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                                                       PRINTER'S NO. 277



No. 248 Session of 2003

           AND LEVDANSKY, FEBRUARY 11, 2003


                                     AN ACT

     1  Amending the act of February 1, 1966 (1965 P.L.1656, No.581),
     2     entitled "An act concerning boroughs, and revising, amending
     3     and consolidating the law relating to boroughs," further
     4     providing for tax levy; and making an editorial change.

     5     The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
     6  hereby enacts as follows:
     7     Section 1.  Section 1302 of the act of February 1, 1966 (1965
     8  P.L.1656, No.581), known as The Borough Code, amended December
     9  17, 1990 (P.L.739, No.184) and December 18, 1996 (P.L.1156,
    10  No.176), is amended to read:
    11     Section 1302.  Tax Levy.--(a)  The council of the borough
    12  shall have power, by ordinance, to levy and collect annually, a
    13  tax, not exceeding thirty mills for general borough purposes,
    14  unless the council by majority action shall, upon due cause
    15  shown by resolution, petition the court of common pleas, in
    16  which case the court may order a rate of not more than five

     1  mills additional to be levied and in addition thereto any of the
     2  following taxes:
     3     (1)  An annual tax sufficient to pay interest and principal
     4  on any indebtedness incurred pursuant to [the act of July 12,
     5  1972 (P.L.781, No.185), known as the "Local Government Unit Debt
     6  Act,"] 53 Pa.C.S. Pt. VII, Subpt. B (relating to indebtedness
     7  and borrowing) or any prior or subsequent act governing the
     8  incurrence of indebtedness of the borough;
     9     (2)  To provide for pensions, retirement or the purchase of
    10  annuity contracts for borough employes, not exceeding one-half
    11  mill;
    12     (3)  To defray the cost and expenses of caring for shade
    13  trees as provided in section 2729 of this act, and the expense
    14  of publishing the notice referred to in such section, not
    15  exceeding one-tenth mill;
    16     (4)  For lighting and illuminating the streets, highways and
    17  other public places with electric light, gas light or other
    18  illuminant, not exceeding eight mills;
    19     (5)  For gas, water and electric light, not exceeding eight
    20  mills, such additional millage permitted only following a
    21  favorable referendum on the matter held in accordance with the
    22  act of April 16, 1875 (P.L.55), as amended;
    23     (6)  For the purchase of fire engines, fire apparatus and
    24  fire hose for the use of the borough, or for assisting any fire
    25  company in the borough in the purchase, renewal or repair of any
    26  of its fire engines, fire apparatus or fire hose, for the
    27  purposes of making appropriations to fire companies both within
    28  and without the borough and of contracting with adjacent
    29  municipalities or volunteer fire companies therein for fire
    30  protection, for the training of fire personnel and payments to
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     1  fire training schools and centers or for the purchase of land
     2  upon which to erect a fire house, or for the erection and
     3  maintenance of a fire house or fire training school and center
     4  or fire houses, not exceeding three mills.
     5     (i)  The borough may appropriate up to one-half, but not to
     6  exceed one mill, of the revenue generated from a tax under this
     7  clause for the purpose of paying salaries, benefits or other
     8  compensation of fire suppression employes of the borough or a
     9  fire company serving the borough.
    10     (ii)  If an annual tax for the purposes specified in this
    11  clause is proposed to be set at a level higher than three mills,
    12  the question shall be submitted to the voters of the borough,
    13  and the county board of elections shall frame the question in
    14  accordance with the election laws of the Commonwealth for
    15  submission to the voters of the borough;
    16     (7)  For building a fire house, fire training school and
    17  center, lockup and/or municipal building, not exceeding two
    18  mills, such additional millage permitted only following a
    19  favorable referendum on the matter held in accordance with the
    20  act of May 4, 1927 (P.L.673);
    21     (8)  To establish and/or maintain a local library or to
    22  maintain or aid in the maintenance of a local library
    23  established by deed, gift or testamentary provision, for the use
    24  of the residents of the borough, in accordance with the act of
    25  June 14, 1961 (P.L.324, No.188), known as The Library Code.
    26     (9)  For the purpose of supporting ambulance [and], rescue
    27  [squads] and other emergency services serving the borough, not
    28  to exceed one-half mill, except as provided in subsection (e).
    29  The borough may appropriate up to one-half of the revenue
    30  generated from a tax under this clause for the purpose of paying
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     1  salaries, benefits or other compensation of employes of the
     2  ambulance, rescue or other emergency service.
     3     (b)  The said taxes shall be levied on the dollar on the
     4  valuation assessed for county purposes, as now is or may be
     5  provided by law. All real property, offices, professions and
     6  persons, made taxable by the laws of this Commonwealth for
     7  county rates and levies, may, in the discretion of council, be
     8  taxed after the same manner for such purposes. No action on the
     9  part of the borough authorities fixing the tax rate for any year
    10  at a mill rate need include a statement expressing the rate of
    11  taxation in dollars and cents on each one hundred dollars ($100)
    12  of assessed valuation of taxable property.
    13     (c)  Nothing herein contained shall prevent the application
    14  of moneys received from taxes levied for general purposes to the
    15  purposes of paying interest and sinking fund charges on
    16  indebtedness.
    17     (d)  The proceeds of all taxes for which additional millage
    18  is hereby authorized shall be kept in a separate fund and used
    19  only for the purposes hereby provided therefor: Provided, That
    20  the additional taxes authorized by referendum shall continue to
    21  be levied annually for so long a period as provided in the
    22  question submitted in such referendum, and, in the case of any
    23  such taxes for which the question voted upon shall not have
    24  stated the duration of such tax, until such tax shall be
    25  abolished by vote of the electors in a subsequent referendum.
    26     (e)  The tax for supporting ambulance and rescue squads
    27  serving the borough shall not exceed the rate specified in
    28  subsection (a)(9) except when the question is submitted to the
    29  voters of the borough in the form of a referendum which will
    30  appear on the ballot in accordance with the election laws of the
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     1  Commonwealth, in which case the rate shall not exceed two mills.
     2  The county board of elections shall frame the question to be
     3  submitted to the voters of the borough in accordance with the
     4  election laws of the Commonwealth.
     5     Section 2.  This act shall take effect in 60 days.

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