No. 399 Session of 1990


        ADOPTED, NOVEMBER 20, 1990

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Memorializing Congress and the Governor to honor and recognize
     2     Martha Raye (Colonel Maggie) for her service to her country
     3     and the armed forces.

     4     WHEREAS, In the early days of America's commitment in the
     5  European Theater of World War II, when our contribution
     6  consisted of fewer than 50 flying fortresses in the daylight
     7  bombing of Nazi submarine pens, when the indomitable women of
     8  London swarmed out of their bomb shelters and, in the lull
     9  between Luftwaffe raids, danced around the embattled statue of
    10  Eros in Piccadilly Circus singing "We'll Hang Out The Washin' On
    11  The Sigfried Line," Martha Raye was there; and
    12     WHEREAS, Having answered the call of the USO at the peak of
    13  her cinematic career to help bolster the morale of American
    14  troops shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor, Martha Raye
    15  traveled the free parts of the world tirelessly and happily
    16  entertaining American troops either in one-woman appearances or
    17  with Bob Hope and other theatrical personalities; and
    18     WHEREAS, After the lights came on all over the world, the

     1  United States in our police capacity became involved in the
     2  Korean War, and this time as a nurse in the Army Reserve Martha
     3  Raye was there; and
     4     WHEREAS, Incomprehensible though it may seem, 20 years after
     5  the end of World War II when names like DaNang, Tan Sun Hut and
     6  Hanoi became recognizable locations on the map of the world, and
     7  the "domino theory" and "light at the end of the tunnel" became
     8  catch-phrases in military apologetics, when American troops
     9  poured into Vietnam in ever increasing numbers, Martha Raye was
    10  there; and
    11     WHEREAS, Presented with tiger suit, Special Forces insignia
    12  and a green beret by Special Forces, Martha Raye was the only
    13  performer to visit the most remote outposts and was given the
    14  honorary rank of Lt. Colonel. She was endearingly christened the
    15  "old lady of the boondocks" by grateful G.I.'s and earned the
    16  nickname "Colonel Maggie"; and
    17     WHEREAS, Called "the greatest trooper of all" by General
    18  Westmoreland and recipient of the complement, "... there is no
    19  more dedicated lady," from Congressional Medal of Honor winner
    20  Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez of the Green Berets, Martha Raye
    21  found herself often in combat situations and was wounded on two
    22  occasions and won two Purple hearts; and
    23     WHEREAS, Often in Vietnam her performances followed hours
    24  spent helping with the wounded, and she continued her efforts to
    25  raise the spirits of her boys whenever she came home -
    26  collecting hundreds of letters to G.I.'s in Vietnam which she
    27  hand delivered to them upon her return; and
    28     WHEREAS, Now at age 73 Martha Raye has memories of people and
    29  situations concerning her service of more than 30 years --
    30  nearly all of it above and beyond the call of duty. Still she
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     1  persists in refusing attempts to publicize her exploits,
     2  deferring to what to her is the more estimable consideration:
     3  the need of families for news of their loved ones; therefore be
     4  it
     5     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the
     6  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania memorialize the Congress and
     7  Governor Robert P. Casey to honor and recognize Martha Raye
     8  (Colonel Maggie) for her many years of service to her country
     9  and to the members of its military, since never has she received
    10  full recognition for her selfless and often arduous
    11  contribution; and be it further
    12     RESOLVED, That copies of this resolution be transmitted to
    13  the presiding officers of each house of Congress, to each member
    14  of Congress from Pennsylvania and to Governor Robert P. Casey.

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