See other bills
under the
same topic
                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 2454



No. 1937 Session of 1997



                                     AN ACT

     1  Authorizing the Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland County, to sell
     2     certain Project 70 lands free of Project 70 restrictions in
     3     return for use of the sale proceeds to assist the Central
     4     Pennsylvania Conservancy purchase a tract of land.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7  Section 1.  Authorization.
     8     Under the requirements of section 20(b) of the act of June
     9  22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8), known as the Project 70 Land
    10  Acquisition and Borrowing Act, the General Assembly hereby
    11  authorizes the release of Project 70 restrictions from the two
    12  tracts of land described in section 2 and owned by the Borough
    13  of Carlisle, Cumberland County, in exchange for use of the sale
    14  proceeds to assist the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy purchase
    15  15.03 acres of land known as the Seven Gables Tract located in
    16  Carlisle Borough and South Middleton Township.
    17  Section 2.  Land to be released from Project 70 restrictions.
    18                            Tract No. 1

     1     All that certain tract of land situate in North Middleton
     2  Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 2 of
     3  the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for the Borough of
     4  Carlisle, dated September 2, 1997, and recorded in the office of
     5  the Recorder of Deeds for Cumberland County on September 16,
     6  1997, in Plan Book 75, page 75, to wit:
     7  BEGINNING at a point in the road bed of Cavalry Road (S.R.1001)
     8  at lands now or formerly of the Cavalry Road Church of God;
     9  thence from said point of beginning in and through said road bed
    10  the following two courses and distances:
    11         1.  South 49 degrees 39 minutes 50 seconds East 390.13
    12             feet to a point;
    13         2.  South 30 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds East 360.28
    14             feet to a point at lands now or formerly of the
    15             Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission;
    16  thence leaving said road bed and along said lands of the
    17  Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, South 72 degrees 13 minutes 28
    18  seconds West 776.58 feet to an iron pin set at the corner of Lot
    19  No. 1 of the aforementioned Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan
    20  for The Borough of Carlisle: thence along said Lot No. 1 the
    21  following five courses and distances:
    22         1.  North 26 degrees 44 minutes 00 seconds West 99.24
    23             feet to an iron pin set;
    24         2.  North 34 degrees 19 minutes 11 seconds West 157.96
    25             feet to an iron pin set;
    26         3.  North 54 degrees 02 minutes 43 seconds West 245.78
    27             feet to an iron pin set;
    28         4.  South 88 degrees 55 minutes 26 seconds West 132.65
    29             feet to an iron pin set;
    30         5.  South 67 degrees 19 minutes 24 seconds West 147.40
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     1             feet to an iron pin set at lands now or formerly of
     2             Charles W. Travitz, Jr. and Isabelle M. Travitz;
     3  thence by said lands of Travitz, North 21 degrees 08 minutes 10
     4  seconds West 182.07 feet to a point in the road bed of Spring
     5  Road (S.R. 0034); thence in and through said road bed, North 59
     6  degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds East 126.78 feet to a point at
     7  lands now or formerly of the Cavalry Road Church of God; thence
     8  leaving said road bed of Spring Road (S.R. 0034) and along said
     9  lands of the Cavalry Road Church of God, North 72 degrees 10
    10  minutes 00 seconds East 860.34 feet to a point at the place of
    11  Beginning.
    12  CONTAINING 13.6691 acres.
    13                            Tract No. 2
    14  All that certain tract of land situate in North Middleton
    15  Township, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, being Lot No. 3 of
    16  the Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan for the Borough of
    17  Carlisle dated September 2, 1997, and recorded in the Office of
    18  the Recorder of Deeds for Cumberland County on September 16,
    19  1997, in Plan Book 75 page 75, to wit:
    20  BEGINNING at a point in the road bed of Spring Road (S.R. 0034)
    21  at lands now or formerly of Irvin E. Bidelspach; thence from
    22  said point of beginning in and through said road bed the
    23  following two courses and distances:
    24         1.  North 68 degrees 20 minutes 50 seconds East 582.30
    25             feet to a point;
    26         2.  North 59 degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds East 71.65
    27             feet to a point at lands now or formerly of Vivian M.
    28             Shaffer;
    29  thence leaving said road bed of Spring Road (S.R. 0034) and
    30  along said lands of Shaffer, South 16 degrees 13 minutes 50
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     1  seconds East 126.39 feet to an iron pin set at the corner of Lot
     2  No. 1 of the aforementioned Preliminary/Final Subdivision Plan
     3  for The Borough of Carlisle; thence along said Lot No. 1 the
     4  following four courses and distances:
     5         1.  South 73 degrees 59 minutes 30 seconds West 261.48
     6             feet to an iron pin set;
     7         2.  South 67 degrees 41 minutes 46 seconds West 214.68
     8             feet to an iron pin set;
     9         3.  South 09 degrees 46 minutes 46 seconds East 114.43
    10             feet to an iron pin set;
    11         4.  South 40 degrees 56 minutes 32 seconds West 158.98
    12             feet to an iron pin set;
    13  thence by the same in part and along lands now or formerly of
    14  Irvin E. Bidelspach North 22 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West
    15  277.22 feet to a point at the place of Beginning.
    16  CONTAINING 1.9477 acres.
    17  Section 3.  Use of sale proceeds.
    18     The net proceeds, selling price less expenses, from the sale
    19  of the land described in section 2 shall be used by the Borough
    20  of Carlisle to assist the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy with
    21  purchase of the Seven Gables Tract. Any of the net proceeds
    22  which are not provided to the Central Pennsylvania Conservancy
    23  for the purchase of the Seven Gables Tract shall be deposited
    24  into a special account established by the Borough of Carlisle
    25  for acquisition or development of other park lands.
    26  Section 4.  Deed clause.
    27     The Central Pennsylvania Conservancy deed to the Seven Gables
    28  Tract shall include the following clause:
    29         "This land was acquired for recreation, conservation and
    30         historical purposes as said purposes are defined in the
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     1         act of June 22, 1964 (Sp.Sess., P.L.131, No.8), known as
     2         the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act."
     3  Section 5.  Effective date.
     4     This act shall take effect immediately.

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