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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1697



No. 1440 Session of 1997

           MAY 5, 1997


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), entitled
     2     "An act relating to counties of the third, fourth, fifth,
     3     sixth, seventh and eighth classes; amending, revising,
     4     consolidating and changing the laws relating thereto,"
     5     further providing for the district attorney.

     6     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     7  hereby enacts as follows:
     8     Section 1.  Section 401(b) of the act of August 9, 1955
     9  (P.L.323, No.130), known as The County Code, amended December
    10  18, 1984 (P.L.1065, No.211), is amended and the section is
    11  amended by adding a subsection to read:
    12     Section 401.  Enumeration of Elected Officers.--* * *
    13     (b)  All such officers, except for the district attorney,
    14  shall be elected at the municipal election next preceding the
    15  expiration of the terms of the officers now in office, and
    16  quadrennially thereafter, and shall hold their offices for a
    17  term of four years from the first Monday of January next after

     1  their election and until their successors shall be duly
     2  qualified, but in the event that any such officer so elected,
     3  excepting a county commissioner or auditor, shall fail to
     4  qualify, or if no successor shall be elected, then the chief
     5  deputy, first assistant, first deputy or principal deputy in
     6  office at the time the vacancy occurred shall assume the office
     7  until a successor has been appointed pursuant to section 409 or
     8  until the first Monday in January following the next municipal
     9  election, whichever period is shorter. In the case of a county
    10  commissioner or auditor, there shall be a vacancy which shall be
    11  filled as provided in this act.
    12     * * *
    13     (d)  The district attorney in each county shall be elected at
    14  the municipal election next preceding the expiration of the term
    15  of the officer in office and shall hold office for a term of six
    16  years from the first Monday of January next after being elected.
    17  The term of office thereafter will be for six years. In the
    18  event that any such officer so elected shall fail to qualify or
    19  if no successor shall be elected, then the first assistant
    20  district attorney or the assistant district attorney in office
    21  at the time the vacancy occurred shall assume the office until a
    22  successor has been appointed pursuant to section 409 or until
    23  the first Monday in January following the next municipal
    24  election, whichever period is shorter.
    25     Section 2.  Section 1401(g) of the act, amended November 23,
    26  1994 (P.L.640, No.98), is amended to read:
    27     Section 1401.  District Attorney; Qualifications;
    28  Eligibility; Compensation.--* * *
    29     (g) (1)  The commissioners of any county may by ordinance fix
    30  the services of the district attorney at full time. Such
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     1  determination may be made at any time, provided that the
     2  determination shall not be made between the first day for the
     3  circulation of nominating petitions for the office of district
     4  attorney and January of the subsequent year. The president judge
     5  of the court of common pleas of the judicial district and the
     6  district attorney may make recommendations at any time to the
     7  county commissioners on the advisability of full-time service by
     8  the district attorney, but the same shall not be binding on
     9  them.
    10     (2)  When the determination by the county commissioners to
    11  require a full-time district attorney becomes effective and
    12  operative, he shall be compensated at one thousand dollars
    13  ($1,000) lower than the compensation paid to a judge of the
    14  court of common pleas in the respective judicial district. It is
    15  the legislative intent that all provisions of this subsection
    16  requiring full-time service shall be unenforceable until such
    17  time as the accompanying salary provisions take effect.
    18     (3)  Once the determination for a full-time district attorney
    19  is made, it shall not thereafter be changed except by referendum
    20  of the electorate of the said county. Such referendum may be
    21  instituted by the county commissioners or on petition by five
    22  per cent of the electors voting for the office of Governor in
    23  the last gubernatorial general election. Such referendum may be
    24  held at any election preceding the year in which the district
    25  attorney shall be elected. Such district attorney shall devote
    26  full time to the office. The district attorney while in office,
    27  shall not derive any other income as a result of honorariums,
    28  profit shares or divisions of income from any firm with which
    29  the district attorney was associated prior to election. This
    30  limitation shall not be construed, however, to preclude payment
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     1  of fees earned for legal work done prior to, but not concluded
     2  until after his election as district attorney. In addition the
     3  district attorney shall not engage in any private practice and
     4  must be completely disassociated with any firm with which the
     5  district attorney was affiliated prior to election, nor shall
     6  the district attorney-elect accept any civil or criminal cases
     7  after being elected to the office. Furthermore, the district
     8  attorney shall be subject to the canons of ethics as applied to
     9  judges in the courts of common pleas of this Commonwealth in so
    10  far as such canons apply to salaries, full-time duties [and],
    11  conflicts of interest, and political activity inappropriate to
    12  his office.
    13     (4)  Any complaint by a citizen of the county that a full-
    14  time district attorney may be in violation of this section shall
    15  be made to the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of
    16  Pennsylvania, for determination as to the merit of the
    17  complaint. If any substantive basis is found, the board shall
    18  proceed forthwith in the manner prescribed by the rules of the
    19  Supreme Court and make such recommendation for disciplinary
    20  action as it deems advisable, provided, however, that if the
    21  Supreme Court deems the violation so grave as to warrant removal
    22  from office, the prothonotary of the said court shall transmit
    23  its findings to the Speaker of the House of Representatives for
    24  such action as the House deems advisable under Article VI of the
    25  Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
    26     (5)  Where no such determination to require a full-time
    27  district attorney is made, the district attorney shall be
    28  permitted to have an outside practice.
    29     (6)  Notwithstanding the provision of any other statute, the
    30  annual salaries of part-time district attorneys shall be as
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     1  follows: In counties of the third or fourth class, the salary
     2  shall be sixty per cent of the annual salary payable to the
     3  judge of the court of common pleas of the judicial district of
     4  the county; in a county of the fifth or sixth class, the salary
     5  shall be fifty per cent of the annual salary payable to the
     6  judge of the court of common pleas of the judicial district of
     7  the county; and in a county of the seventh or eighth class, the
     8  salary shall be forty per cent of the annual salary payable to
     9  the judge of the court of common pleas of the judicial district
    10  of the county.
    11     Section 3.  This act shall take effect immediately.

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