits;
     8         (2)  who is eligible for funding for participation in the
     9     program;
    10         (3)  for whom funding for participation in the program is
    11     available; and
    12         (4)  who has not been terminated from or voluntarily left
    13     the program.
    14     "Regular benefits."  Benefits payable to an individual under
    15  the act of December 5, 1936 (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1),
    16  known as the Unemployment Compensation Law, or unemployment
    17  compensation benefits payable to Federal civilian employees and
    18  to ex-service members pursuant to Federal law, other than
    19  additional and extended benefits.
    20     "Self-employment assistance activities."  Activities,
    21  including entrepreneurial training, business counseling and
    22  technical assistance, which are approved by the Department of
    23  Labor and Industry for the program participant. These activities
    24  may be provided by either the Department of Labor and Industry
    25  or its designated service provider.
    26     "Self-employment assistance allowance."  An allowance which
    27  is in lieu of regular benefits and funded in the same manner as
    28  regular benefits and which is payable to a program participant
    29  who meets the requirements of this chapter.
    30     "Unemployment Compensation Law."  The act of December 5, 1936
    20020H2778B4639                 - 42 -

     1  (2nd Sp.Sess., 1937 P.L.2897, No.1), known as the Unemployment
     2  Compensation Law.
     3  Section 1302.  Program.
     4     The department shall establish a self-employment assistance
     5  program subject to the availability of funds necessary for the
     6  program. The department may implement the program on a pilot
     7  basis. Information about the program shall be made available to
     8  potential program participants.
     9  Section 1303.  Self-employment assistance allowance.
    10     Subject to the provisions of section 1504, the weekly self-
    11  employment assistance allowance payable under this chapter to a
    12  program participant shall be equal to the weekly benefit amount
    13  for regular benefits otherwise payable. The sum of the
    14  allowances paid under this chapter and regular benefits paid
    15  with respect to any benefit year shall not exceed the maximum
    16  amount payable for the benefit year under section 404 of the
    17  Unemployment Compensation Law.
    18  Section 1304.  Eligibility.
    19     (a)  General rule.--The self-employment assistance allowance
    20  described in section 1503 shall be payable to a program
    21  participant who participates in self-employment assistance
    22  activities and who is actively engaged on a full-time basis in
    23  efforts to establish a business and become self-employed. The
    24  self-employment assistance allowance shall be payable at the
    25  same interval, on the same terms and subject to the same
    26  conditions as regular benefits, except as follows:
    27         (1)  The requirements of sections 401(d)(1) and 402(a) of
    28     the Unemployment Compensation Law are not applicable to the
    29     program participant.
    30         (2)  The requirements of sections 402(h) and 404(d)(1) of
    20020H2778B4639                 - 43 -

     1     the Unemployment Compensation Law are not applicable to
     2     income earned from self-employment by the program
     3     participant.
     4         (3)  The program participant shall be considered to be
     5     unemployed under sections 401 and 402 of the Unemployment
     6     Compensation Law.
     7     (b)  Ineligibility.--A program participant who fails to
     8  participate in self-employment assistance activities or who
     9  fails to actively engage on a full-time basis in efforts to
    10  establish a business and become self-employed shall be
    11  ineligible for a self-employment assistance allowance for a week
    12  in which such failure occurs.
    13  Section 1305.  Termination.
    14     A program participant may be terminated from the program by
    15  the department if the individual fails to participate in self-
    16  employment assistance activities or fails to actively engage on
    17  a full-time basis in efforts to establish a business and become
    18  self-employed. Individuals who are terminated from or
    19  voluntarily leave the program may receive, if otherwise
    20  eligible, regular benefits with respect to the benefit year,
    21  provided that the sum of regular benefits paid and self-
    22  employment assistance allowances paid with respect to the
    23  benefit year shall not exceed the maximum amount payable for the
    24  benefit year under section 404 of the Unemployment Compensation
    25  Law.
    26  Section 1306.  Limitation.
    27     For a specific time period, the number of program
    28  participants receiving a self-employment assistance allowance
    29  under this chapter shall not exceed 5% of the number of
    30  individuals receiving regular benefits during that time period.
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     1  Section 1307.  Costs.
     2     Self-employment assistance allowances paid under this chapter
     3  shall be charged to employers as regular benefits are charged
     4  under the Unemployment Compensation Law.
     5  Section 1308.  Applicability of Unemployment Compensation Law.
     6     (a)  General.--Except where inconsistent with this chapter,
     7  all terms and conditions of Federal law and the Unemployment
     8  Compensation Law applicable to regular benefits shall be
     9  applicable to self-employment assistance allowances under this
    10  chapter.
    11     (b)  Specific.--Article V of the Unemployment Compensation
    12  Law shall apply to determinations under this chapter.
    13  Section 1309.  Rules and regulations.
    14     The department may promulgate regulations to carry out the
    15  purposes of this chapter.
    16  Section 1310.  Report to General Assembly.
    17     (a)  General rule.--The department shall make a report of the
    18  program to the Labor and Industry Committee of the Senate and
    19  the Labor Relations Committee of the House of Representatives by
    20  March 1 of each year.
    21     (b)  Content.--The report shall include annual data on the
    22  number of program participants and the number of businesses
    23  developed under the program, business survival data, the cost of
    24  operating the program, compliance with program requirements and
    25  data related to business income, the number of employees and
    26  wages paid in the new businesses and the incidence and duration
    27  of unemployment after business start-up. The report may also
    28  include any recommended changes in the program.
    29  Section 1311.  Notice.
    30     If the Secretary of Labor and Industry determines that
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     1  Federal Law no longer authorizes the provisions of this chapter,
     2  the secretary shall transmit notice of the determination to the
     3  Legislative Reference Bureau for publication in the Pennsylvania
     4  Bulletin. In the notice the secretary shall specify, as the
     5  expiration date of this chapter, the date of the last day of the
     6  week preceding the date on which Federal law no longer
     7  authorizes the provisions of this chapter.
     8  Section 1312.  Expiration.
     9     This chapter shall expire on the date specified in the notice
    10  under section 1311.
    11                             CHAPTER 15
    12                   WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COURSES
    13  Section 1501.  Reimbursement for community colleges. and          <--
    14                 technical colleges.
    15     (a)  Calculation.--Community colleges and technical colleges   <--
    16  offering noncredit courses defined in this chapter as "workforce
    17  development courses" shall be reimbursed by the Commonwealth
    18  using 100% of the reimbursement factor utilized for credit
    19  courses under section 1913-A of the act of March 10, 1949
    20  (P.L.30, No.14), known as the Public School Code of 1949.
    21     (b)  Priorities.--The priorities of the Commonwealth and its
    22  needs for education and training of workers and potential
    23  workers shall be considered in changes and additions to the
    24  subject matter of workforce development courses.
    25     (c)  Course sites.--Noncredit workforce development courses
    26  may be offered by a community college or a technical college at   <--
    27  an off-campus site, at any of its facilities or through any form
    28  of distance education.
    29  Section 1502.  Definition.
    30     For the purposes of this chapter, the term "workforce
    20020H2778B4639                 - 46 -

     1  development courses" is defined as those noncredit courses
     2  having the specific purpose of providing opportunities for
     3  students and incumbent workers to develop and/or upgrade skills
     4  necessary or useful in gainful employment, for promotion or
     5  other similar opportunities in existing employment, or for
     6  learning new job skills. The subject matter of noncredit
     7  workforce development courses may encompass, but is not limited
     8  to, instruction in any of the following general areas:
     9         (1)  Computers and information processing and technology,
    10     including the study of both hardware and software
    11     applications.
    12         (2)  Management, supervision and basic employability
    13     skills, including, but not limited to, working in teams,
    14     management and supervisory skills, effective interpersonal
    15     relations, problem solving, self-management strategies,
    16     project management and the application of Federal and State
    17     laws to the workplace.
    18         (3)  Health professional and allied health job skills.
    19         (4)  Technical, manufacturing and service industries,
    20     including, but not limited to, jobs in such fields as
    21     powdered metals, machine tool and die-making, electronics,
    22     safety, plastics technology, hydraulics, construction,
    23     warehouse/materials management, automotive repair and
    24     management, heating, ventilation and air conditioning,
    25     refrigeration and tourism.
    26         (5)  Adult literacy, including, but not limited to, adult
    27     basic education, the general educational development (GED)
    28     diploma and English as a second language.
    29         (6)  Continuing professional education courses.
    30     Section 13.  Section 4903 of the act is repealed.
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     1     Section 14.  The following acts and parts of acts are
     2  repealed to the extent specified:
     3     Act of November 26, 1997 (P.L.504, No.54), known as the Self-
     4  Employment Assistance Program Act, absolutely.
     5     Section 1913-A of the act of March 10, 1949 (P.L.30, No.14),
     6  known as the Public School Code of 1949, insofar as it is
     7  inconsistent with this act.
     8     Section 15.  The addition of Chapter 13 of the act is a
     9  continuation of the act of November 26, 1997 (P.L.504, No.54),
    10  known as the Self-Employment Assistance Program Act. The
    11  following apply:
    12         (1)  Except as set forth in paragraph (2), any difference
    13     in language between the Self-Employment Assistance Program
    14     Act and Chapter 13 of the act is intended only to conform to
    15     the style of the act and is not intended to change or affect
    16     the legislative intent, judicial construction or
    17     administration and implementation of the Self-Employment
    18     Assistance Program Act.
    19         (2)  Paragraph (1) does not apply to the following
    20     provisions of Chapter 13 of the act:
    21             (i)  The definitions of "full-time basis" and "self-
    22         employment assistance activities" in section 1301.
    23             (ii)  Section 1311.
    24     Section 16.  The provisions of section 302(d) of the act
    25  shall expire March 1, 2003.
    26     Section 17.  This act shall take effect as follows:
    27         (1)  Except for operations described in Chapters 7-A, 9
    28     and 11 of the act, section 304 of the act shall take effect
    29     March 1, 2003.
    30         (2)  The amendment or addition of section 306 and Chapter
    20020H2778B4639                 - 48 -

     1     15 of the act shall take effect July 1, 2003.
     2         (3)  The remainder of this act shall take effect
     3     immediately.

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