1Memorializing the Congress of the United States and urging the
2President of the United States to maintain steadfast support
3for the State of Israel and expressing vigorous support and
4unwavering commitment to the welfare, security and survival
5of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state with
6secure borders.

7WHEREAS, There have been established and recognized Jewish
8communities throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania since
9the early nineteenth century and in 1846, the first Jewish
10congregation was formed in Pennsylvania, located in Pittsburgh,
11known as "Etz-Chayim"; and

12WHEREAS, The United States of America and the State of Israel
13have a long history of friendship and are great allies in
14support of each other's interests; and

15WHEREAS, On January 9, 2009, the 111th Congress passed House
16Resolution 34 with overwhelming support which recognized
17Israel's right to defend itself against attacks from Gaza,
18passing with 390 votes "yea", 5 votes "nay", 22 voting "present"

1and 16 not voting; and

2WHEREAS, The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob promised in
3Genesis 12:3 to bless those that bless Israel, through the
4promise He made to Abraham, as follows: "And I will bless them
5that bless thee, and curse them that curseth thee: and in thee
6shall all the families of the earth be blessed"; and

7WHERES, The State of Israel and the United States each
8continue to experience terrorist attacks on innocent civilians,
9as well as our military personnel, as a result of suicide
10missions and other forms of terrorism; and

11WHEREAS, At this time of continued uncertainty in the world,
12the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania again desires to reaffirm its
13desire that the United States of America remain a strong and
14unequivocal supporter of the State of Israel; therefore be it

15RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
16Commonwealth of the Pennsylvania memorialize the Congress of the
17United States and urge the President of the United States to
18maintain steadfast support for the State of Israel and express
19vigorous support and unwavering commitment to the welfare,
20security and survival of the State of Israel as a Jewish and
21democratic state with secure borders; and be it further

22RESLOVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
23the Secretary of the United States Senate, the Clerk of the
24United States House of Representatives, each member of the
25Pennsylvania delegation to the United States Congress, the
26office of the President of the United States of America and the
27Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, for the transmission to the
28proper authorities in the State of Israel.