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same topic
                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 825



No. 697 Session of 2003


           MARCH 6, 2003

                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), entitled "An
     2     act to consolidate, editorially revise, and codify the public
     3     welfare laws of the Commonwealth," further defining "work
     4     experience"; further providing for establishment of RESET,
     5     for work supports, for eligibility for assistance, for
     6     failure to comply with employment and work-related activity
     7     requirements and for eligibility for medical assistance.

     8     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     9  hereby enacts as follows:
    10     Section 1.  The definition of "work experience" in section
    11  402 of the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the
    12  Public Welfare Code, amended May 16, 1996 (P.L.175, No.35), is
    13  amended to read:
    14     Section 402.  Definitions.--As used in this article, unless
    15  the content clearly indicates otherwise:
    16     * * *
    17     "Work experience" means subsidized employment or unpaid
    18  internship of not more than six months' duration which is

     1  combined with classroom study or other training program.
     2     * * *
     3     Section 2.  Sections 405.1(a.2), (a.3), 405.3, 432 and 432.3
     4  of the act, amended May 16, 1996 (P.L.175, No.35), are amended
     5  to read:
     6     Section 405.1. Establishment of RESET.--* * *
     7     (a.2)  In accordance with RESET, the following requirements
     8  shall apply:
     9     (1)  As a condition of eligibility or continuing eligibility
    10  for cash assistance, every individual who is not exempt under
    11  subsection (a.3) shall seek employment, accept any offer of
    12  employment and maintain employment.
    13     (2)  As a condition of eligibility or continuing eligibility
    14  for cash assistance, a nonexempt applicant or recipient who is
    15  not employed for an average of at least twenty hours per week
    16  shall be required to participate in a work-related activity.
    17     (3)  A nonexempt applicant's initial work-related activity
    18  shall be to conduct an independent job search for a period not
    19  to exceed eight weeks. A person who is on the effective date of
    20  this subsection a nonexempt recipient shall be required to
    21  conduct an independent job search within eight weeks of the
    22  recipient's next redetermination of eligibility. The applicant
    23  or recipient must document such efforts and present the
    24  documentation to the appropriate county assistance office upon
    25  request. Failure to comply with the requirements of this section
    26  shall result in the imposition of the sanctions set forth in
    27  section 432.3.
    28     (4)  If the initial job search period concludes without the
    29  applicant or recipient obtaining full-time employment or
    30  employment for an average of at least twenty hours per week, the
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     1  county assistance office, in consultation with the applicant or
     2  recipient, shall assess the additional measures that may be
     3  necessary for the applicant or recipient to seek and obtain
     4  employment, including the type of work-related activities that
     5  will be used to meet the ongoing work-related activity
     6  requirement. These measures shall be incorporated into the
     7  applicant's or recipient's agreement of mutual responsibility
     8  pursuant to section 405.3.
     9     (5)  An applicant or recipient may fulfill the work-related
    10  activity requirement in clause (4) following the initial job
    11  search and consultation with the county assistance office by
    12  participating exclusively in any one or a combination of
    13  vocational education, general education, English-as-a-second-
    14  language study or job skills training, as necessary, for a
    15  maximum of twelve months[.]; Provided, however, That an
    16  applicant or recipient who has participated in any one or a
    17  combination of these activities for a maximum of twelve months
    18  may fulfill the work-related activity requirement in clause (4)
    19  by continuing to participate in any one or a combination of
    20  these activities if the applicant or recipient also participates
    21  in any other work-related activity. An applicant and recipient
    22  shall be specifically informed of these options at the time of
    23  initial application and at each redetermination. For a recipient
    24  or applicant who is eighteen years of age or older and less than
    25  twenty-two years of age and who has not earned a high school
    26  diploma or its equivalent, pursuit of a high school diploma or a
    27  certificate of high school equivalency can fulfill [the] work-
    28  related activity [requirement for a maximum of twenty-four
    29  months] requirements.
    30     (6)  A recipient who has received assistance for twenty-four
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     1  months, whether those months are consecutive or interrupted,
     2  must work, participate in subsidized employment, work
     3  experience, on-the-job training, community service or workfare
     4  for an average of at least twenty hours per week.
     5  Notwithstanding the above, participation in a program of
     6  vocational education may fulfill this requirement for a period
     7  of up to twelve months. Participation in a full-time program of
     8  post-secondary education, provided the recipient is making
     9  satisfactory progress, will fulfill this work requirement for a
    10  period up to twenty-four months. Information indicating
    11  noncompliance with the minimum twenty-hour per week requirement
    12  shall be cause for a review of eligibility.
    13     (a.3)  An applicant or recipient may be exempt from the
    14  requirements of subsection (a.2) if any of the following apply:
    15     (1)  The applicant or recipient has been assessed by a
    16  physician or psychologist as having a verified physical or
    17  mental disability which temporarily or permanently precludes the
    18  applicant or recipient from any form of employment or work-
    19  related activity. The verification of the physical or mental
    20  disability shall be established by written documentation in a
    21  form prescribed by the department and shall be based on
    22  acceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques, rather
    23  than a statement of symptoms by the applicant or recipient. The
    24  department may also require the applicant or recipient to submit
    25  to an independent examination as a condition of receiving
    26  assistance. An applicant or recipient with a verified physical
    27  or mental disability that is temporary in nature must pursue
    28  appropriate treatment as a condition of receiving assistance.
    29     (2)  The applicant or recipient is a specified relative
    30  caring for a child who is under six years of age and for whom
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     1  alternate child care arrangements are unavailable.
     2     (3)  The applicant or recipient is under eighteen years of
     3  age. An applicant or recipient under this clause shall be
     4  required to pursue a high school diploma or a certificate of
     5  high school equivalency.
     6     (4)  The applicant or recipient is a caretaker of a child or
     7  another adult who is in need of a caretaker because of chronic
     8  illness or disability.
     9     (5)  The applicant or recipient who, upon reaching the
    10  twenty-fourth month on cash assistance, participates in a
    11  program of vocational education, general education, English-as-
    12  a-second-language study or job skills training, provided that
    13  the recipient makes satisfactory progress as determined by the
    14  educational institution. This exemption shall apply for twelve
    15  months or until completion of the program, whichever comes
    16  first.
    17     * * *
    18     Section 405.3.  Responsibilities and Obligations of
    19  Department, Applicants and Recipients.--(a)  Subject to Federal
    20  approval, only where necessary, each adult applicant or
    21  recipient of cash assistance or other person who is required to
    22  sign an application for assistance shall be required as a
    23  condition of eligibility to enter into a mutual agreement with
    24  the department that will set forth the responsibilities and
    25  obligations to be undertaken by the recipient to achieve self-
    26  sufficiency, the time frames within which each obligation is to
    27  be completed, the penalties for failure to comply and the
    28  actions to be taken by the department to support the efforts of
    29  the applicant or recipient. Where appropriate, these obligations
    30  shall include, but not be limited to:
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     1     (1)  Providing timely and accurate information required under
     2  section 432.2.
     3     (2)  Cooperating in the determination of paternity and
     4  enforcement of support obligations as required under section
     5  432.7.
     6     (3)  Seeking and participating in an educational program
     7  leading to a high school diploma or its equivalent, job training
     8  or work-related activities as required under section 405.1(a.2).
     9     (4)  Maintaining employment as a condition for receiving cash
    10  assistance as required under section 405.1(a.2).
    11     (5)  Obtaining prenatal care consistent with nationally
    12  recognized standards.
    13     (6)  Maintaining the health and well-being of his or her
    14  children, including:
    15     (i)  ensuring that children attend school and pursue a high
    16  school diploma or its equivalent;
    17     (ii)  ensuring that children receive immunizations,
    18  appropriate health screenings and necessary medical treatment,
    19  consistent with nationally recognized standards;
    20     (iii)  performing any other appropriate activity based on an
    21  assessment of the education level, parenting skills and history
    22  of parenting activities and involvement of each parent who is
    23  applying for assistance;
    24     (iv)  meeting other requirements as established by the
    25  department.
    26     (7)  Fulfilling obligations for remaining free of alcohol and
    27  illegal drugs if it is determined that a person has an ongoing
    28  substance-abuse problem that presents a barrier to employment.
    29  These obligations include:
    30     (i)  participating in, maintaining compliance with and
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     1  satisfactorily completing a drug and alcohol program licensed or
     2  approved by the Department of Health or administered by an
     3  agency of the Federal Government; or
     4     (ii)  providing proof of substance-free status by submitting
     5  to periodic drug testing by a licensed drug and alcohol
     6  treatment provider or appropriate authorized licensed
     7  practitioner and testing substance free.
     8     (8)  Fulfilling all obligations for payment of day-care fees
     9  for care provided.
    10     (9)  Fulfilling all obligations for payment of support
    11  service fees for which allowances have been provided.
    12     (d)  Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as
    13  requiring the department to develop or offer employment,
    14  education, training, work-related activities or work experience
    15  programs.
    16     (e)  Any person who is required to sign an application for
    17  assistance and fails or refuses without good cause to enter into
    18  or cooperate in the completion of an agreement of mutual
    19  responsibility shall be ineligible for cash assistance.
    20     (f)  Penalties shall be imposed on an applicant or recipient
    21  of cash assistance who fails to comply with the obligations set
    22  forth in the agreement of mutual responsibility. Penalties shall
    23  include disqualification from receiving assistance as follows:
    24     (1)  Sanctions for failure to comply with employment and
    25  work-related requirements as set forth in section 432.3(a)(1)
    26  and (2).
    27     (2)  Sanctions for failure to cooperate with child support
    28  requirements as set forth in section 432.7A.
    29     (3)  Sanctions for failure to disclose truthful and accurate
    30  information as set forth in section 481.
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     1     (4)  Sanctions for failure to cooperate with other aspects of
     2  the agreement of mutual responsibility shall include
     3  discontinuance or reduction of cash assistance, in addition to
     4  other penalties established by the department.
     5     (5)  Before sanctions may be imposed, the department shall,
     6  after completion of its internal conciliation procedures and
     7  supervisory reviews, establish a procedure whereby a contracted
     8  social service agency or nonprofit organization will be informed
     9  of the prospective sanctions and will then make personal contact
    10  with the household to attempt to resolve the planned adverse
    11  action and secure compliance with the requirements of the law.
    12  The agency or organization shall have reasonable time to meet
    13  its responsibilities. If sanctions have already been imposed
    14  against the household, a referral shall be made to the agency or
    15  organization for the provision of case management services.
    16     Section 432.  Eligibility.--Except as hereinafter otherwise
    17  provided, and subject to the rules, regulations, and standards
    18  established by the department, both as to eligibility for
    19  assistance and as to its nature and extent, needy persons of the
    20  classes defined in clauses (1), (2), and (3) shall be eligible
    21  for assistance:
    22     (1)  Persons for whose assistance Federal financial
    23  participation is available to the Commonwealth as aid to
    24  families with dependent children or as other assistance, and
    25  which assistance is not precluded by other provisions of law.
    26     (2)  Persons who are eligible for State supplemental
    27  assistance.
    28     (i)  State supplemental assistance shall be granted to
    29  persons who receive Federal supplemental security income for the
    30  aged, blind and disabled pursuant to Title XVI of the Federal
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     1  Social Security Act.
     2     (ii)  State supplemental assistance shall also be granted to
     3  persons who are aged, blind and disabled, as defined in Title
     4  XVI of the Federal Social Security Act, and whose income,
     5  pursuant to the standards and income disregards of Title XVI of
     6  the Social Security Act, is less than the combined income of the
     7  Federal payments under the supplemental security income program
     8  and the State supplemental assistance payments established
     9  pursuant to the provisions of this act.
    10     (iii)  In establishing the amounts of the State supplemental
    11  assistance, the department shall consider the funds certified by
    12  the Budget Secretary as available for State supplemental
    13  assistance, pertinent Federal legislation and regulation, the
    14  cost-of-living and the number of persons who may be eligible.
    15     (iv)  Beneficiaries of State supplemental assistance shall be
    16  eligible for cash State financial assistance to cover the cost
    17  of special needs as defined by statute and regulations
    18  promulgated under this act.
    19     (v)  After the amounts of assistance payments have been
    20  determined by the department with the approval of the Governor
    21  and General Assembly, the amounts of assistance payments shall
    22  not be reduced as a consequence of assistance increases,
    23  including but not limited to cost-of-living increases, provided
    24  through Federal legislation.
    25     (vi)  After the amounts of assistance payments have been
    26  determined by the department with the approval of the Governor
    27  and General Assembly, the amounts of assistance payments shall
    28  not be increased without the approval of the General Assembly in
    29  accordance with the procedure established by the act of April 7,
    30  1955 (P.L.23, No.8) known as the "Reorganization Act of 1955,"
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     1  and a message to the General Assembly from the Governor for the
     2  purposes of executing such function shall be transmitted as in
     3  other cases under the Reorganization Act.
     4     (3)  Other persons who are citizens of the United States, or
     5  lawfully admitted aliens who are eligible for general
     6  assistance.
     7     (i)  Persons who may be eligible for general assistance for
     8  an indeterminate period as a result of medical, social or
     9  related circumstances shall be limited to:
    10     (A)  A child who is under age eighteen or who is eighteen
    11  through twenty years of age and attending a secondary or
    12  equivalent vocational or technical school full-time and may
    13  reasonably be expected to complete the program before reaching
    14  twenty-one years of age.
    15     (B)  Persons who are parents residing in two-parent
    16  households with their child who is under [thirteen] eighteen
    17  years of age unless the child is [thirteen] eighteen years of
    18  age or older and has a verified disability. Every possible
    19  effort shall be made by the department to place these persons in
    20  the [AFDC] TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families)
    21  program.
    22     (C)  A person who has been assessed by a physician or
    23  psychologist as having a verified physical or mental disability
    24  which temporarily or permanently precludes him or her from any
    25  gainful employment. The verification of the physical or mental
    26  disability must be established by written documentation in a
    27  form prescribed by the department and must be based on
    28  acceptable clinical and laboratory diagnostic techniques, rather
    29  than a statement of symptoms by the applicant or recipient. The
    30  department may also require the applicant or recipient to submit
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     1  to an independent examination as a condition of receiving
     2  assistance. An applicant or recipient with a verified physical
     3  or mental disability which is temporary in nature shall pursue
     4  appropriate treatment as a condition of receiving assistance.
     5     (D)  A person who is a nonparental caretaker of a child under
     6  [thirteen] eighteen years of age or a caretaker of another
     7  person because of illness or disability. Such child or other
     8  person must be a member of the household and the caretaker must
     9  be a person whose presence is required in the home to care for
    10  another person as determined in accordance with department
    11  regulations. Assistance shall not be granted to a person under
    12  this clause if there is another adult in the household who is
    13  capable of providing the care without general assistance being
    14  required.
    15     (E)  A person who is currently undergoing active treatment
    16  for substance abuse in a drug and alcohol program licensed or
    17  approved by the Department of Health or administered by an
    18  agency of the Federal Government. A person shall only qualify
    19  for general assistance under this clause if the treatment
    20  program precludes the person from any form of employment in
    21  accordance with standards established by the department. No
    22  individual shall qualify for general assistance under this
    23  clause for more than nine months in a lifetime.
    24     (F)  A pregnant woman whose pregnancy has been medically
    25  verified.
    26     (G)  A person who is a victim of domestic violence and who is
    27  receiving protective services as defined by the department. No
    28  individual shall qualify for general assistance under this
    29  provision for more than nine months in that person's lifetime.
    30     (ii)  General assistance shall continue as long as the person
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     1  remains eligible. Redeterminations shall be conducted on at
     2  least an annual basis, and persons shall be required to seek
     3  employment, accept any offer of employment and maintain
     4  employment as conditions of eligibility except as otherwise
     5  exempt under section 405.1(a.3).
     6     (iv)  No transitionally needy assistance shall be initially
     7  authorized after June 30, 1995. Any person receiving
     8  transitionally needy general assistance as of the effective date
     9  of this subclause may continue to receive that assistance until
    10  sixty days of assistance are exhausted in accordance with
    11  subclause (iii). Transitionally needy assistance received after
    12  June 30, 1993, shall be applied to the total period of
    13  assistance. Transitionally needy general assistance shall cease
    14  on the earlier of:
    15     (A)  the date of the final issuance of assistance; or
    16     (B)  August 29, 1995.
    17     (4)  Assistance shall not be granted (i) to or in behalf of
    18  any person who disposed of his real or personal property, of the
    19  value of five hundred dollars ($500), or more, without fair
    20  consideration, within two years immediately preceding the date
    21  of application for assistance unless he is eligible for State
    22  supplemental assistance; or (ii) to an inmate of a public
    23  institution.
    24     (5)  (i)  Assistance may be granted only to or in behalf of a
    25  resident of Pennsylvania. Needy persons who do not meet the
    26  residence requirements stated in this clause and who are
    27  transients or without residence in any state, may be granted
    28  assistance up to seven days in the form of vendor payments, all
    29  in accordance with rules, regulations, and standards established
    30  by the department.
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     1     (ii)  Cash assistance for applicants and recipients of aid to
     2  families with dependent children who have resided in this
     3  Commonwealth for less than twelve months shall not exceed the
     4  lesser of the maximum assistance payment that would have been
     5  received from the applicant's or recipient's state of prior
     6  residence or the maximum assistance payment available to the
     7  applicant or recipient in this Commonwealth.
     8     (6)  Aid to families with dependent children shall not be
     9  paid to any family for any month in which any caretaker relative
    10  with whom the child is living is, on the last day of such month,
    11  participating in a strike, and no individual's needs shall be
    12  included in determining the amount of aid payable for any month
    13  to a family if, on the last day of such month, such individual
    14  is participating in a strike.
    15     (8)  A person who does not meet a definitive condition for
    16  aid to families with dependent children solely because of the
    17  person's refusal to cooperate in establishing eligibility for
    18  aid to families with dependent children shall also be ineligible
    19  for general assistance.
    20     (9)  Assistance may not be granted to any person who has been
    21  sentenced for a felony or misdemeanor offense and who has not
    22  otherwise satisfied the penalty imposed on that person by law.
    23  Notwithstanding any provisions in 18 Pa.C.S. Ch. 91 (relating to
    24  criminal history record information), the cooperative agreements
    25  provided for in this clause shall provide the department with
    26  access to the central repository within the Pennsylvania State
    27  Police in order to carry out the objectives of this section. The
    28  Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania Board of
    29  Probation and Parole shall have access to the records of the
    30  Assistance Recipient Identification Program under section 414
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     1  within the department in order to carry out the objectives of
     2  section 414. For cash assistance applicants and recipients, the
     3  department shall enter into cooperative agreements with the
     4  Pennsylvania State Police and the Pennsylvania Board of
     5  Probation and Parole to ensure that no cash assistance is
     6  granted to a person who has been sentenced for a felony or
     7  misdemeanor offense. For this purpose, the department may access
     8  and provide information available pursuant to section 414. As
     9  used in this clause, "satisfied the penalty" means completed the
    10  period of incarceration or extension thereof and paid all fines,
    11  costs and restitution. Nothing in this clause shall be deemed to
    12  exclude from cash assistance any person who has been paroled
    13  from a term of imprisonment, or any person who is in compliance
    14  with all terms of probation, and who has made either full
    15  payment of all fines, costs and restitution or is in compliance
    16  with an approved payment plan.
    17     (10)  Assistance shall not be granted to any applicant or
    18  recipient who is under eighteen years of age and who has never
    19  been married and is pregnant and/or caring for a dependent child
    20  unless the minor parent is residing with a parent, legal
    21  guardian or other adult relative or in an adult-supervised
    22  supportive living arrangement approved by the department. In the
    23  event that the minor parent is residing with a parent, legal
    24  guardian or other adult relative or in an adult-supervised
    25  supportive living arrangement approved by the department,
    26  assistance shall be paid to the parent, legal guardian or other
    27  adult with whom the minor parent is residing. Exceptions to this
    28  subsection will be granted by the department if it is determined
    29  that an exception would best serve the health and safety of the
    30  minor parent and the child or if the minor parent can present
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     1  evidence that the parent, legal guardian or other adult:
     2     (i)  refuses or is unable to allow the minor parent or child
     3  to live in his or her home;
     4     (ii)  poses an emotional or physical threat to the minor
     5  parent or child;
     6     (iii)  has physically or sexually abused the minor parent or
     7  the minor parent's child or any other child in the household or
     8  poses a risk of doing so;
     9     (iv)  has exhibited neglect of the minor parent or the minor
    10  parent's child; or
    11     (v)  has spent the minor parent's assistance in an improper
    12  manner.
    13  If the minor parent does not meet any of the exceptions set
    14  forth in this clause and the parents or legal guardian live
    15  within this Commonwealth or another state, the minor parent and
    16  child may be given a one-time allowance solely for the limited
    17  purpose of reuniting that minor parent and child with a parent,
    18  legal guardian or other adult relative at their place of
    19  residence. The amount of the allowance shall be limited to the
    20  least expensive mode of transportation available.
    21     (11)  A person who is ineligible for general assistance or
    22  medical assistance under this act shall be ineligible for
    23  assistance under the act of June 24, 1937 (P.L.2017, No.396),
    24  known as the "County Institution District Law," and the act of
    25  August 9, 1955 (P.L.323, No.130), known as "The County Code."
    26     Section 432.3.  Failure to Comply with Employment and Work-
    27  Related Activity Requirements.--(a)  An applicant or recipient
    28  who is not exempt from participation in the employment or work-
    29  related activity requirements set forth in section 405.1(a.2)
    30  and who without good cause: (i) voluntarily terminates
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     1  employment or reduces earnings; (ii) fails to apply for work at
     2  such time and in such manner as the department may prescribe; or
     3  (iii) fails or refuses to accept referral to and participate in
     4  a work-related activity, or refuses to accept referral to and
     5  work in and retain employment in which the applicant or
     6  recipient is able to engage, provided such employment conforms
     7  to the standards established for a bona fide offer of
     8  employment, shall be disqualified from receiving assistance as
     9  follows:
    10     (1)  A minimum of thirty days for the first violation and
    11  continuing thereafter until such time as he or she is willing to
    12  comply with the requirements of section 405.1; a minimum of
    13  sixty days for the second violation and continuing thereafter
    14  until such time as he or she is willing to comply with the
    15  requirements of section 405.1; and permanently for a third
    16  violation.
    17     (2)  If the reason for the disqualification occurs during the
    18  first twenty-four months that cash assistance is received,
    19  whether those months are consecutive or interrupted, only the
    20  individual is disqualified. If the reason for the
    21  disqualification occurs after the individual has received
    22  assistance for more than twenty-four months, whether those
    23  months are consecutive or interrupted, [the disqualification is
    24  imposed on the entire assistance group] only the individual is
    25  disqualified, and, in appropriate cases, the department may
    26  provide cash assistance to minors in the assistance group by
    27  protective payments.
    28     (b)  In addition to or in lieu of the sanctions set forth in
    29  subsection (a)(1) and (2), the cash assistance grant of an
    30  employed person who voluntarily, without good cause, reduces his
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     1  or her earnings by not fulfilling the twenty-hour per week work
     2  requirement set forth in section 405.1(a.2) shall be reduced by
     3  the dollar value of the income that would have been earned if
     4  the recipient had fulfilled those employment responsibilities.
     5     Section 3.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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