No. 1073 Session of 1975



                                     AN ACT

     1  Providing for a determination of custody of children, imposing
     2     duties on parents and providing penalties.

     3     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     4  hereby enacts as follows:
     5     Section 1.  Upon the separation of parents with a child or
     6  children under 18 years of age, the parent having possession of
     7  said child or children shall institute proceedings in the county
     8  where the child or children reside to determine custody, after
     9  the 21st day but before the 46th day of separation.
    10     Section 2.  (a) Custody of child or children shall be
    11  determined on the basis of the following considered factors:
    12  mutual love and affection between child and parent; ability to
    13  supervise, assist, control the child or children; home
    14  environment of the parent seeking custody; financial ability of
    15  the parent seeking custody to support himself or herself and the
    16  child or children; which parent is better suited physically,
    17  mentally, emotionally, and morally to provide proper care and
    18  upbringing of the child or children, present and past moral and

     1  mental history of parent.
     2     (b)  Both parents shall have an equal right to seek and to be
     3  fully considered for custody, and both shall enter the
     4  proceedings as fit and competent until proven otherwise. Neither
     5  parent shall be presumed to have the right to custody, or to
     6  serve the best interest or welfare of the child or children
     7  better than the other parent merely because of their sex, or the
     8  sex and age of the child or children. One parent shall have
     9  primary custody and the other parent secondary custody; child or
    10  children shall reside with primary custodial parent.
    11     (c)  Provisions for continuing control shall be maintained in
    12  such matters as shared-joint custody or visitation. Arrangements
    13  shall provide that each parent shall be afforded opportunity to
    14  participate in the fulfillment and control of their child or
    15  children's lives irrespective of which parent may have primary
    16  custody, or the fact the parents are separated or divorced. Any
    17  limitation, reduction, or restriction of association or in the
    18  life of any child or children shall only be after proof for just
    19  reason and cause.
    20     (d)  If it is determined that neither parent is suitable to
    21  have custody, or wants custody, the authorities of the State
    22  shall have complete custody and control of the child or children
    23  until it or they become of legal age. Both parents shall be
    24  required to contribute to the cost of child support in
    25  accordance to their respective abilities.
    26     Section 3.  (a) In child support the basic concept to be
    27  followed shall be that the parent who is given primary custody
    28  shall have the primary obligation to support the child or
    29  children. The parent who does not have primary custody may be
    30  required to contribute to the support of the child or children
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     1  if conclusive proof is furnished the parent with primary custody
     2  needs financial support. In determining the extent of such
     3  support payments the guiding principle shall be, the ability of
     4  the parent to contribute; the necessities for livelihood of such
     5  parent, the requirements of his or her remarriage or other
     6  family obligations. The relative financial position of the
     7  mother as compared to that of the father shall be under
     8  continual review.
     9     (b)  In no event shall the parent who does not have primary
    10  custody be required to pay any part of child support after a
    11  child is married, reaches the age of 18, becomes a member of the
    12  armed services, or becomes self-supporting, except where the
    13  child is physically or mentally handicapped.
    14     (c)  Any parent or spouse who is contributing support or
    15  allowance may upon request once in each 12-month period, require
    16  an accounting of how the funds were spent.
    17     Section 4.  Any parent who fails to turn over any child or
    18  children for shared custody or visitation time shall be guilty
    19  of a misdemeanor of the third degree. The parent having primary
    20  custody may not change the residence of the child or children to
    21  another county without informing the parent with secondary
    22  custody and a hearing is held to investigate the reason for the
    23  move, which can only be for just and reasonable cause. The
    24  parent having secondary custody shall have the right to be
    25  informed of the living place and address of the child or
    26  children from all available records.
    27     Section 5.  All acts and parts of acts are repealed in so far
    28  as inconsistent.

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