Printer's No. | Text | (H) Amendments | (S) Amendments | (H) Fiscal Note | (S) Fiscal Note | Actuarial Note |
1590* |
This bill amends the act of April 9, 1929 (P.L.0177, No.0175), known as the "The Administrative Code Of 1929". Other bills that also amend the same statute are listed below.
HB 167 | Rep. GROVE | Memo: Consistent Environment Regulations Rules and Regulations (Former House Bill 2115) |
HB 288 | Rep. THOMAS | Memo: Board of Pardons Merit Review Minimum Requirements |
HB 432 | Rep. CARROLL | Memo: New Mental Health Facility to Relieve Prison Waiting Lists |
HB 440 | Rep. KNOWLES | Memo: Prohibiting the "Flexing" of Federal Highway and Bridge Funding for Use by Mass Transit Systems |
HB 522 | Rep. CONKLIN | Memo: Legislation Providing for a Telephone Number to Report Suspected Violations of Oil and Gas Laws (Former HB 881) |
Only the first 5 bills are included here. Looking for more? View all legislation amending April 9, 1929 (P.L.0177, No.0175), known as the "The Administrative Code Of 1929" |