1Recognizing the 238th anniversary of the founding of the United
2States Army.

3WHEREAS, In 1775, the Massachusetts Provincial Congress
4appealed to the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia to
5assume authority of the New England Army, which was comprised of
6a number of independent revolutionary militia companies; and

7WHEREAS, Although there is no official written record,
8historians suggest that on June 14, 1775, the United States
9Congress voted to "adopt" the Boston troops and formed a
10committee "to bring in a draft of rules and regulations for the
11government of the Army," in addition to providing a funding
12appropriation of $2 million at the Request of John Adams; and

1WHEREAS, The actions of the United States Government on June
214, 1775, establishing the American Continental Army marked the
3birth date of the United States Army; and

4WHEREAS, On June 15, 1775, George Washington was appointed by
5the United States Congress as the Army Commander-in-Chief; and

6WHEREAS, The United States Army is made up of two components:
7the Active Duty and the Army Reserves; and

8WHEREAS, According to the most recent data available in 2011,
9the United States Army was comprised of more than 561,000
10soldiers; and

11WHEREAS, Soldiers live by the Seven Core Army Values that
12include loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor,
13integrity and personal courage; and

14WHEREAS, It is said that "there is nothing stronger than a
15United States Army soldier"; and

16WHEREAS, The strength and power of the United States Army, as
17demonstrated during Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom,
18Iraqi Freedom and several additional combat missions, have
19provided Americans with safety, security and freedom; therefore
20be it

21RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives recognize the
22United States Army's 238th anniversary of its founding and urge
23all Pennsylvanians to remember the sacrifices of the brave men
24and women who valiantly served their country on the homefront
25and throughout the world.