H0108R0716A00119       VDL:JMM 03/08/07    #90             A00119
                     AMENDMENTS TO HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 108
                                    Sponsor:  REPRESENTATIVE STEIL
                                           Printer's No. 716

     1       Amend Resolution (Rule 24), page 31, line 7, by inserting a
     2    bracket before and after the period after "amendment" and
     3    inserting immediately thereafter
     4    only when an amendment is necessary to make the document
     5    internally consistent, to clear up an ambiguity, to correct
     6    grammar or to correct a drafting error or is necessary for
     7    purposes of statutory construction. An amendment under this
     8    paragraph shall not be subject to the filing deadlines under
     9    Rule 21.

    10       Amend Resolution (Rule 24), page 31, line 17, by striking out
    11    "amended on third consideration"
    12       Amend Resolution (Rule 24), page 31, line 19, by inserting
    13    after "amended"
    14               unless the amendment was a technical amendment
    15               permitted under the first paragraph of this rule
