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                                                      PRINTER'S NO. 1995



No. 316 Session of 2005

        INTRODUCED BY WILT, MAY 27, 2005

           MAY 27, 2005

                                  A RESOLUTION

     1  Paying tribute to and honoring the memory of Sgt. Michael Adam
     2     Marzano, a member of the Mobile Assault Platoon (MAP) 7, 3d
     3     Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, 4th Marine Division of the
     4     United States Marine Forces Reserve, who tragically lost his
     5     life while on active duty in Iraq.

     6     WHEREAS, Sgt. Michael Adam Marzano was born in Greenville,
     7  Pennsylvania, on May 18, 1976, and graduated from Sharon High
     8  School in 1995; and
     9     WHEREAS, Sgt. Marzano enlisted in the United States Marine
    10  Corps in 1999 and was honorably released in May 2003 after
    11  serving four years; and
    12     WHEREAS, Later in 2003 Sgt. Marzano joined the United States
    13  Marine Forces Reserve; and
    14     WHEREAS, In December 2004 Sgt. Marzano volunteered for a tour
    15  of duty in Iraq as a member of MAP 7; and
    16     WHEREAS, Sgt. Marzano, beloved son of Margy Kolegraf Bons and
    17  Albert Marzano, was honorably serving his country on May 7,
    18  2005, when he was tragically killed as a result of an explosion
    19  caused by a terrorist suicide bomber while fighting to free a

     1  hospital which had been taken over by terrorists in Hadithah,
     2  Iraq; therefore be it
     3     RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives pay tribute to
     4  and honor the memory of Sgt. Michael Adam Marzano, with
     5  gratitude for his courage, leadership and selflessness, and
     6  extend condolences on his heroic death; and be it further
     7     RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to
     8  his mother, Margy Kolegraf Bons, and his father, Albert Marzano,
     9  with deepest respect for Sgt. Marzano's ultimate sacrifice in
    10  his fight for freedom on behalf of the citizens of our nation
    11  and of this Commonwealth.

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