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01/21/2025 09:02 PM
Pennsylvania General Assembly
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Bill Information

Regular Session 2021-2022
House Bill 2398

Short Title:
An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in general provisions, further providing for definitions; in certificate of title and security interests, further providing for content and effect of certificate of title; in rules of the road in general, repealing provisions relating to platooning; in miscellaneous provisions, providing for theft of catalytic converter; in miscellaneous provisions relating to accidents and accident reports, further providing for accidents involving death or personal injury, for accidents involving damage to attended vehicle or property, for duty to give information and render aid, for accidents involving damage to unattended vehicle or property, and for immediate notice of accident to police department; in equipment standards, further providing for promulgation of vehicle equipment standards; in inspection of vehicles, further providing for requirement for periodic inspection of vehicles; in size, weight and load, further providing for width of vehicles; in powers of department and local authorities, further providing for specific powers of department and local authorities; and, in highly automated vehicles, further providing for definitions, for highly automated vehicles and for Highly Automated Vehicle Advisory Committee, providing for certificate of compliance required, for powers of department, for self-certification application, for self-certification review, for operation requirements, for commercial operation, for preemption, for enforcement and penalties, for regulations and guidelines, for confidential records, for appeals and for interstate agreements; and adding provisions relating to other automated vehicles.
Prime Sponsor:
Last Action:
Act No. 130 of 2022, Nov. 3, 2022
Printer's No.:
Printer's No. Text (H) Amendments (S) Amendments (H) Fiscal Note (S) Fiscal Note Actuarial Note
* denotes current Printer's Number
Statute References :