No. 2315 Session of 1986



                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of May 7, 1965 (P.L.48, No.38), entitled "A
     2     supplement to the act of May 28, 1915 (P.L.596, No.259),
     3     entitled 'An act requiring cities of the second class to
     4     establish a pension fund for employes of said cities, and
     5     regulating the administration and the payment of such
     6     pensions,' as to employes of second class A cities, reducing
     7     the number of years of employment to qualify for a pension;
     8     and increasing pension payments and contributions," further
     9     providing for certain pension amounts and contributions.

    10     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    11  hereby enacts as follows:
    12     Section 1.  Section 2 of the act of May 7, 1965 (P.L.48,
    13  No.38), entitled "A supplement to the act of May 28, 1915
    14  (P.L.596, No.259), entitled 'An act requiring cities of the
    15  second class to establish a pension fund for employes of said
    16  cities, and regulating the administration and the payment of
    17  such pensions,' as to employes of second class A cities,
    18  reducing the number of years of employment to qualify for a
    19  pension; and increasing pension payments and contributions,"
    20  amended July 17, 1970 (P.L.494, No.172), is amended to read:
    21     Section 2.  (a)  During the lifetime of the said person, he

     1  or she shall be entitled to receive a pension from the fund set
     2  aside for the purpose, at a rate equal to seventy-five per
     3  centum of the amount which would constitute the average rate of
     4  pay received during the last five years of his or her employment
     5  by the said city, payable monthly, but in no case shall the
     6  pension payable to any one payable employe exceed [two hundred
     7  fifty dollars ($250)] three hundred fifty dollars ($350), a
     8  month. Such pension shall be payable to any person so employed
     9  for fifteen years or more by the city when such person shall
    10  attain the age of fifty-five years; should any person so
    11  employed, after fifteen years of service, voluntarily retire, be
    12  dismissed, or be in any way deprived of his or her employment
    13  with the city before attaining the age of fifty-five years, he
    14  or she shall be entitled to the pension after retirement upon
    15  continuing a monthly payment to the fund equal to the last
    16  amount due and payable while in active service. If any pension
    17  be granted to a person who has not been a contributor to the
    18  pension fund as herein provided for the period of twenty years
    19  but has contributed for at least fifteen years, such person
    20  shall be required to pay unto the board of pensions an amount
    21  equal to three per centum of the last monthly salary paid to
    22  such person, but not in excess of [six dollars ($6)] twelve
    23  dollars ($12) per month, multiplied by the number of months
    24  necessary to complete the twenty-year period, with interest, or
    25  in the alternative, after so computing the amount needed to
    26  complete the twenty-year period, the board may withhold the
    27  payment of pension until such amount has been refunded to the
    28  board of pensions.
    29     (b)  In the event any employe becomes totally and permanently
    30  disabled after ten years of service and before attaining the age
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     1  of fifty-five years, he or she shall forthwith be entitled to
     2  such pension upon making the contribution as aforesaid. Proof of
     3  total and permanent disability shall consist of a sworn
     4  statement of three practicing physicians designated by the board
     5  that the employe is in a permanent condition of health which
     6  would totally disable him or her from performing the duties of
     7  his or her position or office. The board of pensions may, not
     8  more frequently than once a year, require a disability pensioner
     9  to undergo a medical examination by three physicians appointed
    10  by the board, and should such physicians thereupon report and
    11  certify to the board that such beneficiary is no longer
    12  incapacitated, and should the pension board concur in such
    13  report, the pension of such beneficiary shall be discontinued.
    14     Section 2.  Section 3 of the act is amended to read:
    15     Section 3.  The city employes and contributing members to the
    16  fund shall after the passage of this act pay unto the board of
    17  pensions monthly an amount equal to three per centum of their
    18  monthly salaries or wages, in no event, however, paying at a
    19  rate greater than [six dollars ($6)] twelve dollars ($12) a
    20  month, which shall be applied to the purpose of this act.
    21  Payment of the monthly amount or contribution herein mentioned
    22  shall cease and be discontinued at the time the beneficiary
    23  receives the pension herein provided, except for contributions
    24  required to be made to complete a twenty-year period of
    25  contribution, as provided in subsections (a) and (b) of section
    26  2 of this act. If for any cause an employe contributing to the
    27  pension fund shall cease to be an employe of any such city of
    28  the second class A before said employe becomes entitled to the
    29  pensions conferred by this act, the total amount of the
    30  contributions paid into the pension fund by such employe shall
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     1  be refunded to him or her in full, without interest; provided,
     2  however, if any such employe shall have returned to him or her
     3  the amount contributed as aforesaid and shall afterward re-enter
     4  the employ of such city, said employe shall not be entitled to
     5  the pension designated until twenty years after said re-
     6  employment unless he or she shall return to the pension fund the
     7  amount withdrawn, plus interest, in which event the period of
     8  twenty years shall be computed from the time said employe first
     9  entered the service of said city. In the event of the death of
    10  any such employe before the said employe becomes entitled to the
    11  pension aforesaid, the said total amount of contributions
    12  aforesaid shall be paid over to the estate of the said deceased
    13  employe or his or her designated beneficiary. In the event of
    14  the death of any employe collecting the pension aforesaid, the
    15  total amount of contributions over and above that paid to the
    16  deceased employe shall be paid over to the estate of the said
    17  deceased employe, or his or her designated beneficiary.
    18     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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